The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global


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kshatriya, the vaisya and the sudra. Among the gods<br />

Prajapati became a brahmin as fire and among men He<br />

became the brahmin. He became a kshatriya among men<br />

through the divine kshatriyas, a vaisya through the<br />

divine vaisyas and a sudra through the divine sudras.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore people desire to attain the results of their rites<br />

among the gods through fire and among men as a<br />

brahmin. For Prajapati directly projected Himself as<br />

these two forms. Now, if a man departs from this world<br />

without realizing his own World (the Self), It, being<br />

unknown, does not protect him-as the Vedas, unrecited,<br />

or as a deed unaccomplished, do not protect him. Nay,<br />

even if one who does not know It (the Self) should<br />

perform here on earth a great many meritorious acts,<br />

those acts will in the end surely perish for him. One<br />

should meditate only upon the World called the Self. He<br />

who meditates upon the World called the Self-his work<br />

does not perish; for from this very Self he projects<br />

whatever he desires.<br />

16<br />

Now, this self (the ignorant person) is an object of<br />

enjoyment (lokah) to all beings. In so far as he offers<br />

oblations in the fire and performs sacrifices, he becomes<br />

an object of enjoyment to the gods. In so far as he<br />

studies the Vedas, he becomes an object of enjoyment to<br />

the rishis. In so far as he makes offerings to the Manes<br />

and desires children, he becomes an object of enjoyment<br />

to the Manes. In so far as he gives shelter and food to<br />


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