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However, what we do with that set of circumstances is only<br />

partly determined by “fate;” the rest is determined by our<br />

own free will. For example, let’s say that due to past<br />

karmas, in this birth we are given a cow. The cow is due to<br />

our past karma and our fate. We cannot change it and get<br />

a goat or a dog instead. But, what we do with the cow is<br />

up to us. If we drink its milk and use its manure in our<br />

fields, then we will have radiant health and rich, fertile<br />

crops. However, if we eat the manure and spill the milk on<br />

the ground, our health will suffer and our crops will be<br />

weak and unproductive.<br />

So many times we blame God for the situations in our lives,<br />

or we simply concede that it “must be our karma.” Yet,<br />

sickness and failing crops are not our “karma”; rather they<br />

are due to our own bad choices that we made with the<br />

cow that we were given.<br />

We must realize that everything comes from God, that everything<br />

is due to His will, and simultaneously we must<br />

understand that He has given us the power of discrimination<br />

and reasoning to make the right choices. It was the<br />

man’s karma to have a flood destroy his home. It was<br />

God’s kindness and compassion that sent the boat and<br />

helicopter, but it was the man’s own ignorance and obstinacy<br />

that led him to drown.<br />

So, when a flood comes in our lives, no problem. Perhaps<br />

that was meant to happen. BUT, when boats and helicopters<br />

come to save us, we must recognize them for what<br />

they are – God sent.<br />


I have heard the story of a land called Hell. In this<br />

land the people are emaciated and famished. Yet, they are<br />

surrounded by bowls and bowls and platters and platters<br />

of luscious food. Why, then, are they ravished with hunger?<br />

Because, in this land called Hell, their arms cannot<br />

bend and thus they cannot carry even one morsel of food<br />

from the plates to their mouths. Their hands grasp fresh<br />

breads, ripe fruits, spoonfuls of hot stews. But, in this land<br />

of Hell, their bodies can not receive the nourishment of<br />

this, for it cannot reach their mouths. Their stick straight<br />

arms wave wildly in the air, desperately trying to figure<br />

out a way to carry the delicious food to their mouths.<br />

The people in Hell cry out day and night. They futilely try<br />

to force their arms to bend. But the arms are rock solid<br />

straight. They try to eat directly with their mouths, but<br />

this is forbidden and they are beaten for it. So, they wither<br />

away eternity in this land of never-ending frustration,<br />

deprivation, and starvation.<br />

I have also heard the story of a land called Heaven. In<br />

this land, as well, the people have only stick-straight arms.<br />

They, too, are surrounded by platters and bowls of scrumptious<br />

food which they cannot carry to their mouths. Yet,<br />

in Heaven, everyone is plump, well-fed, satisfied and joyful.<br />

Why is this? If you look carefully you will notice that,<br />


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