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discrimination, and paths of hedonism instead of honor.<br />

Yet, God wants us all to come to Him. That is the purpose<br />

of human birth. So, He gives us more chances. We keep<br />

coming back until we learn the lessons of this human birth<br />

and until we transcend the limitations and temptations of<br />

the flesh. Thus, we must realize that everything we do<br />

which is not conducive to the path of God realization is<br />

simply an obstacle we are putting in our own way. Every<br />

act we commit which is not honest, divine and pure is simply<br />

one more stumbling block we put in our path. It is simply<br />

one more hurdle we will have to cross, if not in this life<br />

then in our next life.<br />

4. We know about the ten incarnations of Lord<br />

Vishnu. In which way does God descend on earth?<br />

Does he take birth in the same way as that of the<br />

common man or through some other way?<br />

God is God, so He can manifest in any way. He can manifest<br />

in human forms or in non-human forms. He is not limited<br />

in any way. The rules of man do not apply to God. All of<br />

His manifestations are divine.<br />

illusion, ignorance, attachment and desire. Once the layers<br />

have all been shed, once the soul realizes its true, divine<br />

nature, then rebirth is not necessary. Through these<br />

disciplines one can break the cycle of birth and death.<br />

Attaining liberation is not merely due to a “request.” Sure,<br />

of course, one can request it, but that request is not enough.<br />

Rather than just giving us liberation as per request, God<br />

gives us the light by which we can see the path toward<br />

Him. He gives us the light of discrimination, the light of<br />

wisdom, and the light of truth by which we can find our<br />

way.<br />

Thus, we cannot simply say, “I want liberation” and then<br />

continue to accrue karma which will bind us. All actions<br />

which are not laid at His holy feet – whether they are good<br />

actions or bad actions – result in karma. In order to<br />

completely break the chain of karma, we must lay our<br />

entire lives – every thought, every action, every word, and<br />

every desire – at His holy feet, realizing that He is the doer<br />

and we are merely the vessels through which He does.<br />

5. How many times can a soul take birth? Can a<br />

soul say “That’s enough, now I do not want to be<br />

reborn?” Is this request ever accepted?<br />

A soul will come to Earth in human form as many times as<br />

are necessary to attain the final state of liberation. The<br />

faster one progresses, the fewer births are necessary. Yes,<br />

In the Bhagwad Gita, Bhagwan Krishna says:<br />

Yat karosi yad asnasi, yaj juhosi dadasi yat<br />

Yat tapasyasi kaunteya, tat kurusva mad-arpanam.<br />

Subhasubha-phalair evam moksyase karmabandhanaih<br />

Sannyasa-yoga-yuktatma vimukto mam upaisyasi<br />

a soul can certainly decide that this is enough and that it<br />

does not want to be reborn. However, simply wanting<br />

liberation is not enough. One must work for it. This is the<br />

point of sadhana, of seva, of japa, of meditation, of yoga.<br />

Through these ways, the soul sheds layer after layer of<br />

This means, “Whatever you do, whatever you eat,<br />

whatever you give, and whatever sadhana and tapasa you<br />

perform, do everything as an offering to Me. In this way<br />

you will be freed from the bondage of karma and from<br />

the results of karma in your life. Through this renunciation<br />


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