JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構


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<strong>JAEA</strong>-<strong>Conf</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>002</strong><br />

Cowley et al. [18] have measured inclusive (p, 3 He) reactions on Co and Au at different incident energies in the<br />

120 to 200 MeV region. In Figure 3 we present proton-induced 3 He production from Co [18] at 20 o in the<br />

laboratory system, at 120, 160 and 200 MeV incident energies, in comparison with default TALYS calculations<br />

(solid line). We observe that TALYS overestimates the pre-equilibrium production of 3 He. However calculations<br />

with TALYS including only the two-component EM contribution and excluding the Kalbach contribution show a<br />

large underestimation of the experimental data. Calculations applying different values of the Cstrip parameter<br />

suggest an energy dependence for the scaling factor. We observe that for 120 MeV incident-protons, the best fit<br />

of the data in the 30 to 90 MeV emission energy region was obtained for 0.5 ≤ Cstrip ≤ 0.75. For 160 MeV<br />

incident-protons the best fit of the pre-equilibrium emission energy region is obtained for 0.25 < Cstrip ≤ 0.5,<br />

whereas for the 200 MeV incident-protons the best fit is given by Cstrip ≈ 0.25.<br />

The general underestimation of the experimental data for low emission energies in the pre-equilibrium region<br />

may be explained as multiple pre-equilibrium emission. After a light charged particles is emitted in the preequilibrium<br />

phase, the nucleon-target composite system may have enough residual energy to emit a second<br />

particle before reaching statistical equilibrium; this process is defined multiple pre-equilibrium emission. TALYS<br />

includes this mechanism only for the emission single particles (proton, neutron), whereas does not allow a<br />

composite particle to be emitted in the pre-equilibrium phase if another particle has been produced before in the<br />

same phase. We can observe this underestimation also in the production of complex particles from Ni at 175<br />

MeV, as presented in Figure 2. This underestimation become more evident, or in same cases appear, when<br />

calculations are considered with the reduced Cstrip parameter, to better fit the wide pre-equilibrium emission<br />

region. In Figure 4, proton-induced production of 3 He from Au [18] at 20 o in the laboratory system, for incident<br />

energies of 120, 160 and 200 MeV, is compared with default TALYS calculations, TALYS calculations with only<br />

the contribution of the two-component EM to the pre-equilibrium emission and TALYS calculations with varying<br />

values of the Cstrip scaling factor. We observe similar results to the emission of 3 He from Co presented in Figure<br />

3. When TALYS calculations are fitted to the data in the single-emission pre-equilibrium region, we observe an<br />

energy dependence in the value of the Cstrip parameter. Also in the 197 Au(p, 3 He) case, reducing the contribution<br />

of the NT mechanism as described by Kalbach enhances the underestimation of 3 He production for lower<br />

energies in the pre-equilibrium emission region.<br />

We extrapolated a preliminary energy dependence for the scaling factor from the comparison of TALYS<br />

calculations with proton data, to apply a reduction of the NT (and eventually KO, for α particles) contribution to<br />

calculations for quasi-monoenergetic incident neutrons. Our tentative energy dependence for the Cstrip parameter<br />

is given by CStrip = 1.9 – E / 100 MeV, for 90 MeV < E < 180 MeV, while Cstrip = 1 for E < 90 MeV. In Figure<br />

1 we show TALYS calculations with reduced NT contribution (dashed line); these describe the experimental data<br />

in the pre-equilibrium region with better agreement than default calculations (solid line).<br />

Figure 3. Production of 3 He in the interaction of 120, 160 and 200 MeV protons with Co [18]. Experimental data at 20 o in the<br />

laboratory system are compared with default TALYS calculations (solid line) and with TALYS calculations modified<br />

reducing the Kalbach contribution to the pre-equilibrium emission. The NT contribution (Cstrip parameter) has been scaled by<br />

a factor 0.75, 0.50, 0.25 and 0.10. “Cstrip 0.00” line represents TALYS calculations without NT contribution.

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