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Stakeholder Conflicts in Professional Sports. A Case Study in<br />

Professional Road Cycling.<br />

Abstract paper<br />

With respect to understanding stakeholder strategy (the strategy of the stakeholders of the<br />

organization) from the stakeholder‟s perspective, stakeholder literature has traditionally centered<br />

around the structural and demographic approach. The structural approach, on the one hand,<br />

explains stakeholder strategy in terms of the relationship between the organization and the<br />

stakeholder, the demographic approach, on the other hand, explains stakeholder strategy in<br />

terms of stakeholder attributes. Despite recent claims in literature that both approaches<br />

complement each other in explaining stakeholder strategy [Hendry, 2005 – Journal of Business<br />

Ethics 61(1); Frooman and Murrell, 2005 – Business & Society 44(3)], little is known about how<br />

both approaches interact and relate to stakeholder strategy. In this article we draw upon de<br />

Bakker and den Hond‟s suggestion (2008) to integrate the concept of „time‟ in the analysis in<br />

order to gain insights in the interplay of structural and demographic approaches with regard to<br />

stakeholder strategy. We derive through a review of literature, two hypotheses on how changes<br />

in resource dependency and interest intensity (structural and demographic factor, respectively)<br />

relate to changes in stakeholder pathway and stakeholder instrument (two components of the<br />

stakeholder strategy; Frooman, 1999). Consecutively, both hypotheses are tested through an<br />

analysis of six stakeholders‟ strategies deployed during the competition reform in professional<br />

road cycling. Based on interviews and document analysis we confirm that the structural and<br />

demographic approaches are complementary in explaining stakeholder strategy but also that<br />

both approaches relate to different components within a stakeholder strategy. Whereas the<br />

focal organization‟s dependency on the stakeholder explains a stakeholder‟s choice of the initial<br />

pathway (structural factor), changes in this pathway are explained by changes in interest<br />

intensity (demographic factor). This demographic factor also explains changes in stakeholder<br />

instrument. In addition, the data argue in favor of a stakeholder‟s universal tactical starting<br />

position theorized already in stakeholder literature [den Hond and de Bakker, 2007 – Academy<br />

of Management Review 32(3)].<br />

Keywords<br />

Interest intensity<br />

Professional road cycling<br />

Resource dependency<br />

Sport management<br />

Stakeholder attributes<br />

Stakeholder instrument<br />

Stakeholder pathway<br />

Prepaper<br />

Though stakeholder influence has received considerable attention in literature, it is only recently<br />

that a number of studies have started to address the question of stakeholder influence from the<br />

stakeholder perspective (de Bakker and den Hond, 2008). This approach is another step in the<br />

evolution of the stakeholder theory from „a corporate-centric perspective into a more<br />


comprehensive theory of the business-society interface‟ (Steurer, 2006: 56). Consequently, few<br />

stakeholder theorists have studied from a stakeholders‟ vantage point the identities (Rowley and<br />

Moldoveanu, 2003), the salience (Mitchell et al., 1997; Rowley, 1997; Frooman, 1999; Neville<br />

and Menguc, 2006), the firm targeting decisions (Rowley and Berman, 2000; Rehbein et al.,<br />

2004; Eesley and Lenox, 2005; Hendry, 2006) and the strategies of stakeholders (Frooman,<br />

1999; Frooman and Murrell, 2005; Hendry, 2005; den Hond and de Bakker, 2007; Zietsma and<br />

Winn, 2008). Frooman (1999: 191) argued that, in contrast to the question of who stakeholders<br />

are and what they want, this latter question of „how‟ they try to obtain salience has received only<br />

piecemeal attention and this despite the fact that stakeholder strategy is „a key element in<br />

stakeholder theory‟.<br />

With respect to explaining stakeholder strategy two approaches are distinguished in stakeholder<br />

literature: a structural vs. a demographic approach (Frooman and Murrell, 2005; de Bakker and<br />

den Hond, 2008). The structural approach, on the one hand, explains stakeholder strategy in<br />

terms of the relationship between the organization and the stakeholder, the demographic<br />

approach, on the other hand, explains stakeholder strategy in terms of stakeholder attributes<br />

(Goodpastor, 1991; Clarkson, 1995; Mitchell et al., 1997; Rowley and Moldoveanu, 2003). In<br />

other words, the structural approach deals with the relational setting of organizations (such as<br />

the level of dependence of the stakeholder on the firm or the centrality of the firm within a<br />

stakeholders‟ network - Rowley, 1997; Frooman, 1999; Frooman and Murrell, 2005) whereas<br />

the demographic approach is all about stakeholder characteristics (such as among others<br />

interest, past experience, identity and ideology of a stakeholder - Rowley and Moldoveanu,<br />

2003; Frooman and Murrell, 2005; den Hond and de Bakker, 2007). Frooman and Murrell (2005:<br />

5) highlight the difference between both approaches using terms of network theory: „instead of<br />

concentrating on demographics (the node), the structural approach is all about relationships (the<br />

tie between the nodes)‟.<br />

This article contributes to stakeholder theory in four ways. First, by focusing on how<br />

stakeholders influence organizations over time – how they act, given they are taking action –<br />

and not on the factors influencing the likelihood stakeholders will mobilize, we take another<br />

approach in stakeholder management (Savage et al., 1991; Frooman, 1999; Hendry, 2005;<br />

Frooman and Murrell, 2005; den Hond and de Bakker, 2007; de Bakker and den Hond, 2008).<br />

Second, this article links changes in structural and demographic factors to changes in<br />

stakeholder pathway and stakeholder instrument. Again, another approach is taken as Frooman<br />

(1999) and Frooman and Murrell (2005) did link structural factors (and not changes in these<br />

factors) to stakeholder strategy (and not to changes in the strategy, nor to changes in the<br />


stakeholder pathway or stakeholder instrument). Third, by deriving hypotheses on how changes<br />

in both structural and demographic factors relate to changes in stakeholder pathway and<br />

stakeholder instrument, we add to stakeholder theory. Fourth, by selecting the case of sport<br />

league reform in professional road cycling, we contribute to the literature on stakeholder<br />

strategy in sport management (Holt, 2007; Desbordes 2008; Morrow and Idle, 2008a & 2008b;<br />

Senaux, 2008) which, despite the fact that professional sport is estimated to be the eleventh<br />

largest industry in the United States (Danylchuk et al., 2008), has yet received little attention.<br />

As argued by Hendry (2005) who claimed that an alternative theoretical model on stakeholder<br />

strategy should be grounded in collected data, our findings are based on an analysis of the<br />

strategies deployed by stakeholders since the introduction of the new Union Cycliste<br />

International (UCI) ProTour competition (January 2005) in professional road cycling. There are<br />

three reasons for devoting attention to stakeholder strategies in sport management. First, as<br />

argued by Brewer (2002) and Morrow and Idle (2008b), professional sport is by nature a<br />

representation of conflict in which multiple stakeholders are involved (Dauncey and Hare, 2003).<br />

As such, sport provides an interesting „microcosm‟ that allows researching in detail stakeholder<br />

strategies. Second, the issue of stakeholder strategies within sport management has been<br />

largely left unattended in literature. Whereas Holt (2007) and Senaux (2008) addressed this<br />

issue for football (soccer), it is only recently that the influence of stakeholders in competition<br />

reforms in professional cycling has been addressed (Desbordes 2008; Lagae et al., 2008;<br />

Morrow and Idle, 2008a & 2008b). As such, insights in how stakeholders behave when<br />

reforming sport competitions can be valid for junior and senior management (Parks et al., 2007).<br />

Finally, professional road cycling is not only understudied in comparison to other sports like<br />

baseball, rugby, skiing, snowboarding or soccer (O‟Brien and Slack, 2003; Holt, 2007;<br />

Gammelsaeter and Jakobsen, 2008; Kelly, 2008; Hanstad, 2008; Senaux, 2008; Steen-<br />

Johnsen, 2008), professional road cycling is also characterized by a large and heterogeneous<br />

set of stakeholders with various interest intensities and resource relationships with the focal<br />

organization (Brewer, 2002; Desbordes, 2006; Morrow and Idle, 2008a & 2008b).<br />

The following two-step approach was taken. First, stakeholders - „persons or groups that have,<br />

or claim, ownership, rights or interest in a corporation and its activities, past, present or future‟<br />

(Clarkson, 1995: 106) - have been inventoried through an extensive analysis of various UCI<br />

documents with respect to the establishment of the ProTour competition: UCI correspondence,<br />

minutes of meetings and press releases. The following six stakeholders did emerge out of the<br />

analysis: riders (represented by CPA), ProTour teams (represented by first AIGCP and later on<br />

by IPCT), professional continental teams (teams not granted a ProTour license), G3<br />


(representing ASO, RCS and Unipublic which organize the three most important stage races -<br />

Tour, Giro d‟Italia and Vuelta a España, respectively - as well as eight other ProTour races), the<br />

other ProTour races organizers (ProTour16) as well as organizers of non ProTour races. These<br />

various stakeholders will be discussed in more detail at the beginning of the next section. Our<br />

selection of stakeholders therefore extends Morrow and Idle‟s inventory of stakeholders as we<br />

did also include the IPCT, professional continental teams and the ProTour16 as additional<br />

stakeholders (Morrow and Idle, 2008b). Following Morrow and Idle (2008b) and given that the<br />

UCI (the world governing body in cycling) did initiate the new competition in professional road<br />

cycling, the UCI was seen as the focal organization. Second, for each stakeholder, its strategy –<br />

which includes the selection of both pathways (the allies chosen included) and stakeholder<br />

instruments –, its resource dependency and interest intensity towards UCI were inventoried and<br />

analyzed. These components were analyzed for the period January 2005 – July 15 th 2008. This<br />

time period was guided by the following criteria. Whereas January 2005 refers to the start date<br />

of the ProTour licenses for the teams and organizers, mid-July 2008 refers to the UCI<br />

announcement that teams intended not to renew their ProTour licenses for 2009 (UCI, 2008).<br />

For this second phase, the authors relied upon two sources: 17 semi-structured interviews with<br />

representatives of the six stakeholders and a wide variety of written sources: minutes of<br />

meetings, documents provided by the stakeholders, press releases, detailed study of cycling-<br />

specific magazines and internet-based cycling sites such as Cyclingnews.com.<br />

We derive through a review of literature, two hypotheses on how changes in resource<br />

dependency and interest intensity (structural and demographic factor, respectively) relate to<br />

changes in stakeholder pathway and stakeholder instrument (two components of the<br />

stakeholder strategy; Frooman, 1999). Consecutively, both hypotheses are tested through an<br />

analysis of six stakeholders‟ strategies deployed during the competition reform in professional<br />

road cycling. We confirm that the structural and demographic approaches are complementary in<br />

explaining stakeholder strategy but also that both approaches relate to different components<br />

within a stakeholder strategy. Whereas the focal organization‟s dependency on the stakeholder<br />

explains a stakeholder‟s choice of the initial pathway (structural factor), changes in this pathway<br />

are explained by changes in interest intensity (demographic factor). This demographic factor<br />

also explains changes in stakeholder instrument. In addition, the data argue in favor of a<br />

stakeholder‟s universal tactical starting position theorized already in stakeholder literature [den<br />

Hond and de Bakker, 2007 – Academy of Management Review 32(3)].<br />

References<br />


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