Sri P.K. Phukan, Member, MACT-1, Kamrup

Sri P.K. Phukan, Member, MACT-1, Kamrup

Sri P.K. Phukan, Member, MACT-1, Kamrup


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Present :-<br />

P K <strong>Phukan</strong><br />

<strong>Member</strong>, <strong>MACT</strong><br />

<strong>Kamrup</strong>, Guwahati<br />

MAC Case No. 1207/05<br />

Md Farhad Ali ... Claimant<br />

-Versus-<br />

1 Md Nazim Ali<br />

(Driver of the vehicle no. AMU-1493)<br />

2 Md Boga Ali<br />

(Driver of the above vehicle)<br />

3 New India Assurance Co Ltd<br />

(Insurer of the above vehicle) ... Opp Parties<br />

Advocate for the claimant : Mr K U Ahmed, M A Sheikh, M H<br />

Choudhury<br />

Advocate for OP Nos. 1 & 2 : A R Medhi, Ms T Roy<br />

Advocate for the OP No. 3 : Ms B Bairagi<br />

Date of hearing argument : 14.12.12<br />

Date of Judgment : 28.12.12<br />

J U D G M E N T<br />

The claimant, Farhad Ali, sustained injuries in a road traffic accident<br />

which occurred on 14.03.05 at Ambari Road, Guwahati. His case in brief is<br />

that on that fateful day at about 8.00 AM, he was going to Bagharbari<br />

Chowk on foot, the offending vehicle bearing no. AMU-1493 knocked him<br />

from behind, as a result he sustained grievous injury. He was immediately<br />

shifted to hospital for treatment. He has preferred this claim u/s 166 of he<br />

MV Act alleging that the accident took place due to rash and negligent<br />

driving by the driver of the offending vehicle.<br />

The OP Nos. 1 & 2, owner and driver of the offending vehicle<br />

contested the claim and in their joint written statement pleaded that the<br />

vehicle at the relevant time was insured with the New India Assurance Co<br />

Ltd and as such the said company is liable to indemnify the owner if any<br />

award is passed. It is admitted that policy commence from 15.03.05.<br />

The OP No. 3, New India Assurance Co Ltd, took the plea that the<br />

vehicle at the relevant time was not insured with the company.<br />



On the basis of the pleadings, the following issues are framed for<br />

adjudication :-<br />

1 Whether claimant, Farhad Ali, sustained injuries in the alleged road<br />

accident dated 14.03.05 involving the vehicle No. AMU-1493 and<br />

whether the said accident took place due to rash and negligent<br />

driving of the driver of the offending vehicle ?<br />

2 Whether the claimant is entitled to receive any compensation and if<br />

yes, to what extent and by whom amongst the respondents, the said<br />

compensation amount will be payable ?<br />

To prove the case, claimant has examined himself as PW-1 and<br />

produced number of documents. The OP, insurer also examined DW-1 as a<br />

witness.<br />

I have heard argument for the claimant side and perused the<br />

evidences and documents and upon consideration of the same the following<br />

issues are decided as under :-<br />

ISSUES NO 1 & 2<br />


Both the issues were taken up together for discussions and decisions<br />

for the sake of convenience and brevity.<br />

2<br />

There is no dispute regarding the injury sustained by Farhad Ali in the<br />

accident which occurred on 14.03.05 at about 8.00 AM involving vehicle no.<br />

AMU-1493. It has been averred by the claimant in the claim-petition and<br />

stated in his evidence that on the fateful day at about 8.00 AM when he out<br />

from his house to go to Bhagarbari was hit by the offending vehicle, as a<br />

result of which he sustained grievous injuries. His evidence is that the<br />

vehicle was driven by the driver in a rash and negligent manner, hit him<br />

from backside. He was immediately taken to Apollo Clinic, Satgaon, after<br />

preliminary treatment he was admitted into GMC Hospital and remained in<br />

the hospital for 10 days. In support of his oral evidence he has proved the<br />

Accident Information Report being Ex-2, FIR Ex-1 and the treatment<br />

documents Ex-3 to Ex-9. The oral evidence of the claimant coupled with the<br />

documents filed by him established that he sustained injuries in the<br />

accident which took place due to sole negligence of the driver of the Truck

no. AMU-1493. Since he sustained injuries in the accident due to rash and<br />

negligent driving by the driver of the vehicle, he is entitled to<br />

compensation. He was initially treated at Apollo Clinic vide Ex-3 and<br />

subsequently he came to GMC Hospital and admitted in the hospital on<br />

21.03.05 and was discharged on 23.03.05.<br />

From the documents of the GMCH Ex-6 to Ex-8, it is found that he<br />

sustained injuries on his knee joint of the right leg, right foot and<br />

backbone. No serious injuries was suffered by him. He claims to have to<br />

have spent Rs 33,000/- for his treatment but could not produce documents.<br />

He produced only cash-memos for Rs 441/- only. Considering the nature of<br />

the injury suffered by him and the duration of the treatment Rs 5000/- is<br />

awarded for medical expenses and Rs 3000/- is awarded for pain and<br />

suffering. Thus the total compensation comes to Rs 8,000/-.<br />

Now the pertinent question is who is liable to pay the compensation<br />

to the claimant.<br />

Insurance company produced Ex-A policy of insurance through DW-1<br />

which shows that the policy was effective from 15.03.05 to 14.03.06.<br />

Admittedly the accident occurred on 14.03.05. The policy was not valid on<br />

the day of the accident and as such the company is not liable to pay<br />

compensation and it is the owner who is liable to pay the compensation to<br />

the claimant.<br />

These issues are decided accordingly in favour of the claimant.<br />

A W A R D<br />

Rs 8,000/- (Rupees eight thousand) is awarded with interest @ 6%<br />

p.a. from the date of filing the claim petition, i.e. 17.06.05, till payment.<br />

The OP No. 1, Md Nazim Ali, is directed to pay the award within one month<br />

from the date of order.<br />

Given under my hand & seal of this Court on this 28h day of<br />

December 2012.<br />

3<br />

(P K <strong>Phukan</strong>)<br />

<strong>Member</strong><br />

Motor Accident Claims Tribunal<br />

<strong>Kamrup</strong>, Guwahati

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