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witlxxit talking. Justin will sik-ntly point<br />

his linger in tlx- direction lx- warns mc<br />

to line up tlx - canoc w lx-n we're w ithin<br />

the - last 50 yards of tlx- coon.<br />

Sometimes lx- warns tlx- canoc slightly<br />

angled to nuke a partkular six*, so<br />

iivtcad of talking, he points Work out<br />

a few hand signals lx-fore k-aving the<br />

IxHise. A coon will cenainly hear any<br />

human vofce. no nutter how quktly<br />

whispered.<br />

Critter Calling<br />

Ilx- easiest way Ls to |xill tlx- Ixut up<br />

on tlx- Ixink and set up dose by. Ibis<br />

is no different llun parking vixir vehi-<br />

cle ami walking into the fiekl to call.<br />

11x- advantage is that ycxi are likely to<br />

lx - in country wlx-re no one has ever<br />

called before. As with any set. w ind is a<br />

factor, so key on it ami keep in mind,<br />

with tlx- Ixink al yrxir Ixick, tlx*y can't<br />

circle lx-hind you.<br />

Ilx- cxlx-r technique is to positk>n<br />

tlx- canex- w ithin 20 yards of tlx- Ixink,<br />

anchor, ami tlx-n call while silting quietly.<br />

Ihis technique is rvx as effective<br />

at night, as critters nuy conx* right up<br />

to tlx- Ixink withcxit any warning, nuking<br />

it diflxult to get into posjtkxi for a<br />

slxx witlxxit lx-ing Ixistcd. At dawn<br />

ami dusk, with a t»t of light, calling<br />

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Predator calls feature innovative, removable horns with long range,<br />

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from tlx- Ixxit can lx- deadly since ycxi<br />

luve the opprxtunity to see tlx-m coming<br />

before they're riglit on top of you.<br />

End Of Ibe Trip<br />

For once tlx- weatherman was right,<br />

and at I a.m. tlx- snow started falling,<br />

ami the wind picked up. We still had<br />

three mik-s to go Ixit didn't care; we<br />

were luving a lull. We floated past a<br />

huge tree that had falk-n into tlx- water<br />

wlx-n Justin signaled nx- lx- spotted<br />

eyes 75 yards alx-ad. I lined up tlxc-ancx-<br />

while he- gn with tlxrifle.<br />

At 50 yards we sini|)ly Id the current<br />

push us slowly downstream.<br />

W ahin 30 yards we see it's a red fox<br />

sniffing around some logs on the Ixink.<br />

Justin NIT c|uk-tly with tlx- gun ready :LS<br />

we drifted to within 20 yards. I lxim|xxl<br />

ilx- patklk- against the skk- of tlx- canoe<br />

in an attempt to keep it straight, aixl<br />

tlx- fox ran offi It happens.<br />

Farther akxig. with snow falling, we<br />

s|Xit a ccxOT at tlx - water's edge. I |Xisitk>n<br />

tlx- canoe. Justin rcaclx-s tlx- rifle,<br />

ami we drift down to vviihin 10 yards.<br />

After tlx- slxx ilx- CTXMI rolls into tlxwater.<br />

W'e retrieved the ctx>n ami kept<br />

mewing.<br />

In tlx- last mile of cxir flcut the wind<br />

was Itkivving Ixiri/ontally upstream into<br />

cxir faces. It was lurd to see. squinting,<br />

with sleet hitting cxir eyes. We rounded<br />

one more Ix-nd and spotted the la>t<br />

ccxin of tlx- night rooting arcxind scxix-<br />

IXVLSI) along tlx- Ixink. nuking it easy<br />

for us to drift over to him and put ilx*<br />

last prinx - hick - in the Ixxit.<br />

CXir final ecxint of aninuls s|xxted<br />

was It) cxxxis, iwo fox, frxir Ix-avers,<br />

lified<br />

at night, nuking everything vxxi do a<br />

link- nxxe challenging Tlx- reward is<br />

thai ganx- animals are exit foraging, ami<br />

it's ama/ing wlut ycxill see.<br />

This kiml of hunt is a real treasure,<br />

an adventure, kiml of like lx -ing on a<br />

niglutinx - safari.

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