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America's #1 Source For Year-Round Hunting Anil Shooting Information<br />



PQ-52<br />

W DEEP-C<br />

TRICKS<br />

FOR TIMBEjlfl<br />

»COONSA<br />


pgM<br />

<strong>HARDCORE</strong><br />



inside<br />


U Letter To The Reader<br />

— Change<br />

3 Reader Letters<br />

1 c. From The Bench<br />

Oldies But Goodies<br />

by J.C. M m *<br />


30 Deep-Cover Coyotes<br />

by Scott Ma jjen<br />

t8 Prairie Dog Perfection<br />

byJcnSuxlra<br />

rMH Canoes, Coons, & Foxes<br />

byDevdW. Kacocio<br />

The Perfect Plan<br />

byAnd-ewUwand<br />

60 Hardcore Coyote<br />

Control-Now's<br />

The Best Time!<br />

by Mark Kaysor<br />

66 Porcupines-A Sticky<br />

Situation<br />

by Damon Warner<br />

20 Cooney's Corner<br />

Some Get It<br />

by -AxM Cooooy<br />

24 Airgun Advantage<br />

Birds & Beans<br />

by Jm Chapman<br />

28 The old Ones<br />

Musings On Coons,<br />

Possums, And Other<br />

Destructive Critters<br />

by JmCovKla<br />


72 Fur Report<br />

by Ren Ottos<br />

74 Hot Tips<br />

Predator Calling<br />

by KrtiG HoarO<br />

CENTE<br />




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with a WIDE RANGE OF tcrfrt lot a pttoM iIhi U6<br />


letter to the reader<br />

Change<br />

$ • ' HI<br />

/ ' i<br />

n a gray December (lawn I dimbed into ;i<br />

Udder Mand at my hunting lease with tlx- Ointent<br />

to lug a mature doe for my sparsely occupied freezer. I leavy skies<br />

s|>it rain throughout my sit. After several hours of gusty winds, cold temperatures,<br />

and sideways rain. I tx-gan to lose focus of why I was out in this mess. It was a<br />

long, steep hike hack to tlx- truck, and I hated to call it quits after all the predawn<br />

efforts of getting out here. Tlien. with a surge of renewed conlkk-nce. I<br />

realized my mouth call (rabbit in distress) was in my coat pocket.<br />

I sent screams down into the ckar-cuts below ami up the ridge to my back,<br />

varying tin* pitch and MHind as I M|ualk*d. I vent out two more sequences of<br />

dying-rabbit sounds ami pocketed the call.<br />

I scanned for movement, then heard tlx- w arning chatter of a distant squirrel<br />

along the tree line 90 yardv Ix'low me. That'.* when I caught sight of a convinced<br />

IxJx.it closing the 75 yards that separated us. I lip-squeaked, and he made his<br />

final approach. At 30 yards I squeaked once more, this time my crosshairs centered<br />

between tomcat's eyes. Ik-fore tlx* rifle's rc|xwt could depart tlx* valley, tlx*<br />

Itig cat lay limp in the white oak leaves.<br />

What started as a deer hunt for meat ended as a successful Ixdxat hunt. What<br />

was tlx* catalyst for sucecss? Change.<br />

Change is a routine part of my job as managing editor of /'.V. In order to stay<br />

ahead of tlx- curve I have to know tlx- pulse of the predator-hunting world. The<br />

only way to tlo this is to live in that world. I know the uix-xplaiiuble rush you<br />

get when you first spot fur ami tlx- feeling of your Ix-art alxxit to explode when<br />

you hear crunching leaves stalking in your direction. I know tlx- smirk you get<br />

on your face just prior to blading a cautiouv crow mere seconds from landing in<br />

your decoys.<br />

In tlx- coming months you'll see some changes in Predator Xlreme. One thing<br />

tliat will remain the same, however, is PX's commitment to deliver cutting-edge,<br />

predator-killing knowledge to its loyal readers.<br />

There will he design changes, which will enhance the kx>k and read of /'A', as<br />

well as editorial tweaks to deliver more hardcore information on how-to techniques.<br />

firearms, ammunition, destinations. adventure, and much more,<br />

In tlx- next issue, well-known outdoor writer and life-long predator hunter Bob<br />

Robb will lx- taking over as editor. Former Editor Ralph U-rmayer has helped<br />

si tape PX into tlx- nx*st-sought-aftcr predator-hunting gukle available, and we<br />

thank him for his service and commitment. However, it's you. tlx- reader, who<br />

has si taped this magazine more tlun any one person. Vie read every letter and<br />

e-mail sent to us. so keep them coming. Tell us what you like and don'l like. All<br />

of us here at PX are excited alx>ut tlx- changes on tlx- horizon, and I think you<br />

will lx-. too.<br />

If you haven't visited us online (www.prcdatc.com) in a while, you<br />

should. We just completed an entire redesign of the Web site to make it more<br />

user-friendly, interactive, and streamlined, lite site is ujxlated daily with predator-related<br />

news and stories.<br />

And last, but definitely not k*ast. Pmlalor Xlrvme gear is now available. Check<br />

out I'age 76 to view and orik-r PX hats. T-shirts, ami window dccals. You asked<br />

for 'em, now you got 'em.<br />

Hunt hard, sltoot straight, kill clean, apologize to no one.<br />

Mark 0fc»<br />

mofcv'Aflmn<br />

Mnn^mg Milo.<br />

I h o Xtr•*.-«» IlilV .Mill v. •• ••-. ; • •<br />

Volume 11, Issue 3<br />



Hart Ohi<br />


IH ri)ii><br />



Chi Ctiipn in<br />


Miry M*r#ir«l Hton<br />


JXtt f Ijlrt<br />


Kill »««wllh<br />



Otriltk Rianckl<br />

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Mitt Kiriin<br />



Jnill» Umili<br />


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0*» Hutu<br />


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III HlMII<br />



JM Klll<<br />


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6<br />



SondoO/erttsino<br />

nviofmotlon to tt>e<br />

PU*fw(t)<br />


ftfORMADON<br />

Sendeotaoi<br />

rtormotion to trie<br />

MonoOnQ Edtor<br />

PHXXJXX Xtromo<br />

(ISSN 1535-3962) tt<br />

puCWxxJOmonfr*.<br />

GtandVew<br />

MedoGfdjp<br />

PO Bc« 698 Bmnrvarwrn.<br />

At. 34201<br />

Tot (206) 406-3700<br />

fax (205) 406-3W<br />

Paiodcai potf o^o<br />

paid ai Birmingham.<br />

At. 35242 and OS*<br />

tkooal moing ofc«<br />


(WW8 chanoot to<br />

PO Bo* 1847<br />

Elrmingttam. AL 35202<br />

Subscription Reflet<br />

(6 Annool iswet)<br />

USA $15 W warty<br />

Canada S22.W yoarty<br />

Efcowtiefo S27.W yearV<br />

Subscription Cutf onw<br />

Service (000) 260-7323<br />

OCopltfQM 2010 Grand<br />

Yiqhi Modo Gracp. Ai<br />

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SmttpuMcavximay Do ioprodu:od wWiOut<br />

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•Ill<br />

predator<br />

Bone Chillin'Question<br />

: iH ;l<br />

»><br />


I Hist finished reading your letter 10 tlx: reader on cokl weather<br />

orspCCktl mounting harduare. They tin- calilx-r sfxxi/k.<br />

hunting I was wondering what gloves you use to hunt in<br />

Silencersmxxl sfxxial permits that yon must seam- throng tlx•<br />

when tlx- weather gets really cokl. Thanks for any injxii on a<br />

ATJ-'iia a (lass III ik-akr. Sixuring thefx-rmit i< time consuming,<br />

warm glow, which has enough dexterity to hunt in. Zale<br />

hit not difficult. Mine took alxnitfour months. You bate to fxty<br />

RHSPONSK: Wben its rvattycokl. nog/ova uMlxxpyou warm. It<br />

a $200fix' in addition hi tlx• cost of the stlenctr and tlx-fix<br />

Udx'S a fxtir tf Mittens uitb tlx.- [mil hackfktp that exfxt>es your<br />

triggerJlnger. I ndennxiih tlx? mittens, / uxxira liglfor uxigln polyester<br />

gloiv. Mineare from Mtukllaiti•, hit etvtylxxiy ntitkx-s them,<br />

llx- inner gkHV mxxls to /*• l^htenougjb tlxityourfin^rfits mil<br />

in tlx- trigger gfiard, and tlx• mitten >uxik to lx- e.xtnt law so that<br />

thxy can IxJtla lOJxmr hand ttunmr. That's tlx- only tiny />«•<br />

/onnd to IxxJ) my hands uttrm uhen it's tlxil told.<br />

1 the<br />

iUxiUt charts for his:vrtic it u 111 still lx- far quieter tlxin<br />

ttnstipprvssttl.fiC. Munnett has bcvti addressing tlx• krfric (f sub-<br />

Quiet Nights<br />

I really enjoy your magazine. IVc learned a lot alxnit ixvdator<br />

hunting by studying every aiikk* you (PX) write. I'm new to<br />

tlx- game. Ixit I've got tlx- lever. Anyway. I lu\x- a question for<br />

you. I recently purchased an K-1S in a .223 caliber antl I'm

tlx.* ankle for it s kmKciU. I found it to<br />

Iv wry Ubnmihv, and uxnplete in Hit<br />

Content- Having Ixx-n on hunts, for<br />

what I consider lo be tlx- most dinger-<br />

page that allows me<br />

to nuke a reply. So. I would like to sex-<br />

a .-fx* on ytxir \X'el> site calkxl 'Reader<br />

Rcs|x mse S; Replies. Hut would make it<br />

e:isk-r to send in any lx-lpful hints, etc.<br />

OK. now for my hopefully Ix-lpful<br />

hints: I don't knmv w hy tlx-se |X-o|>le at<br />

tlx- D.K.C.. or what ever they call the<br />

Wildlife Damage Control for a partkular<br />

state, can't use- tlx-ir Ixuin to figuix- exit<br />

that, i tlx- azotes are doing so much<br />

damage to other wildlife why not tk*i-<br />

ble tlx- Ixxinties on females during ilx-tr<br />

breading season and exit tlx- Ixxintk-s<br />

on mak-s? Also. only pay out Ixmntk-s<br />

ekiring their repoxluctive term. In other<br />

words kill tlx- hitdx-s before they dr)»<br />

a new litter. 'Ikit slxnild go a k*ig way<br />

towards cubing tlx- slaughter of fawns<br />

A m e r i c a n T a c t i c a l I m p o r t s V ^<br />



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Nitrogen purged - water, foy and slxx-.k proof.<br />

and other newborns.<br />

Sincerely, F. Calxal<br />

RESPONSE: To answer the<br />

first /xul < f your/fiK-tiofi.<br />

ii u-ii f/nxlatorxln-nx- i uin<br />

Ixts nxvmh rtxxitvd an<br />

entire nxkvign. Tbe new site<br />

is more streamlined and<br />

easier to use. flits, you n*<br />

note aU

efore they get straight downwind. Mr.<br />

Kayser is dead on when he wrote. "All<br />

mature coyotes and most adolescents cir-<br />

cle downw ind..." Maybe those folks call-<br />

ing into the w ind need to turn anxinct<br />

You have a great magazine that hits<br />

Ix-ljxxl nx- greatly to become a Ixtler<br />

TAPC0 Intrafuse Stock Systems<br />

arm you with the most durable<br />

and dependable line of weapon<br />

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TAPCO. Quality Counts.<br />

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predator hunter. Hunks and keep up tlx-<br />

good work.<br />

-Rkhard<br />

Don t Cry Wolf<br />

1-4 Predator Xtremo I June- 2010 I wvtw.prcdjlotxlri-me.axii<br />

I sultscrflx- to I'X aixl am kxiking forward<br />

Come us in (harfotte at the<br />

2010 NRA Annual Meeting<br />

8ootti«2662<br />

I m K A F U S t<br />


ifittJceg M Ut'AB Mil K|>-<br />

ulatkxt thing aixl<br />

I'm all for hunting wolves. If I get tlx-<br />

dtatxv to hunt a wolf I'm going to lx- all<br />

over it like Mink on S«*\ now that hunters<br />

are getting tlx- dance to lx-lp keep tlx-<br />

populatkm in check.<br />

llx- wolf is a very smart animal antl I<br />

lx>)x- tliat tlx- hunter doesn't tlx- call-<br />

them-in-slxxx-and-mivs thing. We all<br />

know educating a coyote doesn't tike<br />

much and I believe it won't take vety long<br />

to educate the migltty wolf (one shot, one<br />

kill). 'Hunks from a fellow yotk- hunter<br />

aixl future wolf hunter.<br />

Keep you gun clean, powder dry and<br />

apologize to know one.<br />

-Brim<br />

r^ ' MORE 8 wwwjMXxlatorxtrcniC.CMn)<br />

Sf<br />

Makes It A Colt"<br />

B I I V 1 F I B E<br />

G O f c 3 T A TENTH OF THE P<br />


From The Bench<br />

Oldies But Goodies<br />

The .222 Remington and .222 Remington Magnum.<br />

efore the .223<br />

appeared, either in Bcommercial<br />

or military<br />

form, there were two prexkcessors.<br />

Ixxh quite similar to<br />

the .223. TJtesc were the<br />

.222 Remington ami tlx-<br />

.222 Remington Magnum.<br />

This year, the .222 cdebratcs<br />

its 60th Ixrthtby. whBe its<br />

younger sibling. tlx* .222<br />

Mag. is only 12 (making it six<br />

year* older than the official<br />

introduction of tin- .223). In<br />

Kurope. tlx- triple deuce Mill<br />

Ixilds a top spot and is cli;inibcrcd<br />

in most manufacturers'<br />

rilles. Init Ixxh cartridges are<br />

nearly ol>solete in the United<br />

Slates now. ovcrsludowcd by<br />

tlx- popularity of tlx- .223.<br />

That's a shame Ix-cause they<br />

remain excellent chokes for<br />

tlx- predator hunter.<br />

Tlx.- .222 Remington was<br />

created l>> - Mike Walker, kingtinx-<br />

Ix-nch rest shooting<br />

dump atxl Remington<br />

employee. When he inm>duccd<br />

it in 1950. tlx- .222 was<br />

quite a radk~.il concept. Many<br />

descrilx- the case- as a scaleddown<br />

.30-06 and. indeed, it<br />

looks tlx- rok\ In tnith, it was<br />

a Ix-aixl new case not IXLHXI<br />

on any predecessors. It produced<br />

velocity precisely halfway<br />

Ixiween the two nxist<br />

common vamiint/prcdaior<br />

rounds of tlx- day: the .22<br />

llomct of 1930 aixl ilx- .220<br />

Swift of 1935. I lowever. given<br />

Mike Walker s lx»ckgruing<br />

groundhogs in the Fast, aixl<br />

tlx- ever-increasing populalion<br />

of coyotes in the West.<br />

The Hornet, while suitable<br />

for close-range slxxxing of<br />

varmints, lias never been<br />

known for Ceding accuracy<br />

or for king-range use. Hx-<br />

Swift, while excelling in Ixxh,<br />

suffered from the unwarranted<br />

reputation of Ix-ing hard<br />

on lunvLs and finicky to<br />

reload. AltlxHigh neitlx-r<br />

criticism is justified, the<br />

Swift in 1950 was at lite<br />

lowest ebb of its popularity.<br />

On ilx- bench rest circuit of<br />

Ilx- day. tlx- .219 Donaldson<br />

Wasp atxl tlx- .22- 250 (or<br />

Varmintcr as it was then<br />

Called) were ilx- nxist |XI|XIlar<br />

rnundv Rille-s were mainly<br />

reworked Mauser Mjx-.ir until 1958. and<br />

alllxiugh wry similar to<br />

tlx- .222 (only slightly<br />

longer), it Ls a direct result<br />

of Remington's al(cni|X lo<br />

"win" tlx- competition for<br />

a new U.S. military round.<br />

Ultimately, as we know, tile<br />

.223 Remington was chosen,<br />

atxl this rendered tlx- Ixillisticallv<br />

similar .222 Magnum<br />

obsok-te alnxm overnight.<br />

Ilx- .222 survived longer<br />

because of its popularity in<br />

Ix'ndi resi competitions aixl<br />

inherent accuracy in fiekl<br />

guns, bui ultimately the success<br />

of the 6mm PPC aixl tlx-<br />

.22 PPC sent it to a bock seat<br />

on the Ix-nch rest circuit.<br />

From 1950 until the early<br />

Pro-Staff—J.G MunnclL<br />

J.C. Mtwnefl Ixis Ixxm an and<br />

baiuliotuk-rforcxx-r $0 years.<br />

I lis mienst spans lUirofxtin<br />

combination guns to tlx- most<br />

/xunrfid reiohvK, ami<br />

includes ail facets n\lab»and<br />

i arr>itnt cartridge* • Ms<br />

loading nxiiit Ihhim^ over ISO<br />

scis >in USA 1.800338 0563 mm trijicon com


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Sierra MalchKing bullets arc used by<br />

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In fact. 4S out ofi8 NRA Hi-fower<br />

Rille Cliamptom u»ed MalchKing bullets<br />

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MatchKing's hollow point Ikiii Uil design<br />

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range, muter adverse condition*.<br />

I'm MaicliKing to vrotk foi you. but l>e warned.<br />

Winning has interesting >iilr cffnl».<br />

Contact your dealer for the complete line<br />

ot Sierra bullets or visit www.sierrabullets.com<br />

The Bulletunilhf*<br />

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T*ch Mppovt<br />

Ovm «•» mi ro xw<br />

18 FrecJUtur XtremO | Jutx- 2010 | w-mv.puslitoiMremc

Cooney's Corner<br />

Some Get It<br />

Some state agencies get it, but others adopt laws designed to protect<br />

non-game species while leaving hunters high and dry.<br />

lucid Cooney<br />

W<br />

olves are tie-finitely<br />

the poster critter<br />

for some really<br />

weinl folks, atxl if >xxi don't<br />

believe nx-. go to tlx- Web<br />

sites and check out tlxcomnx-nts.<br />

I*>tb gtxxl and<br />

hod. on ldiho's first legal<br />

wolf hunting season. Ixx>k<br />

especially at those directed at<br />

Robert Milage, tlx- klalx><br />

hunter who took tlx- first wolf<br />

on this hunt—scxix- really<br />

out-of-touch-with-reality comments<br />

made by yo-yo's olxiously<br />

a few Ixxks slxxt of a<br />

full load. Makes it a Ixt easier<br />

to understand w hy we're luving<br />

inxilik-s in vkk-<br />

for the- confidential*)' of<br />

certain game aixl fish records<br />

aixl to ixohibii tlx- Itaraxv<br />

nx-nt. intmikbiKwi, and threats<br />

to tlx- lawful taking and control<br />

of fish and w ildlife. At<br />

pa-sent it kxiks like there is<br />

link- resistance among klaho<br />

legislators lo passing this bill.<br />

Obviously kLilxi is one of tlxstates<br />

that seem to get it.<br />

Then there's California, ilxland<br />

of fruits and nuts, and<br />

20 Predator xtreme | June 3010 ««» [xccLtuxxtrcnx c«xn<br />

lllustraiion by Chris Armstrong<br />

not all of them growing on<br />

trees and bushes.<br />

California's Litest venture<br />

inio tlx- wotkl of anti-fem Ls<br />

trying close a huge chunk of<br />

tlx- Mojave Natkxul Preserve<br />

to hunting atxl slxxXing in<br />

tlx- guise of protecting<br />

California's official state reptile.<br />

tlx- desert tortoise. The<br />

Center for llkikigical Diversity<br />

(CUD), in concert witli tlx-<br />

Sk-na Club aixl a Ixw ol'<br />

otlx-r anti-hunting groups. is<br />

using a kit of pseudo-science<br />

mumlx>-jumlx> to try aixl<br />

stop small ganx- aixl varmint<br />

hunting altogether and<br />

severely restrict game Ixid,<br />

deer, atxl Ixghorn sheep<br />

hunting, suiting that hunters<br />

are a major reason for tlxdecline<br />

in tortoise popublions.<br />

Ilx- 20->ear studies

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We Deliver!!!<br />

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Steel Match<br />

Barrel<br />

Providing<br />

Superb<br />

Accuracy<br />

Fine Rcccivct<br />

Fit atxl Finish<br />

22 l >roclat

Airgun Advantage<br />

Birds & Beans<br />

When birds become backyard pests, it's<br />

important to choose the proper pellet for<br />

close-quarters shooting.<br />

W<br />

illi all tlx- emphasis<br />

on increasingly<br />

powerful<br />

hunting airguns, ii is easy<br />

to lose touch with llx- fad<br />

thai many of the people<br />

txiying them are doing so<br />

primarily to rid tlx-ir<br />

property of pests. Pests<br />

arc animals tlut damageproperty<br />

or present health<br />

risks. Quite often they arc<br />

animals that are welcome<br />

in reasonable numbers, Ixil<br />

Ix-come a probk-m when<br />

tlx-y overpopulate.<br />

My house sits on a wooded<br />

suburlxin lot. a little less<br />

than an acre, Situated near a<br />

small pond. Squirrels. ra1>l>«ts.<br />

possums, raccoons,<br />

woodchucks, foxes, and a<br />

variety of birds live on or<br />

pass through our property.<br />

We enjoy wildlife and have<br />

a "live aixl kt live* altitude—most<br />

of the time.<br />

However, when the squir-<br />

rels aixl coons decide to<br />

live under my rtx>f. or huge<br />

flocks of starlings Like over<br />

the bird feeder or rip up tlxgarden,<br />

tlxy Ix-come a<br />

prol>lem.<br />

Wli.it constitutes a jx-st?<br />

I'ngltsh sparrows. European<br />

starlings, atxl pigeons arc<br />

non-indigenous vermin tlut<br />

don't lx-long lx-re and displace<br />

native species yearround.<br />

In nxist places they<br />

can lx- renxived by any<br />

means at any lime. There<br />

are several ollx-r Ivirds, Such<br />

as cowltirds aixl grackles.<br />

that can lx- taken by a<br />

projx-rty owner when they<br />

are causing damage to<br />

buiklings. equipment, or<br />

crops. Still others, such as<br />

crows, have protection<br />

under game regulations. Ixit<br />

can lx- taken untk-r a ck-|>redalion<br />

perniil when tlx-y arc<br />

a causing damage. If you<br />

intend to do pest control,<br />

21 Predator Xtreme | June 2010 . www |>iodnlant for pest<br />

control: 1*CP, springers, aixl<br />

even a few of the higherquality<br />

C02 nxxlcl-s have<br />

sonx-thing to offer. One<br />

advantage of certain I'CI'<br />

antl C02 guns is that manyare<br />

multi-shot tlesigns.<br />

which can lx- an asset in<br />

target-rich environments.<br />

One PCP rifle that I use<br />

for this ty|X- of slxxXing is<br />

the C.rosman Challenger,<br />

which was designed as an<br />

entry-level S|X>rter class<br />

competition gun. It Is a single-shot<br />

and not shrouded.<br />

Ixit tlx- gun is fast, easy to<br />

cycle, very accurate, has<br />

power on the lower end of<br />

the speimnn. aixl a low<br />

MXIIXI signature. Ibis ride is<br />

perfect as a backdoor gun<br />

for protecting the l>ird feeders<br />

and gartk-n from hoards<br />

of marauding starlings.<br />

Another l>CP I've used<br />

over the years for jx-st control<br />

is the AlrForce Talon,<br />

an casy-to-cyde singk--sliot<br />

thai is accurate, with a<br />

shrouded barrel that significantly<br />

lowers the report. I<br />

really appreciate tlx-<br />

Hornady 0 V-MAX Bullets<br />

and Varmint Express® Ammunition<br />

Varmints will be "Mist'ified by the hard-hitting performance<br />

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V-MAX Bullets and Varmint Express ammunition will handle<br />

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adjustable power control that allows it<br />

to be dialed down for binds or<br />

cranked up if a raccoon.<br />

woodchuck. or<br />

skunk needs to Inserted<br />

out.<br />

Springers don't haveadjustable<br />

power, so<br />

you'll nevd to know<br />

what the likely shooting<br />

scenarios are<br />

before sek-eting a gun<br />

to make sure your<br />

choice has appropriatc<br />

Isower. Mcxk-ls from<br />

Tech Force. Crewman,<br />

and Gamo are generally<br />

inexpensive and<br />

easily kill garden-raiding<br />

starlings and rabbits<br />

at 30 yards. While<br />

shexxing a spring piston<br />

rifle with tlie same<br />

ck-gree of accuracy as<br />

a PCP takes a l>it of<br />

practice, most shooters<br />

can get pretty ck>sc<br />

with a low- to midpower<br />

rifle ck-livering 550 to 700 fps.<br />

Regardless of the rille. selection of<br />

the proper projectik- Is very important.<br />

70%<br />




When Itunting light-lxxlied pests<br />

inskle of 30 yards, you want a pellet<br />

Match the power to the game and distances you'll be<br />

shooting. This Gamo Hunter Extreme is crow poison out to 50<br />

yards, maybe a bit much lor backyard starlings.<br />

26 Predator Xtreme | June 2010 www ixcdatunnrciix-.coin<br />

that is accurate, dumps all Its energy<br />

into tlx- Ixxly. but doesn't tncrpenetrale.<br />

For garden pes* control it Ls lx-st<br />

fwttNT PENDi^<br />

tlut pellets stay inside tlx- pest, litis is<br />

one a|>plkatk>n where I depart from<br />

my preference for<br />

heavy roundnosc<br />

pellets in favor of<br />

flat heads, wackuilets,<br />

or specialty<br />

polynx-r-tipped pellets.<br />

Many lowerpower<br />

guns are<br />

accurate with tlx-<br />

Predator I'olymags,<br />

which have a devastating<br />

terminal performance<br />

on lightlxxlied<br />

quarry w ithout<br />

ovcrpe net rating.<br />

If you expect feathered<br />

problems, a<br />

lower-powered or<br />

adjustabk- power airgun<br />

nuiched with a<br />

gcxxi pellet Ls an<br />

effective means of<br />

ponjM> arrmo Mt can add proM lo your bcOom<br />

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Catalog<br />


The Old Ones<br />

Musings On Coons, Possums,<br />

And Other Destructive Critters<br />

Long ago trappers kept many destructive critters in check, but with<br />

far fewer trappers these days it's an animal house out there.<br />

M<br />

c*l of U» tend to<br />

think of predation<br />

in a context tlut<br />

involves ajgcn^hv attacks<br />

such as a bobcat pouncing<br />

on a turkey, a cougar<br />

amlxisliing a white-tail<br />

fawn, or a coyote catching<br />

most an>thing H can. Yet<br />

there's another side to tlxpktua-.<br />

one tlut involves<br />

destmaive animals tlut<br />

may not figure into tlx- prect.it<br />

ion equation when it is<br />

viewed in connection with<br />

words such as -kill" or<br />

"attack." Yet these critters,<br />

and there are a lunch of<br />

them, can range fnxn<br />

Ixjtheisome nuisances to<br />

ouinght menaces.<br />

In a column a few Issues<br />

luck I lked at tlx- prolv<br />

knvs posed by otters. Ixit<br />

these sleek furtx-arers constitute<br />

Ixit one of many exampies<br />

of aninuLs tlut can and<br />

shcxikl lx- seen as ixoMcnutk<br />

jwedators. let's lake a<br />

quick kx>k at fixir others;<br />

from a perspective that combines<br />

tlx- general IIXHX- of<br />

this column, and peeks into<br />

the past. with an element of<br />

IXTMxial experience. These<br />

a a- coons, poissunvs. skunks,<br />

and porcupines.<br />

in yesteryear, at least in<br />

tlx- Southern Ix-anlaixl llul<br />

was my boyhood home,<br />

folks huntcxl aixl trapixxl<br />

possums aixl exxxts with<br />

2« Predator Xtreme | June 3010 www peexLnorxtanx-.cxxn<br />

lim Casada<br />

eonskkralik- enthusiasni.<br />

Nighilinx- hunts for tlxin<br />

provided wonderful Ixxind<br />

musk aixl a dunce for oldtiriXTs<br />

to brag alxxit great<br />

doge from their pu»t or boast<br />

of tlx- exploits of ones tlx-y<br />

currently owned. Coon hunts<br />

wx-tv something of a rite of<br />

passage for youngsters enamored<br />

of tlx- overall sporting<br />

experience. Mind you. I've<br />

done alxxit as much missionary<br />

work in cxxxi wood*<br />

darker than a hundred midnights<br />

as these okl bones<br />

care to experience. Ixit by<br />

tlx- Same token I cherish my<br />

memories of great ekigs. the<br />

tinx- wlx-n wx- found five<br />

cx x HIS treed in a single sweet<br />

PrxvStafT— Jim OLVida:<br />

Jim Otsada is

y Scott Haugen<br />

Dense cover-hunting tips that<br />

produce results from the<br />

rainforest of the Cascades to<br />

the dark timber of the East Coast.<br />

T<br />

in- wind was perfect as I eased around tlxedge<br />

of a frcslxut unit and headed into<br />

dark timber. My destination was a familiar<br />

saddle where I'd t ailed in a fair numlx-r of coyotes<br />

> >ver the years Everything a coyote needs to survive<br />

i- here: fcxxl. water, and pk-nty of shelter.<br />

Doping the wind one last lime. I picked my shooting<br />

lane and set the e-oall a few feet to my left.<br />

Xtrem© ' i

Thick-cover coyotes emerge close and last. A red-dot sight will allow<br />

you to quickly acquire your speeding target for a fast shot.<br />


I picked the dearest slxxxing lane I<br />

could. not an easy task in tlx- dense,<br />

wrxxkxl draw. No more than 20 yards<br />

wkk- at tlx- mouth, when-1 sat. the<br />

tine sharply narrowed as it strctclxxi<br />

luack into tlx- limber. Ai its fanlx-st<br />

point. (Hi yards from my positkxv tlxopen<br />

area was lurely five yards<br />

across. Ilx- lane was namAv. its edges<br />

lined with tangled t>rush too thkrk to<br />

see through. Ixii tlx- conditions for<br />

calling were perfect.<br />

Staning with a series of sulxle cottontail<br />

sounds. I SICAVIV increased tlxvolume<br />

mc-r tlx- next couple ol minutes.<br />

After 10 minutes, a faint patch of<br />

white showed itself. lx>W>ing through<br />

tlx- tiliilx-r. Tlx- coyote a|>proached<br />

from one of only a few visililc directkwvs<br />

in tlx- forest. I>ui still, tlx- brush<br />

was t thick to lace a Ixillct through.<br />

Tlx-n he paused.<br />

I Ixaccd for tlx- slxx. hokling the<br />

crossluir <br />

come out cm. Tlx- call was on mute,<br />

but tlx- coyote just stood there-, staring<br />

in my direction. All I could see were<br />

tlx- ti|»s ol' his ears. After a two-minute<br />

siaixlofl. I couldn't wait any longer.<br />

Tearing tlx- dog mighl bust nx-. I kt<br />

tlx- call throw fctSu*91l lasergcnetics.com<br />

Visit joor sporting goods retailer or visit us crtoe lo place you order

I wasn't prepared for this type of<br />

hunt. Ixit we made the most of it.<br />

Chocking tlx- wind and angle of the<br />

sun. we sat against the base of an oak<br />

tree- tlut was engulfed !>y a thkk tangle<br />

of tall hlacklx-rry vines My slxxxing<br />

sticks had bright red legs, my hat jetblack.<br />

ami neither of us remembered<br />

face masks, llul didn't stop us from<br />

trying.<br />

figuring if any shot opportunities<br />

did present ilx-msdve-s, they'd come<br />

at long-range: I tk several readings<br />

with my rangefinder. Not 30 seconds<br />

into ilx - first series of cottontail sounds,<br />

we spotted two coyotes busting out<br />

of the low-growing oak patch in front<br />

of us, ISO yards away atxl closing<br />

quickly.<br />

As they dove behind some till grass,<br />

then a small patch of Ixiars, I repositioned<br />

tlx- slxxxing sticks. A second<br />

later. Ixxh coyotes were in tlx- scope,<br />

sprinting our way. Silting still as stone<br />

statues, we watched litem rambling<br />

into our laps.<br />

Finally, tlx-v stopped, inside 20<br />

yards, Ilx- dog on tlx- k-ft filk-d my<br />

Trijicon 3x9. and connecting on that<br />

shot was a slam-dunk, but as tlx- second<br />

dog spun and beat feet across the<br />

opening. I flat-out missed. Ii happens.<br />

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The Approach<br />

Ty Niclxils spends more time chasing<br />

coyotes in tlx- (km- cover of western<br />

Oregon than anyone I know. It's tough<br />

country to hunt. Ixit tlx- predators arc<br />

tlx-re—lots of ilx-m. Ty's main motivation<br />

is helping ranchers in the<br />

W'illanxtte Valk-y who suffer huge livestock<br />

kisses from these efficient killers.<br />

It's a year-round commitment, aixl Ty<br />

learns something every tinx- lx- Ix-acLs<br />

into lite field.<br />

"Calling coyotcs in western Oregon<br />

is far different than calling them in tlxopen<br />

sagebrush country of eastern<br />

Oregon," Ix-gms Niclxils. "In brushy<br />

country. I always try to have six things<br />

in place before I set up aixl call, first, I<br />

clxvk tlx- wind to make sure it's I'lowing<br />

into my face or across my body.<br />

Second. I want the sun at my luck, but<br />

that's not always possible in this lubitat.<br />

Shade is tlx- Ix-st alternative. Third.<br />

I !k for a slxxxing lane, keeping in<br />

mind it can lx- very small. It might<br />

come in tlx- form of a meadow, okl<br />

logging roods, even rows of trees."<br />

Normally, Nklxils looks for an elevated<br />

spot front whkh to call, tlxxigh<br />

that's not always possible when working<br />

timbered ridges. " Ilx-re's no question<br />

sound travels Ix-itc-r atxl you can<br />

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see fanhc-r when you're elevated.'<br />

Nichols points out. "In densely wooded<br />

areas, gaining elevation and still Ix'ing<br />

able to see tlx- ground in front of you<br />

can lx- in>|X*vsil)Je. so you just have to<br />

go with what tlx- land gives you. Wlx-n<br />

hunting logged units, it's easier to get<br />

high and call aixl see whit's going on."<br />

Fifth on Ty's checklist is a good hiding<br />

spot. "I like something I can sit In<br />

front of that Ixeaks up my outline,<br />

blackberry ihkkets arc- |x-rfect. as ilx-ir<br />

jumbled vines really create a gcxxl<br />

three-dimensional blind."<br />

Finally, w lx-n calling in dose-quarters.<br />

which is often tlx- case in the<br />

brush-laden land of western Oregon.<br />

Niclxils keeps his lunds atxl face covered<br />

in camo. -Our hunt was the<br />

exception to this," Ty smiles. "On that<br />

one, we went with w hat we had and<br />

got lucky. Tlx- sun was in the coyotes'<br />

eyes, aixl tlxxigh we had tx» camo. we<br />

had a great luckdrop and staved still.<br />

Tlut all played a role in our success."<br />

The Sounds<br />

When I first met Ty, neariy five<br />

years ago. lx- was crafting custom<br />

Ixiwlers from cow horn, each reed aixl<br />

tone lx>ard haixk rafted to fit each Ixim<br />

sound chamlx-r. On our hunt, however.<br />

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he dklnT even base his Ixnvk-r<br />

along<br />

""Ilx- howler has Ixx-n overused<br />

in our area." shares Nichols.<br />

"Seems everybody starting<br />

each stand with a howl. It's a lot<br />

easier to nx-ss up a howl than<br />

tlx- sounds of a dying animal,<br />

atxl when you do. coyotcs wiseup<br />

to tlut."<br />

In places where public pressure<br />

is high. Nichols prefers<br />

offering coyotcs sounds tlx-y may<br />

not luve Ix-ard Ix-fore. "lately,<br />

I've Ixx-n hav ing great results<br />

using raccoon as well as cottontail-distress<br />

sounds." Nkhols<br />

points out. "Jackral>bit-ditrcss<br />

sounds are something I Ix-ar<br />

a lot of calk-rs using, atxl we<br />

don't even have llx>se in this<br />

part of western Oregon. They<br />

worked well years ago. Ixit arc<br />

overused these days."<br />

Cottontails arc indigenous<br />

throughout western Oregon—in<br />

fact, they're a prime l


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36 Predator Xtreme June 2010 | www pcc-daiorxtrc-nx-.oxn<br />

Getting the wind right is one of<br />

the most important keys when<br />

figuring out where to set up in<br />

brushy coyote country. The author<br />

checks it often with a powderfilled<br />

bottle.<br />

bit's ami a bit higher-pitched. Keying<br />

on such food sources makes sense<br />

ami lus been paying off for smart<br />

hunters like Nichols.<br />

"I've really Ixen having good<br />

result-, with a raccoon-distress call."<br />

notes Nichols. "I'll start out with<br />

some distressed-coon clutter, then go<br />

into a coyote yip to make it sound<br />

like there's a fight."<br />

In more dense tailing areas where<br />

tlx- Ixush LS thick, trees are tall, and<br />

tlx- land is steep, try starting off your<br />

calling sequence with softer sounds.<br />

In this habitat, coyotes can lx- surprisingly<br />

close, and you don't want<br />

to start Ls<br />

go in aggressively and dunce educating<br />

tlx-m. Go in subtly with<br />

mouse, bird, or even gentle cottontail<br />

sounds. You'll lx- surprised at how<br />

far away a coyote's keen eats can<br />

detect these slight sounds. Under tlxright<br />

conditkms. it's nothing for a<br />

coyote to hear tlx-sc- discrete noises<br />

from 200 yards away, even farther—it<br />

all depends on ilx- conditions and<br />

terrain.<br />

The Timing<br />

Due to the varied habitat, one of the<br />

greatest dulk-nges facing densecover<br />

coyote caUers Ls how long to<br />

slay on a stand. Not seeing mixh of<br />

tlx- land you're calling leaves great<br />

uncertainty as to how long you<br />

sluxikl give a setup to work. As<br />

Nichols points out. tlx-re arc- several<br />

factors to lake into consideration.<br />

"In open country, lx- it farmland or<br />

dear-cuts in tlx- mountains, if there's<br />

a great deal of publk: pressure. I'll<br />

work it for a good -Ii5 minutes." If I<br />

know tlx-re are coyotes in tlx- area. I<br />

might even give ii longer tlun that."<br />

Ilx- reason Ls, Ty's offering sound-,<br />

tlx-y've likely not heard, anil ihese<br />

call-shy coyotes can lake a while to<br />

respond.<br />

As with all predator hunting, you<br />

never know what will happen on any<br />

given setup. Init in areas ilut have<br />

tx*cn hit hard by other hunters, you<br />

want to call smart ami give tlx- animals<br />

tinx- to respond. You may get a<br />

coyote charging in within the first fewseconds.<br />

or a wise one that lingers on<br />

the outskirts for several minutes. Give<br />

those wive dogs time to comc in, otherwise<br />

you won't even know they're<br />

around.<br />

"In tight timlx-r, I'll only stay 1$ lo<br />

20 minutes on stand," shares Nichols.<br />

"Ibis Ls because ilx- calling takes place<br />

in dose quarters, atxl tlx- coyotes usually<br />

respond quickly if they are<br />

dose Ivy."<br />

If concentrating efforts on timlx-n-d<br />

ridges and amid brushy draws and<br />

creek bottoms, call ami move. If nothing<br />

comes in after 15 minutes, rather<br />

than calling kinder, pick up aixl go to<br />

the next spot. It's usually more productive<br />

to cover ground with your<br />

feet. (Hitting yourself in multiple setup<br />

situations, rather than covering ground<br />

with loud calls.<br />

*For nx-. consistent success Ls alxxit<br />

the proper setup anil attentkm to<br />

details," Nkitols concludes. "I use<br />

MMUXLS tlut nuke sense in the lulniai<br />

I'm hunting I want to nuke sounds<br />

that nuke sense to tlx- aninuls. not<br />

MHIIXI grxxl lo humans."<br />

On a recent coyote hunt, not far<br />

from my home. Nichols got situated<br />

on tlx- edge of a mountain nx-admv,<br />

surrounded by thick brush and tall<br />

evergreens. He took the high point,<br />

and seconds after delivering a round<br />

of raccoon distress sounds and a quick<br />

coyote yip. saw two coyotes bust out<br />

of ilx- brush. They tore off right at<br />

him. He dropped tlx- first coyote with<br />

a well-placed shot, then stopped tlxsecond<br />

ck)g with quick yip and<br />

dropped him on the spot.<br />

When it comes to busting brush<br />

country coyotes in tlx- Pacific<br />

Northwest (or any dense-cover country).<br />

pay attention to details. Hunting<br />

these coyotes is not unlike hunting<br />

those- living in the brushy farmlands of<br />

the Eastern U.S.. even those in parts of<br />

Canada and Alaska. It's all alxwi<br />

details, solid setups, smart calling, and<br />

patience.<br />

MORE •>: www4mxkH0rxtmmc.c0m)<br />

CUSTOM<br />

CALLS<br />

Ty Nichols it a custom call<br />

maker and devoted<br />

predator hunter. Ty male** a<br />

election of howler* and<br />

diilrett catli for more<br />

information on Ty Nkhok'<br />

lm# of cut torn predator<br />

calk, villi<br />

uiw.tytprfdalo/cjJb.com.<br />







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y Jon Sundra<br />



A couple of hot sessions over a dog<br />

town convert this hardcore bolt-action<br />

shooter into an AR enthusiast.<br />

T<br />

his past July. I was invited to<br />

attend a combined semi-<br />

^Btar/pralrie r.it shoot in<br />

Wyoming, sponsored by Kushmaster<br />

Firearms International. Over the »0<br />

years I've been writing about guns for a<br />

living, my first love has always been<br />

the bolt-action rifle, though I will admit<br />

to having had intermittent flings w ith<br />

the falling-block single-shot. But what I<br />

learned front that first seminar and<br />

field trip changed niv mind about the<br />

AR-platform rifle.<br />

W hat I discovered—in addition to<br />

really getting to know the k u» itself—Ls<br />

that there are definite advantages to a<br />

seml-auto 011 the prairie dog towns.<br />

With a IhjIi action, whether a repeater<br />

or a single-shot, it takes a few seconds<br />

to reload after a miss, and there are<br />

plenty of those when you're shooting<br />

at tiny targets 300 and i00 yards away<br />

under the typically ever-present wind<br />

conditions. Working the boll moves the<br />

gun enough that you can have difficulty<br />

re-acquiring your target, especially<br />

when you've got a high-magnification<br />

scope with a limited field of view.<br />

» ><br />

2010 Xtr©«e

Talk about a kid In a candy store! That's a model PMR (Precision<br />

Marksman Rifle) the author is holding. It's strictly a Custom Shop<br />

job and it's tricked out to the max (note the adjustable stock).<br />


At the end of the<br />

da}', the AR has a<br />

good chance of<br />

chalking up a lot<br />

more rats than any<br />

other rifle style,<br />

and, I have to<br />

admit, shooting an<br />

AR is more fun!<br />

ATN 0TIS17<br />

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•tO Predator Xtreme | June 2010 • prctLHorctrciix-.cixn<br />

After a first-shot scope adjustment to lower the<br />

point of impact, the author's next nine shots<br />

formed a 1.45-inch group. All the guns shot at<br />

least one of the three loads available this well.<br />

"Ilx-n. lcx>. during those few seoxxK il lakes In reload<br />

and I he several seconds more you spend trying to again<br />

fiixl your target. tlx- target may have dived into its Ixtrrow<br />

or is hickk-n In- grave. With the AR. die only gun<br />

movement Ls from recoil, which with a gis-operatcd 223<br />

Ls so slight tiiat you don'i lose your sight pkiure. You<br />

can spot your own misses, instantly nuke your hold<br />

adjustment. and get another sJx>t off.<br />

I1x- advantages of not losing your sight pkiure. Ix-ing<br />

able to lx. - your men spoiler, and tlx- alxlity to gel off a<br />

followup slxx in a couple of seconds is clear advantage<br />

AH. At tlx- end of the day. tlx- AR lus a g«xxl clunce of<br />

chalking up a kx more rats dun any other rifle style,<br />

and. I have to admit, slxxxing an AR is more fun!<br />

Wlx-n another invitatkxi came to jc»n tlx- Bushmastcr<br />

|xx>|)k- on a rat hunt. I cxxikln't say yes fast enough.<br />

Who could refuse having a dozen new Ikishnustcr<br />

ARs to play with, an unlimited supply of Remington<br />

ammo, aixl a hilUkk- of CIXUCNS prairie ekigs! Four of<br />

tlx- guns at our disposal were tlx- Predator nxxk-l.<br />

and five were of the Varmint neratk m. all chambered<br />

in .223 Remington. Other guns, which we all had the<br />

opportunity to shoot, were a .-ISO Bushmastcr, a 6.8<br />

SPC. atxl a Precision Marksman (PMR) in .223 out<br />

of Buslimaster's Custom SItop. All were set up wilh<br />

U-upokl scopes of various specs.<br />

Accelerate your advam age<br />

before There's nothing this fast.<br />

Nothing oven close.<br />

Our Hotogr.iphk Weapon Sights<br />

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than any other sight tystem.<br />

Period.<br />

anyone<br />

www piednorxtrenx- OKii | June 2010 | Predator Xtreme ll

The Predator antl Varmint models are<br />

pretty much the same busk rifle, differing<br />

only in Ixirrel specs. Tlx- Predator<br />

sports a 20-inch pipe with a 1:8 twist,<br />

while tlx- Varmint's lxirrc-1 is of thkkcr<br />

dianx-tcr—a full 1 inch from the receiver<br />

to tlx- gas block—antl lus a slighter<br />


ROUND 1<br />



Doubles, Triples &<br />

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25+ Kills -130 Mins<br />



BY CALLING 1-888-826-9683<br />

12 PmLiKX Xtreme | June 2010 | www pfcxLiiofxtreirx- com<br />

two<br />

this<br />

Bushmaster<br />

fired 700<br />

rounds with<br />

only one<br />

cleaning<br />

and still<br />

performed<br />

exceptionally<br />

well.<br />

slower 1:9 twist to its longer 24-inch<br />

barrel. Twist-wise, tlx- thinking is that<br />

tlx- Predator version shoukl lx- capabkof<br />

stabilizing heavier bullets than tlx-<br />

Varmint nxxk-l.<br />

Otlx-r than tlx- differences in tarrel<br />

length, contour. antl twist rale. Ixxh<br />

these production models<br />

haw fluted. chrome-moly<br />

bonds (nonfrcc<br />

floated within a<br />

tulnilar aluminum lund guard. Tlx- ll.ittop<br />

uppers have an integral Pkatinny<br />

rail and come with two risers for additional<br />

scope-nxxinting choice. Both<br />

mcxk-ls feature an A2 stock antl a twostage<br />

competition trigger with a 3.5pound<br />

take-up and a 1 pound let-off.<br />

The sltorter-lxtmHed Predator weighs 8<br />

potinds even, whik- the- Varmint is 6<br />

ounces heavier.<br />

After a comprehensive tech session<br />

with gunsmith Paul Catruch of<br />

Bushmaster, followed by a coupk- Itours<br />

spent at die Rawlins, Wyo., public<br />

range, we were rat-ready. I chose tlxshorter<br />

Predator model. I liked its handier<br />

length. plus it seemed to slvcxx a tail<br />

better than the other guns I .sampled<br />

that morning. This one lud a Leopold<br />

Mark 4 LR/T 4.5-14x50 fitted with the<br />

Varmint Hunter Rctide. Talk alxxit a<br />

sweet scope! 'llx- lower retkle arm lus<br />

very fiix- lush nurks indkating hold<br />

over at 300. 400. antl 500 yards. The<br />

varying lengths of dx- lush nurks indicate<br />

wind ck-flectkxi aiming points at<br />

iIkxh.- distances in a 10- atxl 20-mph<br />

cross-wind. I must confess. tlxxigh. tlut I<br />

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'.'•AHI-SON<br />

still fcxuxl myself relying on Kentucky<br />

windage and hold-over using tlx- |Ximary<br />

intersectkxi of the crosshair. I'm<br />

sure tlut if you zero-in at the prescribed<br />

range antl follow the dircttktns.<br />

this Varmini I luniing Retick- ckx> exactly<br />

what Lcupokl says it will: it's just tlut<br />

I've Ixx-n tLsing Kentucky windage tlxway<br />

I tk> fix a half-century—and ratlx-T<br />

sticxx-ssfully. I might atkl—antl I'm<br />

reluctant to change at this stage of the<br />

game.<br />

With Remington's 55-grain PSP load.<br />

I was getting gnxip averages of around<br />

1.4 to 1.5 inches. I lustcn to atkl. this<br />

was with dassk Wyoming crosswindts,<br />

gusting over 20 mpli ilut morning on<br />

tlx- range, aixl it dkln't stop tlx- rest of<br />

that day or tlx- next. Seldom were we<br />

able to set up to where we were shcxxing<br />

either directly into

y David W. Kaprocki<br />

A midnight float on a lazy river can yield<br />

prime pelts for the stealthy hunter. Float<br />

along with the author and his son as they<br />

take us on a winter night's hunt.<br />

he temperature<br />

hovered at a mLs- Tera<br />

We 27 degrees.<br />

It was late IXxemlx-r in<br />

PennsytvaIlia, definitety<br />

not your typical weather<br />

for canoeing. Not only<br />

that, Ixit we were c.uxv<br />

ing down a small creek,<br />

at night, in an attempt to<br />

hunt coons and fox.<br />

Furthermore, a major<br />

snowstorm was forecast<br />

to hit »is sonx-tinx- after<br />

midnight with up to 10<br />

inches of snow. Ik> we<br />

know I tow to luve fun or<br />

what?<br />

My son and I eased tlxcanoe<br />

oil the Ixink from<br />

our launching point. ami<br />

soon we spotted tlx- eyes<br />

of tlx- first coon ol' tlxnight<br />

MX) yards alx-ad.<br />

Justin was positioixxl in<br />

tlx- Ixiw. He steadied the<br />

22 rille as I steered the<br />

canoe in the racxocxi's<br />

direction. As tlx- current<br />

ixislx-d us downstream. I<br />

kept tlx- packBe in tlxwater<br />

to ensure the eatxx.stayed<br />

|xisitionc\l ixdjxtly<br />

so Justin could get a<br />

she*. We drifted until we<br />

were 20 yards n ran up<br />

tlx- Ixank atxl exit of sight.<br />

A ck*an inlsv' It was<br />

already sluping up to lxa<br />

successful night as far<br />

as we were eoncenx-iL'<br />

We had Ixx-n planning<br />

this trip for over a week<br />

and were ck-tcnniix-d to<br />

compk-te the 7-ltour float<br />

just alx-ad of tlx- storm.<br />

Our logic was llul tlxanimals<br />

woukl lx- exit<br />

feeding Ix-avily before tlxsnow<br />

Hit. With my wifedriving<br />

a second vehkle.<br />

we dropped my tnick at<br />

tlx- take-CHit ramp 9 miles<br />

downstream from wlx-nwe'd<br />

put tlx- canoe in.<br />

Six- then drove us up to<br />

tlx- lx~.idw.uers and<br />

dropjxxl us off with tlxcanoe<br />

and our gear. We<br />

wcxikl lloat downstream<br />

to where the tnxk was<br />

parked. This way ix> one<br />

neeckxl to lx- tlx-re to<br />

pxk us up. An understanding<br />

wife makes this<br />

entire process much easier.<br />

I didn't expect to see<br />

many coons moving this<br />

late in the year, especially<br />

with temps in ilx- 20s. Ixit<br />

this type of trip is a real<br />

adventure Ixvausc you<br />

never know what you'll<br />

sex- each night, farther<br />

downstream Justin spotted<br />

something on tlx-<br />

Ixink. As we quietly drifted<br />

closer, we ick-niified it<br />

as a Ix-aver. It saw us at<br />

10 yank, but didn't know<br />

what we were so it swam<br />

to within fcxir feet of<br />

Justin and then smacked<br />

its tail on tlx- water giving<br />

us a stem warning. It was<br />

an awesome experience.<br />

We saw four beavers tlut<br />

night.<br />

'Hut Ls what makes a<br />

float hum so enjoyalile.<br />

lots of ganx- nxwing<br />

about. We are always<br />

ama/ed at all the deer we<br />

sex- each trip. Most arcjust<br />

milling around the<br />

stream or Ix-dck-d on tlx-<br />

Ixtnk. In one area near a<br />

weed field we spotted<br />

three ckx-r txikkxl on ilx-<br />

Ixink. So just for fun. I<br />

quietly packBed the Ixxit<br />

over to tlx-m. I sing rxilv<br />

our red-filtered Ix-adliglns.<br />

I was able to |x>siiHxi the<br />

eaixx- so Justin was only<br />

3 feet from a i-point<br />

Ixuk. It was incredMe!<br />

We find llul ckx-r rarely<br />

spook from a quiet. floating<br />

object.<br />

At one point, unlx-knownst<br />

lo us. a flock of<br />

turkeys were rxxxsted in<br />

ilx- trees hanging exit<br />

over the creek. As we<br />

dnfted uwk-r them, tlx-y<br />

all spooked, dropping<br />

|xx)|vlxHiihs arrxitxl us in<br />

the water as tlx-y flew oil".<br />

It stankxl us so much ilut<br />

I think I left a "bomb" of<br />

my own! bring extra<br />

clothes for such occasions.<br />

With snow atxl skx-t<br />

moving in. we knew ii<br />

was going Co get iumv, so<br />

we continued on our<br />

adventure...<br />

» ><br />

»'"' preclatcwMrc-nx-.ciiin | June Alio | Predator Xtreme IS

The author and his son were able to bag three of the 10 coons they<br />

spotted that night. Luckily the tloat finished just ahead of a big snow.<br />

JMWR^HOIiL.<br />

1 WITH BITi<br />

46 Predator Xtreme | June 2010 • www procLnorxtrc-iix-.ciiin<br />

KICK'S<br />

IM)l SIR FX INC<br />

iSp«ii]|jCtiota<br />

Let's lk ai all the detaiLs of a llo.it<br />

hunt and break it down into manageal>lc<br />

pieces so ycxi understand exactly<br />

how you can ck> this type of hunt. This<br />

ankle will cover vehicle placement,<br />

canoeing, gear, lights. proper dothlng.<br />

guns, safety, calling, ami shexxing.<br />

The Right Water<br />

Ilx- first step is to find a waterway you<br />

can canoe down. It lias to lx- ckx-p<br />

enough so you are not scraping nicks<br />

on tlx- bottom. Last year we hit a submerged<br />

rexk at night and went overboard.<br />

Uickily it was only a foot ckx-p.<br />

so not a l»ig deal for us. but y with only<br />

one vehkle. However. ng. so it<br />

miglw lx- lx-st UJ cany two for an<br />

extended hum. Warning: Tlx- use of a<br />

nxxor can lx- tlx- difference Ix-tween<br />

legal ami illegal with sonx- state laws,<br />

so lx- sua- to check kx-.il regulatkxvs.<br />

Regardless of the propulskm nxtlxxl.<br />

tlx- technk|ues are tlx- sanx-.<br />

What Kind Of Boat?<br />

Once ycxi fuxl a creek that is floatable,<br />

you ixxxl a canoe or small Ixui that you<br />

can maneuver when necessary, When a<br />

coon is spotted. I try to quietly gukkthe<br />

canoe to set up tlx- six*. This Ls<br />

done with nx- sitting in tlx- stem atxl<br />

using a wxxxk-n paddle. .Metal packlk*<br />

soiix-tuncs "clank" on ilx- skk- of tlxcanoc.<br />

which will sprxik anything within<br />

hearing range-. I try to get the canoe<br />

alxxit 10 yards from tlx- creek Ixink as<br />

we Ik Kit cknvn to tlx- cxxxi. Tlx- Ixxit<br />

you choose must lx- small enrxigh so<br />

you can easily maneuver it when tlxtinx-<br />

CIHIX-S to get into kill nxxk-.<br />

Safety is tlx- iik*4 ini|xxtant factor.<br />

Follow all Ixxtting safety niles and plan<br />

for any circumstance (es|xxially getting<br />

wet>. The hardest part of night canoeing<br />

is not Ix-ing able to see tlx- water<br />

alx-ad to avokl potential luzards. It<br />

Ix-lps if >xxi are familiar with ilx- creek.<br />

I Ye floatcxl cxir 9-mile section several<br />

timers during tlx- cLiytinx- to Ixxonx -<br />

more familiar w ith tlx- three snull<br />

rapkLs we encxxintc-r each float. RapkLs?<br />

Yc-s, Ixit they are only alxxit 10 yards<br />

each. At niglw you have to 'read the<br />

water* by lcx>king at tlx- sky reflecting<br />

olT ilx- water's surface since v«xi can't<br />

see ilx- rocks. Hey. I said it was an<br />

adventure!<br />

Travel Setup<br />

utilize a drop-off person who<br />

dumps as and all cxir gear off at tlxlauixh<br />

site. Prior to this, we |Xirk a<br />

tnick at tlx- end of cxir float so no matter<br />

what tinx- we finLsh. we luve a rickwaiting<br />

on us. Typically, we k-avc tlxbouse<br />

at 9 p.m.. hunt all night, and get<br />

Ixick to the inxk arcxuxl i a.m. Yes. it's<br />

a king Ik Kit. but always exciting and<br />

usually rewarding It's always a Ixxius<br />

domg such a trip with my son or a<br />

close friend.<br />

Winter Clothing<br />

It was 27 ck-grees wlx-n we started cxir<br />

last float, aixl l>y 4 a.m. it lud dropjx.-d<br />

to 20 ck-grees. Ycxill lx- sitting still for<br />

Ixxirs so ycxi have to stay warm. Dress<br />

in multipk- layers, inchxling socks. I<br />

tart off with polyprn insulated urxk-rvvear.<br />

tlx-n jeans followed by insuLitcd<br />

coveralls. Seems like overkill until several<br />

IKHIIN into ilx- float wlx-n ycxi will<br />

appreciate the- extra clothing<br />

I strongly rccomnx-nd two layers of<br />

srxks and knee-high niblx-r boots. Y capsize. Ixit if ycxi<br />

choose a dec-|X-r creek. lake, or river,<br />

lx- extra careful and always wear a personal<br />

flotation device. Safety first!<br />

Lights<br />

YIXI will need a good Ix-adlight llul<br />

will illuminate ilx- eyes of a cxxxi exit<br />

to 100 yards. I use my 6-volt fox-hunting<br />

headlamp. This setup alkiws me to<br />

kcx-p my hgl« on for tlx- entire trip<br />

withcxit losing much of its charge. As<br />

we drift cknvnsiream. IxHh ol' us are<br />

constantly shining cxir lights ckvwn<br />

akxig Ixxh Ixmks looking for raccoons<br />

ami fox. Don't skimp on a grxxl light.<br />

List year my son was using an old Ixittery<br />

atxl within one mile hLs light dXxl.<br />

This mack- it alnxist impctssildc for him<br />

to sixxx with just nx- shining my light.<br />

He sure to use a red filter over tlx- lens<br />

to minimize s|xx>king.<br />

Tlx- goal here is like any nighttinxprecbtor<br />

hunt. Use ilx- light for spotting<br />

guile and tlx-n fix slxxxing exxe you<br />

an- within range. The key is to lx- able<br />

to illuminate ilx- eyes for aiming purposcs.<br />

Rifle Or Shotgun?<br />

We cany a .22 rifle ami 12-gaugc slxxgun<br />

in ilx- camx-, reach' for use at anygiven<br />

nxxix-m. Typically. my son uses<br />

tlx- .22 rifle as we drift akmg looking<br />

fix ctxins along tlx- Ixink. We regularly<br />

pull tlx- canoe exit of tlx- water ami call<br />

fox. bolx-ats. and coyotcs along cut<br />

fields. 'IhLs Ls vvlx-re I use tlx- 12-gaugc.<br />

lulling in to land allows you to stretch<br />

your k-gs. take a pit stop, ami break<br />

exit a snack ami IK* beverage. IhLs<br />

scire refreslx-s your senses and allows<br />

ycxi to reflect on tlx- float up to tlut<br />

point. This is usually several Ixxirs into<br />

rtant to s|XK ilxtarget<br />

at toast 100 yards away. This<br />

gives ycxi tinx- to get the- IXKII headed<br />

in llul dircctkxi c-artv encxigli witlxxil<br />

Ix-ing ck-tcxtcxl. Tiy to get tlx- Ixwt<br />

alxxit 10 to 20 yards frixn tlx- Ixink<br />

while still 50 yards upstream of your<br />

target. Once tlx- canoe Ls in llul posilion,<br />

simply keep the- packllc m the<br />

water, as quietly as |x>ssil>k-. to keep<br />

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The author always takes time during a float to stop and call for fox.<br />

Many times he'll stay seated In the canoe and call from the rfverhank.<br />

tlx- Ixxtt lined up as you drift quietly At tlx- same tinx- you are lining up<br />

towards tlx- raccoon. tlx- canoe, tlx- sJxxxer in tlx- front seat<br />

£\^RMINATORSlV<br />



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positions his body aixl rifle, ilx-n waits<br />

quietly as tlx- Ixxtt drifts towarcb tlxcoon.<br />

Slay absolutely motionless, allowing<br />

tlx- current to silently take you<br />

cknwtsta-am. I Icadlights stay focused on<br />

llx- cxxxi to illuminate tlx- eyes.<br />

Sometimes. If a coon is feeding along<br />

tlx- lunk. you might lose sight of him as<br />

you are drifting down. Keep calm and<br />

still, aixl eventually you'll spot the eyes<br />

as lx- moves alxxit.<br />

Wlx-n yrxi get within 20 yards of tlxanimal,<br />

tlx- shooter slxxikl already have<br />

tlx- coon in the scope with tlxtrossliairs<br />

centered. At this point tlxshooter<br />

fires when ready. Virtually no<br />

movement will he necessary fix dxsiXX<br />

siixe tlx- slxx Kerr is in [xrjtion at<br />

tlx- fust glimpse of cyx-s. During tlxslxx.<br />

evc-ryone in Ux- eancx- must<br />

remain still until after tlx- slxx is taken.<br />

"Ibis Ls critical so tlx- shcxXc-r can property<br />

aim with minimal movement it's<br />

iui|xtssihlc- to luve tlx- canoe completely<br />

still due to tlx- current moving tlxbout.<br />

Ixit by following these suggestions,<br />

you can get a gtxxl slxx.<br />

Another critical factor of this technique<br />

is tlx- shooter must luce his light<br />

illuminating tlx- animal's eyes. If lxckvsn't.<br />

it will lx- difficult to see tlxccxxi<br />

in tlx- scope even If tlx- pctscxi in<br />

tlx- Ixnk of llx- caixx- lus las liglu

witlxxit talking. Justin will sik-ntly point<br />

his linger in tlx- direction lx- warns mc<br />

to line up tlx - canoc w lx-n we're w ithin<br />

the - last 50 yards of tlx- coon.<br />

Sometimes lx- warns tlx- canoc slightly<br />

angled to nuke a partkular six*, so<br />

iivtcad of talking, he points Work out<br />

a few hand signals lx-fore k-aving the<br />

IxHise. A coon will cenainly hear any<br />

human vofce. no nutter how quktly<br />

whispered.<br />

Critter Calling<br />

Ilx- easiest way Ls to |xill tlx- Ixut up<br />

on tlx- Ixink and set up dose by. Ibis<br />

is no different llun parking vixir vehi-<br />

cle ami walking into the fiekl to call.<br />

11x- advantage is that ycxi are likely to<br />

lx - in country wlx-re no one has ever<br />

called before. As with any set. w ind is a<br />

factor, so key on it ami keep in mind,<br />

with tlx- Ixink al yrxir Ixick, tlx*y can't<br />

circle lx-hind you.<br />

Ilx- cxlx-r technique is to positk>n<br />

tlx- canex- w ithin 20 yards of tlx- Ixink,<br />

anchor, ami tlx-n call while silting quietly.<br />

Ihis technique is rvx as effective<br />

at night, as critters nuy conx* right up<br />

to tlx- Ixink withcxit any warning, nuking<br />

it diflxult to get into posjtkxi for a<br />

slxx witlxxit lx-ing Ixistcd. At dawn<br />

ami dusk, with a t»t of light, calling<br />

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50 Predator Xtreme | June 2010 | www prc-datcxxirenx- c«xn<br />

from tlx- Ixxit can lx- deadly since ycxi<br />

luve the opprxtunity to see tlx-m coming<br />

before they're riglit on top of you.<br />

End Of Ibe Trip<br />

For once tlx- weatherman was right,<br />

and at I a.m. tlx- snow started falling,<br />

ami the wind picked up. We still had<br />

three mik-s to go Ixit didn't care; we<br />

were luving a lull. We floated past a<br />

huge tree that had falk-n into tlx- water<br />

wlx-n Justin signaled nx- lx- spotted<br />

eyes 75 yards alx-ad. I lined up tlxc-ancx-<br />

while he- gn with tlxrifle.<br />

At 50 yards we sini|)ly Id the current<br />

push us slowly downstream.<br />

W ahin 30 yards we see it's a red fox<br />

sniffing around some logs on the Ixink.<br />

Justin NIT c|uk-tly with tlx- gun ready :LS<br />

we drifted to within 20 yards. I lxim|xxl<br />

ilx- patklk- against the skk- of tlx- canoe<br />

in an attempt to keep it straight, aixl<br />

tlx- fox ran offi It happens.<br />

Farther akxig. with snow falling, we<br />

s|Xit a ccxOT at tlx - water's edge. I |Xisitk>n<br />

tlx- canoe. Justin rcaclx-s tlx- rifle,<br />

ami we drift down to vviihin 10 yards.<br />

After tlx- slxx ilx- CTXMI rolls into tlxwater.<br />

W'e retrieved the ctx>n ami kept<br />

mewing.<br />

In tlx- last mile of cxir flcut the wind<br />

was Itkivving Ixiri/ontally upstream into<br />

cxir faces. It was lurd to see. squinting,<br />

with sleet hitting cxir eyes. We rounded<br />

one more Ix-nd and spotted the la>t<br />

ccxin of tlx- night rooting arcxind scxix-<br />

IXVLSI) along tlx- Ixink. nuking it easy<br />

for us to drift over to him and put ilx*<br />

last prinx - hick - in the Ixxit.<br />

CXir final ecxint of aninuls s|xxted<br />

was It) cxxxis, iwo fox, frxir Ix-avers,<br />

lified<br />

at night, nuking everything vxxi do a<br />

link- nxxe challenging Tlx- reward is<br />

thai ganx- animals are exit foraging, ami<br />

it's ama/ing wlut ycxill see.<br />

This kiml of hunt is a real treasure,<br />

an adventure, kiml of like lx -ing on a<br />

niglutinx - safari.

Man McDonald and Ed O'Konsky pose with their winning bounty as they took first place<br />

honors in the 2010 Western New York State Predator Hunt, beating out 136 teams.<br />

by Andrew Lewand<br />

Follow these winners' tips to<br />

plan a perfectly successful<br />

hunt. Know where they will be<br />

and when they will be there!<br />

I<br />

n February 2otw. an<br />

article- in Ptodator<br />

XIraw entitled The<br />

Secret Is Out detailed<br />

how a |uir of hunters<br />

achieved rcntarkabksuccess<br />

while partkipat-<br />

cover predator calling<br />

contests. *I1x-ir techniques<br />


testing kxicLs. Ixxh with nfles and SIKXguns,<br />

aixl making sure their firearms<br />

were totally accurate. "Ilx-y also practked<br />

slxxxing from awkward stances<br />

and tricky angk-s. They know that<br />

Eastern coyrKes can appear from anywhere<br />

whik- hunting thkk cover.<br />

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54 Predator Xtreme June 2010 | www prcd.norcucnx-.cixn<br />

Show Them The Way<br />

By January, tlx- mcxintaincxis area of the<br />

finger lakes is blanketed with snow. To<br />

nuke travel eaMer for coyotes (and |xvdictahle<br />

few tlx- hunters). McDonald<br />

nxk- a sixiwnxil>ile around Ills calling<br />

s|xXs tr> break a trail. Specifically, lx-<br />

Playing locator sounds can help<br />

pinpoint coyote pack locations.<br />

McDonald revisits the sites to<br />

make sure coyote use the areas<br />

on a regular basis.<br />

rixk- from areas where IK knew coyotcs<br />

vvcxikl lx: Ix-ckk-d to his setup position.<br />

This allowed coyotes lo Ixvonx- familiar<br />

with and use these "roadways' as<br />

apixoach routes to tlx- waiting hunters.<br />

With tlx-ir firearms ready aixl terrain<br />

prepared, the two hunters went cc|Xiration.<br />

Listen Up<br />

According to McDonald. this preparatkxi<br />

gave tlx-m a ck-finite edge during<br />

tlx- contest. Three weeks before tlxcontest<br />

weekend. NkOonakl drove to<br />

every piece of pro|X-nv that lx- lud jx-rmiv«ion<br />

to hunt in an attcni|X to l

Hii^HiTn petition Edge<br />

White Oak Varmint Rifle Uppers<br />

Small game and nrmints stand up and tike notice—<br />

Tfc ame quttfy and craKsnmtfif) ttut mike Mitt OA a<br />

irogncid leatfcr

know (hat coyotc arc in a particular<br />

patch of woods, exactly how far away<br />

do you set up from it?* .Mc Donald said<br />

they typically set up 80 to 200 yards<br />

away. This distance allows the hunters<br />

an unolxrusive a|>proach, yd it Ls close<br />

enough tlut coyotes can hear tlx- calls<br />

ami come to investigate. By studying<br />

the acruls maps and ap|>lying w irul<br />

direction, tlx- pair could predict whkh<br />

landscape features, points of wooded<br />

areas, or ditchcs coyotes would most<br />

likely use as they apptoaclKd the call.<br />

Bell and<br />

Carlson<br />

IHiiliWi M iumMi kil la> 10*.<br />

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SH PrcxIaU* Xtrem© June- 2010 | www itti-dalnrxlrcnx- com<br />

The pair separates at each setup.<br />

OKonskv. who normally carries a shotgun.<br />

Ls tin- designated tlownw ind<br />

shcxxcr. Ik- watches thick cover travel<br />

cx>rridors from a position that ckx-s ixx<br />

allow tlx* |xvdators to wiixl him.<br />

Effective Calling Strategies<br />

.McDotukl ami O'Kotlsky used two distincl<br />

calling stralegk-s during tlx- course<br />

of the comcst weekend. On tlx- fust<br />

night, when they visited all their predetermined<br />

locations, tlx-y played distress<br />

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scxinds exclusively, a combination of<br />

electronic and nxnith calls tlut tlx-y<br />

used on every stand, "Ilx-y played ralv<br />

Ixt distress (Foxpro's DSO Cottontail<br />

specifically) at a nxxlium level. At the<br />

sanx* lime, tlx-y used niouth-blown<br />

rablxt-distrcss calls intcTniittently.<br />

According to McDoiuld. The harsh<br />

weatlx-r during this year's contest<br />

weekend nuck- tlx- coycxes susceptive<br />

to dLstress scxinds. 'llx-y were hungry!"<br />

'Ilx- |xe|uratkxt and calling strategics<br />

ixikl off as the pair killcxl 11 predators<br />

at tlx- first 14 stands.<br />

By tlx- mkklk- of tlx- second night,<br />

tlx- pair fixind themselves visiting a few<br />

Icx-.itkxts that they lud not prcscouted.<br />

n llx-se stands, tlx- hunters first<br />

attempted to lex-ate coyotes by how ling.<br />

If llx-y dkl get a response. Ixit tlx- coyotcs<br />

dkl ixx ccxix- to distress,<br />

.McDonald ami OKcxisky treated tlxcoyote<br />

like a stuWxxn goliMcr. They<br />

simply Ixiwkxl once aixl sat Ixick ami<br />

waited fix - tlx- coyote to appear, whkh<br />

scxix-times «x>k 2S to 30 minutes. One<br />

sucxessful stand lud tlx- hunters in an<br />

hcxir-and-a-lulf standoff with a coyote.<br />

Their persistence paid off as tlx- coyotc<br />

finally committed to investigate the<br />

rogue howling at tlx- oilier end of tlx*<br />

field.<br />

Scouting On The fly<br />

McDonakl ami O Konskv continued to<br />

scout as the comet was unck-r way.<br />

Because nxist of their hunting kxatkms<br />

were located in blocks of wrxxK outlimxl<br />

by roads, tlx- pair was abk- to<br />

chive around ilx- perimeters ami nxxiitor<br />

prcxLitor movement. Tlx-y |xilled to<br />

tlx- rtxtclskk- ami analyzed coyotc ami<br />

fox prints in tlx- snow. If they noticed<br />

prints entering an area, but dkl not see<br />

tracks k-aving a block. tlx-y figured tlut<br />

tlx- ixxxlators were using thai area as a<br />

daytinx- rest s|xx. Tlx- hunters revLsitcxI<br />

these- Icxations thai night.<br />

It is constantly said tlut successfully<br />

calling in aixl killing eastern coyotes<br />

is difficult and far different than tlx-ir<br />

open-country ccxisins. To do it with<br />

consistency is even more challenging.<br />

Ixit as llx-se two great eastern hunters<br />

have proven, it's all alxxit planning,<br />

scixiting, and lechnk|iie. McDonald<br />

ami O'Konsky's techniques help tlx-m<br />

achieve the kiml of success tlut most<br />

huniers can only da-am of. Ixil all<br />

predator hunters can now use themselves<br />

to nuke tlx-ir CAVO appointnx-nts<br />

fix success.<br />

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No prime pelts this time of year, but plenty of action<br />

and the chance to practice some hardcore population<br />

control give the "Dog Days" of summer new meaning.<br />

Hardcore<br />

Coyote Control— Now's<br />

Time!<br />

HI eat carrion,<br />

mattering<br />

i K - r ^ r ^<br />

B*Mlifi^f«i»d\ wF

62 Predator Xtreme June 2(111) j www prcd.norcucnx-.cixn<br />

During the summer coyotes are extremely aggressive<br />

while protecting young. Using coyote-vocalization<br />

calls can wor1< toward the hunter's advantage,<br />

especially It you've scouted and know where dens<br />

sites are located.<br />

ri'|Xtxluiiion. increased pup survival, ami increased liner<br />

size. In short, if you plan lo manage coyotcs lo increase<br />

game density, it's a 365-day-per-year jol).<br />

Trying lo save fawns or olhcr small game on your |>ropcity<br />

by re-mewing coyotes c-arly is a worthy goal, but a second<br />

reason to lake a barbecue timeout is lo Ixiild your confidence.<br />

Chew on this: Coyotcs reveal several vulix-rabili-<br />

Ik's Ix-ginning in spring and continuing tlmHigh summer.<br />

The first is the protective instinct of parents. As coyotes<br />

stake out den sites, rear pups, atxl hunt for tlx-ir ravenous<br />

litter, tlx-y bccomc ultra-protective of their territory, particularly<br />

the micro environment near an occupx-d tlen.<br />

During this tinx-. tlx-y are more aggressive ami respond<br />

Ix-lter to certain calls. Liter in the summer you can build<br />

your confidence by calling pups. Since juvenlk-s haven't<br />

been jaded by experience anil haven't gained a paranoid<br />

character, most everything you throw at tlx-m in the calling<br />

category may work. Plus, you'll call in more coyotcs simply<br />

because tlx-re are more availaMe as litters disperse. Ami.<br />

you won't lx* com|x-ting with as many other predator<br />

hunters as you woukl during prinxiime winter months.<br />

Qmfklcnce-buikling may not seem like a noteworthy ek-mcnt<br />

to predator hunting success, but tinx- and time again I<br />

lx-ar front coyote hunters east of the Mississippi River on<br />

IXAV difficult it can lx- to call a coyotc. Ilrxiing your skills<br />

prior lo tlx- winter rush on uneducated coyotes will give<br />

you new straicgx-s lo employ later when pells arc- prime.<br />

A final reason to hum coyotes in spring ami summer is<br />

for fun. Calling coyotes is simply a great way to sjx-ixl<br />

lime. Wlx-n ycxi add Ixtter responsiveness, more coyotes to<br />

call, ami aiding cxlx-r wildlife by depk-ting tlx- coyotc population,<br />

it makes a lot of sense to call coyotes during the<br />

dog days.<br />

finding Summer Hotspots<br />

Ycxi can kxate warm-weather coyotes much as ycxi vvcxild<br />

during ihe w inter months by using simpk- howls or an electronic<br />

clxxus of yipping coyotcs at dawn and dusk. I luve<br />

Ioix- howls and a yi|>ping chorus on my Johnny Stewart<br />

PM-4 remote digital caller. Coyotes respond to these invitalions<br />

to prcxlaim territory, issue a warning, or simply to say<br />

lx-llo. Regardless of the reason for ilx-ir answer, it gives you<br />

an idea of where tlx-y Ixxl or have a den. Note ii on a map<br />

for future calling.<br />

CoyiXcs ckm'i always answer a howl. Tiglu-lip|xxl coyotes<br />

may result from human pressure, or llx-y may lx- lessckxiiinant<br />

in a local area ami prefer to k-ad a confrontational-free<br />

life. If you're luving difficulty in getting coyotcs to<br />

answer, you'll luve to lx- a spy.<br />

Denning sites are a sure lx-t for coyote encounters from<br />

March ihrixigh August. Coyotcs generally lake over tlx- ck-n<br />

ol' another animal and renxxk-l it to their specifications.<br />

When it's hot. water is vital to survival, so scout near<br />

water edges to locate travel routes to and from den<br />

sites. A beat-down trail with tracks going both ways Is<br />

a sure sign that coyotes are living nearby.<br />

They commonly invade dens nude<br />

by fox, badgers, skunks, ami other<br />

burrowing numnuLv l/x>k for llx-se<br />

locations on open hillsxk-s. in fence<br />

lines, ami along Ixxlgerovvs. Coyotes<br />

may fiixl a natural ck-n in a rrxky<br />

cxitcropixng or in ilx- stump crater of<br />

an overturned tree. Mcxst ck-ns will<br />

lx- elevated to avoid tlx- possibility<br />

of llcxxling ami fix Ix-tler surveillance.<br />

(icxxl hunting and a gcxxl water<br />

source are generally within easy traveling<br />

distance- of a ck-n. Check water<br />

edges for |uttems of regular coyotevisits.<br />

If ycxi find a packed trail of<br />

paw prints near water, you're bound<br />

to lx- ix-ar an active ck-n site. If tlx-re<br />

are parcels of governnx-nt-sct-askkacres<br />

nearby (e.g.. Conservatkm<br />

Reserve Program acres), clxx'k tlxise<br />

as well. Coyotes will zero in ixi<br />

fawns for a Ixk-f window (hiring the<br />

ekig days, Ixit tlx-y siill need to hunt<br />

mice and raNxts for tlx- Ixilk of tlx-ir<br />

summertime calorics to regurgitate to<br />

ilx-ir |xips. They find large c|uantiik-s<br />

ol' llx-se in undisturlx-d grasslands<br />

and overgrcAvn woodlands.<br />

lastly, keep sluck- in mind. This<br />

may not lx- as important lo coyotcs<br />

of Hastem forests, but for coyotes of<br />

tlx- Midwest ami West, shack- can lxa<br />

luxury. As jxi|>s venture farther<br />

and fartlx-r from ck-ns. Icx>k for coyotes<br />

to Ixxl up under low bnish.<br />

along creeks, and on north-facing<br />

skipes to lx-at ck>g-day lx-at.<br />

Create A Coyote Trap<br />

For effective sumnxr hunting, ycxi'll<br />

need lo umlerstaml tlx- changing<br />

mindset of coyotes from spring<br />

through summer. And change it<br />

ckx-s. First, springtime coyotes luve<br />

one thing on tlx-ir mind: pups. A<br />

|Xiir of coyotcs raises a litter of pups<br />

as a team. After selecting a ck-n site,<br />

coyote pairs Ixxxxix- very defensive<br />

ol" tlx-ir territory. Ihis Ls a great tinxlo<br />

use canine vcxalizatkins such as<br />

IKAVIS and Ixirks. Coyotes will<br />

rvsjxind to see who's invading their<br />

honx-land ami try ami drive the<br />

invaders away. Ihis intensity increases<br />

once pu|>s luve Ixx-n Ixrtlxxl.<br />

This is a key lime to includc a<br />

decoy ck>g in ycxir setup. Ixit makesure<br />

tlx- ck>g olx-vs commands io<br />

mum with no hcsitalkxi A pair of<br />

coyotes won't run up and snllT its<br />

a-ar, Ixit they will race to ytxir ck>g<br />

vviili kthal intent. Kcx-p your dog<br />

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i complete look<br />

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techniques for<br />

hunting coyotes.<br />

(y\ Predator Xtreme [ June 2010 | www iwd.nocxirc-nx-.com<br />

close and equip yourself with a slxMgun<br />

for close encounters.<br />

Ik-fore pups wander from the den. a<br />

pup-in-dtsiress call is deadly on ovcrptolectivc<br />

parenLs. If you can get close to a<br />

ck-n site, the sound of a pup in distress<br />

will lure adult coyotes into shexxing<br />

range as they try to appraise the situation.<br />

but lx.- prepared—tiny come to<br />

this one on a ck-ad run'<br />

Once pups begin wandering from the<br />

tk-n site, you can count on prey in distress<br />

sounds. There arc- two reasons for<br />

this. First, adult coyotes must hunt harder<br />

since tlx- growing pu|>s neexl moreand<br />

more fcxxl every day. Capitalize on<br />

a coyote's fondness for fawn by using<br />

fawn-in-distress bleats in spring aixl<br />

summer. You can ramp up your setup<br />

with a fawn decoy like the lightweight,<br />

foldable nxxlels from Montana Decoys.<br />

Second, when adults leave the den to<br />

hunt, the juveniles are alone. Without<br />

adult su|X-rvision<br />

it's not uncommon<br />

for adolescents<br />

to get into<br />

troulile including<br />

at tlx- wrong end<br />

of a rifle winkinvestigatingpreysounds.<br />

You can<br />

Ix-gin keying in<br />

on young coyotes<br />

in July with<br />

a peak in AuguM<br />

as pups venture<br />

farther aixl farther<br />

from tlxck-n.<br />

After August<br />

pups venture off<br />

on tlx-ir own for<br />

gcxxl. oftentimes<br />

traveling with a<br />

litter mate k to<br />

stop tlx- wide-eyed duo. As tlx- dust settled<br />

I was happy to collect one coyote.<br />

Ixit the second fled in a ravine for a<br />

future meeting when the temperatures<br />

might not lx- so sw eltering.<br />

~~ MORE ® wwwjjrtxl.itorxtrvmo.com)<br />


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These forest loners can wreak havoc with the<br />

landscape if you don't control their numbers.<br />

M<br />

R<br />

by Darren Warner<br />

ecently I was doing a little<br />

post-season scouting for deer<br />

wlx-n I saw something that<br />

made nx- do a double-take. A sund of<br />

100-year-old oak trees had been<br />

invaded, tlx-ir lurk stripped away,<br />

leaving tlx- trees exposed to tlx- harsh<br />

northern Michigan winters. Ilx- trees<br />

were goners, and it brought a tear to<br />

my eye to see tlx-m in such sad<br />

shape.<br />

Ilx- perpetrator? A slow-mov ing<br />

rodent covered in 30.000 quills, whkh<br />

takes on the shape of a ball to protect<br />

it from predators when threatened. To<br />

control porcupines effectively, it's<br />

imponant to understand tlx-ir behavior<br />

and I biological information. Before discussing<br />

hunting strategies, k-t's take a<br />

closer look at the animal ami why it<br />

needs to lx- controlled.<br />

The Particulars On Porkies<br />

Often called porkies or quill hogs,<br />

porcupines are second «>nly to Ix-avers<br />

as the largest rodents in North<br />

America. Adults can grow three feet<br />

long from head to tail ami weigh<br />

Ix-tvveen 15 and 10 pcximls. They're<br />

found througlxHit much of tlx- United<br />

States and live from five to seven<br />

years. However, retired Iwology professor<br />

I'ldis Roze documented one<br />

prickly fellow that lived 21 years.<br />

Aptly mimed "tlx- animal with an<br />

irritating back' (Krethizon dorsatum). a<br />

porcupine lus quills—actually hardened,<br />

lurtx-d hairs—on every Ixxlv<br />

part except tlx- nose, belly, ami inner<br />

k-gs. A porcupine can't throw its<br />

quills, as ccxmnonlv lx-lieved. Ixit<br />

when threatened, it will often slap its<br />

tail rapidly to defend itself, impaling<br />

its f

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call) - feed n Ixick. leaves, inner tree kirk. and twigs, with a preference for<br />

trees that luve thin. snxxxh Ixtrk such as pine, aspen, willow, ami cxxtonwxxxl.<br />

Porcu|xnes do significant damage to trees. prom|Ming forestry companies to put<br />

a IxHinty on them. Lm year tlx- Asvxiated Press reported that porcupines<br />

caused S 100.000 wcd human |X-rspiration, ami even nun-nude plywxxxl.<br />

•Vti- luve to clean them exit fr«xn underneath cabins because tlx-y love to cat<br />

tlx- glue that holds the veneer wood together.* chained wildlife plxxogra|>hcr<br />

and (xwkv hunter Rolx-rt Ik-kiit, of Montreal, Quebec.<br />

Porcupines are mostly ixxtumal and stay active year-round. In wamx-r temperatures.<br />

they c-.in lx- fcxuxl high up in branches catching some rays. Wlx-n<br />

tlx* mercury drops, tlx-y Stay in rock eaves or Itollow trees, wlx-re tlx-y nuke<br />

tlx-ir ck-ns. If ycxi find a porky tk-n whose occupant is home, ckxi't lxxlx-r uy-<br />






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ing to Hush it exit,<br />

•Ycxi cant get them to come exit of a tree, so you just have to wait them<br />

exit." said cjuill hog hunter ScxXt W'ahr. of Fruitpoit. Mich.<br />

Porcupines luve keen senses of snx-ll, Ix-aring. and taste—Ixit p

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1<br />

This pine has been gurdled by a<br />

hungry porcupine and will<br />

certainly die from its damage.<br />

nijthi hunting is Ix-st since tlx-y are<br />

nocturnal. Otherwise, hunt earty in ilxmorning<br />

ami at dusk, lxxik for porcupine.-.<br />

along swamp edges, in hoUow<br />

logs or ck-ckluous trees, or anywlx-rc<br />

you find recent porcupine damage.<br />

Abo, look for ck-ns. whk h are easily<br />

recognized In- ilx- prepomlerance of<br />

porcupinc- seal (about 1-inch-long pelk-tsi<br />

found around them.<br />

'Wintertime is an excellent tinx- to<br />

control porcupinc- numbers because<br />

llx-ir sign Ls very evident,' sakl<br />

Michigan IX-partnx-nt of Naiural<br />

Resources Assistant Wildlife Chief<br />

Dcxig Reeves.<br />

Porcupine tracks are- easy to find in<br />

tlx- winter. IXm't forget to look high in<br />

trees where you'll often find porkies<br />

rtxisting. Although porcupines aren't<br />

known for lx-ing very mobile. don't let<br />

llx-ir repuiaikm fcx>l ycxi. I've personally<br />

followed tracks for mer a inik- in<br />

kmx--high snow before giving up tlxpursuit.<br />

Don't just lixik for |xxcupiix->—ycxi<br />

can also listen for tlx-m.<br />

"Scxixtinx-s ycxi can Ix-ar tlx-m chattering<br />

or .x|ix-aling," sakl Dave<br />

Weaver, of Troy. Mich. "It kuxl of<br />

s< Kinds like a grating lxil>y cry."<br />

Tlieir squeals are most often related<br />

to Ixcecling. usually in Octolx-r ami<br />

November. Porcupines are voracious<br />

eaters, so listen ckisdy for scximLs of<br />

chewing, even when hunting cxlx-r<br />

game.<br />

"I've often heard tlx-m gnawing on<br />

wcxxl while I'm sitting in a trccstand<br />

deer hunting." explained Weaver.<br />

Many |xwcu|>iix- hunters k-ave tlxck-ad<br />

carcass in tlx- woods. Ilobcats.<br />

coyotes, fishers, nxxiniain Ikxvs. and<br />

wolves all eat |xxcu|xix-s, so it's<br />



How do you sldo a porcupine? Very<br />

carefully?<br />

Start al the belly and inner left, and<br />

work your way out<br />

"Once you do that, the hide will lum<br />

itself inside-out. so you don't have lo<br />

worry about the quills." said porcupine<br />

hunter Scot! Wahr.<br />

Tenderize the meat by boilinJ or<br />

soakinj It for a few hour* in a solution<br />

of eifht parts water lo one pari vinejar.<br />

(Hen prepare il as you would other wild<br />

fame, for recipe Ideas, $o lo<br />

www.justfamerecipes.com.<br />

unlikely the meal will go to waste.<br />

I low-ever, if ycxi live by tlx- adage. "If<br />

ycxi kill ii. ycxi eat ii.* then you might<br />

find |x>rcupirx- meat lo lx- a tasty<br />

alternative lo otlx-r wild ganxv (See<br />

sidebar above.)<br />

Tor a ck*an lurvest, always try lo<br />

get a lx-;icWxx." sakl Stephen<br />

Yantasscl. project director for tlx-<br />

Internet Center for Wildlife Damage<br />

Management (wwvv.icvvdm.iy,:><br />

As wiih any species, when the populaiions<br />

are rigltt. porkk.-s are a normal<br />

part of our ecosystem. Ixit wlx-n<br />

populations get out of hand, tlxdcslmcticxt<br />

can lx- substantial<br />

Pursuing |xxkies Ls a fun rxit(kx>r<br />

activity year-round, ami with tlx-ir<br />

slow-moving ways, they are a grcal<br />

introduction t » « »2 v »"J. H» »'" W •<br />

ji-no m. ss r s# jji»im 71v wi<br />

K/•,,<br />

wolf is the only ammunition<br />

company thai provides a<br />

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www.wolfammo.com 888-757- (9653)<br />

predatorvtrcnx- emu | June 3010 | Predator Xtreme 71


Things Are Looking Up<br />

ii S~\ halk-nging," Mr uncertain.<br />

I "\bblilc." 'Great *Grca variance in<br />

' price structure." stnicture." These arc<br />

just some of the descriptions of our current<br />

fur market. But market infomution<br />

from I'ur Harvesters Auctions ofjanuaty<br />

2009 computed to January 2010 show<br />

that things are improving.<br />

In January 2U09. raccoons sokl K jx-rceni<br />

with no average price, in January<br />

2010. hkks from Canada. Minnesota.<br />

Wisconsin atxl lovv-a sokl 22. 21. ami 16<br />

percent, all up HX> perceia or more<br />

from last year.<br />

Coyotc in 2ly can lx-. In tlx-<br />

Texas. Oklalxmu. and Kansas area, one<br />

fur Ixiyer |»sts Ills |Xkes on liis Wei)<br />

site and is |xiving Sl5 to S60 for cats. S7<br />

to S8 or k-ss for coyote. SI2 or kss for<br />

Ixidger. $9 lar<br />

Ix-ars just sold lat month for an average<br />

of S2.IH6 aixl a top price of S-i.900 with<br />



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Killer Details<br />

By Kris G. Hoard<br />

A sport with so much interest,<br />

yet such random success..<br />

The author refers to the open area that a hunter must have between him and the coyote as the kill zone.<br />

Once calling begins, an aproaching coyote will have to enter this open area, exposing itself for the shot.<br />

T<br />

his post season I was approached<br />

!>y a pair of predator callers at a<br />

local gun show. They had Ixx-n<br />

having no luck. couldn't understand<br />

why, atxl asked if I would go out with<br />

them tlx- next d»y. I agreed. Ixit unfortunately<br />

sonx-thing came up ami I<br />

couldn't make it. later they rcponcd tlxsame<br />

dismal luck—none. I wondered if<br />

tlx- lack of success was due to tlx- purticulars<br />

of tlx- clay. or cxxikl it lx- llxhunters?<br />

Two days later, another hunter<br />

tokl nx- lx- killed three coyotes aixl<br />

c.dled (Hit one cat on tlx- sanx- (by the<br />

otlx-r hunters Ixxnlxxl |X a<br />

level of steallh tlut yxxir life ck-fx-nckxl<br />

(Hi. Survival nxxk- is wlx-re your coyote<br />

or IxJxat lives all tlx- tinx-. Wear full<br />

caiiKxillage aixl ntatch yxxir terrain.<br />

Avokl Ix-ing sillxxxtted on the sky line-,<br />

and keep shon tlx- tinx- spent crossing<br />

ofx-n aa-as. A|)proach the staixl it) a<br />

nunner that allows wikllife to lx- undisturixxl<br />

and unaware of >xxir arrival—<br />

>x-s. like ycxir life (k-jx-ixkxl cxi it!<br />

Plan Their Route To You<br />

Tbc-a- must lx- an open aa-a Ix-tween<br />

wlx-a- tlxy ate when vcxi get tlx-a-<br />

(Point "A") and wix-a- tlxy want to lxafter<br />

tlxy Ix-ar vcxi call (Point B). "15" is<br />

ciilx-r in ycxir bp or an open lane ck>wn<br />

wind. I a-fer to this open aa-a as tlx- kill<br />

zone. In thick cover these zones may lxsmall.<br />

Ixit ycxi must have them or vcxi<br />

won't see yxxir target. You must lx- able<br />

to nuke them cross this zone lx-foatlxy<br />

eixxxinter ycxir scent. Tlx-a- can't<br />

lx- a hickk-n rcxilc- from Point A to tlx-tr<br />

prefemxl Point I) or they will sua-tv<br />

take it.<br />

Ytxi have to spcx. stop. and kill tlxtarget<br />

lx-foa- they can gc-t to yxxir scent,<br />

which, as it drifts, lakes cxi tlx- slupe of<br />

a cone. Tlx- small eixl lx-gins when?<br />

ycxi aa- sitting and rapklly expands tlxfartlx-r<br />

tlx- wind takes it away fnxn >XXJ.<br />

You luve to also lx- aware of tlx- xx-nt<br />

cone ca-atcxl during >xxir apixoach. If<br />

ycxi hiked in 500 yards, you just created<br />

a 300-yaal kxig cxxx\ and tlx- wind Ls<br />

spa-ading it!<br />

Ycxir set or staixl locatkm slxxikl<br />

offer a ck-ar view toward vixir ekiwnwind<br />

side. Tlx-a- aa- plenty of tinx-s<br />

tlxy will conx* head-on, so leave as<br />

many ojxn yards oui in Inxit as possibk-.<br />

Whenever possil>k\ find tlx- high<br />

grcxuxl and get as high as ycxi can<br />

wiilxxii skylining ycxir slupe.<br />

Make That Call—Do It Now!<br />

Call sekxtkxt Ls a separate topic tlut<br />

won't lx- coveaxl lx-a-. l)o ycxir Ixxix-wx>rk<br />

cxi call selectkxi antl nuke it as<br />

a-alLstk as possihk-. but renx-mlx-r tlut<br />

Drop In Imtalation<br />

VeetxaJ »t)W crip and W.de forand<br />

Diul front vlmt vtudv<br />

"fr..floated' lor hNiy barrel<br />

No dtMkwtnt<br />

"M.difcvt SmIm"<br />

tlx- most iniponant factor Ls getting to<br />

tlx- staixl kx-atkm with everything in<br />

ycxir favor.<br />

Once yxxi arrive at tlx- stand kx-atkm.<br />

Ix-gin calling immediately. Many<br />

•experts' claim yxxi shcxikl wait fiv eminutes<br />

to aUow \atua- to a-bx after<br />

ycxi upset tlx- peace and tranquility behaving<br />

seated ytxirse-lf in its living<br />

nxxn. If vxxi have enicaxl tlx- space<br />

properly, paving .mention to wind and<br />

using survival-style stealth, tlx-a- is no<br />

upset aixl no a-ason to wait to Ix-gin<br />

calling. Waiting gives ycxir scx-nt trail<br />

nxxv time and dLsiaixc to dLs|X-rse.<br />

Are You Killing Time Or<br />

Killing Predators?<br />

Aixxlx-r im|XHiant ek-nx-nt incluckxl<br />

unck-r "bosks" is tlut yxxi won't luve all<br />

day fix target acquisition! Sight ycxir<br />

gun in and slxx* it often until ycxir<br />

weapon of choke Ixxxxtx-s an exte-nskxi<br />

of you. Tbe-a- Ls a millLsexxxxl. a<br />

few inetx-s tliffe-a-nex- Ix-twxx-n harvest-<br />


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TOTAL<br />

AMOUNT<br />

ENCLOSED $<br />

• Mii* Dwell Pifjae to:<br />


UrrtM9ja-M«K»M* Mercfundse rcMn caps. t-tfwtj vid Octafe Ffeas* aBo* 3-4 i>Mfcs lor Oetowp Intornatcn on Shcpng & DeCw/ and Rct/Tg & Eacfimgn can t* lw«3 at<br />

MmHniumAMmI onVnj coring toon, tto nor nil tun<br />

SwOUwwgnOarDprrtffWim a77;«y»o»w»»w»WootK«ni<br />

T<br />

UA<br />

Professorial Grade Fla&hfcghts<br />

300 or 550 Lumens<br />


www.pila-usa.com 937-644-2170<br />

845 E. 5th Street, Marysville, OH 43040<br />


mi® ETB3 ©DSi [UORS MX<br />

NEW .460 Alliance big bore brush gun<br />

bom to drop the biggest of boasts.<br />

The ui'Hjf JJ:l!Hs a tank<br />

style muzzle break with an<br />

orientation lock ring.<br />

• Relentless<br />

AK Reliability<br />

• (12*1) 13<br />

round semi<br />

auto capacity<br />

•DouWethe<br />

NightForce Scopes &<br />

tShehane Tracker Stocks<br />

I jnurmcJ African<br />

Otwhein 025ikinpl>. \<br />

Mil d>vd ihe color oil \<br />

predator<br />

American Technologies Network<br />

The ATN Night Arrow<br />

4-2 night vision<br />

weapon sight features<br />

the latest ATN<br />

advaiKed tcvhnologies<br />

in a compact, lightweight.<br />

nigged<br />

weapon scope perfect for target acquisition,<br />

sport shooting or varmint hunting. Available in<br />

a variety of Image lntcn*ilior Tube configurations<br />

to fit any budget, the Night Arrow 4-2<br />

features one-knob operjtion and mounts to a<br />

*landard weaver rail. Homed in a non-rcflcclive<br />

matte-black composite body, the 4-times<br />

magnification gla** lent feature* a "Red on<br />

Green" reticle system with a 1/4 MOA adjustment.<br />

The illuminated cenlcr red retiek provides<br />

for optimal contrast against a dark or<br />

light target<br />

800-910-2862; wvtw.atncotp.com<br />

Laser Genetics<br />

The ND3 Laser<br />

fcffils^W Oesignatix u*e* pitcnt-<br />

ed technology to create<br />

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ true night vision and<br />

turns your scoped rifle<br />

into a night hunter. Combining a powerful. cyv<br />

safe green later diode and a prevision optical<br />

collimator, the ND3 pairs with your x-opc and<br />

allows >ou to cast a bright beam of green User<br />

light to fully illuminate target* up to 250 yard*.<br />

The patented optical collimator allows for<br />

quick, one-hand full-range adjustment of the<br />

beam diameter and light strength, with just ISO<br />

degrees of rotation. The high power green laser<br />

light reflect* intensely off the eye* of animal*,<br />

allowing quick locating from over MM) yards.<br />

»vww.fjs»rgfntfies.c0t7i<br />

Trijicon<br />

Success testing the<br />

Trijicon AccuPoint on<br />

the bank-lick! now<br />

mcam success on the<br />

hunting field. AccuPoint<br />

is a battery-free, dual-illuminatcd-reticlc riflesec>pe<br />

It's the only variable power riflcscopc<br />

with a built-in. self-luminous Tritium Phosphor<br />

Lamp and fiber optics that power* the aiming<br />

point in any light, Featwc* include longer eye<br />

relief, manual brightness override and more.<br />

Trijicon currently offers five different<br />

AccuPoint scopes in three different reticle colors<br />

and four reticle patterns<br />

www.trijtcon.com<br />

EO Tech<br />

Tech Force Air Guns<br />


20% Off Tech Force<br />

www.compasseco.com<br />

The Tech Fore* Contender 89 6 a powetM<br />

ar rife with barei b-ake ac&on anj perkrman* eqaal lo<br />

seme ol the most respected at riles in the wrti Ths handscrr* rfle<br />

leafcres a beaut ful stock w»i a rased cheek piece and fc* checkering<br />

on bctfi t* pntol yp ard lorearm. The petomance

adjustment that bring objects into focus from<br />

near distance lo infinity. The binocular* alto<br />

feature wrap-around cyecups and come w ith<br />

NBR Loos-Life armoring and updated trim.<br />

www.sleioer-btnocvUrs.ccm<br />

Alpen Optics<br />

Atpcn Optics introduces the new and improsed<br />

top performance APEX family<br />

of riflcscopes All APEX<br />

X<br />

nllescopcs come fully<br />

loaded v. ith high performance<br />

feature). The spring<br />

saddle erector tube design<br />

ensures point of aim accuracy and repeatability.<br />

The fully Multi-coated optics deliver maximum<br />

light transmission and optical clarity, and<br />

the fast focus eyepiece design pros ides clear<br />

inugc-on-rcticlc adjustments foe the sharpest<br />

view possible. APEX scopes have fully waterproof<br />

and fogproof construction with o-ring<br />

scab and a nitrogen-filled to body ensure top<br />

performance in the harshest weather conditions.<br />

as well as Alpen's lifetime warranty.<br />

877-987-8370; www.3fpenotjtdoors.com<br />

Nikon<br />

Predator hunter* now have a predator-specific<br />

riflescope in Nikon's new Coyote Special<br />

riflcscopes paired with the<br />

all-new BIX' Predator<br />

Hunting Reticle. Nikon's<br />

patent pending BIX'<br />

Predator Hunting Rcticlc<br />

utili/c* ballistic circles<br />

that don't obscure ihe target.<br />

making shots on a mosing coyote simple.<br />

Each riflescope includes ARI) (Ann Rclkctivc<br />

Device) technology thai eliminates gamespooking<br />

objective lens glare, and arc available<br />

in a choice of camouflage finishes.<br />

800-645-6687; www.rukoohuntiag.com<br />

Leapers<br />

HI) Predator Xtxejne | June 2010 [ www proli:i.rvtrcnu-c>ini<br />

predator hunting community. You also get the<br />

mil-dot reticle for range estimating, multi<br />

emerald lens coating for best light transmission.<br />

best precision design for optimal<br />

windage.'elevation adjustment<br />

734-542-1500; www.lejpers.com<br />

D&B Supply<br />

Choose from over 300 m<br />

Custom stocks in boch a X<br />

African Obeehc and K m<br />

Rutland laminates. We J m W<br />

supply sport cr. varmint. WQm<br />

bcnchrest. dangerous M ^ m<br />

game and plinking I F<br />

slocks. We carry inlets<br />

Lcafs-rs introduced<br />

foe most custom actions ^jj^P<br />

the UTG AccuShot<br />

such as. BAT. NcmU. / ^ M<br />

30mm SWAT 3-<br />

Stolle. Stiller. Farley and<br />

12X44 Full Size<br />

more. Polished butlplales or deeel pads<br />

A.O. Mil-Dot EZinstalled<br />

al your Icnglh of pull. Complete pillar<br />

TAP Illuminated<br />

bedding and custom clear coal or hand rubbed<br />

Scope Built on the True Strength! IS)<br />

oil finishes available. We also provide checker-<br />

Platform, this scope is nitrogen-filled. shocking<br />

at 22 lines per inch. Store NBRSA. IBS.<br />

proof. fogproof and rainproof. In addition to<br />

Original Willamspocl. Varmint Hunters<br />

the trademark zero lockable and rescttable tar-<br />

Jamboree winners and record holders use<br />

get turrets, it also has the SWAT (Side Wheel<br />

Tracker Stocks than ANY other stock. We have<br />

Adjustable Turret) design for easy-to-reach<br />

over 200 NightForec (NF> scopes in inventory,<br />

parallax adjustment, lis illumination is con-<br />

including the new 2.$-IOx32MM available in<br />

trolled su the EZ-TAPsystem. which has<br />

every reticle NF makes.<br />

already been proven as a must-have in the<br />

704-824-7511; www.scopeosout.com<br />

CenterPoint Optics<br />

Center Point >. Hunting and Outdoors debuts its<br />

first ever scries of<br />

scopes to feature<br />

ballistic reticles,<br />

the new Game<br />

TAG'" Scries. Designed w ith hunters in<br />

mind, the new Game TAG riflcscopes arc rich<br />

with all the features of high end scopes such as<br />

fully, multi-coated lenses, etched glass reticles<br />

and rugged, one-picce tubes made from aircraft<br />

grade aluminum alloy. Crystal clear<br />

optics give sou the perfect image al every distance.<br />

and now. with the new TAG ballistic reticle<br />

and unique illumination experience for<br />

closing Ihe distance- to your target, these<br />

scopes arc light year* beyond the competition.<br />

866-726-1122; www.ctnterpototop1ics.com<br />

Eschenbach Optik<br />

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l-schenbxh Optik. a leading<br />

European optical company.<br />

introduces its new<br />

^ ^ ^ Bison* 8x42 B binoculars<br />

featuring an authentic<br />

REALTREEK camouflage exterior. Waterproof<br />

and nitrogen-filled, the perfectly camoullaged<br />

Bison* Xx42 H will Mend in with the landscape<br />

to ensure >ou won't miss out on the<br />

action. And. with its unique "naturebright"<br />

0 Blind Ghilllc<br />

HW4110<br />

MOK) Leafy Sheets<br />

coating and BK-7'Bak-4 prisms, even the<br />

smallest detail* will be recognized. A lightweight<br />

magnesium bods' and adjustable cycpieccs<br />

for spectacle wearer* allow for comfortable<br />

viewing for longer periods of time with or<br />

without sunglassev A special adapter enables<br />

ihe Bison* 8x42 B to be attached to any conventional<br />

tripod<br />

www.esctieob3chprodocts.com<br />

Kelbly's<br />

KclNy's Incorporated,<br />

worldwide distributor of<br />

March scopes, is pleased to<br />

announce that Deon Optical<br />

makers of March Scopes is<br />

now offering Ihe very first<br />

10:1 zoom ratio scopes.<br />

The new Ivl0x24mm and<br />

2.5x-25x42mm hunting and<br />

tactical scopes feature ED<br />

lense* glued into the argon<br />

gas purged body. Tactical versions come with<br />

larger tactical knobs and zero set. An illuminated<br />

reticule is available. The turret* have<br />

25MOA per revolution for quicker return to<br />

zero With the 10:1 ratio; one scope cover* the<br />

range normally required by two scopes. March<br />

Scope* arc a true custom scope.<br />

330-683-4674; www.kdbtr.com<br />

MOJO<br />

Woodpecker<br />

HW8104<br />

MOJO Critter<br />

ha$ become the<br />

most effective<br />

predator<br />

decoy on<br />

the market<br />

HW5121<br />

Witch exciting predator hunts<br />

- A M O I O / V on MOJO OUTDOORS TV<br />

ITnnnDC ' " Go to vwvw.moJooutdoors.com<br />

^^UUIUUUrtO for time and schedule<br />

www.mojooutdoors.com<br />

Optics<br />


EZ Access Gear<br />

Drop ihe 'votes, not your calls,<br />

this season with the EZ Vote<br />

Lanyard This clcver system<br />

keeps your calls, expensise caller<br />

remotes, and other small gear . ;<br />

organized and quickly accessible • | J j<br />

just inside >our jacket, vest, oc '<br />

shin. Call hangers can be<br />

removed and clipped onto clothing or equipment<br />

strapping with adjustable drop lengths<br />

Soft lightweight polyester webbing for com fori<br />

and durability,


R&R CALLS<br />

Rick Roooins<br />

seoe orrvr L*xr ro. • tcmno. wa eeseo<br />

CCLL(3flO>»5l-4231 • lir^XA-iff, f.T.«<br />


Dayton Traister Co Inc<br />

4778 N Monkey Hill Rd<br />

Oak Harbor. WA 98277<br />

TOLL FREE 800-450-7111<br />


Leo Schnell, Accuracy Specialist<br />

Complete accuracy job on your tactical or hunting rifle: $225.00 plus<br />

shipping. Custom chambcring available. We specialize in Rem 700,<br />

Sako, Win 70, 6c. Rugers. Please call or write for details.<br />

*Wc require very accurate rifle* to te>t our ammunition. Leo hai built and/or<br />

accurizcd 7 rifle* for Black Hill* Ammunition. He it highly (killed at making rifle*<br />

ihoot to their full potential. I recommend hit tervice*.*<br />

Jeff Hoffman - Prctidcnt, Black Hill* Ammuniton<br />

YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED (605) 347-3111 (home)<br />

20788 132nd Ave., Sturgis, SD 57785 / email: Precarms#mato.com<br />

Eliminate the Enemy - Recoil<br />

•NEW! Tactical Rifle Brake<br />

•Reduce Recoil by<br />

Williams Guide ^ ^ ^ ^<br />

6 5 % on most .30<br />

Series Brakes are blended *<br />

Caliber Rifles!<br />

to ywr Barrel's contour so they look like<br />

part ol the barrel. Wt also provide a thread protector when brake is Ml in use.<br />

Varmint Brakts and Guide Series Brakes ate available for the saat low pike. C<br />

Wt also have Handgun Brakes. • Custom Gansmilhing and Repair Services<br />

umimms<br />

GUN ftiflM! COMMMV INC<br />

7389 Lapoor Rd. • Davison, Ml 48423<br />

1 -800-530-9028 • 1-810-653-2131<br />

www.williamsgunsight.com<br />

4<br />


[JCTCQfi©..<br />


Available In<br />

.177, JO, and<br />

.22 Calibers<br />

New to JSB and Predator<br />

The hollow head<br />

design with sharp<br />

polymer tip oilers<br />

true match grade<br />

accuracy with<br />

incomparable<br />

penetration<br />

and expansion!<br />

.2$ Cal 24 5 grain JSB Exact Kings'<br />

.22 CM. 25.4 gran JSB Eiact Monsters'<br />

.22 Cal. 18.1 gram JSB OiaDoto Exact<br />

Jumbo Heavy<br />

Oerefcced lor 9* demands ct heavy<br />

duty, rxjfi ponwed ar guns'<br />

www.PredatofPellets.com<br />

OR CAU. (877) 480-1636<br />

Dillon's -w<br />

XL 650:<br />

A Varmint *<br />

Hunter's<br />

Dream<br />

Reloading<br />

Machine<br />

load MASS<br />

0»j«lil>» of<br />

MaUb-Cratfr Rllh<br />

Huber Tactical<br />

4)<br />

f<br />

IB.<br />

x r<br />



Phone: 820-821-8641<br />




Designed to accommodate<br />

lheAR-10, AR-IS &<br />

SR-25 type rifles I<br />

r<br />

Manufacturer<br />

of rifle components<br />

24927 Bonanza Dr., Mi Wuk. CA 9SJ4(, • 209.S86.W7I • Fax 209.580.6555<br />

Web Sitewww.MMcettuns.com • E-mail sprffspacvgunvcom<br />

Earn your Degree or Diploma in FiredriTiS Technology<br />

Got the train.ng you need and jom tho grow^ig Ca^c-cc ,-« - ««.<br />

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Earn either — you decide:<br />

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Precision products for precision shootors<br />

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Sonoron Desert Institute<br />

Kurzzeit Chronographs the worlds best.<br />

NECO<br />

108 A rd mo re Way<br />

Benicia. CA 94510<br />

800-451-3550<br />

www.neconos.com<br />


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• WMjhi (hi Hun on* KL '<br />

fc m iw SO* "

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SCOPE MOUNT s / J ! AiT<br />


IN MATTE BLACK y^TTf]]<br />


919.777.9608 ^PcR-<br />


Hi Pnditw Xtreme June 2010 | \v\\iv.prcvUnirxirriifcM

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