Digital-Formant Synthesizer for Speech-Synthesis Studies

Digital-Formant Synthesizer for Speech-Synthesis Studies

Digital-Formant Synthesizer for Speech-Synthesis Studies


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9.4, 9.8 Received 1 November 1967<br />

Diital-<strong>Formant</strong> <strong>Synthesizer</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Speech</strong>-<strong>Synthesis</strong> <strong>Studies</strong><br />


Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, 3fltray tlill, A;ezc, Jersey L7974<br />

Recent work on speech synthesis by rule has led to the design and evaluation of a new digital <strong>for</strong>mant<br />

synthesizer. The synthesizer was simulated on a digital computer at a 20-kHz sampling frequency. The<br />

improvements over previous synthesizers include: an excitation sonrce <strong>for</strong> the unvoiced compmeut of<br />

voiced fricatives; a method <strong>for</strong> producing a voice bar <strong>for</strong> the closure period of voiced stops; and a simple<br />

desigu <strong>for</strong> the higher pole correction network that exploits the properties of sampled data systems. Spectrographic<br />

examples of synthetic speech are shmvn in order to illustrate these improvementS. A brief discussion<br />

of some advantages and disadvantages of serial and parallel synthesizers is presented.<br />


N recent lears, an extensive amount of time and ability of a terminal analog synthesizer to produce high-<br />

ef<strong>for</strong>t hats .gone into designing and evaluating qnalily natural-sounding speech has been demonstral ed<br />

machines capable of converting tow-in<strong>for</strong>mation-rate repealedly, u,-ø thus motivating ef<strong>for</strong>ts to increase the<br />

control signals into speech. -4 hnprovements in channel capability of this machine and to make it more versatile.<br />

and <strong>for</strong>mant vocoders have been in part responsible <strong>for</strong> Its potential as a speech-research tool is high.<br />

this resnrgence of interest in speech synthesizers. :,-7 This paper is concerned with at digital simnlation of<br />

Furthermore, tire general availability of both large and a serial terminal-analog synthesizer. The synthesizer<br />

small digital computers 8. and advances in digital and was sinrelated on a large computer (GE 45) usin<br />

analog hardware have contributed in large meastu'e to FORTRAN I¾. The general structm'e of the synthesizer<br />

the widespread interest in speech synthesizers. in relation to the production of various classe<br />

Among the more common speech synthesizers is the sounds is examined closely, and improvements over<br />

terminal-analog synthesizer. Besides serving as the previous synthesizers are discussed in detail. These imsynthesizer<br />

<strong>for</strong> a <strong>for</strong>mant vocoder, a terminal-analog provements include a voiced fricative excitation netsynthesizer<br />

is often used to generate material <strong>for</strong> experi work, a new design <strong>for</strong> the higher pole-correction network,<br />

md a simple method of producing a voice bar <strong>for</strong><br />

R. S. Tomlinson, "SPASS An Improved Terminal-Analog voiced stop consonants. A discnssion of some ad-<br />

<strong>Speech</strong> <strong>Synthesizer</strong>," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 38, 940(A) (1965).<br />

vantages and disadvantages of parallel and serial<br />

G. Fant, J. Martony, U. Rengman, and A. Risherg, "OVE II<br />

<strong>Synthesis</strong> Strategy," Paper I:5, <strong>Speech</strong> Conminn. Seminar, realizations of a terminal-analog synthesizer conclude<br />

Stockhohn (1962).<br />

this paper.<br />

a j. L. Flanagan, "Note ou the Design nf Terminal-Analog<br />

<strong>Speech</strong> <strong>Synthesizer</strong>s," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 29, 306--310 (1957).<br />

* C. H. Coker and P. Cummiskey, "On-Line Computer Control<br />

of a <strong>Formant</strong> S.xmthesizcr," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 38, 940(A)<br />

(1965).<br />

s C. H. Coker, "ReabTime <strong>Formant</strong> Vocoder, Using a Filter<br />

Bank, a General-Purpose <strong>Digital</strong> Computer and an Analog <strong>Synthesizer</strong>,"<br />

J. Acoust, Soc. Am. 38, 940(A) (1965).<br />

B. Gold, "Techniques <strong>for</strong> <strong>Speech</strong> Bandwidth Compression,<br />

Using Combinations of Channel Voc(>ders and <strong>Formant</strong> Vocoders,"<br />

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 38, 2 10 (1965).<br />

M. R. Schroeder, "Vocoders: Analysis and <strong>Synthesis</strong> of<br />

<strong>Speech</strong>." Proc. IEEE 54, 720-734 (1966).<br />

8 p. Denes, "On Line Computing in <strong>Speech</strong> Research," Proc.<br />

Intern. Congr. Acoust. 5th Liege (1965), Paper A23.<br />

822 Volume 43 Number 4 1968<br />

ments in speech synthesis and perception.0.. The<br />


of speech<br />

A termired-analog synthesizer models the speech producing<br />

mechanism, including the vocal tract, excitation<br />

0 K. Xakata, "<strong>Synthesis</strong> of Nasal Consonants by a Terminal<br />

Analog <strong>Synthesizer</strong>," J. Radio Res. Labs. 6. 243 254 (1959).<br />

o L. Rabiner, "<strong>Speech</strong> Svnthesis hv Rtde l An Acoustic Domain<br />

Approach," Bell System 'lrech. J. 47,' 17-37 (1968).<br />

u j. N. Holmes "Notes on <strong>Synthesis</strong> \V0rk," <strong>Speech</strong> Transmss<br />

on Lab. Qnart. Progr. Rept.', Stockholm (April 1961).<br />

2 W. J. Strong, "Machine-Aided <strong>Formant</strong> Determination <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>Speech</strong> Ssmthesis," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 41, 1434 1442 (1967j.


f T t-<br />

I"m. 1. Blck (liegram .f sl)cech synthesizer.<br />

sources ,red r,tdiation impedance. The fieorv of repre- tontrol sigmd is set to t,ttc the pitch impul_-e generator<br />

senLing vocal-tract lelmvior in tel-mS O[ ils Irtnsmis- Otltpnl to the shaping nehvork.<br />

sion properlies, I) a trausfcr fnnclion has been

L. R. RABIXER<br />

F o COMPOiEI T Figure 2 shows the relevant details of this network.<br />


(Certain components of the synthesizer of Fig. 1 have<br />


been omitted from Fig. 2 <strong>for</strong> simplicity.)<br />

The unvoiced excitation is produced as follows. The<br />

pitch pulses excite a resonator tuned to the first <strong>for</strong>erant<br />

of the voiced cmnponent of the fricative. This resonator<br />


is the first-order pproximation to the transfer function<br />

of voltame velocity (the signal of interest in Fig. 2) from<br />

the glottis through the point of constriction of the vocal<br />

tract. A threshold level (Vn) is subtracted from the<br />

output of the resomUor, and the restlit is half-wave<br />

rectified. These operations model the physical fact that<br />

turbulence is not produced until the volume velocity of<br />

the airflow exceeds a threshold value.<br />

'['he output of the half-wave rectifier modulates the<br />

GENRATCR NOISE J b'VOlCEO outpnt of the noise generator, producing a pitch-<br />


OF OlCES synchronous excitation <strong>for</strong> the unvoiced component of<br />

the fricative. The final unvoiced component is produced<br />

l'lc.. 2. Excitation netxmrk <strong>for</strong> voiced fricatives. by feeding this excitation into the fricative network<br />

(i.e., the lower branch of the synthesizer). The voiced<br />

generator, a zain control, a multiplier, a frication pole component is prodneed by exciting the <strong>for</strong>e,ant network<br />

and zero network, and a shaping network. The gain by the pitch pulses.<br />

control AFRIC provides means <strong>for</strong> controlling the over- Figure 3 shows spectrograms of synthetic and natural<br />

all unvoiced output level.<br />

versions of the voiced fricatives/z/and/5/- The syn-<br />

The input to the multiplier from the voiced-fricative thetic speech was produced eutirelv bv rule. m The<br />

excitation network is constant except during a voiced natural speech is presented <strong>for</strong> comparison purposes. A<br />

fricative. For a voiced fricative, the input to lhe multi- careful examination of these spectrograms shows the<br />

plier is a signal that pitch s3nchronously modulates effects of the pitch-synchronous modulation during the<br />

the unvoiced input. The details of this technique are fricatives fro' bolh the synthetic and the natural speech.<br />

explained in the next Section.<br />

The presence of the low-frequency voiced components<br />

The fricative pole and zero network is simply a cas- <strong>for</strong> both the synthetic and natural versions can also be<br />

cade of a complex-conjugate pole-pair resonator and a<br />

seen in Fig. 3. The major difference between the comcomplex-conjugate<br />

zero-pair resonator. The pole and<br />

zero positions are variable (FPOL, FZER). The shaping<br />

panion spectrograms is that the lower <strong>for</strong>mants of the<br />

network i, used to provide high- and low-frequency natnral speech are weaker than the lower <strong>for</strong>mants of<br />

emphasis, a, well a,to acconnt <strong>for</strong> radiation characteristics.<br />

A cascade of a differentiaLor and a low-frequency<br />

resonator is used here.<br />

The middle branch of the synthesizer is used to produce<br />

a voicebar <strong>for</strong> the closure interval of voiced stop<br />

consonants. This branch consists simply of a gain<br />

control (AVB) that adjusts the level of the pitch pulses<br />

6- {<br />

produced at the output of the ,aptrig network in the<br />

upper branch.<br />

The output ,eech is produced by adding the output<br />

from each of the three branches.<br />


The voiced-fricative excitation network that connects s-<br />

the output of the pnlse-shaping filter to the lower<br />

branch of the sx nthesizer is used to model the produc- .z a-<br />

I,,<br />

tion of the unvoiced component of voiced fricatives) :-'<br />

HUMAN ,%øEEC H<br />

O. Fujimura (personal communication, 1067) has indicated<br />

o<br />

that G. Rosen used a modulation scheme to produce voiced frlca- o-<br />

tires on D \VO [G. Rosen, "Dynamic Analog <strong>Speech</strong> Synthe- aS u<br />

sizer." J. Acouq. Soc. Am. 30, 201-210 (1958)]; however, no<br />

x titten record of his techniques appears to be available.<br />

I'h(. 3. Spectrographic examples of voiced fricatives.<br />

824 Volume 43 Number 4 1968<br />

P, HZ 3-<br />

2-<br />


! I<br />



the synthetic versions, indicating a need <strong>for</strong> low-fi-equency<br />

de-emphasis.<br />

The intelligibility of the voSced fricatives was measured<br />

in a <strong>for</strong>mal test, ils part of a larger-scale evaluation<br />

of synthetic consonants./" The relevant resttits are that<br />

/z/ and /5/ were identified carteeth' 100% of the time<br />

in prestressed and poststressed position in VCV tests.<br />

There were 15 possible responses <strong>for</strong> each stimnlus in<br />

these tests. The voiced fricatives /v/ and .'8./ are not<br />

included in this discussion because the unvoiced component<br />

was not found necessary <strong>for</strong> their synthesis.<br />

Hence, they were synthesized in the same way ils vocalic<br />

sounds.<br />

No <strong>for</strong>mal tests were conducted to determine the<br />

quality of the synthetic voiced fricativcs, bul in<strong>for</strong>mal<br />

comments by listeners were highly favorable.<br />


I"m. 4. Pole positions <strong>for</strong> a five-pole 10-kHz synthesizer.<br />

+24<br />

- t 2 ST RESPO 'NSE 0 ' AC<br />

0<br />

I 2 TUBE 5 POL ANA<br />

36<br />

48<br />

O I 2 3 4<br />

FREQUENCY ( k H Z ) --'<br />

l"JO. 3. <strong>Digital</strong> and aliatog approximations to transfer function<br />

of an acoustic tube, open at me end and closed at the other end.<br />

sampling fi'equency i.e., the pole at 500 Hz represents<br />

The higher-pole correction network is used to com- analog poles at 500, 10 500, 20 500 Hz, etc. Hence, the<br />

pensate <strong>for</strong> the effects, Oil the low-frequency- spectrum, infinity of higher-order poles is guaranteed by using this<br />

of the missing higher-order poles in the usual approxi- method. The density of the higher-order poles is also<br />

mation to the vocal-tract transfer function. In an correct, thus automatically ensm'ing the necessary<br />

analog synthesizer, a network approximating the trans- higher-pole correction. The efi'ectiveness of the digitill<br />

fer function of the higher-order poles is used. In a digital higher-pole correction is shown in Fig. 5. Here we see<br />

synthesizer, however, the design of the higher-pole car five-pole digital and five-pole anah)g approximations to<br />

rection is relativeh' simple. Additional resonators, or the transfer function of a straight acoustic tube model<strong>for</strong>mant<br />

networks, placed at appropriately chosen fre- ing the vowel/'a/'. No tnalog higher-pole correction is<br />

quencies, provide the necessary higher-pole correction. used other than the additional fixed <strong>for</strong>mants at 3500<br />

To illnstnte this method, consider it synthesizer and 4500 Hz. '['he bandwidths of the digital ired analog<br />

with a 10-kHz sampliug frequency. Assume the vowel poles are increasing with frequency- tmodeling the ob-<br />

/a/is to be synthesized and the pole positions are 500, served data <strong>for</strong> speech), whereas the bandwidths of the<br />

1500, 2500, 3500, 4500, ... (2n-+-l) $00 Hz. As shown poles of the tube transfer function are constant. The<br />

in Fig. 4, we place the three resonators of the <strong>for</strong>mant high-frequency behavior of the analog approximation is<br />

network at 500, 1500, and 2500 Hz. The higher-pole significantly different from the tube trinsfer function,<br />

correction network consists of resonators at 3500 and indicating the need <strong>for</strong> additionM higher-pole correction.<br />

4500 Hz. Owing to the periodicity, in frequency, of The advantages of the automatic higher-pole correction<br />

sampled data systems, the pole at any' frequency repre of the digital approximation are apparent.<br />

sents an infinity of poles with it spacing e(lual to the The modifications of the higher-pole correction network<br />

<strong>for</strong> a 20-kHz sampling frequency are straight<strong>for</strong>ward.<br />

Instead of inserting fixed resonators at just<br />

z - PLANE<br />

35(10 and 4500 Hz, additional resonators at 5500, 6500,<br />

7500, 8500, and 9500 Hz are necessary. There will be 10<br />

poles in the upper half-plane of Fig. 4, instead of five as<br />

<strong>for</strong> it 10-kHz syuthesizer; however, the poles are at the<br />

same frequencies as be<strong>for</strong>e. For a 20-kHz synthesizer,<br />

TAB1,E I. Resonator frequencies and bandwidths.<br />

Resonator C[: (ttz) Q BW (Hz)<br />

1:4 35011 2(I 175<br />

I":, 4500 16 281<br />

b' 5500 12 458<br />

I"7 6500 9 722<br />

l"a 7500 6 1250<br />

Fo 8500 4 2125<br />

P'o 9500 2 4750<br />

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 825

kHz<br />

kHz<br />

4--<br />

2--<br />

5--<br />

4--<br />

3--<br />

2--<br />

1--<br />

O-- !<br />

El U T<br />

T<br />

1<br />

I<br />

L. R. RABINER<br />

t t'1 I<br />

, I<br />

A N S I S T O R R A D IO<br />

S E L DOM GET<br />

I'm. 6.1..SI)ectrograms of synthetic speech.<br />

R I C H<br />

the b,ndwidfi-, of the additional poles are.reater than citin the upper branch of the sx nthesizer !)v the pitch<br />

the bandwidth of the similar poles <strong>for</strong> a 10-kHz sxn- impulses<br />

thesizer. The bandwidths used are seen iu Table L The Voiceless stop consonants are produced using the<br />

values chosen were determined from data by l)unn. s upper and h)wer branches of the synthesizer. The time<br />

interval following the period of closure can be broken<br />



OF THE down into three senents. During the firsl seg-ment,<br />

there is a short burst of friczttion uoise. This uoise is produced<br />

using the lower branch of the synthesizer. The<br />

In order to produce the various clases of speech<br />

output of the fricalion enerator is multiplied by m exsounds,<br />

only certain portions of the synthesizer need<br />

ternal ,unplitude control (AI"RIC) and then multiplied<br />

generally be used at one time. Vowels, semivowels, by a fixed constant. The output of the second multiliquids,<br />

and glide are produced using only the upper plier is fed into the fricative pole and zero network, and<br />

branch o[ the x nthesizer. The pitch-impulse generator<br />

then into the shaping network.<br />

is the source of excitation <strong>for</strong> these sounds.<br />

The second segment of a voiceless stop is the aspira-<br />

Voiced stop consonants are produced using both the<br />

tion ptmsc. Aspiration i. produced bv gating the output<br />

upper and middle branches o[ the synthesizer. The voice of the frication generator to the upper branch of the<br />

bar is produced bx gating the output of the pitch- synthesizer. The third segment of the voiceless stop,<br />

impulse generator to the shaping network ,red lhen the voiced transitional phase, is px oduced in exactly the<br />

multiplying the output of thi.,, network by an extern,'fi same m,mner as <strong>for</strong> voiced stops.<br />

amplitude control (AVB). This provides a low-fre-<br />

The voiceless fricatives are produced in the same way<br />

quency 1ow-enerzy wave<strong>for</strong>m whose characteristics are as Ihe [rication noise <strong>for</strong> voiceless stop consonanls. As<br />

similar to voice bars observed in real speech. The<br />

shown above, a voiced fricative is synthesized as two<br />

tnmsitional sebment of voiced stops is produced by exseparate<br />

components. The voiced cmponent is produced<br />

in a manner similar to the voiced components of<br />

olher speech sounds--i.e., by excitin the upper branch<br />

]I. K. Dunn. "Methods of Xleauring Vowel Formalit Bandwidths,"<br />

J. -cout. ,qoc. Am. 33. 1737 1746 (1961).<br />

826 Volume 43 Number 4 1968


of the synthesizer by pitch impulses. The unvoiced component<br />

is produced by modulating the frication generator<br />

output by a pitch-synchronous wave<strong>for</strong>m--the<br />

output of the voiced-fricative excitation network. The<br />

modulated wave<strong>for</strong>m is then passed through the lower<br />

branch of the synthesizer and added to the voiced component<br />

to produce the voiced fricatlve. An/h/ sound<br />

and whispered speech are produced in a manner similar<br />

to that <strong>for</strong> aspiration.<br />

A. Spectrographic Examples<br />

In order to illustrate the capabilities of the synthesizer,<br />

we show, in Fig. 6, spectrograms of two synthetic<br />

utterances. The control signals used to drive the synthesizer<br />

were determined by rule using an auxiliary progrant.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e, there are no original speech samples to<br />

present <strong>for</strong> comparison purposes.<br />

I I<br />

These spectrograms exhibit the various classes of<br />

speech sounds. The upper spectrogram shows both<br />

voiced sounds and unvoiced sounds. Of most interest in<br />

Fio. 7. Parallel terminal-analog synthesizer.<br />

this spectrogram are the phoneraes in the word lransis- ticated parallel synthesizer would account <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>mant<br />

lor. I)uring the/t/, both the frication noise burst and phaseø-0).<br />

aspiration are visible. The effects of the nasal pole and The serial synthesizer presents several advantages<br />

zero <strong>for</strong>/n/' are noticeable in the region of 2 kHz, where over the synthesizer of Fig. 7. Individual amplitudes of<br />

there is little energy present. Finally, a comparison is each of the resonances do not have to be determined <strong>for</strong><br />

available between the voiced fricative /z/ and its voice-<br />

, /<br />

a serial synthesizer. For research on speech synthesis by<br />

less counterpart /s/. The effects of the pitch-synchronous<br />

modulation are easily identified by the vertical<br />

rule, this is a significant advantage, as it reduces the<br />

striations through the noise of/z/. Furthermore, the complexity of the rules. The vowel spectra from the<br />

lack of a low-fi'equency voiced spectrum <strong>for</strong>/s/is easily parallel synthesizer of Fig. 7 contain extraneous zeros,<br />

observed.<br />

whereas a serial synthesizer produces spectra containing<br />

The lower spectrogram exhibits two interesting features.<br />

The voice bars of /d/ in "seldom" and /g/ in<br />

only poles. These zeros generally fall at frequencies<br />

between the resonances and may be perceptible, and<br />

"get" appear as low-frequency vertical striations during hence a corrupting factor. Because of the presence of<br />

their respective stop gaps. The voice bars appear as zeros in the spectra, parallel synthesizers generally have<br />

light lines indicating that they are of low energy. no higher-pole correction networks, relying instead on<br />

Finally, the affricate /ti/ of "rich" appears as a stop the zeros to provide the low-frequency emphasis. This<br />

gap followed by a burst and ending in a period of frica- is an nnreliable technique because: the positions of the<br />

tion energy. The frication energy is similar to the energy zeros move as the resonances are varied.<br />

of the /'/ phoneme. An affricate is synthesized as a<br />

The parallel synthesizer has two advantages over a<br />

stoplike sound followed by a fricativelike sound on this<br />

serial synthesizer. Noise generated in the parallel synsynthesizer.<br />

thesizer propagates additively rather than multiplicatively,<br />

as in a serial synthesizer. For simulations where<br />

B. Parallel versus Serial Realization<br />

small register lengths are required, this advantage is<br />

particularly valuable. For a given signal-to-noise ratio,<br />

The discussion in this paper has been concerned pri- signal sizes in a parallel synthesizer are smaller than in a<br />

marily with a serial tenuinal-analog synthesizer. A serial synthesizer. The second advantage is the ability<br />

parallel synthesizer is generally realized by gating either<br />

of a parallel synthesizer to reproduce consonant spectra<br />

of two sources (a noise or pitch-impulse generator) to a<br />

accurately through independent control of <strong>for</strong>mant<br />

series of parallel branches, each containing a resonator<br />

amplitudes. Hence, <strong>for</strong> synthesis from spectrograms or<br />

and a gain control, and adding the output of each<br />

in a <strong>for</strong>mant vocoder, this degree of freedom can be of<br />

branch to produce the speech. Figure 7 shows a simple<br />

realization of a parallel synthesizer l,ø (a more sophisgreat<br />

value.<br />

J-. Holmes, I. Mattingly, and J. Shearme, "<strong>Speech</strong> <strong>Synthesis</strong><br />

by Rule," Language and <strong>Speech</strong> 7, 127-143 (1964).<br />

PITCH<br />


EECH<br />

J. L. Flanagan, "Recent <strong>Studies</strong> in <strong>Speech</strong> Research at Bell<br />

Telephone Laboratories (II)," Proc Intern. Congr. Acoust., 5th<br />

IJage (1965), Paper A22.<br />

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 827

L. R. RABINER<br />

The choice of a parallel or serial synthesizer is determined<br />

primarily by its application. For research in<br />

speech synthesis by rule, the serial synthesizer has been<br />

very useful.<br />

have been included to demonstrate the capabilities of<br />

the synthesizer.<br />


V. SUMMARY<br />

I am indebted to Dr. Cecil Coker of ]3ell Telephone<br />

Laboratories and Professor Osamu Fujimura of the<br />

A new design <strong>for</strong> a digital terminal-analog synthesizer Research Institute of Logopedics and Phoniatrics <strong>for</strong><br />

has been presented and discussed. The new features many valuable discussions on the design of a speech<br />

include a voiced fricative excitation network, a method synthesizer; to Dr. _[ames Flanagan, Professor Kenneth<br />

of producing a voice bar, and a simple higher-pole cor- Stevens, and Professor William Henke <strong>for</strong> sugõestions<br />

rection network based on the properties of sampled data and ideas about speech synthesis; and to Dr. Harry<br />

systems. Spectrographic examples of synthetic speech Levitt <strong>for</strong> valuable criticisms of the manuscript.<br />

828 Volume 43 Number 4 1968

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