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The Old Ones<br />

Musings On Coons, Possums,<br />

And Other Destructive Critters<br />

Long ago trappers kept many destructive critters in check, but with<br />

far fewer trappers these days it's an animal house out there.<br />

M<br />

c*l of U» tend to<br />

think of predation<br />

in a context tlut<br />

involves ajgcn^hv attacks<br />

such as a bobcat pouncing<br />

on a turkey, a cougar<br />

amlxisliing a white-tail<br />

fawn, or a coyote catching<br />

most an>thing H can. Yet<br />

there's another side to tlxpktua-.<br />

one tlut involves<br />

destmaive animals tlut<br />

may not figure into tlx- prect.it<br />

ion equation when it is<br />

viewed in connection with<br />

words such as -kill" or<br />

"attack." Yet these critters,<br />

and there are a lunch of<br />

them, can range fnxn<br />

Ixjtheisome nuisances to<br />

ouinght menaces.<br />

In a column a few Issues<br />

luck I lked at tlx- prolv<br />

knvs posed by otters. Ixit<br />

these sleek furtx-arers constitute<br />

Ixit one of many exampies<br />

of aninuLs tlut can and<br />

shcxikl lx- seen as ixoMcnutk<br />

jwedators. let's lake a<br />

quick kx>k at fixir others;<br />

from a perspective that combines<br />

tlx- general IIXHX- of<br />

this column, and peeks into<br />

the past. with an element of<br />

IXTMxial experience. These<br />

a a- coons, poissunvs. skunks,<br />

and porcupines.<br />

in yesteryear, at least in<br />

tlx- Southern Ix-anlaixl llul<br />

was my boyhood home,<br />

folks huntcxl aixl trapixxl<br />

possums aixl exxxts with<br />

2« Predator Xtreme | June 3010 www peexLnorxtanx-.cxxn<br />

lim Casada<br />

eonskkralik- enthusiasni.<br />

Nighilinx- hunts for tlxin<br />

provided wonderful Ixxind<br />

musk aixl a dunce for oldtiriXTs<br />

to brag alxxit great<br />

doge from their pu»t or boast<br />

of tlx- exploits of ones tlx-y<br />

currently owned. Coon hunts<br />

wx-tv something of a rite of<br />

passage for youngsters enamored<br />

of tlx- overall sporting<br />

experience. Mind you. I've<br />

done alxxit as much missionary<br />

work in cxxxi wood*<br />

darker than a hundred midnights<br />

as these okl bones<br />

care to experience. Ixit by<br />

tlx- Same token I cherish my<br />

memories of great ekigs. the<br />

tinx- wlx-n wx- found five<br />

cx x HIS treed in a single sweet<br />

PrxvStafT— Jim OLVida:<br />

Jim Otsada is

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