JAEA-Review-2010-065.pdf:15.99MB - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Review-2010-065.pdf:15.99MB - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Review-2010-065.pdf:15.99MB - 日本原子力研究開発機構


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1-32<br />

Enhanced Reactivity of Ion-track Grafting for Fuel-cell<br />

Electrolyte Membranes<br />

T. Sekine a, b) , S. Sawada a) , T. Yamaki a) , H. Koshikawa a) , M. Asano a) , Y. Maekawa a) ,<br />

A. Suzuki b) and T. Terai b)<br />

a) Environment and Industrial Materials Research Division, QuBS, <strong>JAEA</strong>,<br />

b) Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, The University of Tokyo<br />

Ion-track grafting involves irradiation of a base polymer<br />

film with swift heavy ions and the subsequent graft<br />

polymerization directly into the latent tracks. We have<br />

recently applied this technique to the development of<br />

proton exchange membranes (PEMs) 1) . A key for success<br />

here is to achieve high graft levels in as small a number of<br />

tracks as possible because it is very important to keep a<br />

balance between proton conductivity (prefers higher graft<br />

levels) and mechanical strength (prefers lower fluences) of<br />

the resulting membrane. We found that a mixture of water<br />

and isopropanol (H2O/iPrOH) is an effective medium for<br />

enhancing the reactivity of the ion-track grafting of styrene.<br />

A 25 m-thick poly(ethylene-co-tetrafluoro- ethylene)<br />

(ETFE) film was bombarded by 3.5 MeV/n 129 Xe from the<br />

TIARA cyclotron. The fluence was 3.0 × 10 7 or 3.0 ×<br />

10 8 ions/cm 2 , at which almost no ion tracks overlapped.<br />

Just after ion-beam irradiation, the film was exposed to air<br />

to produce peroxide groups, and then immersed in a<br />

grafting solution (a volume ratio of styrene to the grafting<br />

medium was 1:4) at 60 °C for 1 - 48 hours. The percentage<br />

composition of the H2O/iPrOH mixture, RH2O/iPrOH, was<br />

varied from 0 (pure iPrOH) to 100% (pure H2O). The<br />

degree of grafting (DOG) was calculated by: DOG(%) =<br />

(Wg – W0)/W0 × 100, where Wg and W0 denote the weights<br />

of the styrene-grafted and as-irradiated films, respectively.<br />

Figure 1 plots the DOG of the films irradiated at 3.0 ×<br />

10 8 ions/cm 2 and styrene-grafted for 6 hours, as a function<br />

of RH2O/iPrOH. All of the obtained DOGs were higher than<br />

that for the medium-free grafting (i.e., in neat styrene)<br />

(8.4%, a result not shown) and, interestingly, the DOG<br />

peaked at RH2O/iPrOH = 36%. Rager et al. 2) and Gürsel et<br />

3)<br />

al. similarly used the H2O/iPrOH mixture for -ray<br />

pre-irradiation grafting of styrene into a fluorinated base<br />

film. Our results agree with their previous ones, and can<br />

be discussed by considering the well-known Trommsdorff<br />

effect 3) , in which poor solubility of the grafted polystyrene<br />

in polar media leads to an increased polymerization rate<br />

due to a slower termination rate. The lower RH2O/iPrOH yielded a homogeneous and compatible grafting solution,<br />

though, in contrast, the higher RH2O/iPrOH gave an<br />

immiscible grafting mixture, which composed a lower<br />

water-rich phase with the ETFE base film and a upper<br />

styrene-rich phase. The creation of these two phases would<br />

reduce the monomer accessibility within the base film. This<br />

is probably why the DOG decreased at RH2O/iPrOH > 36%.<br />

Figure 2 shows the DOG vs. time curves for the films<br />

irradiated at fluences of 3.0 × 10 7 and 3.0 × 10 8 ions/cm 2<br />

and styrene-grafted at RH2O/iPrOH = 36%. The DOG<br />

increased during the first 24 hours and then leveled off at a<br />

<strong>JAEA</strong>-<strong>Review</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-065<br />

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saturated value. At the same grafting time, the DOG was<br />

naturally smaller at the lower fluence because the number of<br />

peroxides acting as a starting point of graft polymerization is<br />

proportional to the fluence. It should be mentioned here that,<br />

for the first time, we obtained a DOG of > 10% even at the<br />

lower fluence of 3.0 × 10 7 ions/cm 2 . This DOG corresponds<br />

to an ion exchange capacity of > 0.9 meq/g, which is<br />

comparable to that of a benchmark fuel-cell PEM called<br />

Nafion. We thus expect that the obtained result could be the<br />

technical breakthrough for PEMs endowed with both of high<br />

proton conductivity and mechanical strength.<br />

Characterization of the sulfonated membranes is now in<br />

progress.<br />

DOG (%)<br />

Fig. 1 The DOG as a function of R H2O/iPrOH. The styrene<br />

grafting was performed for 24 hours after the 129 Xe<br />

irradiation at 3.0 × 10 8 ions/cm 2 .<br />

DOG DOG (%)<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

0 20 40 60 80 100<br />

R RH2O/iPrOH H2O/iPrOH (%)<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

3×108 ions/cm2 3×108 ions/cm2 3×107 ions/cm2 3×107 ions/cm2 0<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50<br />

Time (h)<br />

Fig. 2 The DOG as a function of grafting time at fluences<br />

of 3.0 × 10 7 and 3.0 × 10 8 ions/cm 2 . The 129 Xe-irradiated<br />

films underwent the styrene grafting at RH2O/iPrOH = 36%.<br />

References<br />

1) T. Yamaki, J. Power Sources, in press.<br />

2) T. Rager et al., Helv. Chim. Acta, 86 (2003) 1966.<br />

3) S.A. Gürsel et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. 265<br />

(2007) 198.

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