Effects of skeletal modifications of ciprofloxacin on ... - ResearchGate

Effects of skeletal modifications of ciprofloxacin on ... - ResearchGate Effects of skeletal modifications of ciprofloxacin on ... - ResearchGate

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JOURNAL ong>ofong> CHINESE CLINICAL MEDICINE VOLUME 2|NUMBER 4|April 2007 MATERIALS AND METHODS Tabross Pharmaceuticals, Karachi, gifted ciprong>ofong>loxacin ydrochloride and the microorganisms for antimicrobial activity were obtained from ESSA laboratory, Karachi Pakistan. IR spectra ( KBr) were recorded on a Bruker FT -IR IFS48 spectrophotometer.EI mass spectra were measured with various MAT 711 (70 eV ) spectrome唱 ters and data are tabulated as m /z.1H唱NMR spectra were recorded in DMSO唱d6 using Bruker AC300 (300 MHz) spectrophotometer.Splitting patterns were as follows: s, singlet; d, doublet; dd, double doublets; t, triplet;m, multiplet.Chemical shifts are reported in δ ( ppm) and coupling constants are given in Hz.The progress ong>ofong> all reactions was monitored by TLC, which was performed on 2畅0 cm ×5.0 cm aluminum sheets pre唱coated with silica gel 60F254 to a thickness ong>ofong> 0畅25 mm ( Merck).The chromatograms were visualized under ultraviolet light ( 254 ~366 nm ) or iodine vapours.Melting points were determined in glass capil唱 laries on a Büchi 434 melting point apparatus and are uncorrected.The title compounds were synthesized and characterized successfully and satisfactorily. Regenerationong>ofong> Free Ciprong>ofong>loxacin A solution ong>ofong> ciprong>ofong>loxacin hydrochloride (10 g ) in water (50 ml) was treated with an excess ong>ofong> 5% aque唱 ous sodium bicarbonate solution resulting in the forma唱 tion ong>ofong> white precipitates which were filtered through suction filtration and left to dry as a neutral ciprong>ofong>loxa唱 cin (1,8.3 g,83%) . These precipitates were pure enough and used as starting material for all the reactions without purifica唱 tion. General Procedure for the Ciprong>ofong>loxacin Deriva唱 tives Ciprong>ofong>loxacin(1) Ciprong>ofong>loxacin(1畅0 g,3.01 mmol) was dissolved in 30 ml ong>ofong> anhydrous THF.To this solution,triethylamine (1 molar equivalent,0畅629 ml) and one molar equivalent ong>ofong> appropriate acid chloride was added and the result唱 ant mixture was refluxed until completion ong>ofong> the reac唱 tion ( TLC analysis).The resultant mixture was cooled 189 to room temperature, excess ong>ofong> solvent was removed in vaccuo and the residue was suspended in brine and ex唱 tracted with dichloromethane (3 ×50).The organic phase was dried over Na2 SO4 , filtered and evaporated at reduced pressure to afford the solid product in pure form. 7-(4-Acetyl唱1唱piperazinyl) -6唱fluoro -1 唱cyclo唱 propyl -4唱oxo -1,4唱dihydro唱3唱quinoline carboxylic acid(2) Yield:0畅48 g (73%);M.P.= 261℃ ~263 ℃;IR nmax cm -1 : 3421 , 3046, 2921, 1711, 1627, 1470, 1337, 1217; 1 H唱NMR (300 MHz唱DMSO -d 6 ):d 15畅16 ( s, 1 H,H -14),8畅6 (s,1H,H -2) ,7畅8 (d,1H,J =7畅8 Hz,H -5),7畅5(d,1 H,J =4 .3 Hz, H -8 ) ,3畅8 (s, 1 H,H -11),3畅6 (s,4H,H -16,20),2畅4(s,4H,H -17,19) ,2畅0 (s,3 H,H -2 ′),1畅3(d,2H,J =3 畅7 Hz,H -13) ,1畅1 (s,2 H,H -12);EIMS m /z (% rel. abund.):373 (M +1 ,18),329 (68 ),301 (6 ),257 (10),231 (8). 1 -Cyclopropyl -7 -[ 4 -( ethoxycarbonyl) -1唱 piperazinyl] -6唱fluoro唱4唱oxo唱1,4唱dihydro唱3唱quino唱 line carboxylic acid (3 ) Yield:0畅87 g (87%);M.P.=161℃ -163℃;IR nmax cm -1 : 3453 , 3097, 2977, 2830, 1736, 1626, 1476, 1386,1342 ,1210 ,1098;1H唱NMR (300 MHz唱DMSO - d 6 ):d 15畅2 (s,1H,H -14 ) ,8畅6(s,1H,H -2),7畅9 ( d,1H,J =7.9 Hz,H -5) ,7畅5 (d,1 H,J =4畅4 Hz, H -8),4畅15 ( s,1H, H -11),4畅14 ( d,2H,J =5 畅7 Hz,H -4′) ,4畅10 ( s,1H, H -1 ′),4畅0 (s,4 H,H - 16,20) ,3畅2 (s,4H, H -17,19 ),1畅8 (s,3H, H - 5′),1畅1(s,2H,H -13) ,1畅0 (s,2H,H -12 ) ; EIMS m /z (% rel.abund.):417 (M +,25) ,373 (11) ,343 (100),299 (7),230 (6). 1 -Cyclopropyl -7 -[ 4 -( 2,2唱dichloroacetyl) -1唱 piperazinyl] -6唱fluoro唱4唱oxo唱1,4唱dihydro唱3唱quino唱 line carboxylic acid (4 ) Yield:0畅51 g (51%);M.P.=219℃ ~221℃ ( de唱 composed); IRnm ax cm -1 : 3424, 3013, 2958, 2926, 1719,1625, 1493, 1444, 1249, 805; 1 H -NMR (300 MHz -DMSO -d6 ):d 15畅2 (s,1 H,H -14),8畅6(s, 1 H,H -2) ,7畅7 (d,1H,J =9 .8 Hz,H -5),7畅5 (d, 1 H,J =5畅3 Hz,H -8),5畅7(s,1H,H -2 ′),4畅1(s, 2 H,H -11),3畅7 (s,4H,H -16,20),2畅4(s,4H,H -17,19) ,1畅1 (d,2H,J =3畅7 Hz,H -13 ) ,0畅8 (s,

190 JOURNAL ong>ofong> CHINESE CLINICAL MEDICINE VOLUME 2|NUMBER 4|April 2007 2 H,H -12);EIMS m /z (% rel.abund.) :441 ( M + , 44) ,397 (12) ,329 (2) ,231 (12畅4),203 (23). 1 -Cyclopropyl唱7唱[ 4 唱( 2, 2唱dimethylpropanoyl )唱1唱 piperazinyl ]唱6唱fluoro唱4 唱oxo唱1 , 4唱dihydro唱3唱quino唱 line carboxylic acid (5 ) Yield:0畅80 g (80%);M.P.= 28 0 ℃ ~28 2 ℃ ; IR nmax cm -1 : 3520 , 3467, 3093, 2960, 1722, 1669, 1441, 1385,1256,1013; 1 H -NMR (300 MHz -DMSO唱d 6 ): d 8畅6 (s,1 H,H -2 ) , 7畅9 (d,1H, J =2畅6 Hz, H - 5),7畅5(d,1 H,J =5畅3 Hz,H -8),4畅3(s,1H,H - 11) ,3畅7 (s,4H,H -16,20),2畅4(s,4H, H -1 7 , H -19) ,1畅2 (d,2H,J =3畅7 Hz,H -13) ,1畅0 (s,2H, H -12) ,1畅04 (s,9H,H -3 ′,4′,5′);EIMS m /z (% rel.abund.):414 (M + ,14),370 (32),335 (85), 330 (2畅8),314 (32),288 (33),270 (11),256 (13),148 (8),56 (100). 1唱Cyclopropyl唱6唱fluoro唱(4唱octanoyl唱1唱pipera唱zinyl)唱 4唱oxo唱1,4唱dihydro唱3唱quinoline carboxylic acid (6) Yield:0畅48 g (43%);M.P.= 229℃ ~231 ℃;IR nmax cm -1 : 3461 , 3094, 2957, 1726, 1629, 1468, 1264, 1124; 1 H唱NMR (300 MHz唱DMSO唱d 6 ):d 8畅6 (s,1H, H -2),7畅9(d,1H,J =7畅8 Hz,H -5),7畅5(d,1H,J =2畅9 Hz,H -8),4畅1(t,1H, J =7 畅4 Hz,H -2 ′), 3畅8 (s,1H, H -11),3畅4 (s,4H, H -16,20),2畅4 ( s,4H,H -17,19),1畅29 -1畅21 ( m,10H, H -3 ′, 4′,5 ′,6′,7′) ,0畅87 ( s,2H, H -13 ) .0畅86 ( s,2H,H -12),0畅84 (d,2H,J =7 畅3 Hz,H -8 ′);EIMS m /z (% rel.abund.):457 ( M + ,10),437 (2畅5),413 (2畅4) ,370 (2) ,342 ( 13) ,286 (12) ,231 (100 ) ,56 (90畅5). 1唱Cyclopropyl唱6唱fluoro唱7唱( 4唱nonanoyl唱1唱piperazinyl )唱 4唱oxo唱1,4唱dihydro唱3唱quinoline carboxylic acid (7) Yield:0畅73 g (73%);M.P.= 151℃ ~153℃; IR nm ax cm -1 : 3467,3358, 3093,2923, 1722,1628, 1469,1384,1340,1257,1023; 1 H唱NMR (300 MHz唱 DMSO唱d 6 ):d 8畅6 (s,1H, H -2),7畅9 (d,1H, J = 7畅8 Hz,H -5),7畅5 (d,1H , J =2 畅9 Hz, H -8), 4畅1 (t,1H, J =7 畅4 Hz, H -2 ′) ,3畅8 (s,1H, H - 11),3畅4(s,4H ,H -16,20),2畅4 (s,4 H, H -1 7 , 19),1畅31 -1畅71 ( m,12H , H -3 ′,4′,5′,6′,7′, 8′),0畅87 (s,2 H,H -13 ) , 0畅86 ( s,2H, H -12), 0畅84 ( d,2H, J =7 畅3 Hz, H -8 ′);EIMS m /z (% rel.abund.): 471 ( M + , 2 ), 384 ( 1畅6), 345 (11畅7),231 (35),71 (12),56 (100) . 1 唱Cyclopropyl唱7 唱(4唱decanoyl唱1唱piperazinyl) 7唱6 唱flu唱 oro唱4唱oxo唱1, 4 唱dihydro唱3唱quinoline carboxylic acid (8 ) Yield:0畅68 g (68%);M.P.= 10 7 ℃ ~10 9 ℃ ; IR nmax cm -1 : 3466 , 3093, 3011, 2923, 1723, 1628, 1469, 1385,1340,1257; 1 H -NMR (300 MHz -DMSO - d 6 ):d 8畅6 (s,1H,H -2),7畅9(d,1H,J =7畅8 Hz,H -5 ) ,7 畅5(d,1H,J =2畅9 Hz,H -8) ,4畅1 (t,1H,J = 7畅4 Hz,H -2 ′),3畅8(s,1H,H -11),3畅4(s,4H,H -16,20) ,2畅4 (s,4H,H -17,19),1畅29 -1畅21 ( m, 10H, H -3 ′,4′,5′,6′,7′),0畅87 (s,2H, H -13). 0畅86 (s,2H,H -1 2 ) , 0畅85 ( t,3H,J =7 畅3 Hz,H - 10′);EIMS m /z (% rel.abund.) :485 (M + ,16 ),384 (11) ,330 (10) ,311 ( 29) ,301 (34) ,289 (44) ,275 (46) ,257 (36) ,245 ( 52) ,231 (83) ,56 (100) . 7 唱( 4唱Benzoyl唱1唱piperazinyl )唱1唱cyclopropyl唱6唱fluo唱 ro唱4唱oxo唱1, 4唱dihydro唱3唱quinoline carboxylic acid (9 ) Yield:0畅53 g (53%);M.P.= 273℃ ~275 ℃;IR nmax cm -1 : 3408 , 3056, 2919, 1720, 1622, 1529, 1486, 1387,1330,1251,1008; 1 H -NMR (300 MHz -DM唱 SO -d6 ):d 8畅6 (s,1 H,H -2 ) , 7畅9 (d,1H, J =7 畅8 Hz,H -5),7畅5(d,1H,J =2畅9 Hz, H -8),7畅5- 7畅4 (m,1H, H -3 ′,4′,5 ′,6′,7′),3畅8(s,1 H,H - 11),3畅3 (s,4H, H -16,20),3畅2 (s,4H, H -1 7 , 19),2畅1 (s,2H,H -13) ,1畅3 (s,2 H,H -12 ) ; EIMS m /z (% rel.abund.) : 391 ( M + ,44畅3),286 (1), 257 (11),231 (5),177 (3),159 (1),56 (70). 7 唱[4唱(2唱Chlorobenzoyl)唱1 唱piperazinyl]唱1唱cyclopro唱 pyl唱6 唱fluoro唱4 唱oxo唱1,4唱dihydro唱3唱quinoline carbox唱 ylic acid (10 ) Yield:0畅80 g (80%);M.P.=191℃ ~193℃;IR nmax cm -1 : 3468 , 3058, 2959, 1717, 1627, 1464, 1399, 1340,1292; 1 H -NMR (300 MHz -DMSO -d 6 ):d 15畅0 (s,1H,H -14 ),8畅6 (s,1H,H -20 ) ,7畅9 (d, 1 H,J =7畅8 Hz,H -5 ) ,7 畅5(d,1 H,J =5 畅5 Hz, H - 8),7畅6(dd,J =8畅5 Hz,H -3 ′),7畅4(ddd, J =8 畅5 Hz,H -4 ′),7畅3 (dd, J =8畅5 Hz, H -6 ′), 7畅22 ( ddd,J =8畅5 Hz,H -5 ′),3畅8(d,1H,J =1畅2 Hz,H -11) ,3畅4 (s,4 H,H -16,20 ) ,2畅4 (s,4H,H -1 7 , 19),1畅1 (d,2H,J =2畅3 Hz,H -13),0畅9(s,2H,H -12);EIMS m /z (% rel.abund.):560 (M + ,17), 516 (49),432 (2),390 (4),314 (10),288 (12), 257 (16),7 (22),230 (61),2 (19),148 (20),4

JOURNAL <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> CHINESE CLINICAL MEDICINE VOLUME 2|NUMBER 4|April 2007<br />


Tabross Pharmaceuticals, Karachi, gifted cipr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>loxacin<br />

ydrochloride and the microorganisms for antimicrobial<br />

activity were obtained from ESSA laboratory, Karachi<br />

Pakistan.<br />

IR spectra ( KBr) were recorded <strong>on</strong> a Bruker FT<br />

-IR IFS48 spectrophotometer.EI mass spectra were<br />

measured with various MAT 711 (70 eV ) spectrome唱<br />

ters and data are tabulated as m /z.1H唱NMR spectra<br />

were recorded in DMSO唱d6 using Bruker AC300 (300<br />

MHz) spectrophotometer.Splitting patterns were as<br />

follows: s, singlet; d, doublet; dd, double doublets; t,<br />

triplet;m, multiplet.Chemical shifts are reported in δ<br />

( ppm) and coupling c<strong>on</strong>stants are given in Hz.The<br />

progress <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> all reacti<strong>on</strong>s was m<strong>on</strong>itored by TLC, which<br />

was performed <strong>on</strong> 2畅0 cm ×5.0 cm aluminum sheets<br />

pre唱coated with silica gel 60F254 to a thickness <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

0畅25 mm ( Merck).The chromatograms were visualized<br />

under ultraviolet light ( 254 ~366 nm ) or iodine<br />

vapours.Melting points were determined in glass capil唱<br />

laries <strong>on</strong> a Büchi 434 melting point apparatus and are<br />

uncorrected.The title compounds were synthesized and<br />

characterized successfully and satisfactorily.<br />

Regenerati<strong>on</strong><str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Free Cipr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>loxacin<br />

A soluti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> cipr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>loxacin hydrochloride (10 g ) in<br />

water (50 ml) was treated with an excess <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 5% aque唱<br />

ous sodium bicarb<strong>on</strong>ate soluti<strong>on</strong> resulting in the forma唱<br />

ti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> white precipitates which were filtered through<br />

sucti<strong>on</strong> filtrati<strong>on</strong> and left to dry as a neutral cipr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>loxa唱<br />

cin (1,8.3 g,83%) .<br />

These precipitates were pure enough and used as<br />

starting material for all the reacti<strong>on</strong>s without purifica唱<br />

ti<strong>on</strong>.<br />

General Procedure for the Cipr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>loxacin Deriva唱<br />

tives<br />

Cipr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>loxacin(1)<br />

Cipr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>loxacin(1畅0 g,3.01 mmol) was dissolved in 30<br />

ml <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> anhydrous THF.To this soluti<strong>on</strong>,triethylamine (1<br />

molar equivalent,0畅629 ml) and <strong>on</strong>e molar equivalent<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> appropriate acid chloride was added and the result唱<br />

ant mixture was refluxed until completi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the reac唱<br />

ti<strong>on</strong> ( TLC analysis).The resultant mixture was cooled<br />

189<br />

to room temperature, excess <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> solvent was removed in<br />

vaccuo and the residue was suspended in brine and ex唱<br />

tracted with dichloromethane (3 ×50).The organic<br />

phase was dried over Na2 SO4 , filtered and evaporated<br />

at reduced pressure to afford the solid product in pure<br />

form.<br />

7-(4-Acetyl唱1唱piperazinyl) -6唱fluoro -1 唱cyclo唱<br />

propyl -4唱oxo -1,4唱dihydro唱3唱quinoline carboxylic<br />

acid(2)<br />

Yield:0畅48 g (73%);M.P.= 261℃ ~263 ℃;IR nmax<br />

cm -1<br />

: 3421 , 3046, 2921, 1711, 1627, 1470, 1337,<br />

1217; 1<br />

H唱NMR (300 MHz唱DMSO -d 6 ):d 15畅16 ( s,<br />

1 H,H -14),8畅6 (s,1H,H -2) ,7畅8 (d,1H,J =7畅8<br />

Hz,H -5),7畅5(d,1 H,J =4 .3 Hz, H -8 ) ,3畅8 (s,<br />

1 H,H -11),3畅6 (s,4H,H -16,20),2畅4(s,4H,H<br />

-17,19) ,2畅0 (s,3 H,H -2 ′),1畅3(d,2H,J =3 畅7<br />

Hz,H -13) ,1畅1 (s,2 H,H -12);EIMS m /z (% rel.<br />

abund.):373 (M +1<br />

,18),329 (68 ),301 (6 ),257<br />

(10),231 (8).<br />

1 -Cyclopropyl -7 -[ 4 -( ethoxycarb<strong>on</strong>yl) -1唱<br />

piperazinyl] -6唱fluoro唱4唱oxo唱1,4唱dihydro唱3唱quino唱<br />

line carboxylic acid (3 )<br />

Yield:0畅87 g (87%);M.P.=161℃ -163℃;IR nmax<br />

cm -1<br />

: 3453 , 3097, 2977, 2830, 1736, 1626, 1476,<br />

1386,1342 ,1210 ,1098;1H唱NMR (300 MHz唱DMSO -<br />

d 6 ):d 15畅2 (s,1H,H -14 ) ,8畅6(s,1H,H -2),7畅9<br />

( d,1H,J =7.9 Hz,H -5) ,7畅5 (d,1 H,J =4畅4 Hz,<br />

H -8),4畅15 ( s,1H, H -11),4畅14 ( d,2H,J =5 畅7<br />

Hz,H -4′) ,4畅10 ( s,1H, H -1 ′),4畅0 (s,4 H,H -<br />

16,20) ,3畅2 (s,4H, H -17,19 ),1畅8 (s,3H, H -<br />

5′),1畅1(s,2H,H -13) ,1畅0 (s,2H,H -12 ) ; EIMS<br />

m /z (% rel.abund.):417 (M +,25) ,373 (11) ,343<br />

(100),299 (7),230 (6).<br />

1 -Cyclopropyl -7 -[ 4 -( 2,2唱dichloroacetyl) -1唱<br />

piperazinyl] -6唱fluoro唱4唱oxo唱1,4唱dihydro唱3唱quino唱<br />

line carboxylic acid (4 )<br />

Yield:0畅51 g (51%);M.P.=219℃ ~221℃ ( de唱<br />

composed); IRnm ax cm -1<br />

: 3424, 3013, 2958, 2926,<br />

1719,1625, 1493, 1444, 1249, 805; 1<br />

H -NMR (300<br />

MHz -DMSO -d6 ):d 15畅2 (s,1 H,H -14),8畅6(s,<br />

1 H,H -2) ,7畅7 (d,1H,J =9 .8 Hz,H -5),7畅5 (d,<br />

1 H,J =5畅3 Hz,H -8),5畅7(s,1H,H -2 ′),4畅1(s,<br />

2 H,H -11),3畅7 (s,4H,H -16,20),2畅4(s,4H,H<br />

-17,19) ,1畅1 (d,2H,J =3畅7 Hz,H -13 ) ,0畅8 (s,

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