JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構


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<strong>JAEA</strong>-<strong>Conf</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>002</strong><br />

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Toshimasa YOSHIIE<br />

Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University<br />

Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka-fu, 590-0494 Japan<br />

yoshiie@rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp<br />

Nuclear data plays an important role for the study of materials irradiation effects. Displacement per atom<br />

(DPA) is a commonly used parameter to estimate the displacement damage by particle irradiation on materials.<br />

Recently the primary knock-on atom (PKA) energy spectrum analysis has been proposed to introduce effects of<br />

cascade formation. In both cases, accurate nuclear data is required for the analysis of damage structures,<br />

especially incident particle energy is high. In this paper, the application of nuclear data for materials irradiation<br />

experiments is demonstrated. Then a multiscale modeling of irradiation effect in high energy proton irradiated Ni<br />

is shown.<br />

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For the development of nuclear materials which are used under high energy particle irradiation, materials<br />

degradation by irradiation damage is the most important factor in determining the lifetime of components in the<br />

nuclear system. Irradiation experiments are essential to the development of such structural materials. There are,<br />

however, several materials being developed despite the lack of appropriate irradiation test facilities, such as a<br />

fusion reactor and an accelerator driven system (ADS). In these cases, there are two ways to investigate materials<br />

properties. One is simulation irradiations by using other irradiation facilities. The other is computer simulations.<br />

In these studies, the nuclear data plays an important role. In this paper, the role of nuclear data for materials<br />

irradiation studies is demonstrated.<br />

<br />

For simulation irradiations, we use various kinds of irradiation facilities, such as neutron irradiation, ion<br />

irradiation and electron irradiation facilities. For these cases, one needs to translate the data to other high energy<br />

particle irradiation environment, which requires an understanding of factors that influence generation and<br />

accumulation of point defects. Displacement per atom (DPA) is commonly used as a damage parameter to<br />

estimate the effect of high energy particle irradiation on materials. The accuracy of DPA strongly depends on the<br />

nuclear data when the nuclear reaction is involved in the irradiation. DPA is, however, not sufficient to reflect<br />

for the effect of high energy recoils such as cascade formation. The primary knock-on atom (PKA) energy<br />

spectrum analysis [1-3] has been proposed to compensate the deficit of DPA. The analysis is based on the fact<br />

that a large PKA forms a large cascade and the large cascade separates into several subcascades. In each<br />

subcascade, vacancy rich area is surrounded by an interstitial rich area and point defect reactions occur in each<br />

subcascade. In the case of fcc metals, stacking fault tetrahedra of vacancy type defects are formed directly from<br />

subcascades at lower temperatures such as below 400 K and the PKA energy spectrum analysis is possible.<br />

<br />

The PKA energy spectrum analysis was made by fitting the observed cascade size distribution to<br />

calculated PKA energy spectrum. The population of each size of cascade was assigned to the cross-section of<br />

PKA energy from its larger side by larger cascade zones. Fig. 1 is the case of Cu irradiated by 14 MeV neutrons<br />

at room temperature. From the relation between the cascade zone size and PKA energy spectrum, the density of<br />

energy deposition to cascade zone was estimated. The calculated cross-section (curve in the figure) was adopted<br />

from the work by Logan and Russell [4]. From the relationship between the area and deposited energy, it was<br />

concluded that in the case of 100keV and 800keV PKA, 0.35 eV and 0.03 eV were given, respectively, in each<br />

atom in the cascade.<br />

The analysis was also made by fitting the observed subcascade number distribution to calculated PKA<br />

energy spectrum. The groups with higher number of subcascades were assumed to be produced from PKAs with<br />

higher energy as shown in Fig. 2. The fitting of subcascade groups to PKA energy spectrum can be converted to<br />

the relation between the PKA energy and the number of subcascades as in Fig. 3. If one supposes that each of<br />

subcascades comes from the same energy, the subcascade formation energy is about 10 keV.

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