JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構


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<strong>JAEA</strong>-<strong>Conf</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>002</strong><br />

equilibrium emission of light complex particles (deuteron, triton, 3 He and α particle) in nucleon-induced reactions.<br />

To describe the dynamical processes in these reactions we used both a phase space statistical approach, with the<br />

exciton model (EM) [8,9,10] and the Kalbach systematics [11], and a microscopic simulation approach, with the<br />

quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) model [12,13,14] complemented by a surface coalescence model (SCM) as<br />

described by Watanabe and Kadrev [15]. Neutron experimental data considered in this work are from preliminary<br />

results of the measurements conducted at TSL by Bevilacqua et al. [16]; proton induced data, retrieved from the<br />

EXFOR database, are from Piskor-Ignatowicz [17] and from experiments by Cowley et al. [18].<br />

2. Materials and methods<br />

2.1 Exciton model and Kalbach systematics<br />

We focused our study on the dynamical processes in the production of light charged particles (proton,<br />

deuteron, triton, 3 He and α particle) in nucleon-induced reactions. The two-component EM [8,9,10] describes the<br />

time evolution of the nuclear state; this description is given by the total energy of the system and the total number<br />

of particles above the Fermi surface and corresponding holes below it. The EM does not include direct-like<br />

mechanisms as the nucleon transfer (NT) and the knock-out (KO) of preformed clusters. These mechanisms are<br />

playing a relevant role in the production of light complex particles in the pre-equilibrium emission region. To<br />

account for these direct-like mechanisms, Kalbach [11] proposes a phenomenological model based on<br />

experimental proton and neutron-induced data, with energies respectively up to 90 MeV and up to 63 MeV.<br />

TALYS-1.2 [19] is a code developed to analyze and predict nuclear reactions involving neutrons, photons and<br />

light charged particles for energies up to 200 MeV. The two component EM complemented by the Kalbach<br />

systematics is the default model used by TALYS to calculate nucleon induced DDX for light charged particles<br />

production. TALYS allows to scale the contribution to the DDX of the NT and KO direct-like mechanisms<br />

described by Kalbach. These are the Cstrip parameter (NT) and the Cknock parameter (KO). Their value can vary<br />

between 0 (no contribution) to 10; the default value is 1, corresponding to the original Kalbach prescription.<br />

2.2 Quantum molecular dynamics and surface coalescence model<br />

The QMD model [12,13,14] is a semiclassical simulation method that gives a microscopic description of<br />

the time evolution of nucleon many-body system. Each nucleon propagates in the nuclear mean field formed by<br />

all other nucleons and interactions among nucleons are described by stochastic two-body collisions. In the<br />

original QMD simulation method the nucleon many-body system evolves for a given time, of the order of 10 -22 s,<br />

after the first interaction between the incident neutron and the target nucleus; at the end of this evolution time,<br />

emitted single (proton, neutron) and complex particles are identified according to a specified set of rules.<br />

However, this method underestimates the pre-equilibrium production of light complex particles. To account for<br />

this underestimation Watanabe and Kadrev [15] proposes a modification of the QMD model, including a surface<br />

coalescence effect. In this description, they assume that cluster formation occurs in low-density region of the<br />

nucleon many-body system, i.e. on the surface of the composite system. Here, when a leading nucleon reaches an<br />

a priori defined boundary region, the time evolution of the system is suspended and condition for the formation<br />

of a cluster in the phase space is checked. If this condition is positively verified, then a kinetic energy condition is<br />

checked. If the kinetic energy of the cluster and the Coulomb barrier tunneling allow it, then a cluster particle is<br />

emitted; otherwise, only the leading nucleon is emitted as single particle. The simulation then resumes and the<br />

system evolves until a next leading nucleon will reach the boundary region or until the given evolution time is<br />

completed. The generalized evaporation model is used to describe particle emission when the compound system<br />

reaches thermal equilibrium. In our work, we used a modified version of the JQMD [12,15] code. A complete<br />

description of the method is given by Watanabe and Kadrev [15].<br />

3. Results and discussion<br />

Bevilacqua et al. [16] presented preliminary DDX for the production of light charged particles, at<br />

several angles in the laboratory system, in the interaction of 175 MeV QMN with Fe and Bi. Experimental proton<br />

production is reproduced by default TALYS calculations with the two-component exciton model, whereas<br />

production of light complex particles is largely overestimated by the TALYS code in the pre-equilibrium<br />

emission energy region. In Figure 1, DDX for production of deuteron, triton, 3He and α particle from Bi at

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