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May - Library


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acute failures; repair costs for these failures are frequently more<br />

expensive. Not only are direct costs higher (repairs may re q u i re more<br />

labour hours, specialist services or the costly expediting of spares),<br />

but the opportunity cost of lost production per failure is higher. With<br />

this in mind, we are now ready to answer the question as to which<br />

f a i l u res should be prioritizing in order to best improve business<br />

performance.<br />

5. Downtime Priorities and the Business<br />

Cycle<br />

The discussion so far has assumed that the electrical failure s<br />

causing unplanned downtime of the shovel fleet are (i) evident to the<br />

operators and (ii) do not cause significant safety or enviro n m e n t a l<br />

h a z a rd. Hidden and potentially hazardous failure modes should be<br />

a d d ressed and can be identified by applying Reliability-Centre d<br />

Maintenance (RCM) decision logic such as that developed by<br />

Moubray (1997).<br />

Assuming that the hidden and hazardous failure modes have<br />

a l ready been filtered from the shovel electrical downtime data,<br />

maintenance priorities will be determined solely on the basis of the<br />

economic consequences of failures and their associated repair costs.<br />

The economic consequence of a failure includes the opportunity cost<br />

of lost production, the extension of fixed costs such as operator<br />

salaries which must be paid irrespective of equipment downtime, the<br />

cost of maintaining an increased number of spares as a result of the<br />

failure and the cost of maintaining redundant equipment capacity in<br />

order to mitigate the effects of lost production.<br />

In some industries, the economic consequences of plant or<br />

equipment downtime for critical equipment far outweigh repair and<br />

maintenance costs. For example, the mining industry is subject to<br />

highly cyclical commodity prices. With copper prices currently at fiveyear<br />

highs, the opportunity cost of lost production will significantly<br />

exceed the direct cost of repair and maintenance. In such<br />

c i rcumstances, it is desirable to prioritize production, hence<br />

equipment availability and reliability, over repair costs.<br />

H o w e v e r, when copper prices fall, the cost of production becomes<br />

m o re significant. Thus in commodity price troughs, controlling and<br />

reducing maintenance and repair costs will be as important as<br />

maintaining equipment availability and reliability.<br />

F i g u res 9 and 10 illustrate these two scenarios. Figure 9<br />

c o rresponds to a scenario where the opportunity cost of lost<br />

production far exceeds shovel repair and maintenance costs. Figure<br />

10 corresponds to the scenario of a commodity price squeeze causing<br />

production cost concern.<br />

For ease of construction, the availability limit has been defined as<br />

the line of constant downtime equal to the product of the two<br />

t h reshold limits calculated in equations (5) and (6). Note that the<br />

availability limit effectively separates the acute and chronic quadrants<br />

into two areas: acute A and B and chronic A and B respectively. The<br />

expression for the availability limit is:<br />

ni X MTTRi = D where 0 < ni < Limitn (9)<br />

Q<br />

ni = Limitn where ni > Limitn in the case of Figure 9 and:<br />

MTTRi = LimitMTTR ni X MTTRi = D<br />

Q<br />

where 0 < ni < Limitn where ni > Limitn (10)<br />

in the case of Figure 10. The resulting graphs have been christened<br />

“jack-knife” diagrams because of the inverted V shape of the limits.<br />

Because the analysis of unplanned shovel downtime due to<br />

electrical failures was undertaken during a time of very low copper<br />

prices, the jack-knife limits shown in Figure 10 were used to establish<br />

downtime priorities (see Table 2).<br />

It is valid to question the decision not to include all of the events<br />

affecting shovel reliability in the prioritized list. In effect, this means<br />

adding those events classified as “Chronic type B” to priority list.<br />

Code Description Quantity Duration % Time Av. Time<br />


1 Electrical inspections 30 1015 13.0 33.8<br />

10 Overload relay 23 685 8.8 29.8<br />

Sub total 21.8 63.3<br />


2 Damaged feeder cable 15 785 10.1 52.3<br />

7 Auxiliary motors 13 600 7.7 46.2<br />

12 Earth Faults 7 575 7.4 82.1<br />

8 Main motors 12 555 7.1 46.3<br />

15 Air compressor 8 355 4.6 44.4<br />

17 Over current faults 6 220 2.8 36.7<br />

16 Operator controls 5 155 2.0 31.0<br />

Sub Total 41.7 339<br />


11 Motor over temperature 36 745 9.6 20.7<br />

3 Change of substation or shovel move 27 690 8.8 25.6<br />

Sub total 18.4 46.3<br />


Downtime Priorities, Jack-knife Diagrams, Business Cycle<br />

{ }<br />

5 Power cuts to substations 21 395 5.1 18.8<br />

9 Shovel lights 26 240 3.1 9.2<br />

Sub total 8.2 28<br />

Table 2: Electrical maintenance problems prioritised according to Jack-Knife Principles.<br />

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}<br />


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