The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global


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<strong>The</strong>se verily are the three Vedas: the organ of speech is<br />

the Rig-Veda, the mind is the Yajur-Veda and the vital<br />

breath is the Sama-Veda.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se verily are the gods, the Manes and men: the organ<br />

of speech is the gods, the mind is the Manes and the<br />

vital breath is men.<br />

7<br />

<strong>The</strong>se verily are father, mother and child: the mind is the<br />

father, the organ of speech is the mother and the vital<br />

force is the child.<br />

8-10<br />

<strong>The</strong>se verily are what is known, what is to be known and<br />

what is unknown. Whatever is known is a form of the<br />

organ of speech, for it is the knower. <strong>The</strong> organ of<br />

speech protects him who knows its different<br />

manifestations by becoming that which is known).<br />

Whatever is to be known is a form of the mind, for the<br />

mind is what is to be known. <strong>The</strong> mind protects him<br />

who knows this by becoming that which is to be known.<br />

Whatever is unknown is a form of the vital breath, for<br />

the vital breath is what is unknown. <strong>The</strong> vital breath<br />

protects him who knows this by becoming that which is<br />

unknown.<br />

11<br />

<strong>The</strong> earth is the body of that organ of speech and this<br />


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