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found not in the acquisition, but rather in the renunciation<br />

of our attachment. I always say, “expectation is the mother<br />

of frustration and acceptance is the mother of peace.”<br />

It is not having or not having that is the issue. The issue is<br />

wanting, yearning and expecting. These external things<br />

never bring any lasting happiness.<br />

The key to life is sacrifice. One of the most common Hindu<br />

rituals is a yagna fire. Perhaps you have seen this. People<br />

sit around the fire and place offerings into the fire. With<br />

each offering, every time we make an oblation to the<br />

yagna, we say, “idam namamah.” It means, “Not for me,<br />

but for You. Not for me, but for You.”<br />

The purpose of this is to remind ourselves that although<br />

we may be performing the ritual for some benefit of our<br />

own, perhaps a wedding or the opening of a new business,<br />

or just for inner peace, that even though it appears that<br />

we are asking for ourselves, we must remember that<br />

everything is for God. We must offer every thought, every<br />

action, every breath, at His holy feet.<br />

There was once a little boy who went to temple with his<br />

father. He heard all the people chanting so many prayers<br />

in Sanskrit. For hours they chanted so many different<br />

prayers and mantras and slokas. Then, at the end, the<br />

priest said it was time for silent prayer. The little boy was<br />

nervous. He didn’t know any of the prayers. But, he loved<br />

God and he wanted to pray to God. So he closed his eyes<br />

and he silently said, “God, I don’t know any of the Sanskrit<br />

prayers. I’m only a little boy. The only thing I know is the<br />

alphabet I learned in school. But, I know that all the prayers<br />

come from this alphabet. So, I will sing you the alphabet<br />

and then whatever prayers you like best you can make<br />

from this alphabet.” And he started to sing, “A, B, C, D, E,<br />

F, G…”<br />

Let me tell you, God is happier with that little boy, with his<br />

devotion and purity and piety than He is with all the people<br />

who just chant the prayers like robots.<br />

The point is: love God. It doesn’t matter what name or<br />

form you use. It doesn’t matter what language you pray<br />

in. Just pray. And then you will see the magic.<br />

So, we must give more and want less. Then we will know<br />

The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The<br />

true joy and peace.<br />

But, how to become selfless? How to learn to give more?<br />

fruit of love is devotion. The fruit of devotion is service.<br />

The fruit of service is peace.<br />

Prayer. Peace comes through prayer. It doesn’t matter<br />

Through this – prayer, faith, love, devotion and service –<br />

what name you use for God or what language you pray<br />

we will all, inevitably, attain that sought-after state of inner<br />

in. You can pray to Allah in Arabic, or you can pray to<br />

peace. Then, when we are at peace inside, that harmony<br />

Jesus in English, or you can pray to Adonai in Hebrew, or<br />

will radiate out to all those around us, bringing peace to<br />

you can pray to Buddha in Japanese, or you can pray to<br />

our relations, peace to our communities, peace to our<br />

Krishna in Sanskrit. It doesn’t matter.<br />

nations and, finally, peace to the world.<br />


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