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english - About Heraeus


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Summary:<br />

<strong>Heraeus</strong> Holding GmbH<br />

Primary Credit Analyst:<br />

Eve Seiltgens, Frankfurt (49) 69-33-999-124; Eve_Seiltgens@standardandpoors.com<br />

Secondary Contact:<br />

Anna Stegert, Frankfurt (49) 69-33-999-128; anna_stegert@standardandpoors.com<br />

Table Of Contents<br />

Rationale<br />

Outlook<br />

Standard & Poor's Base-Case Scenario<br />

Business Risk<br />

Financial Risk<br />

Liquidity<br />

Related Criteria And Research<br />


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Summary:<br />

<strong>Heraeus</strong> Holding GmbH<br />

Corporate Credit Rating<br />



Rationale<br />

Profile Assessments<br />

BBB+/Stable/A-2<br />

Vulnerable Excellent<br />

Highly leveraged Minimal<br />

Business Risk: Satisfactory Financial Risk: Intermediate<br />

• Leading niche market positions in most of the core<br />

businesses.<br />

• Significant proportion of earnings from end markets<br />

with stable demand.<br />

• Good diversity by region, product, and customer<br />

base, reducing volatility in earnings generation.<br />

• Sizable cyclicality in industrial end markets.<br />

• Relatively small size, excluding trading activities,<br />

exposing the group to strong competition in many<br />

niche markets.<br />

• Conservative financial policy and balance sheet<br />

structure<br />

• Strong liquidity.<br />

• Relatively volatile free cash flow generation.<br />

• Restricted access to equity owing to status as a<br />

family-owned company.<br />


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Outlook: Stable<br />

The stable outlook reflects Standard & Poor's Ratings Services' belief that Germany-based precious metals and<br />

technology group <strong>Heraeus</strong> Holding GmbH will preserve its intermediate financial profile, despite the weak<br />

economic environment. We believe the company will be able to balance investments, dividends, and acquisitions<br />

in line with its financial profile. At the current rating level, we see headroom to accommodate small to midsize<br />

acquisitions, assuming no significant deterioration of industry conditions in <strong>Heraeus</strong>' end markets. We believe that<br />

<strong>Heraeus</strong> will be able to maintain credit metrics in line with our benchmarks for the current ratings, including funds<br />

from operations (FFO) to adjusted debt of about 35% and debt to EBITDA of about 2.5x.<br />

Downside scenario<br />

Ratings downside could result should <strong>Heraeus</strong>' debt to EBITDA rise above 2.5x on a protracted basis. Downside<br />

risks would likely be driven by a significant cyclical downturn in the industry, coupled with excessive debt levels<br />

from a substantial increase in investments or acquisition activities, or deteriorating liquidity.<br />

Upside scenario<br />

Ratings upside could arise if we were to see sustainable strong credit metrics, including FFO to debt of 45%-50%<br />

and debt to EBITDA of less than 1.5x.<br />

Standard & Poor's Base-Case Scenario<br />

Assumptions Key Metrics<br />

• Low double-digit percentage revenue decline in<br />

2012, flat in 2013 in a difficult macro environment.<br />

• EBITDA margins weaker in 2012 and 2013 than in<br />

2011, but in line with the historical average between<br />

11% and 14%.<br />

• Capital expenditures in line with historical levels at<br />

about 3%-4% of product revenues over the next two<br />

years.<br />

Business Risk: Satisfactory<br />

2011A 2012E 2013E<br />

EBITDA margin (%) 12.0 11.0-11.5 11.5-12.0<br />

FFO/debt (%) 56.4 45-50 40-45<br />

Debt/EBITDA (x) 1.2 1.3-1.7 1.3-1.7<br />

A--Actual. E--Estimate<br />

Summary: <strong>Heraeus</strong> Holding GmbH<br />

Our assessment of <strong>Heraeus</strong> business risk as "satisfactory" reflects the group's leading niche market positions in most of<br />

its core businesses. <strong>Heraeus</strong>' operations include precious metals, sensors, dental products, quartz glass, specialty light<br />

sources, and biomaterials and medical products. The ratings also reflect the group's good diversity by region, product,<br />

and customer base. We understand the company derives a significant proportion of its earnings from end markets with<br />

relatively stable demand patterns, which mitigates exposure to cyclical demand from other end markets.<br />


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In our base-case scenario, we forecast that <strong>Heraeus</strong> will record low-double-digit percentage product revenue declines<br />

in 2012, following a strong financial year in 2011, when the company reported product revenue growth of about 20%.<br />

For 2013, we assume flat product sales growth. We consider that some of the group's end markets behave relatively<br />

robustly, whereas its Quarzglas business group has proved more cyclical in previous downturns and is most vulnerable<br />

to a continued weak economy.<br />

Our assumptions reflect our economists' base-case economic assumption of GDP falling by 0.5% in the eurozone in<br />

2013 (see "Entrenched In Recession, Europe Seeks A Balance Between Deleveraging And Growth", published on<br />

March 26, 2013, on RatingsDirect on the Global Credit Portal).<br />

We assume the group's EBITDA margin will decline slightly to 11%-11.5% for 2012 and 2013. This is in line with the<br />

historical average of 2007-2011 when <strong>Heraeus</strong> reported EBITDA margins of 11%-14%, excluding revenues from<br />

trading operations.<br />

Financial Risk: Intermediate<br />

We view <strong>Heraeus</strong>' financial risk profile as "intermediate" due to its relatively robust balance sheet and strong financial<br />

flexibility. These strengths are partly offset by the group's track record of relatively volatile free cash flow generation<br />

and its limited financial flexibility in terms of access to the equity market as a family owned company.<br />

In our base case, we assume that <strong>Heraeus</strong> should be able to generate annual FFO of €300 million-€350 million in 2012<br />

and 2013, which is somewhat below the levels of 2011 (when adjusted FFO was €408 million). We assume this decline<br />

primarily because of lower earnings over the next two years also caused by moderate restructuring expenses. We<br />

assume capital expenditures will remain in line with historical levels at about 3%-4% of product revenues over the next<br />

two years.<br />

As a result of these assumptions, we expect annual free operating cash flow (FOCF) to amount to about €150<br />

million-€200 million over the next two years, assuming only moderate working capital investments due to low volume<br />

growth. As a result, lower earnings will be largely balanced by lower adjusted debt levels. Therefore, <strong>Heraeus</strong>' credit<br />

protection measures will likely not significantly deteriorate from the level reported for the 12 months ended June 30,<br />

2012, when FFO to debt and debt to EBITDA stood at 48% and 1.4x, respectively.<br />

Liquidity: Strong<br />

We view <strong>Heraeus</strong>' liquidity position as "strong" under our criteria. We estimate that the group's ratio of sources of<br />

liquidity to uses will comfortably exceed 1.5x for the coming 12-18 months.<br />

Summary: <strong>Heraeus</strong> Holding GmbH<br />


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Principal Liquidity Sources Principal Liquidity Uses<br />

• €237 million of cash (of which we estimate about<br />

€10 million is tied up in operations) and equivalents,<br />

and €470 million of other interest-bearing assets as<br />

of June 30, 2012.<br />

• Access to an undrawn €300 million committed<br />

credit facility, maturing in October 2015. To our<br />

knowledge, this instrument is not subject to<br />

financial maintenance covenants.<br />

• Positive FOCF in 2012 and 2013 on the assumption<br />

of low investments in working capital.<br />

• Access to committed short-term lines of about €110<br />

million, of which about €102 million were unused at<br />

end-June 2012. Parts of these lines are allocated to<br />

Chinese subsidiaries as a backup possibility of<br />

funding their domestic operations in case no<br />

sufficient funds are available in the local currency<br />

cash pool. The short-term lines have varying<br />

maturities and we expect the group to renew them<br />

when they fall due.<br />

Related Criteria And Research<br />

Summary: <strong>Heraeus</strong> Holding GmbH<br />

• Maturities of two €100 million promissory notes due<br />

in 2013 and 2015.<br />

• Potential acquisitions of about €120 million<br />

annually.<br />

• We assume that <strong>Heraeus</strong> will need about €100<br />

million in cash for its ongoing operations.<br />

• Methodology: Management And Governance Credit Factors For Corporate Entities and Insurers, Nov. 13, 2012<br />

• Methodology: Business Risk/Financial Risk Matrix Expanded, Sept. 18, 2012<br />

• Methodology And Assumptions: Liquidity Descriptors For Global Corporate Issuers, Sept. 28, 2011<br />

• 2008 Corporate Criteria: Ratios And Adjustments, April 15, 2008<br />

• 2008 Corporate Criteria: Analytical Methodology, April 15, 2008<br />


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Business And Financial Risk Matrix<br />

Business Risk<br />

Financial Risk<br />

Minimal Modest Intermediate Significant Aggressive<br />

Excellent AAA/AA+ AA A A- BBB --<br />

Highly<br />

Leveraged<br />

Strong AA A A- BBB BB BB-<br />

Satisfactory A- BBB+ BBB BB+ BB- B+<br />

Fair -- BBB- BB+ BB BB- B<br />

Weak -- -- BB BB- B+ B-<br />

Vulnerable -- -- -- B+ B B- or below<br />

Note: These rating outcomes are shown for guidance purposes only. The ratings indicated in each cell of the matrix are the midpoints of the likely<br />

rating possibilities. There can be small positives and negatives that would lead to an outcome of one notch higher or lower than the typical matrix<br />

outcome. Moreover, there will be exceptions that go beyond a one-notch divergence. For example, the matrix does not address the lowest rungs of<br />

the credit spectrum (i.e., the 'CCC' category and lower). Other rating outcomes that are more than one notch off the matrix may occur for<br />

companies that have liquidity that we judge as "less than adequate" or "weak" under our criteria, or companies with "satisfactory" or better business<br />

risk profiles that have extreme debt burdens due to leveraged buyouts or other reasons. For government-related entities (GREs), the indicated<br />

rating would apply to the standalone credit profile, before giving any credit for potential government support.<br />

Additional Contact:<br />

Industrial Ratings Europe; CorporateFinanceEurope@standardandpoors.com<br />

Summary: <strong>Heraeus</strong> Holding GmbH<br />


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