KIUC's Rate Case - Kauai Island Utility Cooperative

KIUC's Rate Case - Kauai Island Utility Cooperative KIUC's Rate Case - Kauai Island Utility Cooperative
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In the past, like many other Americans, I took the U.S. Navy for granted, thinking it was for young kids to see the world and career officers to put in their time prior to some cushy government job. Recently, I had the opportunity, courtesy of the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet's DV Program to fly to the nuclear aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis, spend two days on it on an official tour, observing day and night flight and other operations, and was catapaulted off its deck. I came away with so much respect and appreciation for these men and women in the Navy and other military branches. There were 19- and 20-yearold personnel responsible for the multi-million dollar jets, bombs and nuclear reactors. What I saw, from the Commander on down to the enlisted men, was so much dedication, order and perfection. I was very impressed with the captain and the crew of the USS John C. Stennis. They are our ambassadors to the rest of the world. They are prepared to protect us at the drop of a hat. We sit at home complaining about nuclear power in our backyards, while we expect these men and women to live above nuclear reactors, bombs and millions of gallons of jet fuel. Those of you who have served in the United States military, I take my hat off to you. No rhetoric will adequately express my appreciation. All I can say is “Thank you.” Thank you and God bless those who have served and those serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Because of you, I can say I am proud to be an American. 10 KIUC CURRENTS Aloha, Dennis M. Esaki

A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Aloha. In May, your Legislative Committee met with our congressional delegation in Washington, D.C., to discuss many issues that affect Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC). Among the topics discussed were climate change legislation, a renewable energy standard, an energy-efficiency resource standard, the Rural Utilities Service and undergrounding of electric lines in the Wailua Corridor. These discussions were with U. S. Representatives Neil Abercrombie and Mazie Hirono and Senators Daniel K. Akaka and Daniel K. Inouye. They were supportive of our concerns. The committee also met with our member from Līhu‘e, General Eric Shinseki, who is serving as secretary of Veterans Affairs. He showed great interest in renewable projects in the Līhu‘e area. A strategic planning retreat is scheduled for July. Committee Chairman Peter Yukimura and his committee are hard at work in preparing for this event. Our staff continues to put in long hours in preparation for our rate case filing with the Public Utilities Commission. Chief Financial Officer David Bissell and our consultants, R. W. Beck and Associates, are guiding the process. We were saddened to receive the resignation of Dennis Esaki, our former chairman. He led our board and co-op for three years with a commendable leadership style. His contributions to KIUC are many. His service as the director from Hawai‘i at the National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association did not go unnoticed. Our national president appointed him to serve as chairman of the Marketing, Communications and Business Development Committee. The Board of Directors at KIUC joins me in wishing Dennis the best in his current and future business endeavors. Teofilo “Phil” Tacbian Chairman, KIUC Board of Directors KIUC PATRONAGE CAPITAL REFUNDS TOTALING $2.4 MILLION TO BEGIN ARRIVING MID-JULY After receiving approval from the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) in May, Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative and the Board of Directors began making arrangements to disburse checks and account information to the membership totaling $2.4 million. That is 25 percent of the $9.6 million in margins generated by KIUC in 2008. Checks will be issued for refunds totaling $10 or more. If the amount is less than $10 and the member has an active account, the amount will be credited to the member’s account. If the refund amount is less than $10 and the account is inactive, the amount will remain in the member’s patronage account until the cumulative refund amount is $10 or more. For an average residential account that consumed about 430 kilowatt-hours a month, the average refund check will be approximately $27. Members can expect refunds to arrive mid-July. JUNE/JULY 2009 11

In the past, like many other Americans, I took the U.S. Navy for granted, thinking it was for young kids to see<br />

the world and career officers to put in their time prior to some cushy government job.<br />

Recently, I had the opportunity, courtesy of the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet's DV Program to fly to the<br />

nuclear aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis, spend two days on it on an official tour, observing day and night<br />

flight and other operations, and was catapaulted off its deck. I came away with so much respect and<br />

appreciation for these men and women in the Navy and other military branches. There were 19- and 20-yearold<br />

personnel responsible for the multi-million dollar jets, bombs and nuclear reactors. What I saw, from the<br />

Commander on down to the enlisted men, was so much dedication, order and perfection. I was very impressed<br />

with the captain and the crew of the USS John C. Stennis.<br />

They are our ambassadors to the rest of the world. They are prepared to protect us at the drop of a hat.<br />

We sit at home complaining about nuclear power in our backyards, while we expect these men and women to<br />

live above nuclear reactors, bombs and millions of gallons of jet fuel.<br />

Those of you who have served in the United States military, I take my hat off to you. No rhetoric will<br />

adequately express my appreciation. All I can say is “Thank you.”<br />

Thank you and God bless those who have served and those serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Because of you, I<br />

can say I am proud to be an American.<br />


Aloha,<br />

Dennis M. Esaki

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