NTSB/AAR-94/07 - AirDisaster.Com

NTSB/AAR-94/07 - AirDisaster.Com

NTSB/AAR-94/07 - AirDisaster.Com


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WASHZNGTON, D.C. 285<strong>94</strong><br />




JETSTREAM 46 01, N304UE<br />


JANUARY 7; 19<strong>94</strong>

P3<strong>94</strong>-910409<br />


ETSTREAM 41 01, M903UE<br />


JANUARY 7,19<strong>94</strong><br />

Adopted: October 6,39<strong>94</strong><br />

Notation 6338A<br />

Abstract: This report expla!ns the crash of United Express flight 6291, a Jetstream 4i 01<br />

airplzne, whiie CR zqproach to runway 28t at Port 63lumbus internationzl Airpmt,<br />

Coiurnbus, OMo, cn january 7, 9<strong>94</strong>. The safety issues ir: the report focused OR aircraft<br />

belts, iiiining propms ?os Pzrt 135 pi!& that emphaska st&: warming<br />

rocopition and recovery iachniquas, and tha? lead io proficiency in both hrgh sped and<br />

cocpled approaches. Sate!)! rec3mmenda?ions concerning these issues were made to<br />

t3e &derai Aviati~n Administrsticn.<br />


CONTEhTS<br />

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................<br />

1 .<br />

1.1<br />

I . 2<br />

1.3<br />


History of the Rig& ..............................................................................<br />

hjuries to Fe'ersons .................................................................................<br />

Damage t3 Xiraft ................................................................................<br />

1.4<br />

1.5<br />

1.5.1<br />

1.5.2<br />

1.6<br />

1.6.1<br />

1.7<br />

1.8<br />

1.9<br />

1-10<br />

1 ..I<br />

1.1 1.1<br />

Other Damage .......................................................................................<br />

Personnei Information ..........................................................................<br />

The Laptajn<br />

" ...........................................................................................<br />

The First 0,s cer ....................................................................................<br />

hAzi Information ...............................................................................<br />

The Autopilot ........................................................................................<br />

Meteoroiogicd Information ...................................................................<br />

-43s to Navigation<br />

. .<br />

................................................................................<br />

co.n~Knlcations ....................................................................................<br />

Aerohme Inform~tion .........................................................................<br />

Right Recorders ....................................................................................<br />

Coc'qit Voice RecorCer ........................................................................<br />

1.11.2<br />

i.12<br />

I.i3<br />

Flight Data Recor~er .............................................................................<br />

Wreckase md lmpaci IrJormation .........................................................<br />

hledicaf uld Pathologird Infomation ...................................................<br />

1.14<br />

1.15<br />

1.16<br />

1.15.1<br />

1.16.2<br />

1.16.3<br /><br />

Em .......................................................................................................<br />

SurVivaI Aspects ....................................................................................<br />

Tests and Research ................................................................................<br />

Flightpath Reconstnrc3tion ......................................................................<br />

Fiigfit Tests ...........................................................................................<br />

System Teardom and Examination .......................................................<br />

Ice and bin Protection System .............................................................<br /> Stail kVamkxg Systems ...........................................................................<br />

1 . i 6.3.3 Ground Proximity W b g System (GPWS) .........................................<br />

1.17 Addition& Infomation ..........................................................................<br />

I .1 7.1 Corporate History and Organization ......................................................<br />

1.17.2 BA-SIPGTTraiing .................................................................................<br />

- 1.1 i . 2.1 Gramd Training ....................................................................................<br />

..<br />

1.172.2 Right Tra-mg .......................................................................................<br />

1.1'7.3 Altitude and Airspeed Awareness ..........................................................<br />

I .I 7.4 FAA Survei!tmce ..................................................................................<br />

V<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

7<br />

7<br />

9<br />

11<br />

11<br />

13<br />

17<br />

17<br />

17<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

19<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

25<br />

25<br />

32<br />

34<br />

34<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

33<br />

41<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />


R<br />

2 .<br />

2.1<br />

2.2<br />

2.3<br />

2.4<br />

2.5<br />

2.4<br />

2.7<br />

2.8<br />

3 .<br />

3- 1<br />

3.2<br />

4 .<br />

5 .<br />


General .................................................................................................<br />

Flightcrew and Aircraft Performance .....................................................<br />

Pilot Trainiig and Experience ................................................................<br />

"be <strong>Com</strong>pany ........................................................................................<br />

FAA Surveil!arxe ..................................................................................<br />

<strong>Com</strong>ctive Actians - ................................................................................<br />

.. TT<br />

Occupant Safeiy bel[ usage ..................................................................<br />

Additional Ldormation .........................................................................<br />

CoNeLusroNs<br />

Fmdmgs ................................................................................................<br />

Probable Cause .....................................................................................<br />

RECOMMEFJBATIONS ....................................................................<br />


Appendix A-hvestigation and Hearing .................................................<br />

Append= €+-Cockpit Voice Recorder Transcript ..................................<br />

Appmdix G-Safety R?comenda;ions .................................................<br />

iv<br />

50<br />

51<br />

63<br />

64<br />

68<br />

48<br />

69<br />

78<br />

71<br />

73<br />

74<br />

77<br />

78<br />



On January 7, 19<strong>94</strong>, about 2321 eastern standard time, a Je.tstream<br />

410i, regismtion N?04LI, operated by Atlantic Coast Airlines, Sterling, Virginia,<br />

and doing business ES United Express flight 6291, craskd 1.2 nautical rniies east of<br />

runway 2% at Port Columbus International Airport, Columbus, Ohio. The airplane<br />

was being operated as a regulariy scheduled commcter flight under 14 Code of<br />

Federa! Regdatinns, Part 135, &om Washington Duks International Aiqortt<br />

Chantilly, Virgkia, to Coluxnbus, Ohio. The flight had been cleared for an<br />

instrumen: landing system approach ta runway 28L and was in contact with the<br />

!ma1 tower controller when i$ crashed into a storage warehouse. The pilot, copilot,<br />

fiig5t atteedani, and two passengers were fatally in; -ed. Two of the other three<br />

passerigers received minor injmies, while the third was not iajurrd. The airplane<br />

was destroyed. Instrument meteorological conditions prevailed at the time, and the<br />

airplane was on an inswment flight rules flight plar?.<br />

The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable<br />

causes of this accident to be:<br />

(1) An aerodynamic stail that occurred when the flightcrew allowed<br />

the airspeed to decay to s’dl speed following a very poorly planned<br />

azd executed approach characterized by an absence of procedural<br />

discipline;<br />

(2) Improper pilot response to the sta!t warning, including fahre to<br />

advvlce &e power levers to maximum, and inappropriately raising<br />

the fiaps;<br />

(3) Flightcrew inexperiencz in “giass cockpit” automated aircraft,<br />

aircraft type, and in seat position, a situation exacerbated by a side<br />

ietter of qeemeni between the company and its pilots; and<br />

(A) m-e r~qznny’s f&Are sm:;i& &ywat.- rtshilized approach<br />

1----<br />

--“*I* ~<br />

criteria, and fhhe Federal Aviation Administration’s failure to requirr<br />

such criteria.<br />

Mem’ber Vogt concluded that the last fxtor was contributory but not<br />

cairsa! EO rhe accident. Additionally, for the following two factors, Chairman Hail<br />

aqd Member kati‘mr concluded that L\ey were causal to the acd-nt, while<br />


Members Vogt md Hammerschmidt concluded that they were contributory to the<br />

accident:<br />

(5) The company’s failure to provide adequate crew resource<br />

management mining, and the FAA’s failure to quire such training;<br />

and<br />

(6) The unavailability of suitable training simulators th2t precluded<br />

fully effective flightcrew training.<br />

Safety issues discussed in the report includp aircraft safety belts, and<br />

training programs for Part 135 pilots that place more emphasis on stall warning<br />

recognition and recovery techniques, and that train pilots to proficiency for both<br />

high speed approach profiles and coupled approach profiles. Safety<br />

recommendations concerning these issues were made to the Federal Aviatim<br />

Administration. Also, the Safety Board reiterated safety recommendations to the<br />

Federal Aviation Administration concerning stabi!ized approaches and aircraft<br />

safety belts.<br />



WASHIEGTON, D.C. 205<strong>94</strong><br />




JETSTREAM 4101, N304UE<br />


JANUARY 7,19<strong>94</strong><br />


On January 7, 19<strong>94</strong>, about 2321 eastern standar:! time @a),1 a<br />

Jetstream 4101 (J4101),2 registration N3WUE, operated by Atlantic Coast Airlines<br />

(ACA), Sterling, Virginia, doing business 2s (d/o/a) United Express flight 6291, call<br />

sign B1ce Ridge flight 29!? crashcd 1.2 nautical miles east. of runway 2% at Port<br />

CoImbus International Airport (CREI), Coiumbus, Ohio. The airplane was being<br />

operated as a regularly scheduled commuter flight under 14 Code of Federal<br />

Regulations (CFR), Part 135, from Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD),<br />

chantilly, Virginia, to Columbus, Ohio. Tbe flight had been cleared for an<br />

instmmec: L:2zg system (ES) approach to runway 281, and was in contact with<br />

the local towe; controller when it crashed iaio a storage warehouse. The pilot,<br />

copiioi, flight attendant and two passengers were fatally injured. Two of the other<br />

three passengers received minrJr injuries, while the third was not injured. The<br />

airplane was destroyed. Instrument meteorological conditions prevailed at the time,<br />

and the flight was on an instrument fiight d es (n;R) flight plan.<br />

'AH thcs xe atern standard he (EST) based on the 24-hour clock, unless otherwise<br />

indicated.<br />

h e J-3101 ray Ix refed to as a 1-4100, J-4101, BA-4100, or BA-4101 in this report since<br />

the mmufzcwer has changed nams from British Aerospace (BAe) to 3etstream Aircraf: Limited<br />

The "I" or "0" suffix at the ezd of the modeI number refers to an airplane flown in the United<br />

States or the United Kingdom, respectively.<br />

'UP>?& Express Flight 6291 nsed the call sign of Blue Ridge 291 for air traffic control<br />


2<br />

<strong>Com</strong>pany records indicated thzt the accident airplane h ved at UD<br />

from CMH at 2105. The pennimting crew stated that the airplane had flown six<br />

flights that day for E 2 kours of block ?he. tight icing was experienced on all six<br />

flights. Tlie terminatiig crew reported that the airplane had pedomed satisfactorily.<br />

The anti-ice and deice systems were tested and operated properly several times<br />

during the day. No discrepancies we= recorded in the airplane logbook.<br />

The captain of flight 299 requested &at the airplane be loaded with<br />

4*l@@ norm% of fuel, and he selected Dayton, Ohio DAY), as the aItemate<br />

destinakon. He proceeded to th~ aippIane whese he met bnefly with the first officer<br />

who had flown the inbound fiighi frcm ChH.<br />

After the passenger boarding was completed, the crew performed<br />

weight mnd balance calculations. The flightcrew moved four passengers fran?.<br />

Section A to seats in Section C to achieve the proper balance for the airplane. This<br />

was refiected on the completed weight and balance caiculations for the accident<br />

flight<br />

The airplane departed the gate at 2158 (as reported by ACA flight<br />

following) with five passengers on board, Tne flight was planned to cruise at an<br />

altitude of 14,000 feet above mean sea level (mi) wit% an en route fligh: time of<br />

1 hour and 30 mbutes.<br />

Whiie en route, at 225930, the radar controller at the Indianapolis Air<br />

Roue Traffic Control enter (ARTCC), staled, “Blue Ridge 291, be advised, ah,<br />

just had a repart of some icing at 14,000, 10 o‘clock to you and, ah, about 25 -<br />

30miies.” The captain, who was flying the airplane, replied, “You said that was<br />

some light rime?” The controller then transmitted, “404CK, what kind of icing were<br />

you getcing?” The pilot of the aircraft responded, “h.oderate, moderate rime on up<br />

to 14,320 and we’re, ah, we’re in the clear, ~5: b the clear above us up here at<br />

15,oOO.” After receivilg the report and thanking the pilot, the controller relayed,<br />

“Blue Ridge 291, he said it was moderate rime iCig up $9 14,GOO.” At 2302:28, the<br />

fli&tcrew of Blue Ridge 291 inquired, “And hdjmapolis Center, Eke Ridge 291,

3<br />

can we get, ah, 15,009 for a littie while?” The request was granted. At 23%:42,<br />

the radar controller transmitted, “And Blue Ridge 291, pilots discretion maintain<br />

1 1,oeQ,” to which the flightcrew xepeated the Clem=, acknowledging the call.<br />

About 2310, flight 291 contacted CMH approach control and advised<br />

the controller that they were descending though 13,200 feet for I1,OOO feet and thal<br />

they had Antomtic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) information Alpha. ATIS<br />

information Alpha was as follows:<br />

Measured 1,100 overcast, visibiiity 6, light snow, fog, temperature<br />

23, dew point 22, winds 330 at 4, altimeter 29.97, Ei Runway<br />

28 Left approach in use, also landing runway 28 right.<br />

Right 291 was assigned a 285-degree heading to intercept the IIS for<br />

---..-> =:mar‘ --- 38T. at C-MH and was cleaEd to descezd to !O,ocX, feet At 2315, fiight<br />

291 was advised of the updated weather report at CMH (AITS Bravo), which the<br />

crew a&noivIedged. It read as foIlows:<br />

Special weather 0410 Zulu [2310] measured ceiling 8W overcast,<br />

visibility 2 !,2,<br />

light snow, fog, wind 3W EX 4, altimeter 29.97.<br />

At 231628, flight 291 was advised of their position, 10 miles from<br />

SLJ,’ to maintain 3,000 until established os the :ocalizer, anand was cleeared for<br />

the I U approach to mwzy 28L ai CMH. (See Eguxe 1). The flight zcknowkdged<br />

the clearance. About 1 mkute lakr, air W e control (AX) instructed flight 291 to<br />

reduce its speed to 170 bots and to contact the CMH tower controller.<br />

At 231,758, sounds shilar to a reductior? in propelIer/engine noise<br />

amplik& is noted on the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) transcript. The full CYR<br />

tmscript, including all AT6 tmmmissicns within that period of time, is included in<br />

appendix B.<br />

At 2318:20, the crew contacted the CW3 local tower contrdler.<br />

controller cleared rl,ght 291 to land on runway 28L. The last transmission to ATC<br />

received from the airplane before the accident was the acknowledgment of tint<br />

dearance.<br />

%ne iridal approach fix (lA3 for the IL3 approach to runway 28L at CMH.<br />


A.<br />

4<br />

I 1230'*<br />

1 . Not for Navigational Purposes<br />

1 MISSED APP~KW Climb to 2700' direct CB LOM and hold.<br />

Figure 1 .--CMH approach chart.

portion of the flight were:<br />

23 18:44<br />

2318:46<br />

231853<br />

2319:14<br />

231930<br />

2319:36.8<br />

2320:01.3<br />

2320:02.3<br />

2320:08.5<br />

232025.6<br />

232031.6<br />

232036.1<br />

232035.1<br />

232039.8<br />

2320.41.1<br />

232041.6<br />

232042.7<br />

232044.5<br />

232a46.2<br />

2320:45.6<br />

232047.2<br />

232Q48.1<br />

232049.5<br />

232050.2<br />

2320:58.8<br />

232051<br />

232052.3<br />

First Officer<br />

Captain<br />

First Officer<br />

Caplain<br />

Captain<br />

First Officer<br />

captain<br />

Captain<br />

First 3fficer<br />

First officer<br />

Captain<br />

First Officer<br />

Captain<br />

First Officer<br />

Captab<br />

First Officer<br />

First Officer<br />

Captain<br />

captain<br />

First Officer<br />

ref is 112, I gotta plug that (too)<br />

1 did it for you<br />

here comes the glideslope<br />

sounds similar to altitude or gear<br />

warning alerts<br />

and wefe maker inbound<br />

don't forger to give me my caiis i,X4 is<br />

DH<br />

a thousand above<br />

okay flaps nine<br />

geaI down<br />

flaps rifteen landing gear down three<br />

green<br />

condition levers a hund- condition<br />

levers a hundred percent<br />

okay give me a hunk4 pem2t please<br />

a hundred percent flows at three<br />

sounds of increase in propeller/engine<br />

Bg*<br />

three<br />

yaw damper<br />

and autopilot to go don't touch<br />

don't touch<br />

holding on the yaw damper<br />

s~m& similar KI bha2. Jf a stick shaker<br />

Start<br />

sound of seven tones similar to that af<br />

autopilot disconnect alert<br />

Tony<br />

sounds similar to a stick shaker stop<br />

what did you do?<br />

I didn't do nothing<br />

sound similar to lhat of stick shaker<br />

St2rtS<br />

sounds similar to that of an increase in<br />

prop/engine noise amplitude

232052.5<br />

232053.7<br />

232053.7<br />

232054.0<br />

232054.3<br />

232055.3<br />

232357.5<br />

6<br />

captain g h e flaps up<br />

sow.ds sk&r<br />

stop<br />

to that d stick shaker<br />

CaPQiXl no no hold it<br />

the GPWS transmits '%I!"<br />

soinds similar to that of stick shaker<br />

starting again and continuing to the end<br />

of zecording<br />

captain gimme flaps up<br />

sc~~~ds rid= tn fht of change in or<br />

addition io stick shaker<br />

captair, whoa<br />

sound of impact<br />

The crash occurred about 2321 during the hours of darkness. The<br />

airplane came to rest about 1.2 miles east of the threshold of Cms runway 28L at<br />

39" 59' 31.8" noah latihde and 8 2 O 50' 49.8" west !ongitude. The accident site<br />

elevation was 866 feet msl.<br />

1.2 Injuries to Persons<br />

Injuries Flightcrew Cabincrew Pzssenpers Other<br />

Fatal 2 1 2 0 5<br />

Serious 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Minor<br />

None<br />

Total<br />

0<br />

- 0<br />

2<br />

0<br />

- 0<br />

:<br />

2<br />

- 1<br />

5<br />

0<br />

- 0<br />

0<br />

2<br />

1<br />

8<br />

-<br />

1.3 Damage to Aircraft<br />

The airplane was partially destroyed by %e impact with trees and a<br />

concrete block structure. It was then consumed by a postcrash fm. The airplane's<br />

value was estimated at $7 million.<br />

1.4 Othei Damage<br />

Numerous trees, the highest of which was approximately 60 feet tall,<br />

were destroyed. A storage warehouse, built in 1989, was destroyed when &e

1.3 Personce! Information<br />

1.5.1 The Captain<br />

7<br />

The czptai?, age 35, had been hired by ACA on April 13, 1992, as a<br />

first officer on the Mstreeam 3201 (3-3201). He completed transition training and<br />

upgraded to captain in the J-4101 on October 26,1993. He held an airline transport<br />

piiot (ATP) cerlificate with mtings and limitations for airplane multiengine land,<br />

BA-4100, and commercial pilot privileges for shgle-ertgine land airplanes. He also<br />

possessed a flight instfictor certificate with ratings and limitations for airplane<br />

single and multien,oine, instrument airplane. His total pilot &me was 3,660.4 hours,<br />

oi which 1,373.4 horn were &&0pr00 airplmes. He had acc-mulared<br />

191.9 hours in the J-4101, of which 150.8 was log_red ifs he pilot fligfft time ipiiot-<br />

bncommand (PIC) rime), 39.1 hours night experience, md 23.5 hours instrument<br />

experience. The captah possessed a first class medical erlificztte issued on<br />

September 20,1993. It contained na limitations.<br />

The captain earned a Bachelor's degree in urban systems and had<br />

previously been employed as a computer pmgmrmer. He began his a-:iation career<br />

%I l98.5, and had worked as a rlight instructor in 1987. He worked periodically as a<br />

%SM 2% charter pilot in th~ northeastern United States €or about 4 years until he<br />

was hired by ACA and entered Jetstree 3200 fmt officer training. He completed<br />

trainicg but failed kk initial second-&command (SIC) 14 CFR Part 135.293<br />

sirnulator check on May 7, 1992, as a mult of dif5dSeiies +*th Lmtmnent<br />

" -..-... -* --I_<br />

-------&-.- .-A<br />

a~pvaa.lrw auu il"l-r_r<br />

Lr.IA&- -.---A*- p-cuu'cs. A k n 2 ~ A hnlltr dAitign~1<br />

1 UIIl d.Y U".&.Y VI YLUYIU ..-. rimnlnt~+ tminino<br />

a,<br />

he successfuily completed the simu!ator check on May 12, 1992. He was assigned<br />

5-3201 SIC duties on June 1,1992.<br />

AKA Jetsiream 4100 training was conducted under contract with<br />

Reflectone Training Center (RTCj, Sterling, Vire@nia, and included ground school<br />

axd flight training for the J4101.<br />

The captain's RTC 1-4101 instructolrs described him as an average<br />

student. After completing 13.2 hours ir, f-4101 upgrade/transition trakhg, which<br />

--.,-as his fist exposure to a "glass mockpit" type aircd, the captain failed his kitid

a<br />

J-401 type rating check ride on September 30, 1993, because of difficulties with<br />

instrument approaches, emergency procedures, and judgment. The Federal Aviation<br />

Administration (FAA) examiner who adminisrewi fie faiied check ride reported<br />

that the captain entered a pilot-induced oscillation while conducting an ILS<br />

approach on standby inshuments during which the stick shah activated. He<br />

observed that the =pain was 'husually nervaus" during the check ride.<br />

The captain subsequently received 2 hours and 20 minutes of additional<br />

flighi training on October 6, 1993. He succes!.fuBy passed a follow-up check ride<br />

given by the same FAA exminer and received a type rating in the J-4100 OR<br />

October 7, 1993. He was assigned 3-4131 PIC duties zs a reserve captain OR<br />

October 26, 1993, after completing 21.2 hours and 1 I landings during initial<br />

operating experieme (i@E). Pnor to his assi-merit as a 3-4101 reserve captain, he<br />

had not served as 2 PIC in ai- carrier line operations.<br />

At the request of the Safety Board, ACA provided a list of all fligbts<br />

the captain undertook within the 90 day period before the acci-dent mad the time of<br />

day the flights were made. This period included all fights he commanded as PIC of<br />

the J-4100. Meteoroiogical information for thc conditions existing 2t the times, and<br />

the locations of those flights was obtained to determine the nature of the weather the<br />

captain lilkely encounrered at tile time.<br />

The results indicate that during the previous W-day period, the captain<br />

flew a totz! of 24 approaches to ten airports. Columbus, Ohio, was not one of these<br />

airports. %e approach was flown when frozen precipitation was reported wit.?<br />

iernpcrames below freezing. Xone of the 24 approaches were performed d e g<br />

darkness, with frozen precipitation, in instrument meteorologicat conditions WC).<br />

The captain had been offduQ ard at home dilring the 3 days prior to<br />

the accident. His activities and meals, according to his spouse, were normal. His<br />

rest was also normal: he rzceived apprcximatelq- 3 hours of sleep each night.

9<br />

About 0200 on fanuary 7,19<strong>94</strong>, the captain was n&fiea by ACA crew<br />

scheduling that his reserve sratus was being elevated to "A reserve status, which<br />

required him to =port for duty within 90 minlltes of notification to facilitate<br />

mtkipated crew requireaem. As a result, he took a taxi to Stamford and then flew<br />

to Washington early on the morning of January 7, 19<strong>94</strong>, to NNI that r;eqUkement.<br />

'FWe in the Washington, D.C., area during that day, he shared a hotel ma near<br />

IAD witb the first officer of flight 291 and was later notified to report for the<br />

accident flight The captain reported for the flight at 2021. No witnesses were<br />

fmated &at could describe the captains activities while at the hotel, or indicate the<br />

time that the captain went to k d on the night of famary 6, i934.<br />

The fit officer of ACA f@ht 6163, the fli@ prior to the accident<br />

flight, reported that after arriving at IAD, he secured the accident akraft and was<br />

preparing tr, go 0% drrv when he encountered the crprain on the ramp and spoke<br />

with him concekg the weatier. Tic first officer stated that the captain appeared<br />

n o d in all respects. tht his demeanor vw dm ad professional, and that he was<br />

'koncerned" about the weather.<br />


a<br />

10<br />

cemficate with ratings and limitations for airplane single-engine and jnstmment<br />

airpkme. ITIS total pilot time was 2,432.9 hours of which 110 hours were m<br />

turboprop airplanes. At the time of the acci&ent, the fmt officer %it2 accrued a total<br />

of 32.1 hours in the f-4101, of which 4 hours (iciucikg 1.5 hwxs on the accident<br />

flighr) were We experience, and 28.1 hours were in flighr ixzkg, IOE, and<br />

checking. He had a total of 16.3 hours night experience, and 11.5 hours & s t<br />

experience t? the J-4101. The first oficer field a first class medical certifhte<br />

issued on February 15, 1993 (second class medid cerltficate privileges after<br />

August 1993), that cootzined no limitations.<br />

Ihe first officer had ;lot: previously been employed as an air &.a<br />

pilot. He had ken hired by ACA as a first officer 3 months befaz the accident He<br />

had completed J-4101 secsz&k-comrmnd (SIC) pmd school and flight training<br />

administered by RTC one m ~th prior to the accident.<br />

The first officer's RTC instnrctors described him as an above average<br />

student. He was given m oral examination by ACA on Ncvember 9, 1993, and a<br />

SIC fiight check on Xsvemkr 22, 1993, and he passed the= both. Qn<br />

December 9,1993, he completed 1 I hours and 10 landings of IOE traiiling in the<br />

J4fOl and w2s zssigneci 3-4101 SIC duties as a reserve first officer.<br />

?"ne first officer had been off dsty at his home in Bn;ok;yn, New York,<br />

for 3 days prior to the accideni According to his spouse, he ate and rested nonnaily<br />

&xig this period.

accident. He shared the hotel mom with the captain unti! he reported for the flight<br />

Zi 2022 EST on january 7,19<strong>94</strong>.<br />

A search of FAA records showed that &?e fjrst officer bad 20 accident<br />

or violation history. A search of the first officer's FAA certification records showed<br />

that on February 2,1990, he was unsuccessful in his first attempt to obtain his flight<br />

inssructor's instrument certificate after failing the flight portion o€ the test. On<br />

Febq 5, 1990, he passed his flight instructor's instrument flight test and was<br />

hed a flight instructor's instrument certificate.<br />

1.6 Aircraft Information<br />

The airplane was manufittured on June 30,1993, by Jetstream Aimaft<br />

Lhited, Prestwick, Scotland, as a mo6el J-4iC9, Serial Xum-ber 41016. 8n that<br />

date, it was given an export certificate of airworthiness. British Aerospace, Inc.,<br />

urn restructured in 1992. and, as of Tmuary 1, 1993, the portion of t5e company<br />

*bt rnanEfactured turbopropeller aircraft was renamed Jetstream Aircraft Limited.<br />

The airplane was acquireci by ACA in July 1993. It was certificated as<br />

a J-4101 in the United SSRS as ;? msport-casegory airplme and was approved for<br />

operat;on in icing conditions. day and night visld fli-ght rules (VFR), instnunent<br />

flight rules tn;R), and reverse thrust taxi. Tfne airplane was configured to carry 29<br />

passengers, two pilots, and one Right actendant. The airplane was equipped with an<br />

autopilot, ground pmxiz-!ity war@ system (GPWS), CVR, and a digital flight data<br />

recorder (FIX).

12<br />

1. Use of the autopilot disconnect switch on either control yoke;<br />

2. Pressing the Engage switch on the autopilot control panel;<br />

3. Operating the electric trim switch on either yoke;<br />

4. Operating the master autopilot switch on the glare shield;<br />

5. Pressing the go-around button;<br />

6. Activation of either stick shaker,<br />

7. Pressing either FCS control switch;<br />

8. Selecting reversion of any EFIS component.<br />

The Jetstream series 4100 Manufacturer's Operating Manual, Volume 4<br />

(&$OM 41, section 10, Autopilot, subsection F Captions (1) Ap DISC [autopilot<br />

disconnect], states the fo!lowing:<br />

0 Disconnection of the autopilot causes the AP DISC (red)<br />

caption bo come on.<br />

o An output to the Audio Warning System (AWS) causes a<br />

horn to sound fol!.owing an autopilot disconnect. The horn<br />

sounds for tu;v seconds irrespective of the eausc a? ~<br />

disconnection.<br />

o The AP DISC caption comes on for two seconds following a<br />

pilot induced disconnection (e.g. stick shaker operation, GA<br />

[go around] selection or deliberate disconnection) and is on<br />

continuously followiig an autopilot sensed failure condition<br />

or AHRS [attitude and heading riference system] failure. A<br />

conti?uous warning is canceled by pushing the A/P OUT<br />

switch.<br />

On March 4,1934, Jetsrream Aircraft, Ltd., detemkd that portions of<br />

&e preceding information exceTted from the kiOM 4 were incorrect Jetstream<br />

issned a change on July 15, 19<strong>94</strong>, to correct the inaccuracies in the MOM 4<br />

regarding the autopilot audio waning S ~SI~M<br />

followkg a disconnect. According to<br />

jetstream, &hp, audio warning system sounds for 2 seconds following an intentional<br />

discomect by &e pilot (1, 2, or 5 h m the above autopilot disconnect list). Any<br />

other type autopilot disconnect (3,4,6,?, 8) activates the audio and visual warnings<br />

conti?uously until c anceled by the pilot.<br />


1.7 Meteorological Information<br />

13<br />

The 2200 National Weather Service (NWS) surface andysis chart for<br />

January 7, 19<strong>94</strong>, depicted a low pressure area in southern Norii Carolina, central<br />

Virginia and southex New Jersey. A cald front extended southwest into the Gal€ of<br />

Mexico from the low pressure area in Virginia, while a warm front extended to the<br />

east-northeast into the Atlantic. A trough of low pressure was located from<br />

northwest Pennsylvania and extended northwest into Minnesota. A westerly flow<br />

with high pressure was movlng into Ohio. The 0100 surface analysis for January 8,<br />

19<strong>94</strong>, showed a low pressure area in approximately eastern Maryland with a cold<br />

front extending to the southwest into ths Gulf of Mexico and a warm front extending<br />

to the east into the Atlantic. A surface trough extended from the low pressure center<br />

in Maryland northwest into Minnesota. figh pressure continued to build into Ohio.<br />

me 23011 NWS weather depiction chart showed IFR5 and marginal visual flight<br />

rules' (MVFRI6 conditions with snov throughout Ohio.<br />

Aimm's rneteorologicai Laformation (WT) advisories for the<br />

CMH area were issaed at 2045 and were valid until 03N on Jarmary 8, 19<strong>94</strong>, €or<br />

occasional: LFK conditions in precipitation aiiijvi hg; G~cierzZ W %ii<br />

between 8,000 and 20,ooO feet with isolated severe turbulence; and light to<br />

moderate rime/mirred icing in clouds and precipitation between 2,000 and<br />

19,ooO feet. There were no SIGMETs [si-gnificant meteomIogica1 information] in<br />

effect for the time and location of the accident.<br />

The &WS terminal wether forecast for Columbus, issued about 1<strong>94</strong>5<br />

and valid for the h e of the accident, was:<br />

P<br />

2000 to midnighk Ceiiing--800 feet c '%cast (visibility greater than<br />

6 riles); winds 33G degrees at 8 hots; occasional cei!iig<br />

1,200 feet overcast; visibi!ity 4 miles; light snow, fog.<br />

Amendment 1, issued at 23@8, was as follows:

14<br />

2308 to 0100: Ceiling--800 feet overcast; visibility 6 miles; fight<br />

snow, fog; occasional ceiling 1,200 feet overcast; visibility 2 miles;<br />

light sncw, fog.<br />

Amendment 2, issued at 2354, was as follows:<br />

2354 tc 0200: Ceilinp--500 feet overcasa; vi,sibi&y 2 miles; fight<br />

snow; winds 3%3 degrees at 10 knots; occasional ceilig 900 feet<br />

overcast; visibility 5 miles; light snow, fog.<br />

The N WS area forecast (FA) for Ohio, issded at 2045 and valid until<br />

January 8, 19<strong>94</strong>, at O900 was as folIows:<br />

Northwest of a Cicinnati, Ohio (CVG) - Cleveland, Ohio (CLE)<br />

line: Clouds 2,OOO to 3,000 feet brcken to scattered, 5,000 feet<br />

overcast, fops 8,000 feet, with widely scattered visibiIities 3 to<br />

5 miles in light snow showers.<br />

Southeast of a CVG-CLE line: Clouds 2,000 feet overcast, layered<br />

to 10,m feet, with visibiiities 3 IO 5 dies in iigiii snow, kg.<br />

The surface weartier observations for Colilmbns are made by the NWS.<br />

The NM-5 &ice is located about I 1/4 miles northwest of the approach end of<br />

mway 28L. The foiIowing observatiorfi were recorded<br />

Tirie-2250; type-record; ceiling-measured 1,100 feet overcast;<br />

visibility-6 miles: weat!Ier-light snow, fog; temperature-23O F.;<br />

dew poinr--22O F: wind-JIO degrees 6 knots; altimeter-<br />

29.97 hches. ("his observation was transmitted to outside aviation<br />

weather communica'ion circuits at 2251, transmitted on the<br />

Autcmated Weather Information System (AWIS), and received in<br />

the CM€i Air Traffic Control tower at 2249)?<br />

Time--2305; typz-specid; ceiiing--measmd 800 feet overcast;<br />

visibility6 miies; weather--light snow, fog; wind--290 degrees<br />

'The time sWp on the AWS transmissions was slower than the actual time of the recorded<br />


I9<strong>94</strong><br />

15<br />

6 hots; altimeter-29.96 inches. (This obsewatim was transmitted<br />

on AWS at 2396 and was reeived in the CMH tower at 23C5).<br />

Time--= 10; type--special; ceiiing--measured 800 feet overcast;<br />

visibility-2 If2 miles; weather-light snow, fog; wind--300 degrees<br />

6 knots; altimeter--29.% inches. (This observation was transmitted<br />

on AWIS at 23 10 and was received in the tower at 23 10).<br />

Tie--2328; type--special; ceiling--measured 700 feet overcast;<br />

visibility2 1f2 miles; weather--1igkt snow grains, fog; wind-<br />

230 degrees 5 knots; altimeter-29.96 inches. The snow grains<br />

began at 2315. (This observation was transmitted on !-WS ?I 2329<br />

and received in the tower at 2329).<br />

Tine-234Q type-special; ceiling--measured 500 feet overcast;<br />

visibility-:! 112 miles; weather--light snow grains, fog; wind-<br />

290 degrees 10 knots; altimeter-29.96 inches. (The observation<br />

was transmitted on AWIS at 2343 and received in the tower at<br />

2333).<br />

T~EE-Z~Q; Gp---~cord; ceiling-measured 500 feet overcast:<br />

visibility-2 1/2 miles; weather-light snow grains, fog;<br />

ternpcrat~re--23~F.; dew pint--22' F; wind--290 degrees I1 knots;<br />

altimeter--29.96 inches. (The observation was tranmiiieC on<br />

A\?TS at 2352 and received in the tower at 2352).<br />

Freezing drizzle wjzs reported between OOO5 and 0033 on January 8,<br />

The CMH h5VS wind gust recorder record showed wind speeds<br />

varying from 4 to 6 knots between 2300 and 2310. The maximum wind speed<br />

during this period was about 5 knots. Whd speeds increased to 14knots about<br />

2337. The wind speed zt 2315 was about 5 knots; ai 2320 about 4 hots; and at<br />

2325 about 4 hots. The wkd sensor is located about 115 feet north of the weather<br />

service o%ce at a height of about 30 feel abve ground levei.<br />

Upper air data for 19W, recorded at Daytor,, Ohio, abeu; 62 nauticzl<br />

miles west of CMH, showed a temperature of about -5 degrees C at tke surface.<br />

The temperatwe decreased to about -12 degrees C at around 8.000 feet. The wind

19<strong>94</strong>.<br />

6 knots; altheter--29.95 inches. (This observatim was hnsmitted<br />

on AWS at 2306 and was reeived in t!!~ CMH tower at 23%).<br />

Tme--BlO; OF--special; ceiling--measured 800 feet overcast;<br />

visibility2 In miles; weather--light snow, fog; wind--300 degrees<br />

6 knots; altimeter--29.96 inches. (This observation was mnsrnitted<br />

OF, AWIS at 2310 and was received in the tower at 2310).<br />

Time--232S; tyqx--speci&, ceiling-measured 700 feet overcast;<br />

visibility--2 1/2 miles; weather-light snow grains, fog; wind-<br />

270 degrees 5 knots; altimeter--29.96 inches. The snow grains<br />

began at 2315. observation was transmitted on F-WS nt 2329<br />

and received in the tower at 2329).<br />

T;Jne-2340; type--speciak ceiling--measured 500 feet overcast;<br />

visibility-' ln miles; weather--light snow grains, fog: wind-<br />

290degrees IO knots; altimeter-29.96 inches. Wie observation<br />

was trammitted OR AWS at 2343 and received in the tower at<br />

2343).<br />

TL~c--~_~_~CI: ~ye--~cor& ceeiIing--measured 500 feet overcast;<br />

vi~jibili~=-2 1/2 miles; weather-light snow grains, fog;<br />

tempe~turg--23~F.; dew p0iqt--22~ F; wind--290 degrees 1 1 knots;<br />

&i;neter--29.96 inches. (The observation was tran..&tted on<br />

AWS at 2352 and received in the tower at 2352).<br />

Freezing drizzle was reported between 0085 and 0033 on January S1<br />

The CMH hWS wind gust recorder record showed wind speeds<br />

varying from 4 to 6 knots between 2300 and 23110. The maximum wind speed<br />

during this period was about 5 knots. Vv7i3d speeds increased to 14 knots about<br />

2337. The wkd speed zt 2315 was about 5 knots; at 2320 about 4 knots; and at<br />

2325 about 4 knots. The wkd sensor is located about 115 feet north of the weather<br />

service office at a height of about 30 feet above ground level.<br />

Upper air data for i9W, recoded at Cayton, Ohio, about 62 iiautical<br />

miies west of Cbm, showed a temperatwe of about -5 degrees C at tie surface.<br />

The temperature decreased to about -12 degrees C at araund 8,000 feet. Tie wkd

16<br />

direction at the surface was northwesterly with a wind speed of about 3 knots. 'J%e<br />

wind speeds increased to about 18 hots at S,W feet. The wind direction at<br />

8,Gd feet was westerly. Moisture was evident from the surface up to aboul<br />

5,OOO feet.<br />

The weather idormation provided to the crew of N304UE included<br />

departure and destination weather, winds aloft, alternate weather, en route weather,<br />

and .WTs md SIGMETs. The information kcluded the 1950 CMH<br />

observation of 900 feet overcast, visibility S miles; the CMH terminal forecast<br />

indicating a forecast of 800 feet overcast, winds 330 degrees at 8 bo&, occasional<br />

1,200 feer overcast, visibility 4 m i l e s in light snow and fog, which was valid fer &e<br />

time of arrivak AEWETs for IFR, turbulence, and icing; and a pilot report zt 1911<br />

indicating moderate rkrne icing at a FL (flight level) cf 4,OOO feet from CVG to<br />

cm.<br />

The a$& and fLst oS:cer of an America Eagle flight, a<br />

SAAB/Fzk&ild SF-340. which landed at CMH about 2308, reported that during<br />

their ILS approach io rsnwzy 28L. they encountered light-to-moderate rimehixed<br />

ice. They we= provided a PEP biiot report] by air traffic ~0~001 of moderate<br />

iciilg kiow 2,700fee~ and they entered clouds descending between 6,ocIo and<br />

5,OOO feet. They cycled the deicing boots rhree times during the approach, and they<br />

nozed, &ring a postnight kspection, about 1/2 to 3f4 inch of ice on the unprotected<br />

surfaces of the airplane and no ice on the leading edges of the wings.<br />

The pilot of a Hawker Siddeley HS-1000 landed on runway BL, about<br />

2322, just befwe the accident airplae. He repor&ed that during descent, the<br />

airplane entered clouds Setween 8,OOO and 7,OOO feet. He said that he encountered<br />

light freezkg drizzle, light freezing rain, and ice fcg? and that the airplane<br />

accrt?lu!&ed rim2 ice during the approach. The cirplane has 3 fillid anti-ice system.<br />

He estimated a rate of accumulation of 114 inch for every 5 ininUtes of flight time.<br />

Because of the ice, he added 10 knots to his asspeed. He slid that there were no<br />

significant whd; during the approach. Tne pilot st&d that he broke out of the<br />

clozas at 500 feet and that the ILS approach was noma! with nc warning flags. He<br />

repor'td no ice acumiation on &e leagag edg: surfaces of the wing; however,<br />

dmig pstflight inspectioa he noted 1/4 to 1/2 inches of ice on the nose of the<br />

abpiane.<br />

Two individrrals reported encounrering freezirg mist whiie driving near<br />

t!!e aceideat si:e. One of them reported driving roughly parallel to the approach

17<br />

ccurse near fie outer marker about 5 minutes befoie &e accident, a d the other was<br />

driving to the accident site about 2340. Both of them j_r?scated diffi~ulty i~ &ing<br />

because of the freezing mist sticking to their windshields.<br />

1.8 Aids to Navigation<br />

%at<br />

Tiiere were no reported difficulties with the navigation aids used by the<br />

at the time of the accident. A postaccident flight test Ori January 9, 19<strong>94</strong>, and<br />

a ground check of the navigation aids, fsmd 30 malfunctions with the quipment.<br />

1.9 <strong>Com</strong>munications<br />

At 230322. the flightcrew of United Airlines flight 660 that lmded at<br />

CMH zdvised the Ixal controller of moderate ice between 2,500 and 3,000 feet.<br />

The local controller *en advised the radar controller cf the pilot report so that this<br />

inonnation co~id<br />

be passed to subsequent arrivals. The radar coiltrofier wrote this<br />

report on the back of a flightstrip and indicated the time o€ the receipt as 2336<br />

AFhough he provided phis information, zs reqdired, to other aircraft that were<br />

iandiiqg at CME, when the crew cf flight 291 made initial contact with him at<br />

231Ck16, %e report was not passed to them.<br />

At 23 1456, the ndar controller was relieved from the position, and he<br />

briefed &e xelieving controller of the pilot report; hoaever, he neglected ts advise<br />

her tha; tiis &formation haa Rot kea given to the €lightcrew of flignt. 291.<br />

?here were no other ~ O Wair-to-ground R mmmunications dikufties.<br />

The Pors Cohmbus InternationaI airport is 6 miles east of Columbus,<br />

Ohio. at an eievarion sf 815 feet. Tbe airport has three runways: ~JI'O parallel<br />

mways txiemec? iOR-28L and IOL-28R &mi 2 rhid runway, 5-23, isersects and<br />

crosses rk.3 2% approach end. Rmway 28L is 10,250 feet in !en@ ami 150 feet in<br />

wid%. Runway 28R is 6,900 fcef in length and 150 feet in width. Runway 5-23 is<br />

4,383 feet in iength and 150 fee1 in wid&. Runway 28R is Gle prefemd rmway for<br />

Usired Express due to the dose pmximiqf to its opera5ons.

approaches. Runway 28R has a localizer back course. Runway 5-23 does not have<br />

an approved instmnent approach.<br />

The airport has a fuli-time operational contrcf tower, ground mntrc:l,<br />

clearance delivev, an6 ATIS. Air tnffic instrument appoach services to the airport<br />

zre pruvided by Columbus approach control. The a‘Tort ab:, Z;as a UXICOM<br />

frequency.<br />

No reports or NOT’AMs [notice to aLmen], verbal or writtea, were<br />

issued to the fli,ghtcrew regarding malf~ctiopls or improper equipment cn tht.<br />

aitport. The pilot who landed just prior to the accident airplane reported that the<br />

runway 28L runway lights were operating normally, althoagh they x :re not on ~e<br />

highest intensity.<br />

1.11 Flight Recorders<br />

1.11.1 Cockpit Voice Recorder<br />

The airplane was equipped with a CVR that recorded cockpit area<br />

sounds. It was found about 2 feet fmm the separated empennage of the airplane and<br />

was sent to the Safety Board‘s lahwatory in Washington, D.C., go? readout.<br />

The majoriv of the CVR, a Universal solid-state digiial type recorder,<br />

sustained severe fire damage, but impact damage was ger-erally confiied to the fro^:<br />

side. Although all electronic components external to the crash case and thermsl<br />

protection jacket were desiroyed by fm, no damage to .the memory module was<br />

obsewed. The playback time of the recording was approximately 30 minuies and 1<br />

second (30:Ol). The recording was of excellent quality enhanced by the use of the<br />

intracocQit intercom system by the two crewmembers.<br />

1.11.2 Flight Data Xecorder<br />

“he postaccident fire was very intense, burning out of control for<br />

nezly 1 hour, consdig a large portio3 of the airplane. As a result, the hits of<br />

the solid state digital FDR’s ability to protect against fire were exceeded, and the<br />

memory module suffered some thermal damage.<br />

Tfie EDR, a Loral Fzirchild Model FlOW, was removed from the<br />

airplane wreckage and was brought to the Safety Boards laboratory in Wxhington,

i9<br />

\I;hle at the manufacturer's facility. the crash-survivable storzge unit<br />

(CSS',:) was disassernbfed and kspented domn to the internal flash Iremxy storage<br />

module. Repairs were made to she memory modufe, aIIowmg the recovery of &<br />

record& data

approximately 16 feet t~ward the wreck>ge site.. A pair of similar ruts, that<br />

exteaded about 3 feet, was four,d appximtely 85 feet fiom the fuselage and 2 feet<br />

tu &e left of ae wreckage path centerline. "be lateral distance between the first<br />

pair of NTS and %e second air of NS was about 20 feet. A third pair of ruts,<br />

8 inches wide. started ;?bauut 74 feet from the fuseiage and was found in the m;ddie<br />

of the two abve-rnentioned ruts. The= ruts continued for approximateiy 20 feet<br />

and terminated n-ar *he was of the building. The aft tail cone structure was feud<br />

where these i=ls s-med.

A-<strong>94</strong>-67<br />


24<br />

crewmembers abow the need to align the buckie insert to assure<br />

easy release or" the safety belts.<br />

A-<strong>94</strong>68<br />

Issue a? Airworthiness DiPective to quire the removal and<br />

replacement of &I safety belts mz~nf~cm-c.~ 5;. Pacific Scientific for<br />

Part Number 1108435 buckles, with the 4.5' lift levers, md Part<br />

Number 1108460 buckles with the 9@ lift levers, with belts having<br />

buckles of a different design as expeditiously as possible, consistent<br />

with the availability of replacement buckles.<br />

A-<strong>94</strong>-69<br />

Amend TSGC22f to incorporate procedures which wodd place<br />

material representative of soft abdominal tissue between the test<br />

appamus and the release hckle to emure that safety belts can be<br />

released when subjected to loads specified in the TSO.<br />

On June 5, 19<strong>94</strong>, the FAA responded to the Safety Board concerning<br />

Safety Recornrendations A-<strong>94</strong>-67 ihrocgh -69. &I its reply to the FAA in a letter<br />

dated September 1, 19<strong>94</strong>, the Safety Board classified these three recommendations<br />

as follows:<br />

a as<br />

,*<br />

@pen--<br />

Unacceptable Response" due to the failure of the FAA to address<br />

the need for operators to warn passengers of the possr~ility of inservice<br />

buckles not operating pmpzrly. Safety recommendation A-<br />

83-68 was c!assified as "Open--Acceptable Response" based on the<br />

FAA's actions of issuing ai? Airworthiness Dictive to require the<br />

removal and replacement of all safety belts manufactured by PacXc<br />

Scientific with specific part numbers. Safety recommendation A-<br />

<strong>94</strong>-69 was classified as "Open-Unacceptable Response," because<br />

the actions takes by the FAA have not incorporated procedures<br />

which would place material representative of soft abdomirtal tissue<br />

between the test apparatus and the release buckle.<br />

Safety recornmendanon A-Y.~-VI -* c- -.-- wa3 .,x,s.e. c ~ ~ o c ; ~<br />

One of &e two passengers who was overcome by snoke and soot was<br />

observed after the krplane c me to rest by the male passenger of the family of k e

1-16 Tests and Research<br />

1.16.1 Flightpath Reconstruction<br />

Port CoIumbus International Airport has an automated radar terminal<br />

system (ARTS) operated by the FAA. An FAA-supplied magnetic tape containing<br />

recorded data from ihe facility's computer was rezd out in the Safety Board's<br />

laboratory. The radar ground track for the accident airplane was plotted s wig<br />

3hut 7 minutes before the crash, when uze airplane was about 25 miles from the<br />

runway, until loss of contzct at 232057.<br />

The location of selected evems from the CVR and FDR are overlaid on<br />

the radar data plots in fiws 2, 3, and 4. Each event location (dot) was<br />

interpolated from the nearest radar data (circles). Radai altitudes were increased<br />

75 feet to reflect actual altitide in feet msl.<br />

Starting at the outer marker, the profile view of the approach is plotted<br />

in iigures 5 ad 6. The local time, processed recorded radar altitude, FDR indicated<br />

airspeed, and dialogue from the CVR are also shown on thf:se plots. The ILS<br />

b Glideslope deviation recorded by the FDR is shown with the ~ angle syrnboi on the<br />

plot. Because ody selected events are show, some FDR events or CVR sounds in<br />

the cockpit are not shown on these plots.<br />

The following is 2 brief description of the final minutes of flight data<br />

recorder information:<br />

At 231855, the "auproach capture mode" indicated a transition to<br />

"capture" as the &S glideslope (G/S) value indicated less than<br />

1/2 dot lww. The altitude was 2,988 feet and the airspeed was<br />

I80 knots. The autopilot was "on." The data indicate passing the<br />

cenkr of the outer marker 14 seccnds late: at an ahpeed of<br />

178 hots as the altitude decreased through 2,784 feet, and the

26<br />

NORTH RANGE - N.M.<br />

Figm 2.--Seiected events from the CVR and &WR.

'i-<br />

'i I<br />

i<br />

1 :<br />

2875 0<br />

27<br />

& I i<br />

2<br />

-1.5 4.5 0.5 1.5 2s 3.5<br />

NORTH RANGE - N.M.<br />

Figure 3.-- Selected events from the CVR and FDR.

28<br />

NORTH RANGE - M.M.<br />

Figure 4.-- Selected events from the CVR and FDR.


i i<br />

n) 9<br />


Figure 5.--Profile view of approach.

500 1.000<br />

'-I r<br />

i<br />

I<br />

i<br />

1<br />

7.3 L<br />

1.7 1<br />

1<br />

i<br />


1.500 2.000<br />

L' 1<br />

OE<br />


31<br />

airpbne remained on the Iocalizer and G/S with the gear and flaps<br />

in the up position.<br />

At 2320102, engine torque vahes decreased from a previously<br />

steady value of 25 percent tn t:&veen 6 and 11 percent, wMe the<br />

propeller rpm values rerained steady at 97 percent. The airspeed<br />

was 174 knots and Erm-easing. The flaps began to move from the<br />

full-up position 4 seconds later, reaching 15' at 232025.<br />

At 2320:42, the airplane started to descend below glideslope<br />

I.? miles from the runway at an airspeed of 115 knots. CVR and/or<br />

FDR data show that the Ian&ng gear were down, and wing flaps<br />

were ai 15". Further, the altitude was approximately 637 feet above<br />

runway elevation, and airspeed was 115 hots indicated airspeed<br />

(KIAS) at 2320:42.<br />

At 2320:45, the autopilot and yaw h-mr trmsitioned to "off" as<br />

the airspeed decreased to 104 knots, and the radio altitude indicated<br />

410 feet. The G/S data indicated that rple airplane was less than<br />

1/2 dot !ow, as the AOA ad pitch attitude vzhes increased to<br />

14.6' and 3.7', respectively.<br />

At 232046.6, the airplane was about 2/3 of a dot below glideslope<br />

when the stall warning system (stick shaker) activated. According<br />

to company procedures, the minimum ILS approach speed at this<br />

stage of the approach should have been 130 IUAS. The stick shaker<br />

activated at 104.5 KIA3 and remained on for 2.9 seconds, until

32<br />

2320A9.5: The stick shaker activated for the second time at<br />

232051.0,101.5 KIAS, and 315 feet above the ground. FDR vane<br />

angle-of-attack (AOA) values exceeded the stick pusher activation<br />

threshoiri v^.+'O of a second after the stick shaker activated. The<br />

-n<br />

pun<br />

-x-. CL-C P<br />

JIIUWJ u1w q + t toques *beg&? tc, rise abme idle thrust at<br />

232052.0, or 5.4 seconds after the stick shaker fmt aetkated. At<br />

232054.9, FDR data show that the flap angle had started a steady<br />

decrease th2t reached 0' by ground impact. Vane AOA values<br />

rcpxt.-tq1y exceeded the stick shaker and stick pusher thresholds<br />

during the final descent, until the airplane crashed at 232190. The<br />

evidence indicates that pitch attitude and wing AOA were<br />

bxeasing and decreasing in response to nose-up and nose-down<br />

elevator deflections, respectively.<br />

During the remaining 15 seconds of recorded data, the airplane<br />

entered a series of pitch and roll oscillations, the power was<br />

kc~eascd z& thz Szps we% xaised. The peak vertica! acceleration<br />

recorded during this period was 1.52 "G," and lowest and highest<br />

airspeeds were 99.4 and 124 knots, respectively. The peak torque<br />

value w2s 84 percent recorded for the right engine 2 seconds before<br />

the end of data. ne end of data was recorded at 2321:01, as the<br />

pitch attitude indicated 22O nose up, ana m!l sttitude indicated 1.4O<br />

right wing down<br />

1.16.2 Fiight Tests<br />

Under the supervision of the Safety Board, Jetstream Aircraft Cited<br />

performed several flight tests to examine the high speed approacR techniques and<br />

staII handling characteristics of the J-4100. The tests were carried out to:<br />

1) Determine the stall warning speed appropriate to the<br />

configurztion of the accident aircraft.<br />

'Tis are reported to the nearest tenth of a second lrom 2319:32 until the end of the recording<br />

at 2321:Oi.<br />

fO§tra.?ght tine intergolation between data poi:ts was used to determine P;DR values to the nearest<br />

tenth of a second.

33<br />

2) Demomtrate recovery from autopilot disconnect at stall<br />

waning during an ILS coupled approach.<br />

The flight tests were conducted at the Jetstream facilities, Pmtwick<br />

Airport, Ayshire, Scotland, in February 19<strong>94</strong>. The airplane med for the flight tests<br />

was a current production J-4iW. The ody- nm~ai&-& i”tm L: &e &@ze we=<br />

two video cameras fitted to record a general cockpit view and a close-up view of the<br />

captaids electronic attitude director (or display) indicator (EADI). All relevant<br />

parameters were recorded on the FDR to enable a direct comparison with the<br />

accident airplane. The airplane was loaded similarly to the accident airplane.<br />

Various stall approaches were flown to establish the effect of engine<br />

anti-ice bleed and accelerated approach rate on stall warning and stall identification<br />

speeds. Flight tests included: approacks flown that were similar to that of the<br />

accident airplane; a denonstration of the free respowe of the airplane following<br />

autopilot disconnect; and the effect of higher apprcach rates an8 lower flight idle<br />

torques on stall speeds. The resuits were. then cornpared with the infomtion<br />

svailable cr! the accident airplaae.<br />

Recoveries from stick shaker were demonstrated in flight from both<br />

conventional stall approaches and mupled ILS approaches. Recoveries from stick<br />

pusher were also demonstrated in flight from conventional stali approaches, but ILS<br />

approachss were simulated to maintain zafk aititcdes. ILS approaches were<br />

simulated by placing the autopilot in vertical speed mode and allcwing airspeed to<br />

decrease until stick shaker activated and disconnected the autopilot.<br />

The airplane recovered without difficulty in each of the flight tests.<br />

When recovery action (described i~ the I41 MOM) was taken immediately after<br />

stick shaker, a further height loss of z.pproxi?ately 20 feet was experienced. The<br />

height loss wben recovery action was not initiated until stick pusF : was<br />

approximately 250 feet. Airplane response was also analyzed by flyiig to the<br />

autopilot disconnect (stick shaker) and allowing the airplane to respond “hands<br />

free” for approximately 5 seconds. Data from the flight tests was then compared<br />

with that of the accidect aircraft which showed similar decreases in normal<br />

acceleration, and nose-down pitch rates of approximately 2 to 3 degws per second.

34<br />

Allowing for the effect of low flight idle (F/r) torques, high<br />

deceleration rate, ice A0At1 on, and center of gravity corrections consistent with<br />

the accident scenario, tle estimated stall warning speed would be 97.5 knots.<br />

However, the stick shaker (stax waming) activated on the accident flight at 184.5<br />

hots. According to the flight test report by Jetstream, the 7 knots had two<br />

c~mpme~ts--&~~t 35 knots due to aerodphc lift degradation from ice, and<br />

3.5 knots due to the high (2 to 3 knots per second) deceleration rate.<br />

1.16.3 Systems Teardown and Examination<br /> Ice and Rain Protection System<br />

The J-4101 ice and rain protection system is designed to keep the<br />

airpiane surfaces and the rain windshieids clear of ice and rain in all weather<br />

conditions. The ice and rain protection system consists of:<br />

Wing and stabilizer leading edge de-icing (boots)<br />

Stall and AOA sensor x,J-icing (heat)<br />

Elevator horn anti-icing (heat)<br />

Totd air temperature (TATJ probe anti-icing (heat)<br />

Engine air intakes anti-icing (heat)<br />

Pitot and static port anti-icing (heat)<br />

Windshield anti-icing and rain removal (heat)<br />

Propeller anti-ichg (boots)<br />

The wing, horizontal and vertical stabilizers are fitted with rubber<br />

boots tkt inflate to break off accumulated ice. The boots operate from engine bleed<br />

air pressure &at has been regulated to approximately 25 pounds per square inch<br />

@si) and controlled by either a manual switch or autoritidiy via a the6 cirmit.<br />

An ejector valve provides negative pressure to hold the boots along the leading<br />

edges when not in use.<br />

The stall AOA sensor is electrically heated and controlied by the left<br />

and right air data switches. The case heaters, which ensure that $he stall AOA<br />

sensors move freely in freezing condieions, are powered continuously, and the AOA.<br />

sensors are activated concurrent with the air datz switches.<br />

"See sections and for an expIanation of the AOA system.

The elevator horn anti-icing systems are electrically powered and<br />

controlled by the engine air intake switches (ENGELEV --ICE). The syskm<br />

receives inputs from the landing gear position and the engine-inlet anti-ice system.<br />

The total air temperature (TAT) probe anti-ice system is electrically<br />

powered and controlled by the left air data switch. The system receives input &TI<br />

the landing gear position and waming system.<br />

Thz air intake anti-ice systems on the left and right engines utilize a<br />

combination of hot engine oil and bleed air from the engine. The left engine system<br />

and right engie system are controlled by separate switches.<br />

The three pitot tubes and two static ports are provided anti-ice<br />

protection by electrical power controlled by the left and right air da& switches.<br />

The main windshield anti-ice system is electrically powered by<br />

separate inverters and cuntrolled by sqarate switches for &e left and right<br />

windshields. The liquid accum&tion is removed from. ~e windshields using left<br />

and @it windshield wipers. Contamination is mnoved by washing fiuid p ~~qed<br />

tlmugh spray bars mounted on the wiper arm.<br />

The propellers zrt: provided anti-ice protection by electrical power<br />

controlled by switches md a timer. The timer mon~+-m and cycles the electrical<br />

current to specific areas of the propeller anti-ice bocl.<br />

The airplane is equipped with an Ice detection system. The system<br />

gives a visual and audible waming of icing conditions. The system operates<br />

continuousiy and includes a vibrating rod which is exposed to the airflow. As ice<br />

ilcr;ul?iu1arcs,<br />

--’-& Lb~-&u~&s<br />

:-e 1 Ann I”.. -AA nnnnnt<br />

w -....,. nrctain ” --_--_ the -_- ____. -nnm$nal frnpncy, md fie system<br />

activates visual ard aural alarms in the cockpit.<br />

The airplane ice protection systems were extensively damaged. The<br />

wing deicing timer was found crushed and severely blnrned in the debris. No<br />

information could be obtained &om the her. The pneumatic deich~!, and electricai<br />

and bleed air anti-icing systems were examined €or failures. naalfunctions or<br />

evidence of preiqact anomalies. The airplane’s ice contxol switches could not be<br />

found. &?a pneumatic distribution valves were found. The left stabilizer pneumatic<br />

deice boot was attached but was extensively heat damaged with iarge Ereas melteii.<br />

Most of the right stabilizer pneumatic deice boor was consumed by fire. Only

36 ~<br />

remmnts of melted rubber and small mas of boot material attached at the<br />

peripheries of the stabilizer rmained. The stabilizer surfaces, where the boot had<br />

been attached, Pxhibited scorching and extreme heat discoloration of the metal, wirlh<br />

some melted alirminum areas. The vertical stabilizer pneumatic deice boot was<br />

almost completely burned away with some boot material adhering to the top and<br />

sides of the StabiIizer.<br />

The windshieid wiper controls were not found. The windshield wiper<br />

arms were found fire damaged and separated from their mounting shafts.<br />

The elevator horn heated mats, the ice detector probe, and one of the<br />

pitot tubes were examined. All of these parts were extremely fi and impact<br />

damaged. No anornali.zs were noted.<br /> Stall Warning Systems<br />

A ground test procedure was performed on a sister airplane stall<br />

warnir?g system that activated the left (No. 1) system. The left stall warning light<br />

il!&%inated on the coming panels of both pilots, and the stick shaker activated on<br />

the captain's control column. A similar rest was performed on the right (NO. 2) stall<br />

warning system. When tested, the right-hand light on the coarnkg panels of both<br />

pilots illuminated, and the stick shaker on the copilot's control column activated.<br />

When both systems were simultaneously tested, the left and right lights<br />

on the coa~tning panels of both pilots illuminated, both stick shakers activated, and<br />

the stick pusher was enabled. The control column moved forward in response to the<br />

stick pusher. A 65-pound force was required on the co~trol column to override the<br />

stick pusher.<br />

The autopilot was engaged in both the basic mode and in the coupled<br />

mode. h i g either stall waning test, the autopilot became disconnected when the<br />

stick shaker activated. Indications included an aural tone and the red -4P DISC<br />

warning light.<br />

During the air mode GC operation, the ground test features were<br />

disabled and the sta!l warning identification functions were enabled, according to<br />

the Jetstream 4100 MmrafacWr's Operating Manual, Volume 4. Tie ice mode of<br />

the AOA system could only be enabled in the air when either the left or right<br />

engine/eIevstor anti-ice system was activated and the airplane had exceeded

37<br />

I45 hots. When the two conditions were met, a greea "ICING AOA." light<br />

illuminated on the center instrument panel. When the indicator light was<br />

illuminated, the system was in the ice mode, and the AQA at which stick shaker and<br />

stick pusher occurred were reduced. To compensate for the reduced AQA inputs,<br />

additional speed was added to the approach reference speeds for 15-degree and<br />

254egree flap landing reference speeds: 12 knots was added for the icing AOA<br />

15degree flap speeds, and 7 knots was added Sor the 25-degree fiap re." Azxnce<br />

speeds, according to the ACA V-speed reference cards. The ice mode was disabled<br />

if the engine/elevator anti-ice switches were tunred off and the STALL ICE MODE<br />

PUSH TO CANCEL was depressed.<br />

The examination of the burned wreckage failed tu disclose the<br />

condition and/or operation of the stall warning system at the time of the acciden?.<br /> Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)<br />

The airplane was equipped with a GPWS that used the =-VI Ground<br />

Proximity Warning <strong>Com</strong>puter (GPWC) to provic'e alerts and warnings for<br />

inadvertent flight into terrain. On Jeistream 4181 airplanes, the stick shaker inhibits<br />

the aura! warning given by the GPWS, &iough the GPWS alert lamps are siot<br />

inhibited and will i!luminate.<br />

At radio altiixdes between 150 and 925 feet, a GPWS "glideslope"<br />

callout will be heard when the airplane is o:n an ILS approach and descends<br />

approximately 13 dots below the glideslope. At 232050.2, linearly interpolated<br />

FDR data show that the radio altitude on the accident flight was approximately<br />

339 feci as the ILS giidieslope deviation reached approximately 1.3 dots low.<br />

Eowever, the stick shaker started less than 1 second later, which would inhibit all<br />

GPWS cailouts. The glideslope callout was not heard on the C\X.<br />

A "pull up" callout is generated by the GPWS to warn pilo'ts of high<br />

dexent ates near terrain. FDR data from the accident flight show a radio aItimde<br />

of approximately 208 feet and a barometric descent rare of approximately 2,500 feet<br />

per minute when the sound of stick shaker ceased for approximately 0.6 second,<br />

from 232053.7 until 232054.3. During this period, a "pull" callout from the GPWS<br />

was heard, starting at 2320:54.8 on the CVR. According to the GPWS<br />

manufacturer, after the warning envelope has been entered, the GPWC will<br />

startdstop the voice callout rapidly with stick shaker deactivation/activation. There<br />

is a 0.3-second delay for the "-VI GPWC (as installed on the accident airplane)

~~ .<br />

. . .<br />

38<br />

to mognize that stick shaker has deactivated, and a 0.065-second deIay needed to<br />

recognize that stick shaker has activated. The appropriate voice dout WS<br />

st&stQp immediately aftex stick shaker off/on recognition takes place. Further,<br />

GPWS voice callouts always start at the beginning of the statement, but f t ~<br />

whenever the stick ;baker inhibit is pecognked.<br />

cat off<br />

According to tk CVR transcript, the "pull" callout started 0.3 seconds<br />

after fie sound of stick shaker ceased, which is cmsisrent with the delay specified<br />

by the GPWS manufacturer. The CVR indicated that the "pull" dout lasted<br />

slightly less ehan 0.3 second. "&&ore, the ''pull" mllout by &e GPWS is<br />

consistent with an abbreviated "pull wp" when the stick shaker activated for the third<br />

fie at 232054.3 and 109 KIAS. The sound of stick shaker continued, and RO other<br />

GPWS callouts were heard from 232054.3 until the enr?, of the CVR recording.<br />

The GPWS on a sister airplane was ground tested. Upon activation,<br />

the audible glideslope warning was heard followed by the audible "puli up," and all<br />

lights illuminated in the GPW panel.<br />

1<br />

A subsequer:: test was conducted to include coupling the autopilot to<br />

an ILS frequency on the ground at the airport, activating both stall wmdg system<br />

tests and subsequently activating the GPWS test. The results included the<br />

autopilot disconnecting; both stick shakers and the stick pusher activating; md the<br />

GPVJS panel lights and stall identification Iights illuminating. lple audible warning<br />

of "gii&slope" and "pul! up" were silent.<br />

1.17 Additional Information<br />

1.1%P Corporate History and Organization<br />

On December 1 1989, ACA started as an east coast divisicn of<br />

Westair Akbes, hc. ACA was located at Dulles Inremational Airport. In 1991,<br />

the division was sold and began to operate as Atlantic Coast Airlines. The pwchase<br />

included 22 BA-3291s and 12 EMB-120s. BA-3101s previously olpemted at hues<br />

Airzort by Westair's East Coast division were exchanged for BA-YlOIs. The<br />

certification process of the new company was completed by the Washington ]Flight<br />

Standards District Office (FSDO) (EA-271, and ACA was ceMkated on<br />

December 17, 1991, as a 14 C!?R Part 135 air carrier. iprn January 1, 1992,<br />

operations began as United Exp~ss and served 35 cities.

39<br />

The new President of ACA was the former President of the east coast<br />

division of Wwtair Airlines, Inc. The positions of Senior Vice President of<br />

Operations and Msintenance and the Director of Technical Services were added.<br />

The Director of Operations was a former Vice President and Director of Operations<br />

for Precision Airlines, Lnc. He also served as &e Assistant Director of Operatiom<br />

a& Regional Flight Manager &lD) for Wc5tair ArSines, hc., prb: to the<br />

incorporation of ACA. The Chief Pilot af ACA was a formcr pilot and Xegioml<br />

Right Manager for Westair Airlines, hc.<br />

In October 1992, ACA began preparation to qualify for a 14 CFR<br />

Part 121 certificate to become effective April 1, 1993. The acquisition of 12<br />

Depiavilland DHC-8 airplanes from Air Wisconsin required a Part 121 operatian.<br />

The company submitted its request for certification under Part 121 to the<br />

Washington FSDO in Jmuary 1993. me certification to operate as a conbined<br />

Part 121/135 air came- was approved on April 1, 1993. The airline operated the<br />

GHC-8 aiqJlanes to destinations previously served by Iir Wisconsin and to<br />

destinations on the east coast.<br />

During 1992, routes were extended into New England and Canada.<br />

Service into Toionto was subsequently terminated by the corrrpany. In 1993, ACA<br />

expanded as a United Express carrier into Florida and spcated six BA-3201 aircraft<br />

in fhhat market. A pifot domicile was es!abIished at Orlando (MCO), Florida.<br />

In January 1993, ACA notified the Washington FSDO of its intention<br />

to place B.44101 (3.4101) airplanes on its certificate. A training department was<br />

established specific to the BA-4101, and a Supervisor of Training position was<br />

established for the BA-4101. Training materials were provided by British<br />

Aerospace, Ltd., @Aej. The fmt aircraft arrived in May 1993, and deliveries<br />

occurred at app.mximately 1 per month. A total of eight airplanes, incltiding the<br />

accident akpiane, were delivered. At that time, the fleet consisted of 13 EME-l20s,<br />

12 DHC-~S, 8 BA~LO~S, and 29 BA-3201s.<br />

The company owned one Em-120 airplane; all other aircraft were<br />

leased. At the time of the zccident, the compmy employed 312 cap’rains, 265 first<br />

officers, 153 flight attendants, 126 licensed mechanics, ad 0 rmintenance<br />


40<br />

The bzses of operation were TAI) and MCO. A Rsgionat Flight<br />

Manager supervised the MCO base and reported to the Chief SbL All aimaft<br />

types v.ere opated out of L4D, and six BA-3201s were operated out of MCO.<br />

The company had maintenance bases in Iilelboume (WB), Florida, for<br />

BA-3201's, Lynchburg (LYH), Virginia, for all Jetstream eqspmnt, and Newbwgh<br />

(Swr;), New York for DX-8s and EMB-I20s. SWF also served as a repair<br />

facility. Line maintenance was performed for all aircraft at W. The route<br />

structure was primarily east coast, north to south, serving abozn 50 cities.<br />

According to the Director of Operations, the csinpany had a Supervisor<br />

of TminAg for each type of airplane. Each Supervisor of Training had a flight<br />

standards instructor for the particular 'p of equipment. The Director of<br />

Operations served as the Director of Safety for both air and gruunc? operntiom. All<br />

safety issues were brought befm the Hi@ Standards Advisory Boa&, which met<br />

quarterly. The Flight Stmdards Ad-Jisory Board consisted of the Director of<br />

Operations. Chief Pi!zt, Supervisor of Training, Hi@ Standards Instructors, and<br />

company check airmen. Irreguhity reports aad a safety suggestion box were the<br />

means by which safety-related issues could be communicated. At the time of the<br />

accideat, there were no pilot reports xgarding safety issues on &s 3A-4101.<br />

ACA system control was a 24-hour operation. System control<br />

providsd a dual fimction: Flight dispatch for the Pzrt 121 Operations; and fI@t<br />

folfowmg for the Part 135 operations. According to the ACA Flight Operations<br />

Manual, Chapter VIE, page 1, system controii (flight dispatch) was operational<br />

whenever sn ACA revenue fight was airborne and mzinbhed by at least one<br />

licezxsed dispatcher. Cxvw pairings were monitored by a computer system used by<br />

crew scheduling. Inexperienced crews, each wiLl fewer than loC! hours (not<br />

including IOE) were considered "green on green." According to the manager of<br />

system control, these pairings were sent ta the Director of Operations or the Chief<br />

Piot for zppmval or disapproval. He indicated that there had been no pilot<br />

complaints of "green'' crew pairiigs. Since the accident cmv was mt flykg xm&r<br />

the "green on green" constraints, there was not a requirement for specific approval.<br />

The Air b e Pilots Associatiof, (ALPAj represented the pilots of<br />

ACA. The company and &e association had a Basic Eziploynent Agreement, dated<br />

October 24, 1390. ori October 15, 1992, the antract was amended by Letter of<br />

Agreement with regard to Sections 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, and 27. Accordt?g to<br />

section 13, the bidding and $he filling of vacancies was based on the Pilots System

41<br />

Seniority Zit subject to the basic agreement and the amendments. According to the<br />

contract, wce a pilot was trained, he or she incmd a revenue service period (a<br />

specific amount of time the crewnember must fly in that position for passenger<br />

service). This period was based cn seat position arid airplane type. As a result,<br />

more senior pilots were “locked “ into the captain and first officer seat positions on<br />

the. 5-3201 and this provided &e ;jpportuni;y €or mare “junior” pilots to fill the<br />

captain and first officer seats on the J-4101. Such was the case for the accident<br />

crew.<br />

1.17.2 EA-4180 Training<br /> Ground Training<br />

ACA Jetstream BA-4100 training was conducted under ccntract with<br />

Reflectone TrzGng Center (RTC), Sterling, Virginia. The training division wa<br />

formerly a division of BAe and was sold to RTC as part of a corporate restructuring.<br />

RTC was still affiliated with BAe and provided all Jetstrea!! trainiag. This training<br />

included ground school, simulator, and flight training for the BA-3201 md ground<br />

school and flight training for the BA-4101. ACA used the center for both the<br />

BA4101 and BA-3201 &a:hing. New hire pilots for ACA conmet with RTC for<br />

their training and pay the costs associated wih the training directly to RTC.<br />

According to RTC kstructors, ACA conducted aew hire, basic<br />

kdoctximtion and Part 135 indoctrination. RTC maducted all aircraft ground and<br />

flight training in a modular fom Tnitial pund training phases consisted of<br />

64 hours. Forty-eigiat hours were aircraft ground training (Phase 1) and consisted of<br />

airplane systems training. The infonmtion was taught from the ktstream 4130<br />

Mmufacmrer’s Operating Mmuals {MOM) 1, 2, and 4. Aircraft gr0m.d training<br />

(Phase 2), was also conducted by RTC. Gened operational subjects were covered<br />

i~ Phase 2 from the MOMS, ACA Flight Operations ar-d Flight Standards Mmual,<br />

and iasted 8 hours. fircraft ground training (Phase 3) consisted of four cockpit<br />

pncedure W - g (CWj sessions, each lasting 2 hous The mockups consisted of<br />

papr/photogaphs of the p=rn~ BA-4101 cockpit. The trainers were used for cockpit<br />

orientation, profnes, flow and checklist practice.<br />

The captain and first officer of flight 6291 attended a 1-hour c1as.r<br />

during J-4101 ground zainhg &at addressed previous accidentsficidents, h:mm<br />

factors,4mnsiderations9 and the National Aeronautics a?d Safety Adr&istration<br />

(XASA) aviation safety repol-ting system. All human factors topics, including crew

42<br />

Pn February 19<strong>94</strong>, ACA began prescsing a 1 .dq C W training mum<br />

to its line pilots. The development ~f this course began prior to the accident. In<br />

December €993, the fit officer participated for 1 day in a test class during &e<br />

developmnt of the training course.<br />

The syllabus RTC used was the BAe BA-410Q Training Mmual,<br />

Chapter 4. The mama1 was used as a guide for ground, fight and CPT trai&g at<br />

the center and in all phases of training: i~tial, tramition and recurrent.<br />

Additional training conducted by RTC included 2 hours of airplane<br />

emergency training for the pilors. Four hours of gmeeral emergency traiaing wzs<br />

accomplished by ACA. The mining consisted of the interaction between pilots and<br />

flight attendants while in simulated emergency situations.<br /> Flight Training<br />

ACA was the launch customer, and, at the time of the accident, it was<br />

the SI$ operator of &e 3-4101 in the Unite0 States. The airplane WB newly<br />

manafactwd, and a simulator has not been approved for pilo+ trainbg purposes.<br />

The first simulator is scheduled for delivery to RTC in -Decenfmr 19<strong>94</strong>.<br />

All training operations were condwted in the airplane fc . PICs and<br />

SICS. The flight training consisted of 10 hours and a check ride for the I'TCs, and<br />

12 hours md a check ride for the SICS. "he additional 2 how of training ic.r the<br />

SICs provided additional tnsg for no&lying pilot duties. All 61ight instruction<br />

was administer& by RTC inStrUCtQIS for ACA. Initial typ rating checkrides were<br />

adiiistered by the FAA to the PICs, whereas RTC and ACA administered the<br />

checkrides for the 5ICs. At the time of the accident, there were only two qualified<br />

FAA J-4101 check pilots L? t!e United States. One was V~ed in the Washington<br />

FSDO at IAD, znd t!\e other was based in Seattle, Washington. Upon wccessfkl<br />

cornpietion of flight training, the pilots' miriing records were remrrmed to ACA, and<br />

the pilors were. give? IOE by the airhe.<br />

Accor~ling :e the ACA T~ir~ing Manual, SICs must receive 5 nom of<br />

IOE in a pilot seat mder the supervision of a desigxated IOE check aimtant. 'Re

43<br />

1,173 Altitude and Airspeed Awareness<br />

A review af the manual prior to the change and removal of the section<br />

on altitude callouts revealed the folh%ing:<br />

1. The pilot not flying would cail out [approaching] 1w md<br />

500' to any assigned altitude as a reminder to the pilot flying.<br />

2. The pilot not flying wouid call out m y deviation of 108' from<br />

any assigned altitude.<br />

3. Altitude calls during instrument appuaches will be specified<br />

i~ the approprizte Flight Standards Ma~ual.<br />

An inspection of the night Standards Manual revealed no altitude<br />

caiiout idonnation.

Atlantic Coast Airlines J41 PROFILES 341-19<br />

?RA/NiNG P/&AUAL<br />

Approach to Stall - Landing Configuration<br />

REWSL?td n' 6<br />

Date: March 75. 1933<br />

Figure 7.-.J-4101 zpproach to stall -- landing configuration

45<br />

A mah base inspection took place from Jmuq 29 to February 3,<br />

1993. Ml deficiencies were comcted et that time, and 20 letters of corrective<br />

actioa were sent to th8 company. Shiiaririy, a main base inspection was<br />

accemplisbed on August 3 md 4,1993, with, similar conclusions m d outcomes.

46<br />

Single i All Engines Operative !LS Approach<br />

PF-’WS9’<br />

%inirnurn Speed 1 40 KlAS<br />

FLAPS 1-9.<br />



ATLANTIC COAST AIRLINES, INC. was found to have deviated<br />

from its approved or accepted procedrares in the areas of required<br />

maintenance signof% on nomoutine work cards.<br />

<strong>Com</strong>pliance issues raised during inspection were discussed with<br />

company personnel and the principal inspectoorx. Those issues that<br />

could not be satisfactorily resolved, became fkdings in the body of<br />

the report. In the case of findings where enforcement action is<br />

anticipated, physical evidence and supporting documentation has<br />

been provided to the Certifkate Holding District Office.<br />

No fmdings pertained to operations training, crew qualifications, flight<br />

control, flight operations, and operations records.<br />

An initial Department of Defense POD) survey far ACA to enter 3to<br />

$he DOD air Transportation Program was conducted between July 6 and 9, 1<strong>94</strong>3.<br />

ACA failed the sumey primarily because of maintenance issues. The airlime had<br />

expanded from 30 to 59 airplanes, and there was Ett!e or no increase in ~laitem~~<br />

supervisors for the increased number of flights. The airline was xevaluated on a<br />

follow-up survey conducted between October 12 and 15, 1933, and all mas were<br />

reported as average to above avmge.<br />

Air Carrier Operations Bulletin (ACOB) 8-93-4 was issued by +&e FAA<br />

on October 19, 1993, rega,rdiig "Flight into Pctential king Condiiions and the<br />

Avoidance, Recognition, and Response to Tailplane Tce." The ACOB incsrpomted<br />

several Safety Board safety ~ecsirmen&tioaa,s. (Set appemiix C). ??le PO4 for<br />

ACA stated that he had received the ACOB and that he had a copy of it on file. He<br />

said that fie believed the ACOB petained to J-3100 airplanes and he did not<br />

issue the bulletin to the carrier since ACA did not operate this type of airplme.

A-<strong>94</strong>-70<br />

48<br />

Conduct an in-deRth review of its policies and procedures for the<br />

processing of ACBBs, and devel.op a system ta ensure that the<br />

safety infomation contained therein is acted on in a timely md<br />

accurate m er. The system shsuSd include a process to vert@<br />

that the actims contemplated by the ACBB are effectively<br />

implemented.<br />

A-<strong>94</strong>-7 1<br />

Issue {mediate guidance to all POIs to verify that ~e intended<br />

stkty-related actions contained in ACOB 8-93-4 have been<br />

accomplished for air carriers under their jurisdiction.<br />

A-<strong>94</strong>-72<br />

Take the appropriate actions to verify that ACOBs issued in the<br />

past few yem have ken implemented as intended.<br />

&I general, the recomndations we= issued as the result of fidings<br />

during this investigation and the Hibbhg investigation that revealed that PGI actions<br />

speciflied in ACOB 8-93-4 had not been taken.

A-<strong>94</strong>-72 stated that the FAA will issue a notice directing its FSDO managers To<br />

verify #at the actions contained in all ACOBs issued since January 1, 1992, have<br />

ken accomplished. In its reply to the FAA in a letter dated August 3, 19<strong>94</strong>, the<br />

Safety Board classified these three recommendations “Open--Acceptahle<br />

Response.“<br />

See appendix C for correspondence concerning thse safety<br />


2. B General<br />

The flightcrew was properly certified and qualified in accordance with<br />

applicable Fe&ral Aviatim Regulations and compmy requhments to conduct the<br />

flight,<br />

The airplane was properly ceMed and had been nnairniaint.6 iu<br />

accordance with company and FAA requirements. There was no evidence of<br />

preexisting discrepancies or preimpact mechanical failures of the structure, systems,<br />

flight controls, or engines that contributed to the accident.<br />

The forecast weather conditions pzovided to the flightcrew before<br />

departure and during the flight were correct. The conditions called for XMC at FIE<br />

time of the flight's arrival at CMH. About 6 minute.. prior to the accident, CMH<br />

approach control advised the flight about revised ATIS information "Bravc." The<br />

ceiling (800 feet) and visibility (2 1/2 miles) in light snow and fog contained in<br />

Bravo was reduced fiem the ceiiig (1,100 feet) and visibility (6 miles) contained m<br />

ATIS information "Mpha."<br />

Before depar&ing UD, the flightcrew was given a PEEP indilicatjng<br />

moderate rime icing at 4,090 feet from CY6 tc ClkM. The CVR transcript<br />

indicates tht the flightcrew aIso received an icing report about 2300, approximately<br />

21 minutes before the accident, fnm an airplane 25 to 38 miles ahead of them Tne<br />

fiIighRtcrew of that airplane. indicated that they were expenacing moderate rime ice<br />

up t~ 14,W feet and were in ?he clear at IS~OOG feet. About 2 minutes later, the<br />

Eightcrew offlight 291 requested md received 15,ooO feet as a cruise altitude.

Si<br />

the "boots" to dear it off. About 35 seconds after boot activation the first officer<br />

stated "...little rime it never took nothing off this side here," to which the captain<br />

agreed. The captain appropriately elected to conduct a "flaps 25 ice AOA on"<br />

approach and Sanding. The flightcrew should not have experienced my signiPicant<br />

diffkuities with tbe weather conditions during the approach and landing at CMH.<br />

The evidence indicates that the captain of flight 291 followed company<br />

procedures until the point at which he initiated the ES approach to runway 28L at<br />

CME. HCWP.VP.T, he did not slow the airplane in sufficient time to be able to<br />

configure the airplane in a timely manner. After reducing power to fight idle to<br />

slow to approach speed, the pilots failed to monitor airspeed, and the captain failed<br />

to add power as the airspeed approached 130 knots. The airspeed decreased<br />

through the minimum of 130 knots for the appraach until the stick shaker activated<br />

because the airplane was approaching stall sped. The captzin failed to execute a<br />

proper stall recovery, and the airplane descended into the ground. Consequently,<br />

the investigation focused on why the flightcrew failed to monitor the airspeed and<br />

why the stall recovery procedure was not successFdi. Rightcrew training and<br />

experience, company procedures, and FAA oversight of the operator were also<br />

examined.<br />

2.2 Flightcrew and Aircraft Performance<br />

Although the ACA manuals did nct contain a def~tion of a stabilized<br />

approach, the ACA mining manual did depict rn approved approach procedure<br />

for the J-4101. The procedure depicts he airplane with engine torque at 30 percent<br />

md airspeed at 180 knots before reaching the initial approach fix (UF) and after the<br />

approach checklist is complete. It suggests a speed of 160 hQtS during the initial<br />

procedure with no flaps. The procedure calls for the flaps to be extended to<br />

9degrees when the airplane is established inbound on the localizer and within<br />

3 miles of the final approach fk FAF) [distance measuring equipment @ME)<br />

available], or when the fist indication of glideslope movement is called @ME not<br />

available). The procedure depicts the airplane as configured with the landing gear<br />

do-wn a d flaps set to 1 h Urpiee3 &a n LnFrrrn -IvIu tha .- find anrtrn~~h<br />

yy.v *.. ti ..~d'po-~. int ~ ,- - ~ 1 ~ ~ 2 j - 1 3<br />

At the FAFfFAP, the flaps should be lowered to 25 degrees with a n-&im&n speed<br />

of 130 knots and engine torque at 30 percent. The procedure states ahat, at decision<br />

13Tne procedure states that the flying pJot (captain in this case) should call for "gcar down, flaps<br />

15, landing chcck," just prior to crossing the FAF.

52<br />

altitude @A), Peduce sped to obtain the appropriate VEf at 50 feet above the ~<br />

runway.<br />

The accident fligki attained neither the configwtion nor the other<br />

guidelines specified in the chat. About 10 miles from the airport, the airplane was<br />

at a speed of 248 knots when the approach controller advised the flightcrew to slow<br />

to 170 knots. At this point, the captain reduced the power to flight idie an& began to<br />

slow the airplane. The airplane crossed SUMLE, the compass locator at the outer<br />

marker &OM) and FpiF, at 178 knots with the airplane in a clean (flaps retracttd<br />

r 1<br />

and gear up) configuration. The hi& speed preventea &e crew<br />

___.^ &--<br />

ITJ ' 118 W'ffGlXS& ULflaps<br />

to 9 degrees upon intercepting the glideslope and lowering the iariding gear at<br />

the LOM. This was contrary to ACA procedures and ~~nstitt~kd an unstabilized<br />

approach.<br />

In addition, the power was re&iced to fight idle in a belated attempt to<br />

lower the airspeed while descencliig on the glideslope. The law power setting<br />

resulted in a rapid dzcelemtion, and without adexpate monitoring by the cxw, the<br />

airspeed decreased hiow the 130 knots minimum required speed and below the<br />

112 knots reference speed. Those speeds were based on the assumption that the<br />

flaps wwld have been lowered to 25 degrees, rather than the 15 degrees of flaps<br />

&at was actually achieved.<br />

The autopilot was coupled for the approach, and the FDR dak show<br />

proper localizer and glideslope tracking. However, the airplane was not eqipped<br />

with an autothrottle system. Therefore, the pilot had to monitor airspeed md set<br />

power accordiigly to maintain the proper airspeeds during the approach. The stick<br />

shaker and stick pusher act as backup safety systems for pilots if they fzil to<br />

properly monitor airspeed.<br />

"he Safety Bsard believes that the captain xas aware of his airspeed,<br />

hitially, because his call for "flaps 9 degrees" was comersurate with the maximum<br />

airspeed of 170 knots. Similarly, the landing gear was placed down, md the call for<br />

"flzps 15, !m"itg checks" was accomplished at appropriate airspeeds. However,<br />

these calls and actions occurred 2 miles-or 40 seconds after crossing the LOM.<br />

ACA does not have an approved high speed IlffsiVFR approach for the<br />

H-4101. However, the training manual does contain a high speed ILS/VFR approach<br />

published for the 5-3201. It states that the airplane sh~uld be slowed to 160 knots<br />

approximately 3 nautical miles from the point where the descent is initiated, as

53<br />

opposed to 130 hots for the standard ILS, appach. The CVR recorded the<br />

captain stahg, "...keep her as dry as long as possible. We'll just ... briag her down<br />

rea3 quick." T!x Safety Board believes that the captain probably wanted the<br />

akpiane ts pass through the icing conditions rapidly, with the airplane in a clean<br />

mr&gura!ion. The ckas configuration would allow minin;uum ice accretion while<br />

passing thro@ &e icing layers. The captzin's flying experience dwkg the<br />

predhg year was on the J-3201 as a fmt officer. As such, the Safety Board<br />

belieyes that the captain would have been famibar with high speed approaches to<br />

the FA!?. Although it was not an approved procedure on Lle 9-4101, it is possible<br />

%z: %e -on+,sn<br />

w-y .-- -v-*.-a<br />

-- . -- !Q e mn6ifie.d 11-3201 procedure to mnetrate the icing<br />

layers. The iwestigation determined that 34101 pilots do fly high speed<br />

approaches for air traffic control considerations. However, this procedure is neither<br />

published nor approved.<br />

The ILS profde depicted in the flight manual 2lso coE'rzined a caution<br />

that, "lf approach not stabilized by looo' ZPAA &eight abwe aimoft] MC or 500'<br />

HAA VMC--Go around." Other than being estabIished on ^the Iocalizer and<br />

glideslope, none of the depicted stabilized aprraach criteria regarding airspeed and<br />

configuration were met when the airpiane passed through 1,800 feet W ic~ MC.<br />

The captain did not begin to configurt! Lle airplane for landing until 48 seconds after<br />

crossing the STT* -T. outer marker. At that time, the position of the airplane was<br />

about 3 miles from the approach end of runway 28L. The final lmdig checklist<br />

was not completed until the airplane was abaut 600 feet W, and the airplme was<br />

not confipred for landing until that time,<br />

The autopilot repatedly trimmed the airplane nose up to stay on the<br />

glideslope, which, in conjunction with the low hst, caused the airspeed to<br />

decay well below the minimurn approach speed of 130 knots. The CVR indicates<br />

that less than 4 seconds after the captain stated, "and autopilot to go ... don't touch,"<br />

the sound of the stick shaker began, followed by the tone for the autopilot<br />

disconnecr. The airplane decelerated to 104 knots, which was 26 hots below the<br />

mianinnurn approach airspeed specified by airline procedures, at which point the stick<br />

shaker activated for 3.1 seconds. Immediately after the stick shaker warning, the<br />

autopilot disconnected, and the airplane started to pitch down at approximately<br />

3 degrees per second. Warning tones (presumably from the autcpilot disconnect)<br />

started about (3.6 of a second after stick shaker. There was no dialogue heard on the<br />

CVR until the stick shaker deactivated.

54<br />

me evidence suggests && the csnptak was distracted by these events<br />

and that he attempted to detem6ne what the fmi- oifisi k& done to cause the sfkk<br />

shaker to activste andfor tl.rc autopilot to disconnect. During that short iritervai,<br />

w5en the capkzii was 'nying to determine what hzd hapwned, the stick shaker was<br />

silent. There was no indication on the CVR or FDR da& tkzt the aptain was aware<br />

sf the extremely low airspeed and impending std! 'because he did not begin &e<br />

proper sfadi recovery procedure. 'I%e cautaii ssked the first oficer, "what did you<br />

rSo?" The f it officer respcnaed, "4 did& do nothing." <strong>Com</strong>mensurate with the Erst<br />

actuation of the stick pu5her, the power was partially applied to the engiws.<br />

FIX cl&a indicate that the captain appiied nose-up eiev&toc -- w' :&x.,...+ lYi"UI<br />

addiillg power. The airplane pitched up in mppcnse to the nose-up elevgar<br />

ccmacci, but the airspeed was Too low to arrest ehe descent rate, an< "&e AOA<br />

izxreased to the point tbt the stick pusher activated. The stick pusher quickly<br />

moved the elevate: nose dow~p, which camed the airplms to pitch dmm, preventing<br />

a stall. %wevt.r, FIX data. indicate that the cq&tin fought the stick pusher witb<br />

large afl (nose-up elevator) control colurz inputs.<br />

Engine power did not rise above id!e until 5 seconds after siick shaker<br />

activation and .is seconds &er the stick posher activated. It %en increased only<br />

about one-half as fast as would be expected from a full throttle a2piication. The<br />

ezgine tomp reached 50 percent 10 seconds dter the f it stick shaker activation.<br />

The captain then made a very serious error calilig for the flaps to be raised to zero<br />

degrees. The stall speed for zero flaps is abwt 11 hots above the Caps 15 degrees<br />

stall speed. Thus, the captain's action of raising the tiap and the failure to appIy<br />

maximum power placed the eipiane within the aerod-ymmic stall region.<br />

The initial response of the J-4101 flying pilot for missed approaches,<br />

go arounds, and all approaches to stall in cruise, takeoff, or landing configuration is<br />

nuximum power, flaps 9 degrees. In contrast to the approved procedure, about<br />

1 second after stick pusher activation, the capkin called for "flaps up." There was<br />

no further dialogue heard on the CVR until about In second a€ter the stick pusher<br />

deactivated, when the captain stated "no no hold it," possibly in reference to the<br />

previous flaps-up command. About 1 second after the stick pusher activated for the<br />

second time, the capbin again stated "gimme flaps up."<br />

The investigation revealed no procedure in either ohe 1-3201 or the<br />

4-4101 in which stall recoveries or go-around procedures would requix a flaps-up<br />

response. If the captaiq had reverted to previous J-3201 training for stall recovery

55<br />

and misstated the command, the xespome would have been flaps 10 degrees (flaps<br />

9 &,gees for the J-4101). Similarly, a flap setting of 10 degrees would have been<br />

requkd for go-around procedures on the J-3201. "he delayed and insufMent<br />

power appkz5sz revealed by the FDfP is inconsistent with the stall recovery<br />

procedure.<br />

The Safety Board corsidered the "flaps up" call by the captain in<br />

connection with tailplane stall from icing. The vast majority of OAe captain's airline<br />

experience was in the Jetstream 3101/3201 that previously had been involved in<br />

tailplane stall accidents. Those accidents and their circumstances should have been<br />

widely known by the pilots of these airplanes. The captain was obviously confused<br />

by the stick shaker and autopilot wm-kags. It is also possible that the captain<br />

believed the airplane was experiencing a tail stall. Such confusion and pcssible<br />

misidentification of the problem couid have prevented the captain from<br />

accomplishing the proper stall recovery procedure.<br />

Xowever, the Safety Board discounted tailplane stall due to ice<br />

accretion, and the captain's actions as being related to an attempt to recover from<br />

tailplane stall, for several reasons. The 9-4101 horizontal stabilizer is designed with<br />

negative camber on the upper surface to reduce the effects of ice accretion. In<br />

addition, the boots have been extended farther back on the horizontal stabilizer to<br />

ensure that any potential runback of ice can adequately be removed. Furtkr,<br />

tailplane stall occurs as a result of a high speed with flaps extended rather than at<br />

the lower speed at which the stick shaker actuates. Additionally, the proper<br />

procedure to recover €rom tailplane stall in the 5-3100 and J-3200 was to add power<br />

and remct the flaps to the mid-range pDsition. If the captain had perceived, in error,<br />

a tailplane stall condition due to ickg, the reduction of the flap setting to a lower<br />

angle would have beer, appropriate. However, the proper Bap callout should have<br />

been "flaps 9 degrees," rather than the call €or "flaps up.*' Fiily, the aixplane's<br />

pitch attitude time history obtained from FDR data was inconsistent with a tailplane<br />

stall caused by ice. Consequently, the Safety Board concludes that the captain's<br />

actions were not in response to recovering from a perceived *Alplane stall. The<br />

Safety Board was unable to determine why the captain called for flaps up.<br />

The Safety Board believes that the f3xt officer was confronted with an<br />

increased workload for several reasons: the delay by the captain to configure the<br />

airplane for landing; tasks associated with checklist completion; and interaction with<br />

the captain. These activities supficiefitly distracted the inexperienced h t officer<br />

and prevented hh from maintabkg awareness of the deteriorating pregress of the

With the stalI identification system ice AOA on, the stall w&g<br />

system triggered at lower vane angles and correspondingly higher speeds. FDR<br />

vane angle data indicate that the stick shaker and stick pusher both activated 3 times<br />

during the accidcnt sequence. Pn each case, the evidence shows that the system

57<br />

operated correctly, as designed. The following is from Jetstream’s flight test<br />

report:14<br />

The stall identification system is designed to provide warning of<br />

approach to the stall and stall idenfllcation through stick shake and<br />

stick pmh at pre-determined stall vane trigger angles. For an<br />

aircraft with reduced lift m e<br />

slope such as that of the xcident<br />

aircrafi, these pre-determined trigger angles would result in lower<br />

CL’S [lift coeffkients] and therefore higher stick shake and push<br />

speeds. This would ensure that the pilot is warned and the stall is<br />

identified and the required margins between the warning and the<br />

$a!! are mzhah.n.t.,d.<br />

The Szfety Board concurs with the conclusion reached in the flight test<br />

report, which sun~xxizes the role of the stall protection system in this accident:<br />

The stall protection system operate6 xxrectly and gave an earlier<br />

(higher speed) warning of the impendhg stall througk %e operation<br />

of the stick shaker appropriate to the loss of lift. The earik<br />

waming was correct and mpropriate to an aircraft with an amount<br />

I..<br />

of accreted ice.<br />

Flight tests showed that recovery was not difficprlt if power was added<br />

promptly after stick shaker activation. The stall warning system provided a hely<br />

waming to the flightcrew that the airplane was about to stall. In this case, the sFick<br />

shaker activated 4.8 seconds before the stick pusher. This lead time was sufficient<br />

to permit pilot intervention to prevent the q:d:l when the stick pusher activatcd for<br />

the first time.<br />

Prompt application of power and a swA1 aircraft-nose-down elevator<br />

deflection would have resulted in a timely recovery from the low speed situation,<br />

wiiiout activation of the stick pusher. However, no action was taken by the captain,<br />

and FCR data show that the xcident airplane was only about 300 feet above the<br />

ground when the stick pusher activated. A. successful recovery after stick pusher<br />

activation at night and so close to the ground would have been diffcult, although<br />

flight testing conducted at safe altitudes show that it was not impossible. From a<br />

human perfonance standpoint, it would have been very difficult to maintain a nose-<br />

14Jestream Aircraft Limited Flight Test Report, FIX 531/JiL141, May 20,1954.

down pitch attitude at night when the airplane was so close to the ground. In that<br />

pegad, the captain's overriding of the stick pusher at t?at point, although ill-advised,<br />

is understandable.<br />

The Safety Board attempted eo determine the m e r in which two air<br />

carrier pilots committed the fundamental errors that led to the accident. These<br />

include the: 1) failure to monitor airspeed, 2) wisinterpretation of pronounced and<br />

unambiguous cues of an imminent stall, and 3) improper stall recovery.<br />

me evidence suggests that each crewmember possessed wipe<br />

deficiencies that affected his performance during the flight. The Safety Board<br />

believes that these deficiencies, alone or in combination, likely con&ibnted to the<br />

errors noted. These include the captain's:<br />

o documented history of poor execution of precision instmment<br />

approaches,<br />

o inexperience in nighttime, icing and restricted visibility<br />

conditions in the J-4100,<br />

0 inexperience with autopilot coupled approaches, and<br />

0 inexperienx as a PIC.<br />

The fmt officer, who was considered an above average pilot,<br />

nevertheless, was:<br />

o inexperienced as a first officer in schedule 14 CFB Part 135<br />

operations, and<br />

o inexperienced in the J-410.<br />

The captain was concerned before departure about the weather<br />

conditions en route and in the vicinity of Columbus. Evidence obsahed by the<br />

Safety Board indicates that he had not flown either as PIC for ACA or as a<br />

crewmember on the 3-4100 in the unique meteorological conditions present at the<br />

time of the accident (darkness, low ceiling and visibility, fog, freezing temperatures,<br />

and frozen precipitatioz). Further, according to the CVX during ff le execution of the<br />

approach, the captain manifested apprehension about the performance of the first

officer. Perhaps it was these concerns that led to the tension iUwate0 by the minor<br />

incidents recorded on the CVR. For example, at 2309:M; ’he captain accused the<br />

first officer of giving him incorrect altimeter informatim. At 2309:44, the captain<br />

vacillated on whether to direct the fmt officer tc obtain V,f with or without AOA<br />

speeds for the approach. Pd 2312:29, the fist officer misinterpreted the purpose of<br />

the captain’s readback of the assignee! altitude. Finally, seconds before impact, the<br />

captain’s response to the stick sbker alert was to ask the firs: officer, “What did you<br />

do?”<br />

%though it is not unusual for pilots to become apprehensive in<br />

ctralleeging flight conditions, air transport pilots are expected to execute their<br />

;;iioting skills and to display jud-pent independent of whetcver stress or tension<br />

they ma.? be experiencing. By contast. the report of the cxamAer who acministered<br />

and failed the captain on his initial type rating ride on the 1-4881, for inadequately<br />

executing an Its approach, hdicates that th?s captaiz’s perfbmance deteriorated<br />

when he became nervous. The Eature of his piloting emrs on ths night of the<br />

accident, especiaiiy his failure to monitor airspeed, is consistent with &dings of<br />

humaa factors research indicaciog that excessive tension can predictably degrade the<br />

ability of human moritors to obtain and integrate idomation from multiple sources,<br />

a phenomenon referred to as ”attenticma1 narr~wing.”~~<br />

The Safety Board examined the display of airspeed within the<br />

airplane’s electronic attitude director indicator, a cathode ray tube or CRT, to<br />

determine if the m e r in which the information was presented codd Pave<br />

hampered the ability of either pilot to perceive and integrate the critical information.<br />

Airspeed data on the 1-4100 is presented digitally on a vertical moving display, wish<br />

the airplane’s indicated airspeed centered within the display. As the airspeed<br />

increases or decreases, the displayed airspeeds move up or dom correspondingly..<br />

(See fi&ure 9).<br />

’Ibis format is similar to that of electronic displays of newer generation<br />

“glass cockpit” aircm? that have Seen introduced into service witkin the last 8<br />

years. Pilot acceptance of the displays has generally been favorable, and, more<br />

%+!Ortant, they have not been suggested as contriburory to accidents. Moreover,<br />

their presentation format across aircraft types has generally been consistent with<br />

hman factors priiciples of presenting visual information. For example, in the<br />

15Hanccck FA., and Warm, J.S. (1989) A dynamic model of stress and sustained attention.<br />

Human Factors, 26,519 - 537.

low ainpeed<br />

awarenzss indicator color]<br />

60<br />

Figure 9.--EIectrsnic attitude director indicator.

61<br />

5-4100, the moving vertica! display presents trend information, and, as the airspeed<br />

approaches the stail speed, the color of the dispiay changes to red, the common<br />

color of waning. Therefore, because the airspzed display on the 5-4180 was<br />

consistent with these principles, the Safety Board does not consider their format or<br />

mode of presentation tc be a factor in this accident.<br />

Ne.verlheless, the circumstances of tlnis flight shocid not have been<br />

especiaEy anxiety provoking. Nighttime fligh't in icing IMC conditions, although not<br />

routine, were not beyond the ability expected of air transport pilots. However, in<br />

this accident, the evidence indicates that the captain's own fail% to stabilize the<br />

airplane on fmal approach, in accordance with the flight profile suggest& in the<br />

ACA MOM, likely created the circumstances tkat exacerbated the anxiety he was<br />

experiencing. Thus, when the airplane was estab!ished on the localker, and its<br />

airspeed and configmation were stili not stabilized, the evidence indicates that the<br />

captain was overwhelmed by a need to perhm certain actions simuhneousiy.<br />

These included the need to:<br />

C slow t!e airplane down and establish the proper airspeed,<br />

0 maictain a precise flightpath in the restricted visual conditions,<br />

3 maintain a vigilance for ice accretion, and<br />

o closely cbserve the first officer as wel! as manage his acticns.<br />

The evidence indicates that the captain was unable io perform these<br />

actions when required. Further, his use of the autopilot to help with one of the<br />

required xctions, rnairm*&?iEg a precise flightpata?, suggests an unf&Earity with its<br />

capabilitics. This suggestion is supported by the capraink reported consistent use of<br />

the autopilot when flying instrument approach profiles. Given the deficiencies in his<br />

execution of instmment approaches, as documented in his check rides with ACA,<br />

the captain appears to have demonstrated. especially when nervous, a weak<br />

instrument scan in high perfsrmance aircraft during restricted visual conditions.<br />

A pilot wi?h a poor scan could rely on the autopiict to fly a precision<br />

hstrument approach, with the knowledge that the sqstem should reliably and<br />

accuztely execute both the glideslope md localizer flightpaths. However, use of<br />

the z~topflot~ without compensating efforts to thoroughly monitor necessary airplane<br />

instmnent.5, could exacerbat? a possible poor instrument scan, since no effort is

61<br />

5-4100, the moving vertica! display presents trend information, and, as the airspeed<br />

approaches the stail speed, the color of the dispiay changes to red, the common<br />

color of waning. Therefore, because the airspzed display on the 5-4180 was<br />

consistent with these principles, the Safety Board does not consider their format or<br />

mode of presentation tc be a factor in this accident.<br />

Ne.verlheless, the circumstances of tlnis flight shocid not have been<br />

especiaEy anxiety provoking. Nighttime flight in icing IMC conditions, although not<br />

routine, were not beyond the ability expected of air transport pilots. However, in<br />

this accident, the evidence indicates that the captain's own fail% to stabilize the<br />

airplane on fmal approach, in accordance with the flight profile suggest& in the<br />

ACA MOM, likely created the circumstances tkat exacerbated the anxiety he was<br />

experiencing. Thus, when the airplane was estab!ished on the localker, and its<br />

airspeed and configmation were stili not stabilized, the evidence indicates that the<br />

captain was overwhelmed by a need to perhm certain actions simuhneousiy.<br />

These included the need to:<br />

C slow t!e airplame down and establish the proper airspeed,<br />

0 maictain a precise Sightpath in the restricted visual conditions,<br />

3 maintain a vigilance for ice accretion, and<br />

o closely cbserve the first officer as wel! as manage his acticns.<br />

The evidence indicates that the captain was unable io perform these<br />

actions when required. Further, his use of the autopilot to help with one of the<br />

required xctions, rnairm*&?iEg a precise flightpatal, suggests an unf&Earity with its<br />

capabilitics. This suggestion is supported by the capraink reported consistent use of<br />

the autopilot when flying instrument approach profiles. Given the deficiencies in his<br />

execution of instxvment approaches, as documented in his check rides with ACA,<br />

the captain appears to have demonstrated. especially when nervous, a weak<br />

instrument scan in high perfsrmance aircraft during restricted visual conditions.<br />

A pilot wi?h a poor scan could rely on the autopiict to fly a precision<br />

hstrument approach, with the knowledge that the sqstem should reliably mild<br />

accuztely execute both the glideslope md localizer flightpaths. However, use of<br />

the z~topflot~ without compensating efforts to thoroughly monitor necessary airplane<br />

instfarnents, could exacerbat? a possible poor instrument scan, since no effort is

62<br />

needed to relate the airplane’s flightpath to corrections to the control surfaces<br />

necessary to maintain the proper flightpath. The evidence sliggests that this<br />

captain’s use of the autopilot exacerbated a tendency to a deficient instrument scan.<br />

That is, his performance on the accident flight, and repcpts of his use of autopiloS<br />

during the execulion of insmment approaches, indicated that he relied on the<br />

autopilot to maintaitl a stabilized flightpath without concomitant monitoring of the<br />

critical airplane parameter of airspeed, a pmeter not contloiled by the autopilot.<br />

It is possible that both pilots, given their reldive inexperience in the J-<br />

4100, were not suffciently experienced in the digid format in wfiich airspeed was<br />

przsented to provide them with the necessary ability to mtieipzte critical trends in<br />

the airspeed. Bxause both had considerabiy more experience piloting aircraft with<br />

traditional electromechanical instrumentation than with aircraft with “glass cockpit”<br />

type digital presentation ~f flight idomation, the Safe? Board could not: d e out<br />

their relathe inexpienee with electronic flight instramentation as a potentially<br />

adverse influenct on their performaace on the night of the accident<br />

When the stick shaker alerted, the CVR established that neither<br />

crewmember recognized that the aimiane was about to stall. They failed te focus os<br />

the airspeed, after the stick shaker alerted, and neither commented on nor displayed<br />

a recognition of the airplane’s precarious airspeed simation. The captain‘s<br />

vacillating cdls for flap retraction fiihher illustrate his unawamess of the ahpeed<br />

and the meaning of the stick shzker. Although it is GEicuit io explain how an zir<br />

kx~sport pilot. could not respond appropriately to a stick shaker, it is apparent that at<br />

that point in the flight, bath the captain and the first officer were unaware of<br />

fundaxental parameters and unable to anticipate the airplane’s flightpath. Thus,<br />

they were “behind the airpiwx? and unable to plm and control !he airplane’s<br />

flightpath a ~ to d respond appropriately to tfe stick shaker.<br />

1.n summary, the evidence suggests that the combinatior. of<br />

inexperienced first officer, nighttime, restricted visibility LI icing conditions,<br />

inexperience on the 3-4301 and the use of its autopilot, and inexperience as a FIX@,<br />

contributed to the captain’s failure to monitor the airspeed, once the airp!me was<br />

estabiished on the approach. The failure was most likely caused by atter$iondt<br />

narrowing as a rextion to the stress the c;tp+ain experienced while flying the<br />

approach. As a result, when the stick shaker alerted, neithel- cmvmemkr<br />

recognized tht the airpime was about to stall, and neither appreciated the need for<br />

the implementation of prompt and appropriate stall recovery techniques.

63<br />

2.3 Pilot Training and Exgeniense<br />

The Safety Board reviewed the training received by both L’le cap+&n<br />

and the first officer. The ground training and flight training reqsirements met or<br />

exceeded the minimum requirements as set forth in Fedemi Aviation Regulations.<br />

Interviews wkkk ACA pilots and FAA personnel revealed that RTC had<br />

wellqualied flight and growid instructors. Since the airplane was new to the<br />

United States, rhe training faciliiy was constantly modifying and making<br />

improvements to the training program. RTC had a designated POI for the facility<br />

&at provided oversight for the FAA. He had not reported any deficiencies in the<br />

tnining program for the J-410 1.<br />

At the time of the accident, there was no J-4101 simulator available for<br />

iraking anywhere in the world. The first simulator is schedoled for operation in<br />

December 19<strong>94</strong>. As such, all training, at the time of the accident, was accomplished<br />

in the airplane. Pilots interviewed stated that the flight training was excellent. The<br />

company check airmen interviewed stated that the transition during IQE was easier,<br />

since pilots had actually flown the airplane. None of the pilots interviewed<br />

indicated that abnormal or emergency procedures that were simulated in the airpiane<br />

resulted in a poor learning situation or lack of knowledge transfer. Nevertheless, the<br />

§afety Board believes that the lack of a simulator, specifically designed for the J-<br />

4101 airplane, hits a pilot’s training and subsequent ability to perform certain<br />

procedures that can only be safely practiced in a simulator. For example, stick<br />

shaker activation dming instrument approaches would not be a safe practice during<br />

mining flights in the actual airpime.<br />

Auto?ilct-coupled approaches were listed as part of the flight mining<br />

requirements for some of ACA’s airplanes (DHC-8s and Em-I OS), and the ACA<br />

trailing manual covered the 3-4101 autopilot as a subject in ground training.<br />

Fbwever, the investigatios reveaIed that autopilot-coupled approaches were not<br />

fisted as a specific &aining event in the ACA J-4101 flight training manual or on the<br />

flighr eiiaiuafion fom. For standardizatiou, a revised flight training evaluation form<br />

was printed to include all the airplane types ACA operated. Autopilot-coupled<br />

approaches were an item prinred on the Form. The form was printed with a revision<br />

date of 3a!y i 5, 1393. Although training was accomplished by both CI zwnernbers<br />

after that date, an earlier form was esed thzt did not list autopilot-coupled<br />


63<br />

2.3 Pilot Training and Exgeniense<br />

The Safety Board reviewed the training received by b@th the cap+&n<br />

and the first officer. The ground training and flight training reqsirements met or<br />

exceeded the minimum requirements as set forth in Fedemi Aviation Regulations.<br />

Interviews wl::n. ACA pilots and FAA personnel revealed that RTC had<br />

wellqualied flight and growid instructors. Since the airplane was new to the<br />

United States, rhe training faciliiy was constantly modifying and making<br />

improvements to the training program. RTC bad a designated POI for the facility<br />

&at provided oversight for the FAA. He had not reported any deficiencies in the<br />

tnining program for the J-410 1.<br />

At the time of the accident, there was no J-4101 simulator available for<br />

iraking anywhere in the world. The first simulator is schedoled for operation in<br />

December 19<strong>94</strong>. As such, all training, at the time of the accident, was accomplished<br />

in the airplane. Pilots interviewed stated that the flight training was excellent. The<br />

company check airmen interviewed stated that the transition during IQE was easier,<br />

since pilots had actually flown the airplane. None of the pilots interviewed<br />

indicated that abnormal or emergency procedures that were simulated in the airpiane<br />

resulted in a poor learning situation or lack of knowledge transfer. Nevertheless, the<br />

§2fety Board believes that the lack of a simulator, specifically designed for the J-<br />

4101 airplane, hits a pilot's training and subsequent ability to perform certain<br />

procedures that can only be safely practiced in a simulator. For example, stick<br />

shaker activation during instrument approaches would not be a safe practice during<br />

mining flights in the actual airpime.<br />

Auto?ilct-coupled approaches were listed as part of the flight mining<br />

requirements for some of ACA's airplanes (DHC-8s and Em-I OS), and the ACA<br />

trailing manual covered the 3-4101 autopilot as a subject in ground training.<br />

Fbwever, the investigatios reveaIed that autopilot-coupled approaches were not<br />

fisted as a specific &aining event in the ACA J-4101 flight training manual or on the<br />

flighr eiiaiuafion form. For standardizatiou, a revised flight training evaluation form<br />

was printed to include all the airplane types ACA operated. Autopilot-coupled<br />

approaches were an item prinred on the form. The form was printed with a revision<br />

date of 3a!y i 5, 1393. Although training was accomplished by both CI zwnenbers<br />

after that date, an earlier form was csed thzt did not list autopilot-coupled<br />


64<br />

The former POI, a J-4101 type-rated FAA inspector who gave the<br />

captain his type rating, stated that he preferred EO see a candidate demonstrate<br />

ability in using the autopilot during checkrides, since many of the pilots had no<br />

autopiiot experience prior to the J-4101.<br />

During the qualification check ride, the former POI required the captain<br />

to demonstme satisfactory autopilot knowledge while flying a coupled approach.<br />

The general consensus of Reflectone instructors and the FAA was that many pilots<br />

hired by ACA had aviation backgrounds that did not inciude the use of an autopilot.<br />

Bscausr: of this, it was necessary to train and check the use of the autopilot.<br />

The Safety Board believes that although adequate autopilot training<br />

was accomplished by the KTC and that it was aciequately addressed by the FAA<br />

during checkrides, the incorporation of an autopilat-coupled approach training item<br />

in the ACA flight training manual and the Reflectone syllabus wouid preclude the<br />

passiloiiity of coupied approaches beirig o\-&a&&. FxE!x~,<br />

tc: inrl~de mtnni!nt-<br />

coupled approaches as a~ item on the ACA pilot proficiency check form would<br />

ensure that pilot knowledge and use of the autopilot during coupled approaches was<br />

reviewed.<br />

The Safety Boarc! believes that experience gcined as a first officer with<br />

an airline, prior to upgrading to captain, is important. Contract training instructors<br />

may possess considerable air carrier line operating experience: however, the airline<br />

should be the final determining factor in pilot qualification for line flying. Li this<br />

case, the captain of flight 291 went directly from first officer in a Itis sophisticated<br />

airplane (J-3101132Olj to captain of the 5-4101.<br />

Although Jetstream manufactures both the 5-3201 ar,d the 3-4101<br />

airplanes, the differences between the two airplanes are significant. Th;: 5-4101 is a<br />

newer and more complex airplane. The addition of an autopilot and modern<br />

instmmentation (glass cockpit displays) are two of the major differences between<br />

the airplanes. A pilot transitioning from the J-3201 to the J-4101 could not apply<br />

previous system knowledge (in cockpit layout or design) learned in the 5-3201 to L??<br />

3-4101. There are very few similarities in ai.rplane systems. Funher, the<br />

instrumentation in the J-320: is analog, whereas the Instwnentatlon in the 5-4101 is<br />

an electronic flight instrument system (EFIS). The new glass cockpit design<br />

requires the pilot to learn a new concept of instrumentation. The investigation<br />

revealed no pilot comments regarding difficulty in flying or intqreting the EFT$<br />

sysrern installed on the 5-4101 airplane, and EO comments we;e received to imply<br />


that the captain or the first officer involved in the accident were deficient in<br />

instrument skills usin.g the EFTS system. However, both pilots were inexperienced<br />

in the. new airplane aad failed to scan the insmments properly during the high<br />

workioad of the accident flight.<br />

Pilot evaluations of Reflectcne's flight training were very favorable.<br />

The contract instructors were considered experienced. Training during shll<br />

procedures varied somewhat among instructors. Some of them allowed the student<br />

to proceed past the stick shaker to t3e stick pusher, whereas other kstmctors<br />

demonstrated to the stick shaker oniy. In either case: the student had to demonstrate<br />

knowledge and competence, both to ihe instructor and the FAA, regarding stall<br />

recovery. The stall training had to be conducted at a safe altitude and not during<br />

actttal instrument approach conditions as could have been demonstrated in a<br />

simulator.<br />

Because the captain was newly upgraded to PIC on J-4101 airplanes<br />

and the first officer had been hired 8 months prior tc the accident md completed<br />

5-4101 pilot training within 2 months of the zcciknt, the Safety Board believes that<br />

it is unlikely that either crewmember was adequately seasoned in his respective role.<br />

The captain had been employed by ACA as a first officer for more than I year Gn<br />

the 1-3201, prior to his upgrade to captain on the J-4101. Since the upgrade, he had<br />

served just over 2 months as an ACA 3-4101 captain, The first oficer had<br />

completed new hire ground and flight training abut 1 month prior to the accident<br />

and had flown only one round tf? as a first officer in ACA passenger operations.<br />

The captain and first officer were fiends; however, this was their first flight<br />

together.<br />

The investigation determined that the captain expressed concern, prior<br />

to departure, about the en roufe weather, turbulence, and related icing conditions in<br />

the vicinity of the airport at Columbus. The CVR indicated tht the captain<br />

adequateiy addrcssed these conditions during the course of the flight. AI' interview<br />

with another ACA copilot, who had flown with the captain for 15 aqs in<br />

December 1993, indicated that the captain frapently iikeci to couple the airplant: to<br />

the autopilot, on approach, rather than to fly the airplane maually. A review of the<br />

captain's records indicated that the two failed checkrides (SIC on the 5-3201 and<br />

PIC on the $-4101) were, in part, due to uosatisfactory performance on approaches.<br />

On subsequent rechecks, he demonstrated satisfactory proficiency after retraining.<br />

The Safety Board believes that t;?e caprain was inexperienced and iacked confidence<br />

in his ability KO fly &c J-4191. but that he was aware of his weaknesses. As a result,

he may have relied on the autopilot to supplement his flying abilities and erLhaxe<br />

the apprcach stability of the airplane i n less rhm optimurn weaxher conditions.<br />

The Safet;v Board acknowledges the valw of an autopilot to FL&IC~:<br />

pilot wnrkioad during instrument approaches and encowages its use. However, &E<br />

Safety Board is concerned that some pilots might accept autopiior performanr.:. as<br />

infallible and become complacent in their monitoring function. ?he Safety BG&<br />

belleves that training programs must stress the need for pilots to stay &,rt md<br />

remain in the loop durhg coupled approaches.<br />

The events of this accident reelect a !&a1 breakdown 13 crew<br />

codination, an essential element of conducting successful instrument approaches.<br />

CRM training is not currently required ~nder 14 CFR 135; nonetheless. ACA did<br />

include a I-hour class during its J-4101 ground school that inc!.l-fed previous<br />

accidentjincidents, hcman factwkonsldemtions, and the NASA aviation safety<br />

reporting system. The training did not provide for interaction of the crewmemkrs<br />

or feedback and continued reinforcement regarding their peSomance, as described<br />

in Advisory Circular (AC) 120-5 I A Crew Resomce Management Training.<br />

A.tlmtic Coast Airlines began operations on 9af:uary 1, 1992, with a<br />

rnm2gement spructtlre experienced in airline operations. That experiencz, according<br />

to the FAA POI, enabled the company to avoid many problems that new entrants<br />

had in st~t-~p airline operations. A rapid expansion occurred within &e company<br />

during the foliowing 18 months.

67<br />

ACA had a seniority system for the pilots; however, pilots that had<br />

'ban trained in a particular cockpit position or type of airplane incurred the "iock"<br />

or "freeze" due to the revenm service perid. As a result, junior piiots were able to<br />

fill a position on a higher paying airpiane model. Such was the case of the accident<br />

captain. He was trained as a first time captain to fly on the 5-4101 and, in effect,<br />

j':nped ahead of other pilots, out of seniority, on a aew and more desirable piece of<br />

p.;uipment. The newly hired first officer was also placed on the more sophisticated<br />

piece of equipment.<br />

Although a pilot seniority system does not guarantee that the most<br />

qualified airmen are promoted fit, the Safety Board believes that ser'iority does<br />

providp ari indicator of seasoning and experience in airline operations. The system<br />

in place at ACA precluded the orderly progression that would have enabled the new<br />

captain to gain experience as a captain on a familiar airplane before helshe<br />

progressed to a new and more advanced airplane.<br />

Al?houg'n the company met or exceeded the ground and fight training<br />

requirements and regulatims, the operational oversight and monitodg of the pilots<br />

by company managers appeared to have been reduced. ?he lack cf adequate<br />

supervision md guidance may have led flightmws to develop poor gig?&<br />

procedures and habits. An example was the procedure of flying high speed<br />

approzches to assist air traffic control. The nunstandardization of operations<br />

between airplanes was recognized by management and was being addressed by the<br />

cornpzny through the deveIopment of a Bight standards manual. At the time of the<br />

accident, the manu& had not been zpproved by thz FAA. While the captain had<br />

more fiight experimce than the first officer, he had been recently promoted Erom a<br />

first officer on a 3-3102 to a captain of a 5-4101 on a scheduled air carrier. If<br />

standardization of qproach procedures between airplanes had k en established, the<br />

captain might have been better prepared to carry out proper approach procedures,<br />

and the first officer might hzve been more knowledgeable and trained for the event.<br />

The company correctly applied the "green on green" pairing<br />

:xxqtitirements of pilots not flying together with less than 100 hours. However, the<br />

combination of a new capain with a previo?~ history of demonstrated yroblems<br />

d~ri~:; checkrides. scheduled with a new first officer who had not flown for 18 days,<br />

prsvided a degraded Rying performance environment that proved to be inadequate<br />

usder the existins operational conditions.

68<br />

As a result of the Safety Board's Safety Recommendation A-90-iO7,<br />

originating from the investigation of USAk flight 5050, i6 on July 22, 1991, the FAA<br />

issued ACOB 8-88-1. This ACOS revised existing guidance concerning &e pairing<br />

of crewmernbers by incorporating a joint govemmenthnduswy task force's<br />

flightcrew perfomaxe committee recommendations. The c:rJr.mittec's<br />

recommendations involve three basic program elements: consolidation of skills,<br />

operating reslr;actions, and pairkg restrictions.<br />

The Safety Board investigation indicated thae &e FAA surveilance of<br />

ACA was conducted in accordance with flight standards directives. After the initial<br />

certification to operate was issued in late 1091, the TCI was infcmed of- the iwnt<br />

by the carrier to expand operalions under Part 12 I. A schedule of events to certify<br />

the carrier was conducted and completed in April 1993. Additiofially, &e carrier<br />

submitred is request to place the Jetstream 4100 on ita certificate. Again, the<br />

certification process for inclusion of a new airplane was accoTnplished at ACA. The<br />

oversight by &e FAA during initial certification and during ?ne recertification for the<br />

additional company operations was adequate. The Safety Board believes that &e<br />

FAA's role in approving the carrier's operating certificate for the Jetstream 4100 was<br />

proper and did not contribute to the accident.<br />

2.6 Corrective Actions<br />

As a result of the Safety Board's ir'vestigafon of the GP Express<br />

accident in Anniston, Alabama, on Apri! 12, 1993. the following recnmmendation to<br />

the FAA was issued: I7<br />

'4-93-36<br />

Require that scheduled air carries operating under I4 CFR Part I35<br />

develop, and include ic their Eight operation manbals and mining<br />

programs, stabilized approact-. criteria. The criteria shou!d include<br />

specific limits of localizer, giideslope, and VOR needle derlections<br />

i5 See Aircraft Accident Report--"iiSAir, kc., night 5050, Boeing 737-4GQ, N416US. Flushing,<br />

New York, September 20, 1989" {<strong>NTSB</strong>i. iAR-90/03)<br />

'?See Aviation Accident Report--"Cont.-olled Cdlision With Terrain, GP Exp-ess Airlimes, Inc.,<br />

Flight 861, A Beechcraft C 9, N11 SGP, AMiStOn, Alabama, June 8, 1992" (NTSFSB/<strong>AAR</strong>-93/03)

In a letter dated Jum IC,, 1953, &e FAA advised that it would issue m<br />

ACOB emphasizing stabilized approach criteria information and associated 'uaining<br />

issues, and referencing guidance makiai currently available on &is subject. Bzsed<br />

on this information, oc November 19, 1991. the Safety Board classified A-93-36<br />

"Open--Acceptable Alternate Xesponse."<br />

The Safety Board cmnot understand why the FAA has not yet<br />

completed these actions and issued the applisable ACOB. la any event, the Safety<br />

Board now believes that the AC@B route to address this issue is aot appropria\e. E<br />

a stabilized approach procedure had ken developed and required to be adhered to<br />

by all pilots for night IMC approaches, perhaps this accident would nave been<br />

prevented. Therefore, the Safety I3oa-U classifies A-93-36 "Open--Unacceptable<br />

Response" and reiterates A-93-35. Further, the Safety Board urges the FAA 10<br />

review its position on the need for regulatory action and to mo-e expeditiously<br />

t~ward requiring Part 135 operators to include in theii flight operations manuals and<br />

training programs stabilized approach criteria.<br />

The Safety Board is coficemed that the FAA has not addressed the<br />

passenger and crew safety issue associated with the Pacific Scientific belt design.<br />

The Safety Board reminds the FAA that Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)<br />

91-1<strong>07</strong>(a)(3) states, in part, that each person on board a U.S.-registem! civil aircraft<br />

must occupy an approved seat or berth with a safety belt and, if installed, a shoulder<br />

harness h at is properly securcd about him or her during movement on the surface,<br />

takeoff, &xi landing. This same requirement is also reflected in other Yegulations,<br />

such as i4 CFR 135.128(a), and 14 CFR 121.311(b). The Safety Board believes<br />

that if passengers and crew are required by the CFR to wear saiefy belts, then it is<br />

the responsibility of the FAA to ensure that the safety belts function properly.<br />

Although the FAA is in the final stages of issuing an airwo&iness directive to<br />

remove t he safety belts from service, it will take several months tc accomplish this<br />

task. The Safety Board belicves that when passengers board an aircraft, they have<br />

the right ti? ensure that eveqf&iiig on that aircraft is functioning properly. If, as in<br />

this case, the safety belt, under eaergency conditions, may not function as dssigned,<br />

then it is the FAA's responsibility to ensure that operators advise passengers and

70<br />

crew that they must align the insert with the buckle to ensure that the bu~:lde will<br />

reiease should an emergency evacuation become necessary.<br />

Recent conversations that FAA staff have had with Safety Board staff<br />

show &ha: thc FA4 does not intend to take further action on Safety Recommendation<br />

A-<strong>94</strong>-67, concerning Pacific Scientific safety beit buckles. Therefore the Safety<br />

Box& now classifies Safety Recommendation A-<strong>94</strong>-67 "Closed--Unacceptable<br />

Action."<br />

The Safety Board strongly believes that until these restmint systems are<br />

replaced, the FAA shouid immediately notify all operators and require them to<br />

explain to passengers and crewmembers, before each flight, how to release these<br />

safety beits baseci upon ale design deficiency found in this investigation.<br />

The Safety Board is currently conducting a safety study of the<br />

star~dards mnd practices in ihe coniuiutei akke kdttstry. !$eve& 5id issues zre<br />

being addressed in the skdy, including: flightcrew training (including the<br />

availabi!ity and use of flght sirnutatom); flightcrew scheduling ad crew pairiig<br />

policies; crew resource management (CRW training; the certification and design of<br />

commuter airplanes; management oversight; ad FAA smeilimce. ais study was<br />

initiated in the spring of 19<strong>94</strong>, aqd the fiid report is scheduled to be prese~ted to<br />

the Board in November 19<strong>94</strong>.

1.<br />

2.<br />

3,<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

me airplane was certified, quipped, and mintaind in<br />

accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations and approved<br />

procedures.<br />

The fiightcrew was trained and certified for the €light m<br />

accordance with company procedures a;,5 Federal Aviation<br />

Regulations.<br />

There was no evidence of failures of my of the stmctures,<br />

systems, or engines that contributed to the accident.<br />

The weather was essentially the same as forecast by the National<br />

Weather Service, and the piiots were aware of the current<br />

weather conditions.<br />

Light to moderate mixed icing condiiions existed dmzg the<br />

approach to Columbus; however, airframe icing was not a factor<br />

in the cawe of the accident.<br />

Air tmfflc services were not totally in accordance with<br />

established procedures but did not contribute to the cause of the<br />

accident.<br />

Tie 3-4101 was a new airplane placed into service in the United<br />

Stztes by ACA in May 1993. Both pilots had low fli&t time<br />

and experience in the airplane and in my airplane equipped with<br />

an electronic eight instrument system (ERS). AddiFionally, the<br />

captain had low time and experience as a captain.<br />

High speed approaches to the final approach fi were often<br />

fiou% by 1-4101 Crews, aithough the FiOcedure was neither<br />

pcblished in the company operations and training manuals nor<br />

appmved by the FAA.

(5) The cornpmqr’s failure to provide adequate crew resource<br />

management training, and the FAA’s failure to require such training;<br />

and<br />

:6) The unavailability of suitable training simulators that precluded<br />

fully effective flightcrew trainhg.

74<br />

--to the Federal Aviatbn Ahinis%ation:<br />

Ensure that all Part 135 operam-s that hco~orate both a high sped<br />

approach profie and a coupled approach profile in the trahing<br />

mual for ail airplmes train pilots to proficiency for Lhose<br />

approach profiies. (Class H, Pri~sity Action) (A-<strong>94</strong>-1?4]

75<br />

Soh K. Ezuber<br />


1. Investigation<br />

77<br />


The National Transportation Safety Board was notified of the accident<br />

about 0030 eastern standard time on January 8, 19<strong>94</strong>. An investigative team was<br />

dispatched from Washington, D. C., early that moming. Yt was composed of the<br />

f~pl~wing pups: operations: air m%c control; weather; structures; systems;<br />

powerplants; survival factors; and aircmft performance. In addition, specialist<br />

reprt were prepared for the CVR, FDR, and human performance.<br />

Parties to the field investigation were the FAA, the National Air Traffic<br />

Controlfers Association, Jetstream Aircraft Limited, Atlantic Coast Airlines, the<br />

Association of Right Attendants, the Air Line Pilots Association, McCauley<br />

Accessory Division, and Allied Signal Corporation. The Air Accidents<br />

Investigation Bmch (aAzB) of the U.K. was notified of the zccident and was<br />

e mntecf stabs in $his investigation in accordance with Ap_.;ex 13 to the Convention<br />

on international Civil Aviation.<br />

A public hearing was not held regarding the accident.

1. Investigation<br />

77<br />


The National Transportation Safety Board was notified of the accident<br />

about 0030 eastern standard time on January 8, 19<strong>94</strong>. An investigative team was<br />

dispatched from Washington, D. C., early that moming. Yt was composed of the<br />

f~pl~wing pups: operations: air m%c control; weather; structures; systems;<br />

powerplants; survival factors; and aircmft performance. In addition, specialist<br />

reprt were prepared for the CVR, FDR, and human performance.<br />

Parties to the field investigation were the FAA, the National Air Traffic<br />

Controlfers Association, Jetstream Aircraft Limited, Atlantic Coast Airlines, the<br />

Association of Right Attendants, the Air Line Pilots Association, McCauley<br />

Accessory Division, and Allied Signal Corporation. The Air Accidents<br />

Investigation Bmch (aAzB) of the U.K. was notified of the zccident and was<br />

e mntecf stabs in $his investigation in accordance with Ap_.;ex 13 to the Convention<br />

on international Civil Aviation.<br />

A public hearing was not held regarding the accident.

Legend of communication descriptions, abbreviations, acronyms and symbols used in the<br />

attached CVR transcript:<br />

CAM<br />

INT<br />

-7<br />

-2<br />

-?<br />

CLE<br />

IND<br />

CMH<br />

TWR<br />

COM<br />

OPS<br />

PA<br />

GPWS<br />

.<br />

#<br />

.,.<br />

0<br />

I]<br />

-<br />

Cockpit area microphone<br />

lntra-cockpit intercom system<br />

Voice for position) identified as Captain<br />

Voice (or position) identified as First Officer<br />

Unidentifiable voice<br />

Cleveland Air Route Traffic Control Center<br />

Indianapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center<br />

Columbus Approach Control<br />

Columbus Tower Local Control<br />

Radio transmissions received by accident aircraft from sources other than those<br />

specificaily listed herein.<br />

Columbus <strong>Com</strong>pany Oprations<br />

Aircraft public address system<br />

Ground Proximity Warning System<br />

Uninteiligible word<br />

Expletive deleted<br />

Pause<br />

Questionable text<br />

Editorial insertion<br />

Break in continuity

TIME a<br />

&Q!w!&x wm<br />

225059<br />

CAM (Start of Recording]<br />

2251:05<br />

INT-2 two nlner niner four ... should I quwtion that?<br />

225192<br />

INT-1 a's okajr.<br />

2252:29<br />

iNT-2 yeah we just came in it right on top.<br />

2252:37<br />

INT-1 YW.<br />

225721<br />

INT-2 you got one I'm gonna try two again ... * miles out.<br />

22572.1<br />

INT-1 okay.

2257:31<br />

CMH [the following ATIS repeats three times] port columbus<br />

international airport inlormation alpha time zero three five<br />

zero zulu weather measured ceiling one thousand one<br />

hundred overcast visibility six light snow fog temperature<br />

two three dew point two two winds three three zero at<br />

fOU7 altimeter two niner niner seven ILS runway two eight<br />

left approach in use also landing runway two eight right<br />

.. ail departing aircraft contact clearance delivery one<br />

two six point three prior to taxing ... notice to airmen<br />

taxiway goii two eight left hold short sign out of service<br />

... taxiway bravo hold short sign out of service .. bravo<br />

lour .. advise on initial contact you have iriformation<br />

alpha.<br />

225851<br />

CLE blue ridge two ninetyune contact indianapolis center one<br />

two four point four five.<br />

2260:55<br />

RDO-1 indianapolis center twenty-four forty-five blue ridge two<br />

ninety-one.<br />

2259: 19<br />

RDO-1 indianapolis center blue ridge two ninety-one's with you<br />

at one four thousand.<br />

225923<br />

IMD blue ridge two ninety-one indianapolis center ropr the<br />

altimeter at columbus is two niner niner seven.

2259:20<br />

RDO-I two niner nlner seven blue ridge two ninety-one.<br />

225931<br />

IND blue ridge two ninety-one be advised ah just had a report<br />

of some icing at one four thousand .. ten o'clock to you<br />

and ah about twenty-five thirty miles.<br />

225<strong>94</strong>2<br />

RDO-1 you said that was some light rime? w<br />

2259:44<br />

IND lour zero four charlie kilo what kind of Icing were you<br />

getting?<br />

225<strong>94</strong>7<br />

4Z4CK moderate moderate rime on up to fourteen thousand and<br />

we're ah we're in the clear ah in the clear above us up<br />

here at fifteen thousand.<br />

225956<br />

IND zero lour charlie kilo thank you .. blue ridge two<br />

ninety-one he said it was moderate rime icing up to one<br />

four thousand.<br />

2300:02<br />

RDO-1 okay thanks ah we'll keep that in mind.<br />

2300:06<br />

4Z4CK and we're sitt'n here negative twenty on the centigrade<br />

ah at fifteen thousand for four charlie kilo.<br />


3 0<br />

c<br />


230254<br />

INT-1 since we're gonna have to k) in this Wie probably end<br />

up get'n ah -<br />

2303:lO<br />

CAM (sound simlar to that of altitude or gnar warning alerl]<br />

2303:1 I<br />

l&T-l thousand.<br />

2303:20<br />

INT-2 we'li probabiy erxi up getting the what?<br />

230322<br />

INT-1<br />

SLRCG we gotta descend down in if rdher then get ii up in<br />

!he clear and keep her as dry as long as pssihte.<br />

230228<br />

RW-1 and indian-lis canter bfue aidge two nlnety-one can we<br />

g0t eh one live thousand for a IItM whila?<br />

2302:33<br />

IND blue ridge two ninety-one stand by.<br />

2302:<strong>07</strong><br />

IND blue &!go two ninetyonc climb and maintain one five<br />

thousand.<br />

230250<br />

ROO-1 one live thousand btue, ridge tao nlnntyone.

TIME &<br />

?iQ!mz<br />

2303:32<br />

INT-I<br />

2303:42<br />

INT-2<br />

230353<br />

INT-2<br />

2303:57<br />

INT-1<br />

2304: 17<br />

IN?-l<br />

23<strong>94</strong>:24<br />

IN r -2<br />

2304:24<br />

INT-1<br />

230426<br />

IFIT-2<br />

2304:29<br />

IldT-1<br />



like so ... (then) get pilot's discretion we'll just .. live<br />

hundred to go .. bring her down real quick.<br />

live to go.<br />

traflic nine o'clock ten.<br />

roger.<br />

okay see if you can reach company tell 'em you're i 3bout<br />

eighteen out .. I got one.<br />

alright -<br />

what's the AfIS called agrrin?<br />

columbus oh ATlS is alpha<br />

nlright I got one.<br />

2304:45<br />

RDO-2 columbus ops blue ridge two ninety-one.

2305: 10<br />

CAM [sound of single chime]<br />

2306:t 1<br />

INT-1 okay tell you what don't worry about it ..<br />

230506<br />

RDO-2 and Columbus ops blue ridge two ninety-one.<br />

2305:33<br />

IND blue ridge two ninety-one turn twenty degrees to the left<br />

this is vw.::-!s lor runway two eight at Columbus.<br />

230535<br />

RDO-2 columbus ops blue ridge two ninety-one is trying to reach<br />

you.<br />

2305:38<br />

RDO-1 twenty degrees to the left lor vectors for runway two<br />

eight columbus.<br />

230542<br />

IND blue ridge two ninety-one pilot's discretion maintain one<br />

one thousand,<br />

2305:46<br />

RDO-1 pilot's discretion to one one thousand bluE ridge two<br />

ninety-one.<br />

2308:Oi<br />

RDO-2 and Columbus 09s blue ridge two ninety-one.<br />

w)<br />


TIME &<br />

SOuBa<br />

2306:15<br />

INT-2 can't get nobody<br />

2306: 16<br />

INT-1<br />

230638<br />

INT-2 okay.<br />

uhm ... call in the back .. tell tha folks oh we'll be about<br />

twenty minutes we're twenty minutes out descending just<br />

give a rough estimata of the weather .. ali you need to do<br />

is tell them it's light snow overcast and whd the winds<br />

are and the temperature don't go into any detail.<br />

2306:39<br />

iNT-1 alright . and I got one.<br />

230655<br />

PA-2 and ah ladies and gentlemen ah we'll be stafling our<br />

initial descent into Columbus ah real shortly ah we should<br />

be on the ground in approximately ah eighteen to twenty<br />

minutes .. ah local weather it's ah twenty-three degrees<br />

ah light snow and ah winds ah seem to be coming out of<br />

the ah northwest at four knots and ah we'd iike to ask<br />

cur flight attendant to prepars the cabin lor landing thank<br />

you.<br />

33<strong>07</strong>:27<br />

INT-2 back up with you.

TIME &<br />

W:&<br />

23<strong>07</strong>:30<br />

INT-1<br />

23<strong>07</strong>52<br />

INT-1<br />

230840<br />

INT-2<br />

2300:40<br />

INT-1<br />

2308:45<br />

INT-2<br />

2308:56<br />

INT-1<br />

230858<br />

INT-2<br />

okay .. we'll do the iLS for two eight left .. I don't care.<br />

okay I got a April twenty-fourth nineteen ninety-two<br />

eleven one .. ILS to colunibus two eight left two<br />

seventy-nine inbound heading one oh eight point seven<br />

is the ah Ioc frequency three ninety-one is SUMIF which<br />

is the outer marker .. we ah thousand fourteen and a halt<br />

mile we have that ,.. glide slope is ah .. intercept is ah<br />

twenty-seven hundred feet .. missed approach is climb to<br />

twenty-seven hundred leet direct to ah looks like GRENS<br />

locator outer marker and hold .. looks like it's gonna be<br />

right turns .. any questions?<br />

no quzstions.<br />

okay .. ah let's do a descent and approach check.<br />

roger ., I3 and A .. pressurization checked.<br />

checked.<br />

APR is armed.

c<br />

2<br />

a<br />

._<br />


TIME &<br />

.ELu.&E<br />

2309:41<br />

IN7--1<br />

2309:43<br />

INT-2<br />

2303:44<br />

INT-1<br />

230958<br />

I wr -2<br />

231O:Ol<br />

INT-1<br />

continue with the checklist.<br />

crew briel.<br />

okay we wanted it ah two eights flaps twenty-five<br />

standard calls ref speeds we might do a AOA depending<br />

or1 what hnppons n3 we won't do an AOA it'll be ah<br />

without AOA so what are the speeds?<br />

okay ref aped is gonna be one oh five.<br />

fivo six and twenty<br />

230928<br />

ADO-1 one one niner nine five blue ridge Wo ninety-orlo.<br />

2309:31<br />

IND sir it's one one niner point one five nineteen fifteen.<br />

2309:34<br />

RDO-1 okay nineteen fifteen ah for blue ridge ah two ninety-onc<br />

thanks.<br />

2309:4O<br />

COM [sound of frequency change tone]<br />

00<br />


TIME 8<br />

f3.Qumz<br />

2310:03<br />

I NT-2<br />

2310:03<br />

INT-1<br />

2310:05<br />

INT-2<br />

2310:06<br />

INT-1<br />

2310:<strong>07</strong><br />

INT-2<br />

2310:08<br />

INT-1<br />

2310:08<br />

INT-2<br />

2310:li<br />

INT-1<br />

2310:14<br />

INT-2<br />

yeah.<br />

alright<br />

okay -<br />

any questions?<br />

no.<br />

alright.<br />

descent and approach check is completed.<br />

alright .. I'm gonna talk to him you try and reach<br />

company okay.<br />


2311~8<br />

1Nr-l you ever get 'em.<br />

2310:16<br />

RDO-1<br />

2310:22<br />

CMH<br />

2310:31<br />

RDO-1<br />

2310:34<br />

RDO-2<br />

2310:46<br />

RDO-2<br />

231056<br />

RDO-2<br />

231 I :oa<br />

RDO-2<br />

columbus approach blue ridge two ninety-one is with you<br />

out of thirteen thousand two hundred for one one<br />

thousand alpha.<br />

blue ridge two ninety-one roger ah looks like heading two<br />

eight five intercept the two eight left localizer maintain<br />

one zero thousand.<br />

two eight five for the intercept for the two eight left<br />

localizer and tllat's ah down to one zero thousand for<br />

blue ridge two ninety-one.<br />

and columbus ops blue ridge two ninety-one.<br />

columbus ops ah blue ridge two nine one.<br />

and columbus ops blue ridge two ninety-one.<br />

and ops blue ridge two ninaty-one is trying<br />

a<br />


TIME a<br />

s.QM3.E Lxx!ma<br />

2311:iQ<br />

INT-2 no no<br />

231 121<br />

INT-1 okay screw 'em<br />

231 1:26<br />

INT:; okay we're going .. down to ten thousand 0 and A's been<br />

completed ah .. the on:! thing we have left is reach<br />

company.<br />

23.1 1:45<br />

INT-1 depending upon what we go through I might have you<br />

pop the boots at the outer marker we'll See.<br />

231 1:49<br />

INT-2 okay .. all I'd have to do is hit auto-cycle light up right up<br />

here?<br />

231 155<br />

INT-1 yeah just hit autocycle.<br />

231 1:56<br />

INT-2 right okay<br />

2312:12<br />

INT-2 you got six miles in eleven wndred s? typical -<br />

2312:18<br />

INT-1 oh yeah not worried about that.

2312:35<br />

INS-1<br />

231239<br />

INT-2<br />

231241<br />

INT-1<br />

231329<br />

INT-1<br />

2313:32<br />

INT-2<br />

2313:35<br />

INT-1<br />

2314:12<br />

INT-1<br />

231413<br />

iNT-2<br />

down to four.<br />

that's what I said to him.<br />

yeah I'm just repeating it I heard you.<br />

what's the winds the surface winds down there .. again?<br />

ah three three zero at four knots.<br />

thanks.<br />

tell ysu what.<br />

yeah.<br />

231226<br />

CMW blue ridge two ninety-one descend and maintain four<br />

thousand.<br />

2312:20<br />

RDO-2 ah down to four thousand blue ridge btdo nineiy-one.

z e<br />

><br />

a,<br />

C<br />

c<br />

._<br />

c<br />


2316:ZO<br />

INT-1 what's the ice AOA ah .<br />

2318:26<br />

INT-1 what's the V speed.<br />

231643<br />

CAM [sound of single chime]<br />

231v:46<br />

INT-1 we're gonna do (laps twenty-live ice AOA on so what's<br />

the refspeod lor that _., at this weight?<br />

2317:19<br />

INT-1 ?housand.<br />

zo1r:m<br />

INS-2 ref's gonna be -<br />

231628<br />

CMH blue ridge two ninety-one is one zero miles from SUMlE<br />

malntaln three thousand until establish on the localizer<br />

cleared the ILS runway two eight lalt approach.<br />

2316:36<br />

RDO-2 ah roger maintain three thousand until established and<br />

ah cleared for the ILS ah two eight left blue ridge two<br />

niner one.<br />


TIME &<br />

s!lNBsx CONTENT<br />

2317:20<br />

CAM [sound similar to that of altitude of gear warning alert]<br />

2317:21<br />

INT.2 one to go ... ref ,s gonna be one twelve<br />

2317:25<br />

IN'T-1 what that's VJith the ice AOA right?<br />

2317:28<br />

INT-2 that's affirm,<br />

2317:29<br />

wr-1 okay that's what we're gonna do ... that's what We're<br />

gonna do<br />

231?:46<br />

C A h.1 [soucd of single chime]<br />

2317:5R<br />

CAM [sound similar to reductim in prop/engine noise<br />

anlplitude]<br />

TIME a<br />

sQ!lrsE<br />

2317:43<br />

CMH blue ridge two ninety-one reduce speed to one seven<br />

zero contact tower one three two point seven.<br />

2317:49<br />

RDO-2 one three two point seven on the frequency and reduce<br />

speed to one seventy blue ridge ah two ninety-one.

TIME 8<br />

s!at!BGE<br />

2018:26<br />

INT-1 two ninzty-one.<br />

2310:36<br />

INT-2 what did I say?<br />

2318:38<br />

INT-1 three ninety-one.<br />

2318:39<br />

INT-2 oh.<br />

2318:40<br />

INT-1 okay if you got all the speeds don't worry about them<br />

anymore.<br />

2318:13<br />

COM [sound of frequency change tone]<br />

231890<br />

RDO-2 ah good evening tower blue ridge three ninety-one is with<br />

you on the localizer for ah two eight left.<br />

2318:27<br />

TWR blue ridge two ninety-one columbus tower runway two<br />

eight left cleared to land wind three zero zero at four.<br />

231833<br />

RDO-2 cleared to land blue ridge two ninmy-one.<br />

\B<br />


TIME a<br />

s w<br />

2318:44<br />

INT-2<br />

2318:46<br />

INT-1<br />

231853<br />

INT-2<br />

2319:14<br />

CAM<br />

2319:22<br />

INT-1<br />

2319:30<br />

INT-I<br />

2319:32.0<br />

IFJT-2<br />

2319:36.8<br />

INT-1<br />

2319:39.7<br />

INT-2<br />

2320:01.3<br />

INT-2<br />


ref is one twelve I gotta plug that (too)<br />

I did it !or you.<br />

here comes glide slope.<br />

[sound similar to altitude or gear warning alert]<br />

gimme another one of those.<br />

and we're marker inbound<br />

roger.<br />

don't forget to give me my calls .. a thousand fourteen is<br />

DH.<br />

a thousand .. okay<br />

a thousand above.


TIME a<br />

SOUHCE ?zamim<br />

2320:02.3<br />

INT-1 okay .. flaps nine.<br />

2320:08.5<br />

INT-I gear down.<br />

2320 10.5<br />

CAM [sound similar to landing gear extension]<br />

2320:13.1<br />

INT-2 flaps nine ., waiting for three green.<br />

2329:20.0<br />

iNT-1 flaps fifteen landing chocks.<br />

2320:25.6<br />

INT-7 flaps fifteen landing gear down three green.<br />

2320:28.4<br />

INT-1 landing gear down three green ‘laps liftaeri set indicating.<br />

2320:31.6<br />

INT-2 condition levers .. a hund- conditicn levers a hundred<br />

percent.<br />

2320:36.1<br />

INT-1 okay give me a hundred percent please.<br />

232G:38.1<br />

INT-2 a hundred percent .. flows at lhtee.

2320:39.8<br />

CAM [sound 01 increase in proplengine rpm]<br />

2320:4 1 . 1<br />

INT-I three.<br />

2320:41.6<br />

INT-2 yaw damper.<br />

2320:42.7<br />

INT-1 and autopilot to QO .. don't touch.<br />

2320:44.5<br />

INT-2 don't touch<br />

23%0:46.2<br />

INT-2 lholding on the yaw darnper<br />

2320:46.6<br />

CAM [sound similar to that 01 stick shaker ~idrts]<br />

23%0:47.;!<br />

CAM [sound of seven tones similar to that ol autopilot<br />

disconnect alert]<br />

2320:40.1<br />

INT-1 tony.<br />

2320:49.5<br />

CAM [sound similar to that of stick shaker stops]

232057.5<br />

CAM [sound similar to that of change In or addition to stick<br />

shaker]<br />

232058.7<br />

iNT-1 whoa.<br />

2321 :00.2<br />

CAM [notmd of impact)<br />

2321:oo.a<br />

CAM [End of Recording]

Offre of the Chairman<br />

103<br />



Honorable David R. Hinson<br />

Administrator<br />

Federal Aviation ndninistration<br />

Yashinqton, D.C. 20591<br />

Dear Vz. Hinson:<br />

Thank you €or the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA)<br />

response of May 25, 1992, to the National Trar,sportation Safety<br />

Board’s Safety Recommendations A-<strong>94</strong>-70 through -72.<br />

Safeky Reconmendation A-<strong>94</strong>-70 asked the FAA to conduct an<br />

in-depth review of its policies and procedures for the processing<br />

of Air Carrier Operations Bulletins (ACOB), and develop a system to<br />

ensure that the safety information contained therein is acted on in<br />

a timely and accurate manner. The system should include a process<br />

to verify that the actions conteaplated by the ACOB are effectively<br />

implemented.<br />

The Safety Board notes that the FAA will issue a handbook<br />

bulletin to establish a prccess by which all flight s%andards field<br />

offices will acconplish and document surveillance, inspection, or<br />

certificate management actions required by ACOBs, flight standards<br />

informati.on bulletins, and handbook bulletins. Provided this<br />

handbook bulletin is issued to all FSDOs in a timely manner, the<br />

safety Board classifies safety Recommendation A-<strong>94</strong>-70<br />

“Open--Acceptable Response.” Additionally, the safety Board<br />

requests a copy of the handbook bulletin when it is issued.<br />

Safety Reconmendation X-<strong>94</strong>-71 asked the FAA to issue immediate<br />

guidance to all principal operations inspectors (POIs) to verify<br />

that the intended safety-related actions contained in ACOB 8-93-4<br />

have been accomplished for air carriers under their jurisdiction.<br />

The Safety Board notes that the FAA will issue a notice<br />

directing its POKs to verify that the actions Contained in ACOB<br />

8-93-4 have been accomplished for the air carriers under their<br />

jurisdiction. The Safety Board classifies Safety Recommendation<br />

A-<strong>94</strong>-71 “Open--Acceptable RESpGnSe“ snd awaits a copy of the<br />

subject bulletin.<br />

Safety Recoxsendation A-54-72 asked the FL4 to take the<br />

appropriate 2ctior.s to verify that ACOLis issued in the past few<br />

years have Seen inpienente8 as intended.

The Safety Board notes that the FAA will issue a notice<br />

directing its FSDO managers to verify that the actions contained in<br />

all ACOBs issued since January 1, 1992, have been accomplished.<br />

Fending the issuance of the notice, the Safety Boar6 classifies<br />

Safety Recommendation A-<strong>94</strong>-72 "Open--Acceptable Response.''<br />

Sincerely,<br />

mgina 8igmd 3Y<br />

James E. Xiell<br />

3is Hall<br />

Acting Chairman<br />

cc: ~r.<br />

Donalc? R. Trilling.<br />

Director<br />

Office of Transportation Regulatory Affairs

The Hor:orable Carl W. Vogt<br />

~haiman, National Transportation<br />

-<br />

Safety Board<br />

490 L'Enfant Plaza East. SW.<br />

Uear itr. Chaiman:<br />

This is in response c to Safety Recomendations.A-<strong>94</strong>-70 through<br />

- -72-issued by the Board on March 17, 19<strong>94</strong>. These safety<br />

recox=er,datians were issued as a result of the Board's concern<br />

rqarding the.process for disseninatinq air carrier operations<br />

t;&letins (~~02:.<br />

&-9:-70. conduct an in-kp!-fi review of its pclicles and<br />

prcce?;res for the processing.of ACOBs, and develop a systen to<br />

enscre that the safety informatien contained therein is acted<br />

on in a tinely and accurate manner. Tho system should include<br />

a process to verify that the actions contemplated by the kCOB<br />

are effectively inplenented.<br />

- F'S-2. CcT-ent. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will<br />

iss.;e a handbook bulletin to establish a process by which all<br />

flicht standards fieid offices must accolnplish and document<br />

scrveillance, i-spection, or certificate management actions<br />

reyJire6 by ACCB's, flight standards information bulletins, and<br />

ha-dbsck hlletins. This bulletin will direct e2ch flight<br />

szandards district field office nanaqer to lnaintain a master<br />

ccyy of all policy bulletins. The manager will sign each<br />

bulletin upon receipt and'ensure that the appropriate<br />

irspctors receive the bulletins.<br />

7s ezsilre *a-<br />

L.iat this action is being accbnplished, eacn<br />

izs;ectcz k'ho has the required action must make an entry into<br />

tke ;.roSraz Trackincj an2 Reporting S'ubsysten [PTRS) under<br />

FZ.5 CoSes 13E1, 3381, or 5381 to ind!cate that he/she has<br />

ccntzcted the appropriate air carrier.<br />

As a icrther €0~10'mp, regional flight standards divisions will<br />

Grsviee a report of each field office compliance with ACOE's,<br />

fllc5.t standards inforxtion bulletins, and handbook bulletins.

106<br />

This report will be submitted biannually io the Flight<br />

Standards National Field Office.'<br />

I have enclosed a draft copy of the balletin fcr the Board's<br />

infarnation. I will provide the Board with a copy of the final<br />

bulletin as soon as it is issued.<br />

A-<strong>94</strong>-71. Issue imediate cgiidance to all POIS to verify that<br />

tke ir,tenc?ed safety-related actions contained in ACGB 8-93-4<br />

have been accomplished for air carriers under their<br />

jurisdiction.<br />

FPA-Cb-ment. The FAA will issue n'noticc directing its<br />

principal operations inspectors to verify that the actions<br />

contained-in ACOB 8-93-4,have been a==omplished tor the cir<br />

carriers unaer their jurisdiction. X t is dnticipated that the<br />

notice will be issued bv Yl.21~ 31.<br />

I vi12 provide the Board with a copy oi tne xaoelce as soon as<br />

it is issued.<br />

$.-9c-72. Take the appropriate actions to verl5y that ACOB5<br />

issued in the past few vears have~.been implemented as intended.<br />

p3. Co?xent. The FAA will ~ssue a notice directing its flight<br />

star,dards field office managers'to verify tbat'tha actions<br />

concained in all ACOB's issued since January 1, 1992, have been<br />

accozplished. It is anticipated that this notice will be<br />

issued by JU~Y 31.<br />

I vi21 provide the Board with a copy of the notice as soon as<br />

it 6s issaea.<br />

Sincerely,<br />


Honorable David R. Hinson<br />

Administrator<br />

Federai Aviation Administration<br />

Washington, D.C. 20591<br />

National ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Safety ~ r 6swd t a t ~ Q n<br />

Washington, D.C. 205<strong>94</strong><br />

Safety Recommendation<br />

Date: March 17, 19<strong>94</strong><br />

In reply refer to: A-<strong>94</strong>-71) through -<br />

72<br />

On November 21, 1991, as the result of the investigation of two commuter<br />

airline accidents,' the National Transportation Safety Board adopted Safety<br />

Recommezdation A-91-122, which urged the Federal Aviation Administration<br />

(FAA) to:<br />

Issue an Operations Bulletin to the Principal Operations Inspectors (POk)<br />

of 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 121 and Pari 135 air carriers to<br />

verify that air carriers have established procedures for flightcrews to take<br />

appropriate actions when they have encountered icing conditions during a<br />

flight, to check fGr the presence of, and to rid airplanes of accumulated<br />

airframe ice prior to ~tiating final approach, in accordance with the<br />

airpiax manufacturers' recommendations on theuse of d-ice sysremns.<br />

AIso as the result of the Livestigation of the same two accidents, on July 22,<br />

1992, the Safety Board adopted Safety Recommendations A-92-59, -60, and -61,<br />

which urged the FAA. to:<br />

'WA inc.. d/b/a Unircd Express. tlig!,f 2415. a Brilish Aerospoce BAJIOI Jelrlrwm, N41OilE. Tri-<br />

ti:ics Airport. Psco. Wasiiinglcn. Wember 25. 1989 (Xi-TSB/<strong>AAR</strong>-91,G6): and CC Air aritish Acrosp:re BA-<br />

310; Jc~wczrn. XI47PC. Beckley. West Virginia, Jm131)'20. 1991.<br />


i ^<br />

i ? 3<br />


equipment. The design changes to the safety be;t tmckles Were<br />

deve?.cped by the manufacturer, in coopexation with Federal<br />

Xviaticn Ad-inistration (FA&) engineers and the Civil<br />

Aercaedical Institute. The manufacturer 4s aggressively<br />

pursuing the replacenent of these safety belts. The FAA is<br />

considering the issi-ance of an airvrthiness directive to<br />

require nar,datory repiaceaent of the buckles within 90 days.<br />

If the FAA issues an airdor'ihiness directive it will be sent to<br />

all operators of affected aircraft. In the meantime, the FAA<br />

believes the manufacturers notification to all operators is<br />

sufficient interim action.<br />

- ... -.<br />

z provide the Board with a copy of any docunent that may<br />

be issued.<br />

A-52-65. Anend TSO-CZ2f to incorporate procedures which would<br />

olace ;saterial. representative of soft abiominal tissile between<br />

the test apparatus and the release buckle ts ensure that safety<br />

belts can be released when subjected to loads specified in the<br />

TSO .<br />

€>A C~znerlt. Tetknicai Standard oraer (TSO) C22f was revised<br />

OVQ~ a year agc to address *&e corrcerns expressed in this<br />

recoraendation. Currently, TSO-C22g incorporates Sy reference<br />

the seat belt requirenents of %\e Society of AutoIEotive<br />

Erigineers Aerospace SEandard (AS) &043. The body block used in<br />

AS 8043 prcvides closed. cell nonresilient foam representative<br />

of soft tissue in the area of the seat belt. As reqzired by<br />

14 cFZ 21.605, all ne4 seat beit applicants must comply with<br />

tke requirelenrs of TSc-CZZg.<br />

I consider rho FAA's aczion to be cocpleted 011 this safety<br />

recomaexdatioz, and I plar. no ;,.,er C*-rh action.<br />

Sixcerely,<br />


Honorable David R. Hinson<br />

Administrator<br />

Federal Aviation Administration<br />

Washington. D.C. 20593<br />

115<br />

National Transportation Safety Board<br />

Washington, D.C. 205<strong>94</strong><br />

Safety Recommendation<br />

Date: mrch 14, 19<strong>94</strong><br />

In reply refer to: A-<strong>94</strong>-67 through -69<br />

On January 7, 19<strong>94</strong>.2 letstream J4101, N304UE, operated by Atlantic Coast Airlines of<br />

Sterling. Virginiz, as United Express ffigh: 6291, was on a scheduled cornlfiuter flight from<br />

Dulles Internationa! Airport to Port Columbus International Airport, in Gahanna, Ohio. At 2321<br />

=?ern smndard time. while on an instrurnent )anding system (IS! approach to runway 28L, L+e<br />

alrpjane struck 2 concrete block building bar was abouc 1.2 miles east of the runway. The pilot,<br />

co-pi!ot, fligh: attendant, and two passengers were fatally injured, and the three other passengers,<br />

a husband and wife and their 5-year-old daughter, sustained minor injurls The airplane was<br />

d-zs!royed by postcrash fire.<br />

On January 8. !9<strong>94</strong>, the Safety Board interviewed the husband, who is a frequent air<br />

traveler. He srated that his family war. originaliy assigned to seats 3A. 3B, and 3C, but due to<br />

the iight passenger load, for weight and balance purposes he was moved to seat 8B, his daughter<br />

to 8C. and his wife to 7C. Two other male passengers occupied s ~ t6B s and 9B.<br />

The husband stated that the seatbelt and no smoking signs were illuminated for the entire<br />

Sight. 4t abou: 2310. the airplane began descending, and the pilot announced the descent for<br />

landisg. The Ian6ing gear was louered about 5 minutes before the accident. The husband said<br />

thh: .e airplane con:inu& to descend, and that he could see lights on the ground. Suddenly, the<br />

aiiglane rolled about 45" in one direction and then about 45" in the othcr direction--he coilld not<br />

recall uhrcher the first roll was ID the lefi or to the right, only that it happened very quickly.<br />

Af!rr the roll excursions. the husband sated that the airplane was "wobbly' 2nd rhen dropped<br />

for abos I second and stopped. He described the recovery from the airplane's drop as 'cushy,"<br />

then mcments later :he airplane struck the ground.<br />

b.fter the airpiane came to rest. there were no lights in the cabin. 2nd the only<br />

i;?un?ir.ation came fro% a fire in ille lek engine. The husband said that he remaimd in his seat<br />

iipit-fht and that :he seas remained atached IO the airplane's floor. Hcwevei. he said that hz<br />

2xpe::enszc) 2 'terribly difficult time rcmosing his searbelt.- He said that the plastic relwe lever<br />

on the bcckle uas 'difficult" to operare bemuse he believed tha: it had to be moved greater rh2n<br />


egardless of how far the re!ease levers were opened. Two specific conditions were idexified that<br />

prevented the release. The firs: was the geometric relationship of the fiat piate and the "1)"shaped<br />

ho!e in the insert haif, and 'J;e 'D"-Shaped protrusion and the lockbar on file buckle half.<br />

It was found :hat under some circumstances even with the lockbar rotated into the 'release"<br />

position, the end of the flat plate on the insert half would contact the iockbv shaft so that the<br />

insert would not lift complesely off the 'D'-shaped protrusion. This would happen when the<br />

huc;i!eiinsert assembly was subjected to an Gutward load, causing a misalignment between the<br />

iwo pms. Wi01 the release lever held in the normal ielwe position. the insert could be<br />

disengaged from the buckle if pulled outward to align the two parts. The seami condition that<br />

prevented release was when 15,e release lever was pulM past its normal release position to its<br />

fti!: posl:ion. in :his me. the end of the ref-&e lever itself interfered with the end of the<br />

imx! 2nd p:evented the irisert from being raised above the "1)'-shaped pronusion on the bottom<br />

pla!e of :he buck!e. T>is occurred regardless of the alignmen: of the buckle and insert.<br />

On February 8 2nd 9. i5<strong>94</strong>. !he Safety Board and representatives from the Federal<br />

Avialio21 Adrninis:rziion's !FAA) Aircraft Certification Managemefit Office, ierstream Aircraft<br />

Con?pany. A;iantic Coast Airlines, and the Ai; Line Pilors Associatioa met !0 examine the safety<br />

bel! rsleasc buckles ai the Pacific Scien!ific Faciiity. During this meeting, Pacific Scientific<br />

di-r;ons!rzted that !he saiery beirs and release buckles me! the requirements contained in FAA's<br />

TX~C22f. This derno;.s:ration consisted of a passenger safety belt placed around a body block,<br />

a:;L Suckicd, and then loaded irk accordance with the TSO. Once it was demonmated that the<br />

safii:; bcit complied wiin the TSO, a i-inch piece of dense foam was placed between the body<br />

Xtd znd :he si;fe;y bel: to represent the seat occupant': soft abdominal tissue. it was found hat<br />

.> ..i:,. :?<br />

XJLC b~-. c 2p;irr~:rt.zreiy 25,rxO of the passenger acd crewmember restrain: systems of this<br />

Lhig I:i Ljsc ~AS>:l&&.

The Safety Board bei!eves that a11 cperators that use these passeager and crewmember<br />

restraint systems should be no?ified of the Safety 30ard's findings, 2nd that the FAA sbould take<br />

action to require the removal of this design and replacement with resc.air.ts of a different design<br />

as expeditiously as possible consistent with :he avaikbility of replacement buckles. The Safety<br />

Board also believes that until thcse restraint system are ieplaced, he FAA should notify all<br />

operators to inform passengers and crewmembers on how to rslease their safety belts based upon<br />

the design deficiency foilnd in this investigation.<br />

Therefore, based on the above informztion. the Safety Board recommends that the Federa:<br />

P.>:iation Administration:<br />

Immediately notify all operators of the Safety Board's finding. including the U.S.<br />

Department of Defense and foreign governments, and require ail operators whose<br />

sircraf! have the bffected Pacific Scientific safety belt buckics to inform<br />

passengers and crewmembers about !he wed to 2lign t?e buckle inserr to assure<br />

easy release of the safety belts. (Class 1, Urgent Action) (A-<strong>94</strong>-67)<br />

issue an Airworthiness Directive to reqdi:e the removal and replacement 3f all<br />

safe!); bel& manufactured by Pacific Scientific fo: Pari Number 1108435 buckles,<br />

with the 45'1ift levers, and Put Number 1108460 buckles with the 90" lift levers,<br />

with belts having bwk!cs of a different design as expeditiously as possible,<br />

consistent with the availability of repiacement buckles. (Class I, Urgent Action)<br />

!A-<strong>94</strong>-68)<br />

Amend TSO-CXf !o incorporate procedures which would place material<br />

repmenrative of soft abdornirai tissue between the test apparztus and the release<br />

buckle :o ewwe th2t szfery be!& can be relwed when subjected to loads specified<br />

in :he TSC). (Class 11. Priority Action) (A-91-69)<br />

Chairman ':iOGT, Vice Chairman COUGHLIN, and Members LAUBER,<br />

tlAhlMERSCHMIDT. and HALL concvrred in these recommendations.<br />


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