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which are required to understand modern motor control. An attempt has been made to provide<br />

explanations that are as simple as possible and easy to understand but are comprehensive enough<br />

to give the reader an understanding of space vector theory that can assist in migrating between<br />

references in the literature. If there is any one thing the reader should realize, it is that the theory<br />

can be approached from many different angles, all of which may be correct; therefore, one should<br />

not absorb or stick to one “interpretation” too rigidly (including the interpretation in this report).<br />

Introduction<br />

The meaning of the space vector and the nature of the application of its associated theory should<br />

become clear in reading this report. The theory and its application are intertwined and for this<br />

reason the material is difficult to organize and present; it is even more difficult to provide a<br />

concise overview. Oddly enough, when the details are correctly understood the application is easy<br />

to grasp and an overview is not as necessary as might be expected, but an attempt has been made<br />

to provide one here. A good starting point is to compare the space vector with the phasor (a more<br />

detailed comparison with the phasor is given in the last subsection of Part II).<br />

Similar to the phasor, the space vector (SV) is simply a mathematical construct designed to ease<br />

analysis of machines and circuits; whereas the phasor exists to analyze sinusoidal quantities, the<br />

SV exists to analyze three-phase quantities. The phasor is a complex-valued representation of a<br />

scalar sinusoidal signal. The sinusoid is the basis of linear system analysis since it is the only<br />

signal that can pass through a linear time-invariant system without a change in shape. Further, a<br />

sinusoid is completely described by its amplitude, frequency, and phase; since the phasor contains<br />

this information, it is a convenient tool to represent a sinusoid. The phasor’s vector nature is<br />

convenient for representing magnitude and phase, while its complex-exponential nature make it<br />

amenable to mathematical manipulation. If the voltages and currents in a circuit are represented<br />

using phasors, it is then possible to define a complex impedance and a complex power such that<br />

linear circuits may be analyzed using only complex numbers. This analysis is so compact and<br />

rapid that it might be termed an entirely new type of analysis, such as “complex AC analysis,” to<br />

distinguish it from time-domain analysis. In addition to the speed and ease of use, the method<br />

provides a graphical presentation that helps visualize the magnitude and phase relationships<br />

between quantities. However, the entire analysis is built upon nothing more than a definition of<br />

the phasor and some supporting assumptions and conventions. In a similar way, the space vector<br />

is simply a mathematical contrivance with associated conventions, but an entire method of<br />

analysis has been built upon it; it might be called “space vector analysis” to distinguish it from<br />


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