Up and Running at Koloa Substation - Kauai Island Utility Cooperative

Up and Running at Koloa Substation - Kauai Island Utility Cooperative Up and Running at Koloa Substation - Kauai Island Utility Cooperative

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A Message From the Chairman 26 KIUC CURRENTS Aloha, As we approach the end of another year, I reflect on the events of 2011. Renewables is an issue that was on the forefront of our activities. Photovoltaic activities increased greatly. Battery energy storage has been installed. We proceeded in investigating the feasibility of hydropower. Other renewable projects include biomass and biofuel. Our strategic plan targets the year 2023 when 50 percent of our electricity will be from renewable sources, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. We are well on our way to achieving that goal. During this time of year, we are grateful for all the good things that happened in 2011. I would be remiss if I did not again acknowledge our very capable and dedicated staff. To our employees who make things happen for our members and the community at large, a great big Mahalo and best wishes in the coming year, from your board of directors. To our members and the people of Kaua‘i, best wishes in the coming year. We, your board of directors, look forward to continuing our service to you. With warmest Mahalo and Aloha. Teofilo Phil Tacbian, Chairman Board of Directors Board Actions for October 2011 10/25 10/25 Meeting Date Item Description Board Action New Business Statewide Special Meeting and Election Policy (PY) MRC (SMR) Board Policies #15, Strategic Planning; #3, Rules Governing Board Meetings; and #13, Community and Economic Development (no substantive changes.) Approved Board Policy #20, Appointments to Fill Board Vacancies (no substantive changes.) Motion carried New Board Policy #33, Member Called Special Meetings of KIUC Members. Approved 2012 Kaua‘i United Way campaign authorizing KIUC to match employees contributions. Approved MRC (SMR) Approve March 24, 2012, for the board election deadline date. Approved Ratify the approval of a success fee for Collet & Associates on the KIUC PV project and authorization for an environmental assessment for the KIUC PV project. Election of 2012-2014 State of Hawai‘i, NRECA director. Nominees included incumbent statewide director Dennis Esaki and KIUC Director David Iha. Incumbent Esaki was re-elected. Approved The results of a written ballot election.

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