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y David W. Kaprocki<br />

A midnight float on a lazy river can yield<br />

prime pelts for the stealthy hunter. Float<br />

along with the author and his son as they<br />

take us on a winter night's hunt.<br />

he temperature<br />

hovered at a mLs- Tera<br />

We 27 degrees.<br />

It was late IXxemlx-r in<br />

PennsytvaIlia, definitety<br />

not your typical weather<br />

for canoeing. Not only<br />

that, Ixit we were c.uxv<br />

ing down a small creek,<br />

at night, in an attempt to<br />

hunt coons and fox.<br />

Furthermore, a major<br />

snowstorm was forecast<br />

to hit »is sonx-tinx- after<br />

midnight with up to 10<br />

inches of snow. Ik> we<br />

know I tow to luve fun or<br />

what?<br />

My son and I eased tlxcanoe<br />

oil the Ixink from<br />

our launching point. ami<br />

soon we spotted tlx- eyes<br />

of tlx- first coon ol' tlxnight<br />

MX) yards alx-ad.<br />

Justin was positioixxl in<br />

tlx- Ixiw. He steadied the<br />

22 rille as I steered the<br />

canoe in the racxocxi's<br />

direction. As tlx- current<br />

ixislx-d us downstream. I<br />

kept tlx- packBe in tlxwater<br />

to ensure the eatxx.stayed<br />

|xisitionc\l ixdjxtly<br />

so Justin could get a<br />

she*. We drifted until we<br />

were 20 yards n ran up<br />

tlx- Ixank atxl exit of sight.<br />

A ck*an inlsv' It was<br />

already sluping up to lxa<br />

successful night as far<br />

as we were eoncenx-iL'<br />

We had Ixx-n planning<br />

this trip for over a week<br />

and were ck-tcnniix-d to<br />

compk-te the 7-ltour float<br />

just alx-ad of tlx- storm.<br />

Our logic was llul tlxanimals<br />

woukl lx- exit<br />

feeding Ix-avily before tlxsnow<br />

Hit. With my wifedriving<br />

a second vehkle.<br />

we dropped my tnick at<br />

tlx- take-CHit ramp 9 miles<br />

downstream from wlx-nwe'd<br />

put tlx- canoe in.<br />

Six- then drove us up to<br />

tlx- lx~.idw.uers and<br />

dropjxxl us off with tlxcanoe<br />

and our gear. We<br />

wcxikl lloat downstream<br />

to where the tnxk was<br />

parked. This way ix> one<br />

neeckxl to lx- tlx-re to<br />

pxk us up. An understanding<br />

wife makes this<br />

entire process much easier.<br />

I didn't expect to see<br />

many coons moving this<br />

late in the year, especially<br />

with temps in ilx- 20s. Ixit<br />

this type of trip is a real<br />

adventure Ixvausc you<br />

never know what you'll<br />

sex- each night, farther<br />

downstream Justin spotted<br />

something on tlx-<br />

Ixink. As we quietly drifted<br />

closer, we ick-niified it<br />

as a Ix-aver. It saw us at<br />

10 yank, but didn't know<br />

what we were so it swam<br />

to within fcxir feet of<br />

Justin and then smacked<br />

its tail on tlx- water giving<br />

us a stem warning. It was<br />

an awesome experience.<br />

We saw four beavers tlut<br />

night.<br />

'Hut Ls what makes a<br />

float hum so enjoyalile.<br />

lots of ganx- nxwing<br />

about. We are always<br />

ama/ed at all the deer we<br />

sex- each trip. Most arcjust<br />

milling around the<br />

stream or Ix-dck-d on tlx-<br />

Ixtnk. In one area near a<br />

weed field we spotted<br />

three ckx-r txikkxl on ilx-<br />

Ixink. So just for fun. I<br />

quietly packBed the Ixxit<br />

over to tlx-m. I sing rxilv<br />

our red-filtered Ix-adliglns.<br />

I was able to |x>siiHxi the<br />

eaixx- so Justin was only<br />

3 feet from a i-point<br />

Ixuk. It was incredMe!<br />

We find llul ckx-r rarely<br />

spook from a quiet. floating<br />

object.<br />

At one point, unlx-knownst<br />

lo us. a flock of<br />

turkeys were rxxxsted in<br />

ilx- trees hanging exit<br />

over the creek. As we<br />

dnfted uwk-r them, tlx-y<br />

all spooked, dropping<br />

|xx)|vlxHiihs arrxitxl us in<br />

the water as tlx-y flew oil".<br />

It stankxl us so much ilut<br />

I think I left a "bomb" of<br />

my own! bring extra<br />

clothes for such occasions.<br />

With snow atxl skx-t<br />

moving in. we knew ii<br />

was going Co get iumv, so<br />

we continued on our<br />

adventure...<br />

» ><br />

»'"' preclatcwMrc-nx-.ciiin | June Alio | Predator Xtreme IS

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