Digital Signal Processing Design Image Restoration Image ...

Digital Signal Processing Design Image Restoration Image ...

Digital Signal Processing Design Image Restoration Image ...


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<strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Signal</strong> <strong>Processing</strong><br />

<strong>Design</strong><br />

g<br />

Lecture_IP 6<br />

<strong>Image</strong> <strong>Processing</strong> – <strong>Image</strong><br />

<strong>Restoration</strong> Methods<br />

Model of <strong>Image</strong><br />

Degradation/<strong>Restoration</strong> Process<br />

i Degradation process modeled as a degradation function, with an additive noise term,<br />

of the form:<br />

gxy ( , ) = Hfxy [ ( , )] + η(<br />

xy , )<br />

f( x, y)<br />

is the original (undegraded) image<br />

H is the degradation function<br />

η(<br />

xy , ) is the additive noise term<br />

i Object of restoration is to obtain an estimate, fˆ( x, y),<br />

of the original image which is as<br />

close as possible to the original input image.<br />

i The more we know about<br />

H and η(<br />

x, y), the closer fˆ( x, y)will be to f( x, y)<br />

Noise Models<br />

• Two basic types of noise models:<br />

– noise in the spatial domain; described by a<br />

noise probability density function<br />

– noise in the frequency domain; described by<br />

various Fourier properties of the noise<br />

• Basic assumption about the noise models:<br />

– noise is assumed to be independent of image<br />

(coordinates)<br />

<strong>Image</strong> <strong>Restoration</strong><br />

• Objective of image restoration is to improve a given<br />

image in some objective and pre-defined sense<br />

• <strong>Image</strong> restoration ≠ <strong>Image</strong> enhancement<br />

– image enhancement is a subjective process<br />

– image restoration is an objective process<br />

• <strong>Restoration</strong> attempts to reconstruct or recover an image<br />

that has been degraded by using apriori knowledge of<br />

the degradation phenomenon<br />

– restoration techniques try to model the degradation and apply<br />

the inverse process in order to recover the original image<br />

<strong>Image</strong> <strong>Restoration</strong> Model<br />

i If H is a linear, spatially invariant process, the degraded image is given<br />

in the spatial domain by:<br />

gxy ( , ) = hxy ( , ) ∗ fxy ( , ) + η(<br />

xy , )<br />

where hxy ( , ) is the spatial representation of the degradation function<br />

and<br />

symbol ∗ denotes convolution.<br />

i In the frequency domain we can describe the process as:<br />

G ( uv , ) = Huv ( , ) ⋅ F ( uv , ) + Nuv ( , )<br />

where Fuv ( , ) is the Fourier transform of f( xy , ), Huv ( , )is the Fourier transform<br />

of hxy ( , ) and Nuv ( , )is the Fourier transform of η(<br />

xy , )<br />

i H( u, v) sometimes called the optical transfer function (OTF) and h( x, y)<br />

sometimes<br />

called the point spread function (PSF)<br />

i The OTF and PSF are a Fourier transform pair; can use MATLAB functions:<br />

otf2psf - optical transfer function to point spread function<br />

psf2otf - point spread function to optical transfer function<br />

i Initially we assume<br />

that H is the identity operator and we deal only with degradation<br />

due to the noise term<br />

Additive Noise Models<br />

• MATLAB function to add noise to an image:<br />

– g = imnoise(f, type, parameters)<br />

• f is input image<br />

– imnoise converts input image to class double with range [0, 1] before<br />

adding noise<br />

• to add Gaussian G noise of mean 64 6 and variance 400 00 to an uint8 8 image, g , need<br />

to scale mean to 64/255, and scale variance to 400/(255) 2 for input to<br />

imnoise<br />

– g = imnoise(f, ‘gaussian’, m, var) adds Gaussian noise of mean m and<br />

variance var to image f. (Default is 0 mean and 0.01 variance)<br />

– g = imnoise(f, ‘salt & pepper’, d) corrupts image f with salt and pepper<br />

noise, where d is the noise density (percent of image area containing<br />

noise values). (Default is 0.05 noise density).<br />

– g = imnoise(f, ‘speckle’, var) adds multiplicative noise to image f, using<br />

form g = f + n*f, where n is uniform noise with mean 0 and variance var.<br />

(Default value of var is 0.04).<br />

2010-08-26<br />


f=imread(‘lena.tif’);<br />

Lena Original <strong>Image</strong><br />

g=imnoise(f,’gaussian’,0,0.01);<br />

mean=0, variance=0.01;<br />

g=imnoise(f,’gaussian’,0,0.001);<br />

mean=0, variance=0.001;<br />

g=imnoise(f,’gaussian’,0,0.1);<br />

mean=0, variance=0.1;<br />

Upper Left: lena original; Upper Right: lena with salt & pepper noise at 0.01; Lower Left:<br />

lena with salt & pepper noise at 0.1; Lower Right: lena with salt & pepper noise at 1.0<br />

Noise Models<br />

Lena original; Lena with poisson noise added<br />

Additive Noise Models<br />

• g = imnoise(f, type, parameters)<br />

– g = imnoise(f, ‘gaussian’, m, var); % Gaussian noise<br />

of mean m and variance var; default is m = 0, var =<br />

0.01<br />

– g = imnoise(f imnoise(f, ‘salt salt & pepper’ pepper , d); adds salt and<br />

pepper noise, where d is the noise density (i.e.,<br />

percent of image area containing noise values)<br />

– g = imnoise(f, ‘speckle’, var); adds multiplicative noise<br />

using equation g = f + n.*f, where n is uniformly<br />

distributed random noise with mean 0 and variance<br />

var; default var = 0.004<br />

– g = imnoise(f, ‘poisson’); generates Poisson noise<br />

from data<br />

Upper Left: lena original; Upper Right: lena with speckle noise at 0.004; Lower<br />

Left: lena with speckle noise at 0.04; Lower Right: lena with speckle noise at 0.4<br />

Summary<br />

of Noise<br />

Models<br />

2010-08-26<br />


Original <strong>Image</strong> (lena.tif)<br />

Noise Models<br />

<strong>Image</strong> corrupted by Gaussian<br />

noise of mean 0, variance<br />

400/(255*255)<br />

Noise with Specified Distribution<br />

• Sometimes want to generate noise with a given<br />

probability density function (PDF) or a given<br />

cummulative distribution function (CDF)<br />

i If f w is a uniformly f distributed random variable in the interval (0 (0, 1) 1),<br />

then we can obtain a random variable z with a specified CDF, Fz,<br />

by<br />

solving the equation<br />

−1<br />

z = Fz( w)<br />

or, equivalently, by finding<br />

a solution to the equation<br />

Fz( z) = w<br />

Noise Distributions in the<br />

Real World<br />

• Gaussian noise occurs in imaging sensors<br />

operating at low light levels<br />

• Salt-and-pepper p pp noise arises in faulty y<br />

switching devices<br />

• Rayleigh noise arises in range imaging<br />

• Exponential and Erlang noise occur in<br />

laser imaging<br />

<strong>Image</strong> corrupted by ‘salt &<br />

pepper’ noise with density 0.1<br />

Noise Models<br />

<strong>Image</strong> corrupted by ‘speckle’<br />

noise with mean 0 and variance<br />

0.04<br />

Noise with Specified Distribution<br />

i Assume a uniform random number, w,<br />

in the interval (0, 1), and<br />

we wish to generate random numbers, z,<br />

with a Rayleigh CDF of the form:<br />

2<br />

⎧ −( z−a) / bfor<br />

z ≥ a⎫<br />

⎪1−<br />

e<br />

Fz( z)<br />

= ⎨ ⎬<br />

⎪⎩ 0 for z < a⎭<br />

where b > 0. To find z we solve the equation<br />

2<br />

−( z−a) / b<br />

1−<br />

e = w<br />

z = a + − b ln(1 − w )<br />

i MATLAB: R = a + sqrt(-b*log(1-rand(M, N)));<br />

Rayleigh CDF with a=0,<br />

b=1<br />

Generation of RVs<br />

2010-08-26<br />


MATLAB Noise Generation<br />

• A = rand(M, N) – generates M x N array of uniformly<br />

distributed numbers in interval (0, 1)<br />

• A = randn(M, N) – generates M x N array of Gaussian<br />

distributed numbers with zero mean and unit variance<br />

• g = imnoise(f, type, parameters) – adds M x N array of<br />

noise of various types (e.g., ‘gaussian’, ‘salt & pepper’,<br />

‘speckle’, ‘poisson’) to an existing image, f<br />

• R = imnoise2(type, M, N, a, b) – generates M x N array<br />

of noise of types (‘uniform’,’gaussian’,’salt &<br />

pepper’,’lognormal’,’rayleigh’,’exponential’,’erlang’)<br />

– no scaling of noise array to (0, 1) interval<br />

– ‘salt & pepper’ noise has three values – 0 for pepper noise, 1 for<br />

salt noise, and 0,5 for no noise<br />

Random Number Histograms<br />

R = imnoise2(‘gaussian’, 10000, 1 0 1);<br />

P = hist(r, bins); -- bins=50<br />

Estimating Noise Parameters<br />

i Let z be a discrete random variable that denotes intensity levels in an image,<br />

i<br />

and let pz ( i ), i= 0,1,2,..., L−1,<br />

be the corresponding normalized histogram,<br />

where L is the number of possible intensity values.<br />

A histogram component,<br />

pz ( i ), is an estimate of the probability of occurrence of intensity value zi,<br />

and<br />

the histogram may be viewed as an approximation of the intensity PDF.<br />

i Use the histogram central moment to describe histogram shape, i.e.,<br />

L L−<br />

1<br />

n<br />

n = ∑ zi −m<br />

p zi<br />

i = 0<br />

μ ( ) ( )<br />

where n is the moment order, and m is the mean:<br />

L−1<br />

m = ∑ zip( zi)<br />

i = 0<br />

i Since the histogram is normalized (to a sum of 1.0), we<br />

see that μ0 = 1, μ1<br />

= 0, and<br />

the second moment is the variance, i.e.,<br />

L−1<br />

2<br />

μ = ( z −m)<br />

p( z )<br />

2<br />

∑<br />

i i<br />

i = 0<br />

Salt & Pepper Noise<br />

• Salt & Pepper noise viewed as generating an image with three<br />

values; e.g., for uint8 images (with eight bits)<br />

– value 1 – 0, with probability Pp, – value 2 – 255, with probability Ps, – value 3 –k,with probability (1-(Pp+ Ps)) where k is any number between<br />

the two extremes<br />

• Denote the generated noise as r(x,y); the salt & pepper corrupted<br />

image is obtained by assigning a 0 to all locations in f where a 0<br />

occurs in r; similarly assigning a 255 to all locations in f where 255<br />

occurs in r; finally we leave unchanged in f all locations in which r<br />

contains the value k<br />

• P= Pp+ Ps called the noise density; if Pp=0.02 and Ps=0.01, then<br />

approximately 2% of pixels are corrupted by pepper noise, 1% are<br />

corruped by salt noise, and the noise density is 0.03.<br />

Estimating Noise Parameters<br />

• Need to estimate noise parameters from<br />

the image data<br />

– generally estimate mean, m, and variance, σ2 ,<br />

and then convert to noise distribution<br />

parameters a and b to specify PDF of interest<br />

Estimating Noise Parameters<br />

• MATLAB code for estimating moments of a<br />

distribution:<br />

– [v, unv] = statmoments(p, n);<br />

– v(1) = m (mean);<br />

– v(k) = μ k, k=2,3,…,n<br />

– v contains normalized moments based on random<br />

variable scaled to range [0, 1]<br />

– unv contains same moments as v but computed with<br />

the data in its original range of values<br />

– p is histogram vector (size(p)=256 for uint8 images)<br />

– n number of moments to compute<br />

2010-08-26<br />


Estimating Noise Parameters<br />

• Often noise parameters estimated directly from a<br />

given noisy image<br />

• Approach is to select a region of the image with<br />

as featureless a background g as p possible ( (ROI –<br />

Region of Interest)<br />

– B = roipoly(f, c, r); % polygonal ROI<br />

– f = image<br />

– c and r are vectors of column and row coordinates of<br />

the vertices of the polygon<br />

– B is binary image, same size as f, with 0’s outside<br />

ROI and 1’s inside<br />

Regions of Interest<br />

(a) Noisy image<br />

(b) Mask, B, generated<br />

interactively using command:<br />

[B, c, r] = roipoly(f);<br />

(c) Histogram of ROI generated<br />

using command:<br />

[h, npix] = histroi(f, c,r);<br />

figure, bar(h, 1);<br />

(d) Mean and variance of region<br />

masked by B obtained using<br />

command:<br />

[v, unv] = statmoments(h, 2);<br />

v=[0.5803, 0.0063] ;<br />

unv=[147.9814, 407.8679];<br />

Histogram of Gaussian noise<br />

with same mean and variance<br />

as estimated above.<br />

Spatial Noise Filters<br />

Estimating Noise Parameters<br />

• Interactively<br />

finding the ROI:<br />

– B = roipoly(f); %<br />

user specifies a<br />

polygon using the<br />

mouse and the set<br />

of commands at<br />

right side of figure<br />

<strong>Restoration</strong> – Noise Only Case<br />

i When the only degradation is noise, the model is:<br />

gxy ( , ) = f( xy , ) + η(<br />

xy , )<br />

i Method of choice for restoration is spatial filtering.<br />

i SSpatial ti l filt filters of f iinterest: t t<br />

− Sxy denotes an mxn subimage (region) of noisy input image g<br />

− ( xy , ) is set of coordinates at center of region<br />

− fˆ( x, y) is an estimate of f( x, y),<br />

the filter response at ( xy , )<br />

i The linear filters of the table (on next slide) are implemented using imfilter<br />

i The median non-linear filteris implemented using medfilt2<br />

i The max and min filters are implemented using imdilate and imerode<br />

i MATLAB routine spfile implements all these filters in the spatial domain<br />

<strong>Restoration</strong> Example – Noise<br />

Only Case<br />

Figure in (a) – pepper noise only<br />

[M, N] = size(f);<br />

R = imnoise2(salt & pepper’, M, N, 0.1, 0);<br />

gp = f;<br />

gp(R == 0) = 0;<br />

Figure in (b) – salt noise only<br />

R = imnoise2(‘salt imnoise2( salt % pepper’ pepper , MM, NN, 00, 00.1); 1);<br />

gs = f;<br />

gs(R == 1) = 255;<br />

Figure in (c) – contraharmonic filtering of (a)<br />

fp = spfilt(gp, ‘chmean’, e, e, 1.5);<br />

Figure in (d) – contraharmonic filtering of (b)<br />

fs = spfilt(gs, ‘chmean’, 3, 3, -1.5);<br />

Figures in (e) and (f) – max (part (a)) and<br />

min (part (b)) filters<br />

fpmax = spfilt(gp, ‘max’, 3, 3);<br />

fsmin = spfilt(gs, ‘min’, 3, 3);<br />

2010-08-26<br />


MATLAB Find Function<br />

• I = find(A) – I contains all the indices of array A that point to nonzero<br />

elements<br />

• [r, c] = find(A) – returns the row and column indices of non-zero<br />

elements of A<br />

• [r, c, v] = find(A) – returns also the nonzero values in A in column<br />

vector v<br />

• Example: find and set to 0 all pixels in A whose values are less than<br />

8<br />

– I = find(A < 8);<br />

A(find(A= 64 & A = 64 & A motion of 9 pixels in the horizontal direction<br />

2010-08-26<br />


Degraded <strong>Image</strong> Creation<br />

• use MATLAB function imfilter to create degraded image<br />

with a PSF that is either known or computed (as in<br />

previous slide):<br />

g = imfilter(f, PSF, ‘circular’); % minimize border effects<br />

• add appropriate noise to model degraded image<br />

g = g + noise; % noise same size as g; generated using one of<br />

methods discussed previously<br />

• use checkerboard pattern as image example<br />

c = checkerboard(NP, M, N); % NP= number pixels on the side<br />

of each square; M row; N columns;<br />

% light squares on left half are white; light squares on right half<br />

are gray; all light squares white using<br />

K = checkerboard(NP, M, N) > 0.5; % range of K is [0 1] (class<br />

double)<br />

Degraded <strong>Image</strong> <strong>Restoration</strong><br />

• Method 1 – Direct Inverse Filtering<br />

– ignore noise term<br />

– form estimate of the form:<br />

ˆ Guv ( , )<br />

Fuv ( , )<br />

=<br />

Huv ( , )<br />

– where G(u,v) is the FT of the degraded<br />

image, and H(u,v) is the FT of the estimated<br />

blurring filter<br />

– take the inverse Fourier transform as the<br />

estimate of the deblurred image<br />

Degraded <strong>Image</strong> <strong>Restoration</strong><br />

i Weiner filtering solution; seek an estimate, fˆ,<br />

that minimizes<br />

the statistical error function:<br />

2 2<br />

e = E{ ( f −fˆ)<br />

}<br />

where E is the expected value operator, and f is the undegraded<br />

image.<br />

i Th The solution l ti (i (in<br />

th the frequency f domain) d i ) is: i<br />

⎡ 2<br />

ˆ<br />

1 | Huv ( , )| ⎤<br />

Fuv ( , ) = ⎢ ( , )<br />

2<br />

⎥ Guv<br />

⎢⎣Huv ( , ) | Huv ( , )| + Sη( uv , )/ Sf( uv , ) ⎥⎦<br />

where:<br />

Huv ( , ) is the degradation function<br />

2<br />

Sη( u, v) = | N( u, v)<br />

| is the power spectrum of the noise<br />

2<br />

Sf<br />

( uv , ) = | Fuv ( , ) | is the power spectrum of the undegraded image<br />

S ( u, v) / S ( u, v ) is called the noise - to - signal power ratio<br />

η<br />

f<br />

Degraded <strong>Image</strong> Creation<br />

(a) f = checkerboard(8); % 8 x<br />

8 image of class double<br />

(b) PSF = fspecial(‘motion’, 7,<br />

45); % spatial filter<br />

gb = imfilter(f, PSF,<br />

‘circular’);<br />

(c) Gaussian noise image with<br />

mean 0 and variance 0.001<br />

noise =<br />

imnoise2(‘Gaussian’,<br />

size(f,1), size(f,2), 0,<br />

sqrt(0.001));<br />

(d) g = gb + noise;<br />

Degraded <strong>Image</strong> <strong>Restoration</strong><br />

• Method 2 – Direct Inverse Filter with Noise Term<br />

– include noise term<br />

– form estimate of the form:<br />

ˆ Nuv ( , )<br />

Fuv ( , ) = Fuv ( , ) +<br />

Huv ( , )<br />

– shows that even if we knew H(u,v) exactly we could<br />

not recover F(u,v) exactly because the noise<br />

component is a random function whose FT, N(u,v), is<br />

not known.<br />

– typical approach is to use Method 1 in limited<br />

frequency range<br />

Degraded <strong>Image</strong> <strong>Restoration</strong><br />

i Wiener filtering solution (simplified)<br />

i Compute average noise and image power, i.e.,<br />

1<br />

η A = ∑∑Sη(<br />

u, v)<br />

MN u v<br />

1<br />

f fA = ∑∑ S Sf ( u u, v )<br />

MN u v<br />

i Compute ratio:<br />

ηA<br />

R =<br />

fA<br />

i Utilize constant R in place of function Sη( u, v)<br />

/ Sf( u, v)<br />

for simple approximation to ideal Wiener filter (called<br />

parametric Wiener filter)<br />

2010-08-26<br />


MATLAB Implementation of<br />

Wiener Filter<br />

• MATLAB Code: g is degraded image, frest is the<br />

restored image, 3 possible implementations<br />

frest = deconvwnr(g, PSF);<br />

• assumes noise-to-signal ratio is zero; result same as<br />

inverse filter<br />

frest = deconvwnr(g, PSF, NSPR);<br />

• assumes noise-to-signal ratio is known, either as a<br />

constant or as an array<br />

frest = deconvwnr(f, PSF, NACORR, FACORR);<br />

• assumes that the autocorrelation functions, NACORR<br />

and FACORR of the noise and the undegraded image<br />

are known<br />

Beyond Wiener Filtering<br />

• Previous example assumed that the original image and<br />

noise functions were known<br />

– hence we were able to estimate the correct parameters<br />

– result in part (d) is that best that can be accomplished with<br />

Wiener deconvolution in this case<br />

– challenge, in practice, is to choose appropriate functions for the<br />

blur and noise when these quantities are not known apriori.<br />

• Other solutions:<br />

– constrained least squares filtering<br />

– iterative nonlinear restoration using the Lucy-<br />

Richardson algorithm<br />

– blind deconvolution<br />

– image reconstruction from projections<br />

Wiener Filtering<br />

Summary<br />

(b) frest1 = deconvwnr(g, PSF); % noise<br />

dominates image<br />

(c) computed ratio R as:<br />

Sn = abs(fft2(noise)).^2; noise power spectrum<br />

nA = sum(Sn(:))/numel(noise); % noise<br />

average power<br />

Sf = abs(fft2(f)).^2; % image power spectrum<br />

fA = sum(Sf(:))/numel(f); % image average<br />

power<br />

R = nAfA;<br />

frest2 = deconvwnr(g, PSF, R);<br />

(d) use autocorrelations:<br />

NCORR = fftshift(real(ifft2(Sn)));<br />

ICORR = fftshift(real(ifft2(Sf)));<br />

frest3 = deconvwnr(g, PSF, NCORR, ICORR);<br />

• Methods of <strong>Image</strong> <strong>Restoration</strong><br />

– model degradation (assuming apriori knowledge of degradation filter, H, and noise statistics, η)<br />

– apply inverse process to degradation<br />

• Noise Models<br />

– spatial/frequency domain models<br />

– use MATLAB routine imnoise to add noise to image; Gaussian, salt & pepper, speckle,<br />

Poisson, etc.<br />

• Generate Noise with Specified PDF or CDF<br />

– use MATLAB routine imnoise2<br />

• Estimate Noise Statistics<br />

– use MATLAB routine statmoments<br />

– use regions of interest for better estimates<br />

• Noise Only <strong>Restoration</strong><br />

– use linear, median, min, max spatial filters<br />

– use adaptive spatial filters for better estimates<br />

• <strong>Image</strong> Blur With Noise<br />

– direct inverse filtering methods<br />

– Wiener filtering method<br />

– alternative approaches<br />

2010-08-26<br />


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