The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global


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Chapter XV<br />

<strong>The</strong> Prayer of a Dying Person<br />

<strong>The</strong> door (real nature) of the truth (Satya Brahman) is<br />

covered by a golden disc. Open it, O Nourisher!<br />

Remove it so that I who have been worshipping the truth<br />

may behold it. O Nourisher! O lone Traveller of the sky!<br />

O Controller! O Sun! O Offspring of Prajapati! Gather<br />

your rays. Withdraw your light. I would see through<br />

your grace that form of yours which is the most benign.<br />

I am indeed He, that purusha who dwells in the sun. I<br />

am immortal. Now when my body falls may my breath<br />

return to the all- pervading Prana! May this body,<br />

reduced to ashes, return to the earth! Om. O Fire, who<br />

art the symbol Om, O god of deliberations, remember,<br />

remember all that I have done. O Fire, lead us by the<br />

good path towards the enjoyment of the fruit of our<br />

action. You know, O god, all our deeds. Destroy our sin<br />

of deceit. We offer by words repeated salutations to you.<br />


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