The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global


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Brahman." "As anyone who had the benefit of being<br />

taught by a good mother, father and teacher should say,<br />

so did the descendant of Bharadvaja say that the ear is<br />

Brahman; for what can be attained by a person who<br />

cannot hear? But did he tell you about its abode and<br />

support?" "No, he did not." "This Brahman is only onefooted,<br />

Your Majesty." "<strong>The</strong>n you tell us, O<br />

Yajnavalkya." "<strong>The</strong> ear is its abode and the akasa is its<br />

support. It should be meditated upon as infinite." "What<br />

is infinity, O Yajnavalkya?" "It is the quarters, Your<br />

Majesty," said Yajnavalkya. "Verily, Your Majesty, to<br />

whatever quarter (direction) one may go, one never<br />

reaches its end. Hence the quarters are infinite. <strong>The</strong><br />

quarters, O Emperor, are the ear and the ear, O Emperor,<br />

is the Supreme Brahman. "<strong>The</strong> ear never deserts him<br />

who, knowing this, meditates upon it; all beings eagerly<br />

approach him; and being a god, he attains the gods." "I<br />

give you a thousand cows with a bull as large as an<br />

elephant," said Emperor Janaka. Yajnavalkya replied:<br />

"My father was of the opinion that one should not accept<br />

gifts from a disciple without fully instructing him."<br />

6<br />

Yajnavalkya said: "Let me hear what anyone among<br />

your teachers may have told you."<br />

"Satyakama, the son of Jabala, told me that the mind is<br />

Brahman."<br />

"As anyone who had the benefit of being taught by a<br />

good mother, father and teacher should say, so did the<br />


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