The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global


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From Him thus fatigued and heated, His fame and<br />

vigour departed. <strong>The</strong> pranas (organs) are verily fame<br />

and vigour. When the pranas went out His body began<br />

to swell, but the mind was set on the body.<br />

He desired: "Let this body of Mine be fit for a sacrifice<br />

and let Me be embodied through this." Thinking thus,<br />

He entered the body. Because the body swelled (asvat),<br />

therefore it came to be called horse (asva). And because<br />

it became fit for sacrifice (medhya), therefore the Horsesacrifice<br />

came to be known as Asvamedha. He who<br />

knows this verily knows the Horse- sacrifice. Prajapati,<br />

desiring again to sacrifice with the great sacrifice,<br />

imagined Himself as the horse and letting the horse<br />

remain free, He reflected on it. At the end of a year he<br />

sacrificed it to Himself and dispatched the other animals<br />

to the gods. <strong>The</strong>refore priests even now sacrifice to<br />

Prajapati the sanctified horse dedicated to all the gods.<br />

Verily, the sun who shines yonder is the Horse-sacrifice.<br />

His body is the year. This earthly fire is the arka<br />

(sacrificial fire), whose limbs are these worlds. So these<br />

two, fire and the sun, are the arka and the Asvamedha<br />

(Horse-sacrifice). <strong>The</strong>se two, again, become the same<br />

god, Death. He who knows this conquers further death;<br />

death cannot overcome him; death becomes his self; and<br />

he becomes one with these deities.<br />


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