JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構


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4. Conclusions<br />

We have compared nucleon-induced pre-equilibrium production of light complex particles with the twocomponent<br />

EM complemented by the Kalbach systematics. We observed that the large overestimation of the<br />

production of composite particles could be reduced introducing a new energy dependence in the NT contribution<br />

to the EM. These results are consistent in both proton-induced and neutron-induced data. However, reducing the<br />

NT contribution to the pre-equilibrium emission leads to an underestimation of the production of light complex<br />

particles in the low energy emission region. We explain this underestimation in terms of multiple pre-equilibrium<br />

emission and suggest this mechanism to be included, also for complex particles, in future releases of the TALYS<br />

code.<br />

We have also presented the first preliminary results of QMD calculations in comparison with recent neutron<br />

induced data at quasi-monoenergetic 175 MeV. QMD underestimation of the production of composite particles<br />

was enhanced by the introduction of a SCM, however direct-like mechanisms seem to play a role in the<br />

production of deuterons and need to be accounted for.<br />

New neutron-induced data at 175 MeV from C, O, Si and U were also measured at TSL; these data will be soon<br />

available and will provide the opportunity to a systematic study of the pre-equilibrium emission of light complex<br />

particles.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

We thank M. Hayashi, S. Hirayama, Y. Naito, S. Abe, U. Tippawan, V.D. Simutkin, P. Andersson, J.<br />

Blomgren, M. Österlund, M. Tesinsky, F.-R. Lecolley, N. Marie, A. Hjalmarsson, A. Prokofiev, A. Kolozhvari.<br />

We thank the TSL staff for the assistance during the experiments. This work was supported by the Swedish<br />

Radiation Safety Authority, the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, Ringhals AB and by<br />

the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme through I3-EFNUDAT (EURATOM contract<br />

no. 036434). RB received financial support from the Japan Student Services Organization and from the Stiftelsen<br />

Th Nordströms testamentsfond granted by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.<br />

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