Jan Stage, Aalborg Universitet: Interaktionsdesign - IT-Vest

Jan Stage, Aalborg Universitet: Interaktionsdesign - IT-Vest Jan Stage, Aalborg Universitet: Interaktionsdesign - IT-Vest

<strong>Interaktionsdesign</strong><br />

<strong>Jan</strong> <strong>Stage</strong><br />

Research leader, Professor<br />

<strong>Aalborg</strong> University<br />

Department of Computer Science<br />

HCI-Lab<br />


Agenda<br />

• Baggrund<br />

• Usability og usability-evaluering<br />

• Undervisning i usability<br />

• Aktiviteter og teknikker<br />


Agenda<br />

• Baggrund<br />

• Min baggrund<br />

• Forskningsgruppe<br />

• Usability og usability-evaluering<br />

• Undervisning i usability<br />

• Aktiviteter og teknikker<br />


Min baggrund<br />

• Mat-fys student, Esbjerg Statsskole, 1978<br />

• Datalog, <strong>Aalborg</strong> <strong>Universitet</strong>, 1984<br />

Speciale om Metoder til analyse, samarbejde med Mentor informatik<br />

• PhD i Informatik, <strong>Universitet</strong>et i Oslo, 1989<br />

Afhandling om Arbejdsformer for analyse og design i systemudvikling<br />

• Adjunkt-Lektor-Professor, Institut for Datalogi, <strong>Aalborg</strong> <strong>Universitet</strong>, 1988-<br />

• Gæst ved SUNY Binghamton (1991), University of Auckland (2002-2003)<br />

• Forskning inden for:<br />

• Usability-evaluering<br />

• <strong>Interaktionsdesign</strong><br />

• Objekt-orienterede metoder – OOA&D<br />

• Systemudvikling og systemudviklingsmetoder<br />

• Prototyping<br />

Institut for Datalogi<br />

4<br />


Human-Computer Interaction Research Group<br />

Generally:<br />

• Design and evaluation of the interaction between<br />

a user and a computerised system<br />

Two focus areas:<br />

• Design of human-computer interaction<br />

• Usability evaluation<br />

Applications:<br />

• Desktop systems<br />

• Web applications<br />

• Mobile systems<br />

Colleagues (HCI): Mikael B. Skov, Jesper Kjeldskov, Jeni Paay, Anders Bruun,<br />

6 PhD-studerende, 10-20 specialestuderende<br />


Agenda<br />

• Baggrund<br />

• Usability og usability-evaluering<br />

• Definition<br />

• Betydning<br />

• Undervisning i usability<br />

• Aktiviteter og teknikker<br />


Usability: Hvad er det og hvad er det ikke?<br />

Klassisk definition (ISO 1998):<br />

The effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which a specified set of users<br />

can achieve a specified set of tasks in a particular environment<br />

Nye typer systemer (spil, underholdning<br />

osv.) og nye brugssituationer (anytime,<br />

anywhere osv.) giver anledning til<br />

nye definitioner<br />

Moderne definitioner skelner<br />

mellem tre begreber<br />

Konstruktivt mål: usability-problemer<br />

Eksempel:<br />

Booking/Ledige tider: kan ikke tvinge en akut operation ind.<br />

Utility<br />

User experience<br />

Usability<br />


Usability: Hvorfor er det vigtigt?<br />

Et stigende antal software-organisationer har fokus på usability<br />

Kravene til systemerne ændrer sig:<br />

• Risiko: flere systemer, hvor fejl påvirker menneskers helbred<br />

• Nødvendighed: flere systemer uden mulighed for hjælp i brugssituationen<br />

• Konkurrence: flere systemer, som er i direkte konkurrence med andre tilsvarende<br />

systemer<br />

• Kundekrav: flere systemer, hvor kunden eksplicit stiller krav til usability<br />

Systemerne udvikles:<br />

• Antallet og typen af brugere<br />

• Brugssituationen og -formålet<br />

• Kompleksiteten af software (og hardware)<br />

Mange systemer lever slet ikke op til dette<br />


Usability: Hvorfor er det vigtigt?<br />

Dårlig usability vedbliver med at give problemer<br />

Tiden heler ikke dårligt design<br />

• Longitudinal study of usability with EPR<br />

system: IBM IPJ 2.3 (05-2002 og 08-2003)<br />

• Evaluation with nurses<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />


Hvorfor: Dårlig usability koster<br />

• Evaluering af IKEA’s hjemmeside<br />

”Det er vist lettere at køre derned” (til Århus)<br />

• Evaluering af Budget Cars hjemmeside<br />

Lej en bil på 60 sekunder<br />

10 personer: 4-17 min.; snit: 7,5 min.<br />

79 usability problemer (5 / 36 / 38)<br />

• Dokumenteret, at det koster kunder<br />


Agenda<br />

• Baggrund<br />

• Usability og usability-evaluering<br />

• Undervisning i usability<br />

• Materiale<br />

• Erfaringer<br />

• Aktiviteter og teknikker<br />


Undervisning i usability<br />

Der kan undervises i det selv på<br />

introducerende niveau<br />

Giver en god forståelse for systemers<br />

brug – gerne før de lærer at<br />

konstruere<br />

Note til gymnasiet<br />


Training Course<br />

Teach software developers and<br />

designers to conduct usability<br />

evaluations<br />

Provide participants with skills in<br />

formative usability evaluation<br />

No prerequisites<br />

It was done in a week<br />

Result: a usability report<br />

Could be reduced to the core<br />

# Lecture Exercises<br />

1 Introduction to the course and<br />

basic website technology<br />

2 Basic introduction to usability<br />

issues and guidelines for<br />

interaction design<br />

3 The think-aloud protocol and how<br />

to set up a test scenario. User<br />

groups and their different needs<br />

4 Application of questionnaires for<br />

collecting data and how to use<br />

different kinds of questions<br />

5 Computer architecture and<br />

website technology<br />

6 Describing the usability testing<br />

method and how to collect and<br />

analyze empirical data<br />

7 Other usability evaluation<br />

methods and how to conduct a<br />

full-scale usability test session<br />

8 Website structures, information<br />

search and web surfing<br />

9 Guidelines for website design and<br />

principles for orientation and<br />

navigation<br />

10 Principles for visual design and<br />

different interaction styles<br />

Pilot test:<br />

Each team conducts simple<br />

pilot usability tests of websites<br />

to train their practical skills in<br />

usability evaluation.<br />

The teams choose the website<br />

themselves. Experience with<br />

conducting tests and the results<br />

achieved are discussed<br />

afterwards.<br />

Usability evaluation:<br />

The teams conduct a usability<br />

evaluation of the Hotmail<br />

website according to a<br />

specification provided by the<br />

course instructors.<br />

The usability evaluations are<br />

conducted at the university in<br />

assigned rooms for each team.<br />

After the usability test<br />

sessions, the teams analyze the<br />

empirical data and make a<br />

usability report that describes<br />

the identified usability<br />

problems.<br />


Method<br />

Website: hotmail.com<br />

Participants:<br />

• First-year university students<br />

• Four educations:<br />

• Informatics<br />

• Architecture and design<br />

• Planning and environment<br />

• Chartered surveyor<br />

Setting: their group offices<br />

Assessment based on their usability report<br />

Total<br />

number of<br />

students<br />

Total<br />

number of<br />

teams<br />

Team size<br />

Average<br />

234 36 6.5 4 / 8<br />

Number of<br />

test subjects<br />

Average<br />

Number of<br />

test subjects<br />

Min / Max<br />

Age of test<br />

subjects<br />

Average<br />

Team size<br />

Min / Max<br />

Age of test<br />

subjects<br />

Min / Max<br />

3.6 2 / 5 21,2 19 / 30<br />


Results (1)<br />

Teams<br />

Student<br />

(N=36)<br />

Professional<br />

(N=8)<br />

Conducting the<br />

evaluation<br />

Evaluation<br />

Task quality and<br />

relevance<br />

The students did quite well in conducting the evaluation<br />

The professionals did significantly better<br />

Questionnaire/<br />

Interviews<br />

3.42 (0.73) 3.22 (1.05) 2.72 (1.00)<br />

4.38 (0.74) 3.13 (1.64) 3.50 (1.69)<br />

On task quality and relevance the students seem to do better than the<br />

professionals (but not significant)<br />


Results (2)<br />

Teams<br />

Student<br />

(N=36)<br />

Professional<br />

(N=8)<br />

Test<br />

description<br />

Data quality<br />

Clarity of<br />

problem list<br />

Report<br />

Executive<br />

summary<br />

Clarity of<br />

report<br />

The students did well on describing the test and providing underlying data in<br />

appendices<br />

Layout of<br />

report<br />

3.03 (0.94) 3.19 (1.33) 2.53 (1.00) 2.39 (0.80) 2.97 (0.84) 2.94 (0.89)<br />

4.00 (1.31) 2.13 (0.83) 3.50 (0.93) 3.38 (1.06) 4.25 (0.71) 3.25 (0.71)<br />

The worst student performance was in clarity of the problem list and executive<br />

summary<br />


Team<br />

Results (3)<br />

Student<br />

(N=36)<br />

Professional<br />

(N=8)<br />

Number of<br />

problems<br />

Problem<br />

categorization<br />

Practical<br />

relevance<br />

Qualitative<br />

results<br />

overview<br />

Results<br />

Quantitative<br />

results<br />

overview<br />

Use of<br />

literature<br />

The students did poorly on problem identification and description<br />

Conclusion<br />

Evaluation<br />

of test<br />

2.56 (0.84) 2.06 (1.22) 3.03 (1.00) 3.03 (1.00) 2.28 (1.14) 3.08 (0.81) 2.64 (0.90) 2.44 (1.08)<br />

4.13 (1.13) 3.25 (1.75) 4.25 (1.49) 3.75 (1.16) 2.00 (1.51) 3.13 (0.35) 3.88 (0.64) 2.88 (1.13)<br />

All did poorly in describing the quantitative results (efficiency and effectiveness)<br />


Agenda<br />

• Baggrund<br />

• Usability og usability-evaluering<br />

• Undervisning i usability<br />

• Aktiviteter og teknikker<br />

• <strong>Interaktionsdesign</strong><br />

• Aktiviteter i usability-evaluering<br />

• Teknik til usability-evaluering<br />


<strong>Interaktionsdesign</strong><br />

Aktiviteter og samspil i interaktionsdesign (HCI-design)<br />

Udgangspunkt<br />

Generer<br />

design<br />

Identificer behov<br />

Etabler krav<br />

Byg interaktiv<br />

version<br />

Evaluer<br />

design<br />

Resultat:<br />

Endeligt<br />

produkt<br />

Alternativ start:<br />

• Byg noget og prøv<br />

det af<br />

• Lav flere design af<br />

et system<br />

• Evaluér noget<br />

eksisterende<br />


Aktiviteter i usability-evaluering<br />

Evaluation plan:<br />

• Purpose<br />

• Key questions<br />

• User profile<br />

• Participants and roles<br />

• Test methods<br />

• Task list<br />

• Context and<br />

equipment<br />

• Data to be collected<br />

• Report structure<br />

Each user:<br />

• Introduction<br />

• Task solving<br />

• Data collection<br />

• Logging<br />

• Debriefing<br />

Determine<br />

basics<br />

Plan<br />

evaluation<br />

Prepare<br />

tests<br />

Conduct<br />

tests<br />

Interpret<br />

data<br />

• Form: formative/summative<br />

• When in development process:<br />

• Exploratory<br />

• Assessment<br />

• Validation<br />

• Comparison<br />

• Participants and roles<br />

• Location and equipment<br />

• Recreation of context<br />

• Selection of test subjects<br />

• Design of tasks<br />

• Transcription of log files<br />

• Data summary<br />

• Data analysis<br />

• Documentation (report)<br />


Udfordring: Tidsforbrug til usability-evaluering<br />

• Rolf Molich: CUE-2 projektet (http://www.dialogdesign.dk/cue.html)<br />

• 8 grupper, men ikke alle opsamlede systematisk data om tidsforbrug<br />

A B C D E F G H J Gennemsnit<br />

Forberedelse 37 40 57 10 34 70 41<br />

Testing 43 36 9 10 18 18 72 29<br />

Analyse og rapportering 56 47 18 30 55 27 76 44<br />

Samlet tidsforbrug 136 123 84 130 50 107 46 218 112<br />

• Andre tal: 100-150 timer for en total evaluering med 6-8 brugere og<br />

systematisk video-baseret dataanalyse<br />

• Varighed: 4-6 uger<br />


Teknik: Instant Data Analysis (IDA)<br />

Conduct 4-6 standard think-aloud sessions. A<br />

test monitor and a data logger are present<br />

Conduct a 1-1½ hour data analysis session:<br />

based on brainstorming and systematic<br />

discussion. Organized by a facilitator<br />

•Brainstorm<br />

• Screen printouts<br />

• Notes<br />

Let the facilitator spend 1-1½ hours on writing up<br />

the content of the whiteboard into a ranked list of<br />

usability problems with clear references to the<br />

system<br />

Review the problem list for final consensus<br />


IDA: Experiment<br />

We studied the use of Instant Data Analysis<br />

through an exploratory experiment<br />

Purpose<br />

• Gaining practical experience with the use of the technique<br />

• Comparing results produced “instantly” with results from traditional video<br />

data analysis<br />

• Identifying opportunities and challenges<br />

for improving IDA<br />

The system: resource booking at a large hospital<br />

Participants<br />

• 5 test subjects<br />

• 1 test monitor + 1 data logger<br />

• 1 IDA facilitator<br />

Observer<br />

Observation<br />

Room<br />

Subject Room<br />

Test subject<br />

Test monitor<br />

Data logger<br />

and video<br />

equipment<br />

operator<br />

Control<br />

Room<br />


IDA: Results<br />

Instant Data Analysis can …<br />

• Assist usability evaluators in quickly identifying the most critical and<br />

serious usability problems experienced by users in a think-aloud<br />

evaluation<br />

• Was conducted in 10% of the time it takes to do a traditional video data<br />

analysis<br />

• Reduce the noise of unique (false?) usability problems<br />


Afslutning<br />

• Baggrund<br />

• Min baggrund<br />

• Forskningsgruppe<br />

• Usability og usability-evaluering<br />

• Definition<br />

• Betydning<br />

• Systemudvikling<br />

• Undervisning i usability<br />

• Materiale<br />

• Erfaringer<br />

• Aktiviteter og teknikker<br />

• <strong>Interaktionsdesign</strong><br />

• Aktiviteter i usability-evaluering<br />

• Teknik til usability-evaluering<br />


Litteratur<br />

Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B. and <strong>Stage</strong>, J. (2012) <strong>Interaktionsdesign</strong>.<br />

http://iftek.dk/interaktionsdesign<br />

Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B. and <strong>Stage</strong>, J. (2004) Instant Data Analysis: Evaluating Usability<br />

in a Day. Proceedings of NordiCHI 2004, pp. 233-240. ACM.<br />

Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B. and <strong>Stage</strong>, J. (2010) A Longitudinal Study of Usability in Health<br />

Care: Does Time Heal? International Journal of Medical Informatics, 79(6):135-143.<br />

Skov, M. B. and <strong>Stage</strong>, J. (2009) A Conceptual Tool for Usability Problem Identification in<br />

Website Development. International Journal of Information Technology and Web<br />

Engineering, 4(4):22-35.<br />

Skov, M. B. and <strong>Stage</strong>, J. (2011) Training Software Developers and Designers to Conduct<br />

Usability Evaluations. Behaviour and Information Technology (in press, available<br />

online, DOI: 10.1080/01449290903398208).<br />


<strong>IT</strong>-<strong>Vest</strong>: Master i <strong>IT</strong> for <strong>IT</strong>-lærere<br />

Fagpakke i <strong>Interaktionsdesign</strong> og Usability-evaluering<br />

• <strong>Interaktionsdesign</strong><br />

• Metoder til usability-evaluering<br />

• Evaluering og design i praksis<br />

Link:<br />

http://www.master-it-vest.dk/fagpakker/interaktionsdesign-og-multimedier/detaljer/fagpakke/interaktionsdesign-og-usability-evaluering/2.html#.UGPv91HQys0<br />


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