JAEA-Review-2010-065.pdf:15.99MB - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Review-2010-065.pdf:15.99MB - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Review-2010-065.pdf:15.99MB - 日本原子力研究開発機構


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4-26<br />

Surface Structure of Si(111)-√21×√21-(Ag, Cs) studied<br />

by Reflection High-Energy Positron Diffraction<br />

Y. Fukaya a) , I. Matsuda b) , A. Kawasuso a) and A. Ichimiya a)<br />

a) Advanced Science Research Center, <strong>JAEA</strong>, b) The University of Tokyo<br />

The Si(111)-√3 × √3-Ag surfaces have been extensively<br />

investigated as a typical two-dimensional metal system 1) .<br />

By the adsorption of small amounts of noble (Cu, Ag, and<br />

Au) and alkali (Na, K, and Cs) metal atoms on the<br />

Si(111)-√3 × √3-Ag surfaces, the √21 × √21 superstructures<br />

are formed, accompanied with a drastic increase in the<br />

surface electrical conductivity 1) . The atomic coordinates<br />

of √21 × √21 superstructures have been studied experimentally<br />

and theoretically. In the case of the adsorption of<br />

noble metal atoms, we found that three noble atoms are<br />

situated at the center of large Ag triangles, surrounding the<br />

2)<br />

Si trimer . According to the scanning tunneling<br />

3)<br />

microscopy observations , the alkali-metal-atom induced<br />

√21 × √21 superstructure is considered to be different from<br />

the noble-metal-induced ones. In this study, we measured<br />

the rocking curve of reflection high-energy positron<br />

diffraction (RHEPD) from the Cs-induced √21 × √21<br />

superstructure and analyzed the atomic height of Cs atoms<br />

by means of the dynamical diffraction theory.<br />

The substrates (10 × 5 × 0.5 mm 3 ) were cut from a<br />

mirror-polished n-type Si(111) wafer with a resistivity of<br />

1-10 Ωcm. To prepare clean 7 × 7 surfaces, they were<br />

heated at 670 K in several hours and flashed at 1470 K in a<br />

few seconds several times in an ultra-high vacuum (UHV)<br />

chamber with a base pressure less than 3 × 10 -8 Pa. Then,<br />

1.0 ML Ag atoms were deposited on the Si(111)-7 × 7<br />

surfaces held at 740 K to form the √3 ×√3-Ag structures (1<br />

ML = 7.83 × 10 14 cm -2 ). Finally, 0.14 ML Cs atoms were<br />

deposited on the Si(111)-√3 × √3-Ag surfaces at 230 K.<br />

The formation of well-ordered Si(111)-√21 × √21-(Ag,Cs)<br />

surfaces was confirmed by reflection high-energy electron<br />

diffraction (RHEED).<br />

The RHEPD measurements were carried out using a<br />

highly parallel and well focused positron beam generated<br />

from 22 Na positron source and electromagnetic lens. The<br />

positron beam energy was set at 10 keV. The diffraction<br />

patterns were magnified with a micro-channel plate with a<br />

phosphor screen and recorded with a charge-coupled-device<br />

camera. In the rocking curve measurements, the glancing<br />

angle of the incident positron beam was changed from 0.3°<br />

to 6.0° at a step of 0.1° by rotating the sample.<br />

The open circles in Fig. 1 show the RHEPD rocking<br />

curve measured from the Si(111)-√21×√21-(Ag,Cs)<br />

superstructure at 170 K. The azimuth of the incident beam<br />

corresponds to 7.5° away from the [ 11 2 ] direction. Under<br />

this condition, the RHEPD intensity of specular spots is very<br />

sensitive to the atomic positions normal to the surface. In<br />

the total reflection region, two distinct dip structures are<br />

clearly observed at around 1.2° and 2.2°.<br />

<strong>JAEA</strong>-<strong>Review</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-065<br />

- 150 -<br />

Specular intensity (arb. units)<br />

TR<br />

(222)<br />

(111) (333) (444) (555)<br />

h ad (Å)<br />

exp<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

Glancing angle (deg)<br />

Fig. 1 RHEPD rocking curves from the Si(111)-<br />

√21 × √21-(Ag,Cs) superstructure. The open circles<br />

denote the experimental curve. The solid lines<br />

indicate the calculated curves using various heights<br />

(h ad) of Cs atoms from the underlying Ag layer. TR<br />

stands for the total reflection region.<br />

To determine the height of Cs atoms, we calculated the<br />

rocking curves based on the dynamical diffraction theory.<br />

The solid lines in Fig. 1 show the rocking curves calculated<br />

using various heights of Cs atoms from the underlying Ag<br />

layer. The shape of the curve drastically changes<br />

depending on the height of Cs atoms. From the<br />

comparison between the measured and calculated curves, the<br />

optimum height of Cs atoms from the underlying Ag layer<br />

was determined to be 3.04 ± 0.26 Å. The value is much<br />

larger than those of noble metal adsorptions (0.53-0.59 Å) 2) .<br />

The atomic radius of Cs (2.67 Å) is much larger than that of<br />

noble metals (1.28-1.46 Å). It is considered that the large<br />

atomic radius leads to the large adsorption height.<br />

Consequently, we found that the adsorption height of Cs<br />

atoms is much higher than those of noble metals.<br />

References<br />

1) S. Hasegawa et al., Prog. Surf. Sci. 60 (1999) 89.<br />

2) Y. Fukaya et al., Surf. Sci. 600 (2006) 3141.<br />

3) C. Liu et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42 (2003) 1659.<br />

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