JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構


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3.1 Experimental Set up<br />

<strong>JAEA</strong>-<strong>Conf</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>002</strong><br />

A target in a 244Cm sample was 0.6-mg curium oxide, its activity was 1.8GBq and isotopic<br />

abundance was 89.6%. That in 246Cm sample was 2.1-mg curium oxide with a 27.5% contamination<br />

of 244Cm and its activity was 12.1 MBq from 246Cm and 1.7 GBq from 244Cm. [14] The samples were<br />

sealed in aluminum capsules 9 mm in diameter and 0.5 mm thick walls. Using the “4π Ge<br />

spectrometer” with a neutron time-of-flight method, both energy of neutrons and prompt-γ rays<br />

from the samples were measured at the same time. The measurement time for the 244Cm sample<br />

was about 80 hours and that for the 246Cm sample was about 100 hours. For the background<br />

estimation, a measurement with a dummy sample of the aluminum case without curium oxide<br />

powder was done for 40 hours and a measurement with neither of a sample material nor the<br />

sample case (only with a sample holder) was done for 32 hours. In the measurements, MLF was<br />

operated at an average beam power of 120 kW, and a repetition rate of 25 Hz. For dead-time<br />

correction, pulses from a random-pulse generator (Berkeley Nucleonics : DB-2) were input through<br />

the “test input” of the pre-amplifier of every Ge crystal.<br />

3.2 Data Processing and Analysis<br />

Fig. 4 shows neutron-capture -ray yields of the 244Cm, the 246Cm sample, and the dummy<br />

case. In these experiments, neutron energies were calibrated with resonances in 197Au(n,) reaction. Resonance peaks of 244Cm, 246Cm, and 248Cm are clearly observed.<br />

In the experiments, pulses from the random-pulse generator were input and measured<br />

with the DAQ. The stored counts were used for the dead time correction by comparing the counts<br />

of input pulses with actually stored pulses. Time dependent dead time was obtained from this<br />

method. [15]<br />

Neutron-energy dependent backgrounds were mainly caused by prompt γ rays from the<br />

Al case and scattered neutrons by the Al case and the helium in the beam duct. The backgrounds<br />

were derived from the neutron-capture γ-ray yields of the Al case and the blank measurement<br />

using the full-energy peaks of 7724-keV prompt γ rays from 27Al(n, γ) reactions.<br />

The effect from the decay γ rays from 244Cm, 28Al, and the other activated nuclides was<br />

also deduced from the counts in<br />

the TOF time range after 30 ms by<br />

extrapolation with exponential<br />

and constant function.<br />

Self-shielding and<br />

multi-scattering factors of the Cm<br />

samples and the Al case were<br />

calculated with the MCNP code.<br />

The incident neutron flux shape<br />

was deduced from neutron-capture<br />

γ-ray yields of the 478-keV γ ray<br />

from 10B(n,αγ) reactions. [16]<br />

Fig. 4. Neutron-capture γ-ray yields of the 244Cm sample<br />

(dashed line), the 246Cm sample (solid line), and the<br />

dummy Al case (dashed-dotted line).

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