CASCARA Rhamni purshianae cortex

CASCARA Rhamni purshianae cortex

CASCARA Rhamni purshianae cortex


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— stationary phase: octylsilyl silica gel for<br />

chromatography R (5 µm),<br />

— temperature: 55°C.<br />

Mobile phase: dissolve 1.77 g of potassium dihydrogen<br />

phosphate R in water R anddiluteto650mlwiththesame<br />

solvent; adjust to pH 2.0 with phosphoric acid R and add<br />

350 ml of acetonitrile R.<br />

Flow rate: 1.0ml/min.<br />

Detection: spectrophotometer at 240 nm.<br />

Injection: 20µl.<br />

Run time: 8 times the retention time of carvedilol.<br />

Relative retention with reference to carvedilol<br />

(retention time = about 4 min): impurity A = about 0.6;<br />

impurity C = about 3.5; impurity B = about 6.7.<br />

System suitability: reference solution (b):<br />

— resolution: minimum 17 between the peaks due to<br />

carvedilol and to impurity C.<br />

Limits:<br />

— correction factor: for the calculation of content, multiply<br />

the peak area of impurity A by 2,<br />

— impurity A: not more than twice the area of the principal<br />

peak in the chromatogram obtained with reference<br />

solution (a) (0.2 per cent),<br />

— impurity C: not more than twice the area of the<br />

corresponding peak in the chromatogram obtained with<br />

reference solution (c) (0.02 per cent),<br />

— any other impurity: not more than the area of the<br />

principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with<br />

reference solution (a) (0.1 per cent),<br />

— total: not more than 5 times the area of the principal peak<br />

in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (a)<br />

(0.5 per cent),<br />

— disregard limit: the area of the principal peak in the<br />

chromatogram obtained with reference solution (c)<br />

(0.01 per cent).<br />

Heavy metals (2.4.8): maximum 10 ppm.<br />

2.0gcomplieswithlimittestC.Preparethestandardusing<br />

2.0 ml of lead standard solution (10 ppm Pb) R.<br />

Loss on drying (2.2.32): maximum 0.5 per cent, determined<br />

on 1.000 g by drying in an oven at 100-105 °C.<br />

Sulphated ash (2.4.14): maximum 0.1 per cent, determined<br />

on 1.0 g.<br />

ASSAY<br />

Dissolve 0.350 g in 60 ml of anhydrous acetic acid R.Titrate<br />

with 0.1 M perchloric acid, determining the end-point<br />

potentiometrically (2.2.20).<br />

1mlof0.1 M perchloric acid is equivalent to 40.65 mg of<br />

C24H26N2O4. IMPURITIES<br />

A. 1-[[9-[2-hydroxy-3-[[2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethyl]amino]propyl]-9H-carbazol-4-yl]oxy]-3-[[2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethyl]amino]propan-2-ol,<br />

B. 1,1′-[[2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethyl]nitrilo]bis[3-(9Hcarbazol-4-yloxy)propan-2-ol],<br />

C. (2RS)-1-[benzyl[2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethyl]amino]-3-(9Hcarbazol-4-yloxy)propan-2-ol.<br />

<strong>CASCARA</strong><br />

<strong>Rhamni</strong> <strong>purshianae</strong> <strong>cortex</strong><br />

01/2005:0105<br />


Cascara consists of the dried, whole or fragmented bark<br />

of Rhamnus purshianus D.C. (Frangula purshiana (D.C.)<br />

A. Gray ex J. C. Cooper). It contains not less than 8.0 per<br />

cent of hydroxyanthracene glycosides of which not less<br />

than 60 per cent consists of cascarosides, both expressed<br />

as cascaroside A (C27H32O14; Mr 580.5) and calculated with<br />

reference to the dried drug.<br />


It has the macroscopic and microscopic characters described<br />

under identification tests A and B.<br />


A. The bark occurs in slightly channelled or nearly flat<br />

pieces, usually 1 mm to 5 mm in thickness, usually<br />

varying greatly in length and width. The outer surface is<br />

grey or dark greyish-brown and shows occasional lenticels<br />

that are orientated transversally. It is usually more or less<br />

completely covered by a whitish coat of lichens, epiphytic<br />

moss and foliaceous liverwort. The inner surface is yellow<br />

to reddish-brown or almost black with fine longitudinal<br />

striations; it turns red when treated with alkali. The<br />

yellow fracture is short and granular in the outer part and<br />

somewhat fibrous at the inner part.<br />

B. Reduce to a powder (355). The powder is yellowish-brown.<br />

Examineunderamicroscopeusingchloral hydrate<br />

solution R. Thepowdershows:bundlesofpartly<br />

lignified phloem fibres accompanied by crystal sheaths<br />

containing prisms of calcium oxalate; groups of sclereids<br />

accompanied by crystal sheaths; cluster crystals of<br />

calcium oxalate; some parenchymatous cells contain a<br />

yellow substance which becomes deep red when treated<br />

with alkali; cork cells and, frequently, epiphytes; the<br />

latter may be liverworts, entire or in fragments, having a<br />

1194 See the information section on general monographs (cover pages)


lamina one cell thick without a midrib and composed of<br />

isodiametric cells, or leaves of mosses, having a lamina<br />

one cell thick composed of elongated cells and possessing<br />

a midrib several cells thick.<br />

C. Examine the chromatograms obtained in the test for<br />

“Other species of Rhamnus; anthrones” after spraying<br />

with a 50 g/l solution of potassium hydroxide R<br />

in alcohol (50 per cent V/V) R and heating. The<br />

chromatogram obtained with the test solution shows<br />

several reddish-brown zones with different intensities:<br />

there are four faint zones, three being situated at about<br />

the mid-point of the chromatogram and one in the lower<br />

third and there is a strong zone in the upper third of the<br />

chromatogram. Examine in ultraviolet light at 365 nm.<br />

The chromatogram obtained with the test solution shows<br />

several zones with the same fluorescence, situated above<br />

and particularly below (cascarosides) that corresponding<br />

tobarbaloininthechromatogramobtainedwiththe<br />

reference solution.<br />

D. Heat 0.2 g of the powdered drug (180) with 50 ml of<br />

water R on a water-bath for 15 min. Allow to cool and<br />

filter. To 10 ml of the filtrate add 20 ml of hydrochloric<br />

acid R1 and heat on a water-bath for 15 min. Allow to<br />

cool, transfer to a separating funnel and shake with three<br />

quantities, each of 20 ml, of ether R. Reserve the aqueous<br />

layer (solution A).<br />

(a) Combine the three ether extracts and shake with<br />

10 ml of dilute ammonia R2. Theaqueouslayerbecomes<br />

reddish-violet.<br />

(b) Transfer solution A to a small flask, add 5 g of ferric<br />

chloride R and heat on a water-bath for 30 min. Allow<br />

to cool, transfer to a separating funnel and shake with<br />

15 ml of ether R. Wash the ether layer with 10 ml of<br />

water R, discard the water and shake the ether layer with<br />

5mlofdilute ammonia R2. A red colour develops in the<br />

aqueous layer.<br />

solution of nitrotetrazolium blue R in methanol R. Examine<br />

the chromatogram immediately. No violet or greyish-blue<br />

zones appear.<br />

Foreign matter (2.8.2). Not more than 1 per cent.<br />

Loss on drying (2.2.32). Not more than 10.0 per cent,<br />

determined on 1.000 g of the powdered drug (180) by drying<br />

in an oven at 100 °C to 105 °C for 2 h.<br />

Total ash (2.4.16). Not more than 7.0 per cent.<br />

ASSAY<br />

Carry out the assay protected from bright light in one day.<br />

Stir 1.00 g of the powdered drug (180) into 100 ml of<br />

boiling water R and continue boiling and stirring for 5 min.<br />

Allow to cool, dilute to 100.0 ml with water R, shake,filter<br />

and discard the first 20 ml of filtrate. Transfer 10.0 ml<br />

of the filtrate to a separating funnel, add 0.1 ml of 1M<br />

hydrochloric acid and shake with two quantities, each of<br />

20 ml, of a mixture of 1 volume of ether R and 3 volumes of<br />

hexane R. Wash the combined organic extracts with 5 ml of<br />

water R, discard the organic layer and return the rinsings<br />

to the aqueous layer. Shake the combined aqueous layers<br />

with four quantities, each of 30 ml, of ethyl acetate R freshly<br />

saturated with water R, (to150mlofethyl acetate R add<br />

15 ml of water R, shake for 3 min and allow to stand) on<br />

each occasion allowing separation to take place until the<br />

organic layer is clear. Combine the ethyl acetate extracts.<br />

Use the aqueous layer for the assay for cascarosides and the<br />

organic layer for the assay for hydroxyanthracene glycosides<br />

other than cascarosides.<br />

Hydroxyanthracene glycosides other than cascarosides.<br />

Transfer the organic layer to a suitable flask and remove<br />

the solvent by distillation, evaporating almost to dryness.<br />

Dissolve the residue in 0.3 ml to 0.5 ml of methanol R and<br />

transfer to a volumetric flask, rinsing the first flask with<br />

warm water R and adding the rinsings to the methanolic<br />

solution. Allow to cool and dilute to 50.0 ml with water R.<br />

Transfer 20.0 ml of the solution to a 100 ml round-bottomed<br />

flask with a ground-glass neck and containing 2 g of ferric<br />

chloride R and 12 ml of hydrochloric acid R.Attachareflux<br />

condenser and place the flask in a water-bath so that the<br />

level of the water is above that of the liquid in the flask<br />

and heat for 4 h. Allow to cool, transfer the solution to<br />

a separating funnel and rinse the flask successively with<br />

3mlto4mlof1M sodium hydroxide and 3 ml to 4 ml of<br />

water R, adding the rinsings to the separating funnel. Shake<br />

the contents of the separating funnel with three quantities,<br />

each of 30 ml, of a mixture of 1 volume of ether R and<br />

3 volumes of hexane R. Washthecombinedorganiclayers<br />

with two quantities, each of 10 ml, of water R and discard<br />

the rinsings. Dilute the organic phase to 100.0 ml with<br />

the mixture of ether and hexane. Take 20.0 ml, evaporate<br />

carefully to dryness on a water-bath and dissolve the residue<br />

in 10.0 ml of a 5 g/l solution of magnesium acetate R in<br />

methanol R. Measuretheabsorbance(2.2.25) at515nm<br />

using methanol R as the compensation liquid.<br />

Calculate the percentage content of hydroxyanthracene<br />

glycosides, expressed as cascaroside A, from the expression:<br />

TESTS<br />

Other species of Rhamnus; anthrones.Examineby<br />

thin-layer chromatography (2.2.27), using a suitable silica<br />

gel as the coating substance.<br />

Test solution. To 0.5 g of the powdered drug (180) add 5 ml<br />

of alcohol (70 per cent V/V) R and heat to boiling. Cool and<br />

centrifuge. Decant the supernatant solution immediately<br />

and use within 30 min.<br />

Reference solution. Dissolve 20 mg of barbaloin R in<br />

alcohol (70 per cent V/V) R and dilute to 10 ml with the<br />

same solvent.<br />

Apply separately to the plate as bands 10 µl of each solution.<br />

Develop over a path of 10 cm using a mixture of 13 volumes<br />

of water R, 17volumesofmethanol R and 100 volumes of<br />

ethyl acetate R. Allow the plate to dry for 5 min, spray with<br />

about10mlofa50g/lsolutionofpotassium hydroxide R<br />

in alcohol (50 per cent V/V) R and heat at 100 °C to 105 °C<br />

for 15 min. Examine the chromatograms immediately after<br />

heating. The chromatogram obtained with the reference<br />

solution shows, in the central part, a reddish-brown zone<br />

corresponding to barbaloin. Examine in ultraviolet light<br />

at 365 nm. The zone corresponding to barbaloin shows<br />

intense yellowish-brown fluorescence. In the chromatogram i.e.takingthespecificabsorbancetobe180.<br />

obtained with the test solution, no zone with orange-brown<br />

fluorescence is seen between the zone of barbaloin and the<br />

zones of cascarosides.<br />

A<br />

m<br />

=<br />

=<br />

absorbance at 515 nm,<br />

massofthesampleingrams.<br />

Apply to another plate as a band 10 µl of the test solution Measure the absorbance of the test solution at 440 nm. If<br />

and develop as described above. Allow the plate to dry for the ratio of the absorbance at 515 nm to that at 440 nm is<br />

not longer than 5 min and spray immediately with a 5 g/l less than 2.4, the assay is not valid and must be repeated.<br />

GeneralNotices(1)applytoallmonographsandothertexts 1195


Cascarosides. Dilute the aqueous layer reserved for this<br />

assay to 50.0 ml with water R. Treat 20.0 ml of the solution<br />

as described above in the assay of hydroxyanthracene<br />

glycosides other than cascarosides.<br />

Measure the absorbance of the test solution at 440 nm. If<br />

theratiooftheabsorbanceat515nmtothatat440nmis<br />

less than 2.4, the assay is not valid and must be repeated.<br />

Calculate the percentage content of cascarosides, expressed<br />

as cascaroside A from the expression:<br />

i.e.takingthespecificabsorbancetobe180.<br />

A = absorbance at 515 nm,<br />

m = massofthesampleingrams.<br />

Measure the absorbance of the test solution at 440 nm. If<br />

theratiooftheabsorbanceat515nmtothatat440nmis<br />

less than 2.7, the assay is not valid and must be repeated.<br />


Store protected from light.<br />


01/2005:1496<br />

Cinnamomi cassiae aetheroleum<br />


Cassia oil is obtained by steam distillation of the leaves<br />

and young branches of Cinnamomum cassia Blume<br />

(C. aromaticum Nees).<br />


A clear, mobile, yellow to reddish-brown liquid, with a<br />

characteristic odour reminiscent of cinnamic aldehyde.<br />


First identification: B.<br />

Second identification: A.<br />

A. Examine by thin-layer chromatography (2.2.27), using a<br />

TLC silica gel plate R.<br />

Test solution. Dissolve0.5mlofthesubstancetobe<br />

examined in acetone R and dilute to 10 ml with the same<br />

solvent.<br />

Reference solution. Dissolve50µloftrans-cinnamic<br />

aldehyde R,10µlofeugenol R and 50 mg of coumarin R<br />

in acetone R and dilute to 10 ml with the same solvent.<br />

Apply to the plate, as bands, 10 µl of each solution.<br />

Develop over a path of 15 cm using a mixture of<br />

10 volumes of methanol R and 90 volumes of toluene R.<br />

Allow the plate to dry in air and examine in ultraviolet<br />

light at 365 nm. The zone of blue fluorescence in the<br />

chromatogram obtained with the test solution is similar<br />

in position and colour to the zone in the chromatogram<br />

obtained with the reference solution (coumarin). Spray<br />

the plate with anisaldehyde solution R. Examinein<br />

daylight while heating at 100-105 °C for 5-10 min. The<br />

chromatogram obtained with the reference solution<br />

shows in its upper part a violet zone (eugenol) and above<br />

this zone a greenish-blue zone (trans-cinnamic aldehyde).<br />

The chromatogram obtained with the test solution shows<br />

a zone similar in position and colour to the zone due to<br />

trans-cinnamic aldehyde in the chromatogram obtained<br />

with the reference solution and may show a very faint<br />

zone corresponding to eugenol. Other faint zones are<br />

present.<br />

B. Examine the chromatograms obtained in the test for<br />

chromatographic profile. The retention times of the<br />

principal peaks in the chromatogram obtained with the<br />

test solution are similar to those in the chromatogram<br />

obtained with the reference solution. Eugenol may be<br />

absent from the chromatogram obtained with the test<br />

solution.<br />

TESTS<br />

Relative density (2.2.5): 1.052 to 1.070.<br />

Refractive index (2.2.6): 1.600 to 1.614.<br />

Optical rotation (2.2.7): −1° to + 1°.<br />

Chromatographic profile. Examinebygaschromatography<br />

(2.2.28).<br />

Test solution. Thesubstancetobeexamined.<br />

Reference solution. Dissolve100µloftrans-cinnamic<br />

aldehyde R, 10µlofcinnamyl acetate R, 10µl<br />

of eugenol R, 20mgofcoumarin R and 10 µl of<br />

trans-2-methoxycinnamaldehyde R in 1 ml of acetone R.<br />

The chromatographic procedure may be carried out using:<br />

— a fused-silica column 60 m long and about 0.25 mm in<br />

internal diameter coated with macrogol 20 000 R as the<br />

bonded phase,<br />

— helium for chromatography R as the carrier gas at a flow<br />

rate of 1.5 ml/min,<br />

— a flame-ionisation detector,<br />

— a split ratio of 1:100,<br />

with the following temperature programme:<br />

Time<br />

(min)<br />

Temperature<br />

(°C)<br />

Rate<br />

(°C/min)<br />

Comment<br />

Column 0-10 60 – isothermal<br />

10 - 75 60 → 190 2 linear gradient<br />

75 - 160 190 isothermal<br />

Injection port 200<br />

Detector 240<br />

Inject 0.2 µl of the reference solution. When the<br />

chromatogram is recorded in the prescribed conditions, the<br />

components elute in the order indicated in the composition<br />

of the reference solution. Depending on the operating<br />

conditions and the state of the column, coumarin may elute<br />

before or after trans-2-methoxycinnamaldehyde. Record the<br />

retention times of these substances.<br />

Thetestisnotvalidunlesstheresolutionbetween<br />

the peaks corresponding to coumarin and<br />

trans-2-methoxycinnamaldehyde is at least 1.5.<br />

Inject 0.2 µl of the test solution. Using the retention times<br />

determined from the chromatogram obtained with the<br />

reference solution, locate the components of the reference<br />

solution in the chromatogram obtained with the test<br />

solution. Determine the percentage content of each of these<br />

components by the normalisation procedure.<br />

The percentages are within the following ranges:<br />

— trans-cinnamic aldehyde: 70percentto90percent,<br />

— cinnamyl acetate: 1.0 per cent to 6.0 per cent,<br />

— eugenol: lessthan0.5percent,<br />

— coumarin: 1.5 per cent to 4.0 per cent,<br />

— trans-2-methoxycinnamaldehyde: 3.0 per cent to 15 per<br />

cent.<br />

1196 See the information section on general monographs (cover pages)

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