JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構


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<strong>JAEA</strong>-<strong>Conf</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>002</strong><br />

3. Perspective of Future Nuclear Data Activities<br />

The 2nd Period Mid-term Plan of <strong>JAEA</strong> (2010-2014) is “incident energy expansion<br />

of JENDL” for nuclear data to produce Intermediate Energy Files (JENDL/HE, JENDL/PD,<br />

etc.). For update of the general purpose file of JENDL (JENDL-4.1?), covariance data and<br />

quality assurance are also important. Furthermore, JENDL Activation File (JENDL/A) with<br />

error data is also mentioned above.<br />

To prepare and update nuclear data files, the development of original nuclear reaction<br />

model code is necessary for easily and timely nuclear data evaluation and/or improvement to<br />

meet user requirements. For this purpose, the code CCONE is the strong candidate. In the<br />

short period, the CCONE is planned to be improved by adding some models, such as multiple<br />

nucleon and light charged particle emissions from pre-equilibrium stage, to expand the<br />

incident energy region, and for unknown (at this moment) user needs. This improvement is<br />

also useful to prepare for the next generation.<br />

As the preparation for the next generation, some items related to nuclear data<br />

activities not only in Japan and also in the world stand on the edge of precipice. They are<br />

crisis of the human resources for nuclear data evaluation (especially for decay and nuclear<br />

structure data), the budget (especially for nuclear data measurements), and presence<br />

(appearing) to the stake-holders. Those should be considered as soon as possible so that<br />

nuclear data activity level is kept for next generations.<br />

To avoid the crisis of human resources, the urgent fostering talents (tutorials,<br />

production of textbook, etc.) are required for nuclear data producers, especially for the items<br />

of “Endangered Species” such as ENSDF evaluators, resonance analyzers, producers of the<br />

thermal scattering law, etc. And the next generation evaluators for fission reaction (neutron<br />

spectra, delayed neutron, FPY, etc.), light-mass nuclides and evaluation tool makers should<br />

also be considered. Collaborations with the people of nuclear physics fields such as<br />

fundamental theories, microscopic approaches are getting more important. To produce<br />

evaluated nuclear data file, the international collaborations and considering TENDL-like<br />

approaches might be necessary.<br />

Though the certain level budget is desired to keep measurement facilities for nuclear<br />

data, recently if faces to some difficulty. It is true that nuclear data is an item like air,<br />

however, producers cannot live on air. Here international collaborations to share the<br />

experiments into the several facilities like European example should be convinced urgently.<br />

For obtaining the budget, it is also important to show the presence of nuclear data with the<br />

impact to the stake-holders such as the government (both nuclear power developments and<br />

regulation sides), industry users and plant makers.<br />

4. Summary<br />

The JENDL-4 has been released in 2010 as one of goals of the first period mid-term<br />

research plan for <strong>JAEA</strong>. In the plan for the second period, the objective is “incident energy<br />

expansion of JENDL”. The objective can be achieved by producing JENDL/HE,<br />

JENDL/PD, and JENDL/PK. For this purpose, CCONE is planned to be improved by<br />

adding some models. The nuclear data for the burn-up, activation, and PKA/DPA<br />

calculations will be prepared for the applications of reactors, safety research, material science,<br />

nuclear forensics, etc. The urgent problems for human resources, presence to the<br />

stake-holders, and budget should be solved for example, by efforts of the international<br />

collaborations, etc.

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