The Acts of the Apostles

The Acts of the Apostles The Acts of the Apostles
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204 THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES that it refers to the Christians in Troas, while they are also included in the tjiiei^. XX. 12. '^yayov Se rov iraiSa ^coi/ra ought to have occurred earlier in the narrative, and in the following words : koi irapeKKriOija-av ov jmeTplcog there is a change of subject. xxi. 4. St. Paul does not attend to the prophetic revelation. xxi. 8^. In Caesarea St. Philip is so important to the writer that he forgets the church in that city it is first mentioned afterwards in verses 12 and 16. xxi. 10. Agabus is introduced as if he here appeared in the book for the first time; yet see xi. 28. xxi. 11. The prophecy afterwards meets with only a general not a detailed fulfilment. xxi. 16, 17. The reception in Mnason's house in Jerusalem is recorded before the arrival in Jerusalem (this has given rise to the correction in /3). Prolepsis. xxvii. 2. Aristarchus is described as Ma/ce^coi^ Qecra-aXoviKevg, although he had been already described in xix. 20 as a Macedonian, and in xx. 4 as a native of Thessalonica—it seems thus to have been forgotten that he had been mentioned before. xxvii. 10. Here the construction with on abruptly changes into the Ace. c. Inf. xxvii. 12. ^AvevOerov Se rov Xijuevo^ connects with verse 8, although verses 9-11 intervene (Wellhausen explains verses 9-11 as an interpolation). xxvii. 12. After the mention of the eKaTOvrdp')(r]g, the Kv/3€pvriTt]9 and the vauKXrjpo^, it is strange that ol TrXe/oi^ey should occur. Who were they ? ;

INACCURACY AND DISCREPANCY 205 xxvii. 21. Here the jmev is not followed by ^e. xxvii. 21-26 (from totc onwards) ; xxvii. 31 xxvii. 33-38 (from TrapeKoXei onwards) are explained by Wellhausen as interpolations. xxviii. 1, 2. It is somewhat inexact that the clause : eireyvco/uiev on MeXiri; ^ vtjcrog KaXelrai should come before the meeting with the inhabitants is mentioned. Prolepsis. xxviii. 10. Again an instance of prolepsis. The friendly offices of the Maltese at the time of embarkation are mentioned too soon, seeing that this embarka- tion did not take place until after three months. xxviii. 14. Another instance of prolepsis. The arrival in Rome is mentioned too soon ; it is not in place until verse 16. 2. The second half of the book (omitting the We-sections). xvi. 4. Ta9 iroXei^ . . . TrapeSiSoa-av avroig. xvi. 22. Why does not St. Paul now appeal to his Roman citizenship ? xvi. 23, 24. efiaXov eig (f)v\aKt]v . . . e^aXev avTOv^ €ig Trjv icrcorepav (pvXaKrjv the repetition here is awkward. xvi. 27. The jailor is about to kill himself, although no one could accuse him of anything, and although he could not yet have known whether the prisoners had escaped or not. xvi. 28. It is difficult to see how St. Paul could have marked the purpose of the jailor, or how he could have known that all the prisoners were still there. ;


that it refers to <strong>the</strong> Christians in Troas, while <strong>the</strong>y<br />

are also included in <strong>the</strong> tjiiei^.<br />

XX. 12. '^yayov Se rov iraiSa ^coi/ra ought to have<br />

occurred earlier in <strong>the</strong> narrative, and in <strong>the</strong> following<br />

words : koi irapeKKriOija-av ov jmeTplcog <strong>the</strong>re is a change<br />

<strong>of</strong> subject.<br />

xxi. 4. St. Paul does not attend to <strong>the</strong> prophetic<br />

revelation.<br />

xxi. 8^. In Caesarea St. Philip is so important<br />

to <strong>the</strong> writer that he forgets <strong>the</strong> church in that city<br />

it is first mentioned afterwards in verses 12 and 16.<br />

xxi. 10. Agabus is introduced as if he here<br />

appeared in <strong>the</strong> book for <strong>the</strong> first time; yet see<br />

xi. 28.<br />

xxi. 11. <strong>The</strong> prophecy afterwards meets with<br />

only a general not a detailed fulfilment.<br />

xxi. 16, 17. <strong>The</strong> reception in Mnason's house in<br />

Jerusalem is recorded before <strong>the</strong> arrival in Jerusalem<br />

(this has given rise to <strong>the</strong> correction in /3).<br />

Prolepsis.<br />

xxvii. 2. Aristarchus is described as Ma/ce^coi^<br />

Qecra-aXoviKevg, although he had been already described<br />

in xix. 20 as a Macedonian, and in xx. 4 as a native<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>ssalonica—it seems thus to have been forgotten<br />

that he had been mentioned before.<br />

xxvii. 10. Here <strong>the</strong> construction with on abruptly<br />

changes into <strong>the</strong> Ace. c. Inf.<br />

xxvii. 12. ^AvevOerov Se rov Xijuevo^ connects with<br />

verse 8, although verses 9-11 intervene (Wellhausen<br />

explains verses 9-11 as an interpolation).<br />

xxvii. 12. After <strong>the</strong> mention <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eKaTOvrdp')(r]g,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Kv/3€pvriTt]9 and <strong>the</strong> vauKXrjpo^, it is strange that<br />

ol TrXe/oi^ey should occur. Who were <strong>the</strong>y ?<br />


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