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Edward Walker, University of Texas at Austin<br />

Storage clouds are online services for<br />

leasing disk storage. A new modeling<br />

tool, formulated from empirical data<br />

spanning many years, lets organizations<br />

rationally evaluate the benefit of using<br />

storage clouds versus purchasing hard<br />

disk drives.<br />

Hard disk drives provide storage for a broad range<br />

of devices, from mobile phones to large IT<br />

server farms. In 2008, approximately 590 million<br />

hard disk drives were shipped worldwide, 1<br />

largely driven by the vast amount of information<br />

our digital society is generating. For example, a report<br />

from researchers at the University of California, Berkeley,<br />

estimates that 92 percent of the five exabytes (10 18 ) of<br />

new information created in 2002 was stored on magnetic<br />

media, primarily hard disk drives. 2<br />

At the same time, the business of selling infrastructure<br />

as a service through the Internet is growing. This technology<br />

trend, also known as cloud <strong>computing</strong>, lets individuals<br />

and organizations outsource their IT requirements to<br />

remote data centers, paying for only what they use. The<br />

cloud <strong>computing</strong> industry’s worth was estimated at more<br />

than $16 billion in 2008, and it’s expected to grow to $42<br />

billion by 2012. 3<br />

Several online services currently lease storage infrastructure.<br />

These storage clouds let anyone with a credit<br />

card purchase storage capacity online, paying a monthly<br />

fee for the storage they use. __________<br />

Amazon.com’s S3 service<br />

(http://aws.amazon.com/s3), for example, lets users store<br />





Walter Brisken and Jonathan Romney, National Radio Astronomy Observatory<br />

arbitrary objects of up to 5 Gbytes each in their online<br />

storage repositories. The S3 service uses a tiered pricing<br />

structure, with storage getting cheaper as more is used. As<br />

of late 2008, Amazon.com reported that users stored more<br />

than 40 billion objects in the S3 service. 4<br />

With the significant growth of society’s storage requirements,<br />

and the availability of pay-per-use online storage<br />

services, when should a consumer consider using storage<br />

clouds? We focus on the problem of resolving this buy-orlease<br />

storage decision.<br />


An organization’s decision to buy or lease long-term<br />

assets is often a critical dilemma. The literature describes<br />

numerous models to assist firms in resolving this acquisition<br />

decision. 5-7 However, there is a significant lack of work<br />

in applying these models to compare the cost of purchasing<br />

versus leasing storage from cloud services. Important<br />

studies have examined the cost of performing scientific<br />

experiments using the Amazon.com cloud services, 8,9 but<br />

these prior works are difficult to generalize outside the<br />

scope of the applications used in the studies.<br />

We believe our proposed model for evaluating the benefits<br />

of purchasing versus leasing storage from a cloud<br />

service is the first reported in the literature, offering a<br />

method for deriving a reasonable estimate of the best possible<br />

outcomes from the alternative investment choices.<br />

Furthermore, our model, which we formulated using<br />

empirical disk price data we’ve been collecting weekly<br />

from Pricewatch.com over many years, is agnostic to the<br />

application using the storage cloud. Our empirical data<br />

tracks the lowest prices for serial advanced technology<br />

attachment (SATA) disk drives for sale online since the<br />

Published by the IEEE Computer Society 0018-9162/10/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE<br />

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