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The author and his son were able to bag three of the 10 coons they<br />

spotted that night. Luckily the tloat finished just ahead of a big snow.<br />

JMWR^HOIiL.<br />

1 WITH BITi<br />

46 Predator Xtreme | June 2010 • www procLnorxtrc-iix-.ciiin<br />

KICK'S<br />

IM)l SIR FX INC<br />

iSp«ii]|jCtiota<br />

Let's lk ai all the detaiLs of a llo.it<br />

hunt and break it down into manageal>lc<br />

pieces so ycxi understand exactly<br />

how you can ck> this type of hunt. This<br />

ankle will cover vehicle placement,<br />

canoeing, gear, lights. proper dothlng.<br />

guns, safety, calling, ami shexxing.<br />

The Right Water<br />

Ilx- first step is to find a waterway you<br />

can canoe down. It lias to lx- ckx-p<br />

enough so you are not scraping nicks<br />

on tlx- bottom. Last year we hit a submerged<br />

rexk at night and went overboard.<br />

Uickily it was only a foot ckx-p.<br />

so not a l»ig deal for us. but y with only<br />

one vehkle. However. ng. so it<br />

miglw lx- lx-st UJ cany two for an<br />

extended hum. Warning: Tlx- use of a<br />

nxxor can lx- tlx- difference Ix-tween<br />

legal ami illegal with sonx- state laws,<br />

so lx- sua- to check kx-.il regulatkxvs.<br />

Regardless of the propulskm nxtlxxl.<br />

tlx- technk|ues are tlx- sanx-.<br />

What Kind Of Boat?<br />

Once ycxi fuxl a creek that is floatable,<br />

you ixxxl a canoe or small Ixui that you<br />

can maneuver when necessary, When a<br />

coon is spotted. I try to quietly gukkthe<br />

canoe to set up tlx- six*. This Ls<br />

done with nx- sitting in tlx- stem atxl<br />

using a wxxxk-n paddle. .Metal packlk*<br />

soiix-tuncs "clank" on ilx- skk- of tlxcanoc.<br />

which will sprxik anything within<br />

hearing range-. I try to get the canoe<br />

alxxit 10 yards from tlx- creek Ixink as<br />

we Ik Kit cknvn to tlx- cxxxi. Tlx- Ixxit<br />

you choose must lx- small enrxigh so<br />

you can easily maneuver it when tlxtinx-<br />

CIHIX-S to get into kill nxxk-.<br />

Safety is tlx- iik*4 ini|xxtant factor.<br />

Follow all Ixxtting safety niles and plan<br />

for any circumstance (es|xxially getting<br />

wet>. The hardest part of night canoeing<br />

is not Ix-ing able to see tlx- water<br />

alx-ad to avokl potential luzards. It<br />

Ix-lps if >xxi are familiar with ilx- creek.<br />

I Ye floatcxl cxir 9-mile section several<br />

timers during tlx- cLiytinx- to Ixxonx -<br />

more familiar w ith tlx- three snull<br />

rapkLs we encxxintc-r each float. RapkLs?<br />

Yc-s, Ixit they are only alxxit 10 yards<br />

each. At niglw you have to 'read the<br />

water* by lcx>king at tlx- sky reflecting<br />

olT ilx- water's surface since v«xi can't<br />

see ilx- rocks. Hey. I said it was an<br />

adventure!<br />

Travel Setup<br />

utilize a drop-off person who<br />

dumps as and all cxir gear off at tlxlauixh<br />

site. Prior to this, we |Xirk a<br />

tnick at tlx- end of cxir float so no matter<br />

what tinx- we finLsh. we luve a rickwaiting<br />

on us. Typically, we k-avc tlxbouse<br />

at 9 p.m.. hunt all night, and get<br />

Ixick to the inxk arcxuxl i a.m. Yes. it's<br />

a king Ik Kit. but always exciting and<br />

usually rewarding It's always a Ixxius<br />

domg such a trip with my son or a<br />

close friend.<br />

Winter Clothing<br />

It was 27 ck-grees wlx-n we started cxir<br />

last float, aixl l>y 4 a.m. it lud dropjx.-d<br />

to 20 ck-grees. Ycxill lx- sitting still for<br />

Ixxirs so ycxi have to stay warm. Dress<br />

in multipk- layers, inchxling socks. I<br />

tart off with polyprn insulated urxk-rvvear.<br />

tlx-n jeans followed by insuLitcd<br />

coveralls. Seems like overkill until several<br />

IKHIIN into ilx- float wlx-n ycxi will<br />

appreciate the- extra clothing<br />

I strongly rccomnx-nd two layers of<br />

srxks and knee-high niblx-r boots. Y capsize. Ixit if ycxi<br />

choose a dec-|X-r creek. lake, or river,<br />

lx- extra careful and always wear a personal<br />

flotation device. Safety first!<br />

Lights<br />

YIXI will need a good Ix-adlight llul<br />

will illuminate ilx- eyes of a cxxxi exit<br />

to 100 yards. I use my 6-volt fox-hunting<br />

headlamp. This setup alkiws me to<br />

kcx-p my hgl« on for tlx- entire trip<br />

withcxit losing much of its charge. As<br />

we drift cknvnsiream. IxHh ol' us are<br />

constantly shining cxir lights ckvwn<br />

akxig Ixxh Ixmks looking for raccoons<br />

ami fox. Don't skimp on a grxxl light.<br />

List year my son was using an old Ixittery<br />

atxl within one mile hLs light dXxl.<br />

This mack- it alnxist impctssildc for him<br />

to sixxx with just nx- shining my light.<br />

He sure to use a red filter over tlx- lens<br />

to minimize s|xx>king.<br />

Tlx- goal here is like any nighttinxprecbtor<br />

hunt. Use ilx- light for spotting<br />

guile and tlx-n fix slxxxing exxe you<br />

an- within range. The key is to lx- able<br />

to illuminate ilx- eyes for aiming purposcs.<br />

Rifle Or Shotgun?<br />

We cany a .22 rifle ami 12-gaugc slxxgun<br />

in ilx- camx-, reach' for use at anygiven<br />

nxxix-m. Typically. my son uses<br />

tlx- .22 rifle as we drift akmg looking<br />

fix ctxins along tlx- Ixink. We regularly<br />

pull tlx- canoe exit of tlx- water ami call<br />

fox. bolx-ats. and coyotcs along cut<br />

fields. 'IhLs Ls vvlx-re I use tlx- 12-gaugc.<br />

lulling in to land allows you to stretch<br />

your k-gs. take a pit stop, ami break<br />

exit a snack ami IK* beverage. IhLs<br />

scire refreslx-s your senses and allows<br />

ycxi to reflect on tlx- float up to tlut<br />

point. This is usually several Ixxirs into<br />

rtant to s|XK ilxtarget<br />

at toast 100 yards away. This<br />

gives ycxi tinx- to get the- IXKII headed<br />

in llul dircctkxi c-artv encxigli witlxxil<br />

Ix-ing ck-tcxtcxl. Tiy to get tlx- Ixwt<br />

alxxit 10 to 20 yards frixn tlx- Ixink<br />

while still 50 yards upstream of your<br />

target. Once tlx- canoe Ls in llul posilion,<br />

simply keep the- packllc m the<br />

water, as quietly as |x>ssil>k-. to keep<br />

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