The Acts of the Apostles

The Acts of the Apostles The Acts of the Apostles
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112 THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES tion fall into heterogeneous fragments. The geogra- phical and chronological references and notices in the book show the circumspection, the care, the consistency, and the trustworthiness of the writer and the parts where the " we " does not occur are also in this particular so firmly and closely riveted to the we-sections that the latter cannot be distinguished as a source from the rest of the book. The author of the we-sections is also the author of the complete work. Appendix : Special Readings of the so-ealled jS-recension. Also in the passages of the book with which we are at present concerned the so-called /3-recension offers a series of special readings.^ I here neglect the varia- tion between 'lepovcraXriix and 'lepoaroXvjma. 1. viii. 1. UXrjv Tcov cnrocTToXcov has the seemingly superfluous addition : o1 cfxeivav iv^IepovcraX^j/j. (DLK). 2. viii. 4. In addition to the notice that those dispersed by the persecution preached the Word, we have also the seemingly superfluous addition : Kara Tag TroXeig koi Kw/mag (civitates et castella) ''lov^am (L). In the genuine text of the book /ca)//»? is once found (viii. 25, vide supra). S. viii. 5. In place of eh rrjv iroXiv t^? ^ajmapiag a Latin authority gives the explanatory read- ing : eiV ^ajuidpeiav Trjv ttoXlv. 1 D denotes that the reading occurs only in Codex Bezse, L stands for Latin, S for Syrian, and K for Coptic authorities. ;

LANDS, NATIONS, CITIES, AND HOUSES 113 4. ix. 32. Instead of the indefinite Sia iravroov two Latin authorities read : Sia Tracroov twv ttoXccop KOI ywpoov {xfjiipoL, "vide supra). 5. xi. 2. Before ore Se ave/Sr] Tlerpog ei? 'lepovcra- Xjjjul DLS add : 6 /mev ovv Uerpog Sia iKavov -^povov tjOeXrja-ev iropevQrjvai eh lepoaroXvjua • koi irpoarcpcovijcrag rovg aSeXcpovg [scil. in Caesarea] Kal €7ri(jT>]pi^ag [aiyroi/?] e^^XOei/, iroXvv re Xoyov TTOioviLievog < cwopeveTO > Sia tcov ^(copwi' SiSdarKoop avTovg. Concerning the secondary character of this interpolation see Weiss, Tea:te u. Unters., Bd. 17, H. 1, s. 70/ Here also y^poi is again used by the interpolator. 6. xii. 1. DSL here add : ^r\iy kv rrj ^lovSala in order to connect the verse with xi. 30. 7. xii. 10. Here, in the description of the exit of St. Peter and the angel from the prison, D has the famous addition : Kare^rjaav rovg kirra (BaOjULovg Koi, which may be original ; yet this is not certain when we consider the tendency to embellishment in the ;8-recension. 8. xii. 25. Here a Latin authority inserts e/V ^ AvTi6-)(€iav in order to connect this verse with the following verse. 9. xiv. 6. D and the Codex Laudianus reinforce Tr]v irepL-^copov by adding oXt]v. Such re- inforcing additions are frequent in D. 10. xiv. 25. DS insert evayyeXi(^6fjL€voL avrovg, because they missed an express statement that a church had been founded also in Attalia. The interpolator probably knew of a church there. H


4. ix. 32. Instead <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> indefinite Sia iravroov two<br />

Latin authorities read : Sia Tracroov twv ttoXccop<br />

KOI ywpoov {xfjiipoL, "vide supra).<br />

5. xi. 2. Before ore Se ave/Sr] Tlerpog ei? 'lepovcra-<br />

Xjjjul DLS add : 6 /mev ovv Uerpog Sia iKavov<br />

-^povov tjOeXrja-ev iropevQrjvai eh lepoaroXvjua • koi<br />

irpoarcpcovijcrag rovg aSeXcpovg [scil. in Caesarea]<br />

Kal €7ri(jT>]pi^ag [aiyroi/?] e^^XOei/, iroXvv re<br />

Xoyov TTOioviLievog < cwopeveTO > Sia tcov ^(copwi'<br />

SiSdarKoop avTovg. Concerning <strong>the</strong> secondary<br />

character <strong>of</strong> this interpolation see Weiss,<br />

Tea:te u. Unters., Bd. 17, H. 1, s. 70/ Here<br />

also y^poi is again used by <strong>the</strong> interpolator.<br />

6. xii. 1. DSL here add : ^r\iy kv rrj ^lovSala in<br />

order to connect <strong>the</strong> verse with xi. 30.<br />

7. xii. 10. Here, in <strong>the</strong> description <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> exit <strong>of</strong><br />

St. Peter and <strong>the</strong> angel from <strong>the</strong> prison, D has<br />

<strong>the</strong> famous addition : Kare^rjaav rovg kirra<br />

(BaOjULovg Koi, which may be original ; yet this<br />

is not certain when we consider <strong>the</strong> tendency<br />

to embellishment in <strong>the</strong> ;8-recension.<br />

8. xii. 25. Here a Latin authority inserts e/V<br />

^ AvTi6-)(€iav in order to connect this verse<br />

with <strong>the</strong> following verse.<br />

9. xiv. 6. D and <strong>the</strong> Codex Laudianus reinforce<br />

Tr]v irepL-^copov by adding oXt]v. Such re-<br />

inforcing additions are frequent in D.<br />

10. xiv. 25. DS insert evayyeXi(^6fjL€voL avrovg,<br />

because <strong>the</strong>y missed an express statement<br />

that a church had been founded also in<br />

Attalia. <strong>The</strong> interpolator probably knew <strong>of</strong><br />

a church <strong>the</strong>re.<br />


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