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There was once a huge elephant crossing a wooden bridge high<br />

above a raging river. The bridge was old and rickety and it<br />

shook under the weight of the elephant. As the elephant was<br />

crossing the bridge he heard a voice, “Son, Son” the voice said.<br />

The elephant looked around him, but he was all alone. “Son,<br />

Son,” the voice continued. When the elephant reached the other<br />

side of the river, he saw a small ant crawl onto his nose. “Son,”<br />

the ant cried. “We almost collapsed that bridge, didn’t we?”<br />

Our weight was so great, so immense that the bridge almost<br />

collapsed beneath us, didn’t it, son?” Now, of course the elephant<br />

knew hat the ant’s weight had been completely irrelevant to<br />

whether the bridge would have collapsed. And, of course, he<br />

knew that the tiny ant was not his mother. However, what good<br />

would it have done to engage in a battle of egos with the ant?<br />

Instead, the wise, calm elephant simply said, “You are right,<br />

mother, our weight almost broke the bridge.”<br />

The elephant retained his serenity, retained his peace and joy.<br />

And the ant, for what it’s worth, was allowed to continue<br />

believing in its own greatness. But, how many of us could be<br />

like the elephant? Aren’t we always trying to prove ourselves to<br />

others? Aren’t we always ready to shoot down anyone who<br />

trespasses on our egos?<br />

how much has he spent? Similarly, a good teacher reviews<br />

her students’ test scores: how many passed, how many<br />

failed?<br />

By looking at their successes and failures, they assess how<br />

well they are doing. Are the businessman’s profits greater<br />

than his losses? Are most of the teacher’s students passing<br />

the exams?<br />

In the same way, each night, we must examine the balance<br />

sheet of our day: what were our successes, what were our<br />

failures. And for all the successes, all our “plus-points” we<br />

must give credit to God. For, we have truly done nothing<br />

but let Him work through us. All credit goes to Him. He is<br />

the one who saves us, who maintains our dignity and our<br />

success.<br />

Just imagine if God had put one television screen on our<br />

foreheads and everything we thought was broadcast for<br />

the whole world to see! All our reactions, all our inner<br />

sarcastic comments, all our judgments, all our<br />

weaknesses....just imagine. We would never succeed nor<br />

would we have many friends! Isn’t it true?<br />

We must emulate the grace and divinity of the elephant<br />

So, it is by His grace that the world does not see our<br />

who knew that only harm would come from the fight. So,<br />

thoughts, only He sees our thoughts. For this, we thank<br />

we must make “no reaction” the sutra, the mantra for our<br />

Him. We can say, “Thank you, God, for bringing success to<br />

lives. Then, and only then, will we know real peace.<br />

this venture,” or “Thank you God for letting me truly make<br />

a difference in someone’s life today,” or simply, “Thank<br />

C) INTROSPECTION : So, in the morning we begin with<br />

meditation. All day we practice no reaction. And at night?<br />

you God for all that went well today.”<br />

Introspection. At the end of the day, a good businessman<br />

Our failures, we must also give to him. The fault is ours,<br />

always checks his balance sheet: how much has he made,<br />

definitely. Yet, He is so forgiving and so compassionate<br />


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