changes in protein profiles in bortezomib applied multiple myeloma ...

changes in protein profiles in bortezomib applied multiple myeloma ...

changes in protein profiles in bortezomib applied multiple myeloma ...


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DNA as the first cell does. Therefore, if mutation is not repaired properly and before<br />

replication occurs, the mutated cells amplify to generate billions of cells that constitute a<br />

cancer (K<strong>in</strong>g and Rob<strong>in</strong>s, 2006; Lieberman and Marks, 2009).<br />

Figure 1.1. Loss of Normal Growth Control<br />

Carc<strong>in</strong>ogenesis, the process by which cancers are developed, is a multistage<br />

mechanism result<strong>in</strong>g from the accumulation of errors <strong>in</strong> vital regulatory pathways. It is<br />

<strong>in</strong>itiated <strong>in</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>gle cell, which then multiplies and obta<strong>in</strong>s additional alterations that<br />

give it a survival advantage over its neighbours (Figure 1.2) (K<strong>in</strong>g and Rob<strong>in</strong>s, 2006).<br />

Figure 1.2 represents development of cancer. Each connect<strong>in</strong>g arrow refers<br />

several events and many pathways can exist between each stage. First step (Initiation)<br />

expla<strong>in</strong>s the generation of mutated cells <strong>in</strong> consequence of mutations. Follow<strong>in</strong>g step<br />

(Promotion) expresses the proliferation of differentiated cells. Step three (Progression)<br />

states the formation of cancer. Subsequent to this uncontrolled growth, cancer cells that<br />

alter morphological properties, <strong>in</strong>vade other tissues and metastasize.<br />


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