JAEA-Review-2010-065.pdf:15.99MB - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Review-2010-065.pdf:15.99MB - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Review-2010-065.pdf:15.99MB - 日本原子力研究開発機構


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3-43<br />

Nuclear Localization of a FOXO Transcriptional<br />

Factor DAF-16 in C. elegans, which is Required in<br />

a Response to IR Irradiation<br />

T. Kimura a) , T. Takanami a) , T. Sakashita b) , Y. Kobayashi b) and A. Higashitani a)<br />

a) Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University,<br />

b) Radiation-Applied Biology Division, QuBS, <strong>JAEA</strong><br />

We have identified that certain genes including F49F1.6<br />

induced by ionizing radiation (IR). Also, their induction<br />

has been observed during infection of Psudomonas<br />

aeruginosa as innate immune response 1) . F49F1.6 gene<br />

product has a signal peptide and Metridin-like ShK toxin<br />

domain and shows good similarity to the N-terminal region<br />

of mammalian Mucin-2 precursor 2) . We have also found<br />

consensus sequences for GATA-1 and DAF-16<br />

transcriptional factors in the transcriptional promoter region.<br />

By using RNAi technology, ELT-2 (a GATA-type<br />

transcription factor) is required specifically for responses to<br />

IR and bacterial infection. In this study, we analyzed the<br />

function of another transcription factor DAF-16 in response<br />

to IR.<br />

DAF-16 codes the Forkhead box O (FoxO) transcription<br />

factor family that acts in an insulin-mediated pathway to<br />

affect dauer formation, and that also affects life span, innate<br />

1, 3)<br />

immunity and reproduction . It is orthologous to human<br />

FOXO1, -3, -4 and -6. In the daf-16 mutant, induction levels<br />

of F49F1.6 gene following IR irradiation were decreased as<br />

compared with those of wild type (Fig. 1). Oppositely,<br />

those of the daf-2 mutant were increased (Fig. 1). It has<br />

been reported that DAF-2 signals negatively regulate the<br />

3)<br />

activity of DAF-16 . These results indicate that DAF-16<br />

functions as a transcriptional factor to induce certain genes<br />

including F49F1.6 in response to IR irradiation.<br />

The daf-16 gene is broadly expressed in most cells<br />

except for the cells in the pharynx and in the somatic<br />

2, 4)<br />

gonad . In addition, its nuclear transport in response to<br />

environmental stress such as high temperatures is<br />

4)<br />

described . We therefore investigated whether DAF-16<br />

translocates from cytoplasm to nuclei following IR<br />

irradiation by using a recombinant strain expressed a<br />

DAF-16::GFP fusion protein. The results shown in<br />

Fig. 2A indicated that strong signals of DAF-16::GFP were<br />

revealed in cytoplasm of gut and body wall cells of control<br />

animals. Following IR irradiation, the signals were<br />

translocated into nuclei of these cells as well as those of<br />

high temperatures treatments (Fig. 2B, C). It clearly<br />

indicates that IR caused nuclear localization of DAF-16<br />

protein, and it might act as a transcription factor for certain<br />

genes including F49F1.6 in response to IR.<br />

We are now attempting to study whether the nuclear<br />

localization caused by IR is driven through either oxidative<br />

stress or DNA damage response. Moreover, in addition to<br />

ELT-2 (GATA) and DAF-16 (FoxO), PMK-1 (p38 MAPK)<br />

is required for F49F1.6 induction by IR irradiation. The<br />

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next challenge is to resolve the complex regulatory<br />

mechanism with these factors.<br />

References<br />

1) E.R. Troemel et al., PLoS Genet. 2 (2006) e183.<br />

2) WormBase., http://www.wormbase.org/.<br />

3) C.L. Kurz &M-W. Tan, Aging Cell 3 (2004) 185.<br />

4) S.T. Henderson & T.E. Johnson, Curr. Biol. 11 (2001)<br />

1975.<br />

Fig. 1 A FoxO factor DAF-16 is required for F49F1.6<br />

gene expression induced by 100 Gy X-ray irradiation.<br />

Fig. 2 Nuclear localization of DAF-16 following IR<br />

irradiation. A: control of DAF-16::GFP in TJ356<br />

strain, B: high temperature treatment at 35 °C for 2 h,<br />

C: 4 h after 1,000 Gy X-rays irradiation.

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