JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構

JAEA-Conf 2011-002 - 日本原子力研究開発機構


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<strong>JAEA</strong>-<strong>Conf</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>002</strong><br />

remote-controlled target holder together with a beam viewer and a blank target in the vacuum<br />

chamber. The target holder was insulated from the ground and served as a Faraday cup to read<br />

the beam current. The beam spot and current was also checked with the beam viewer and<br />

blank target, which protons passed through, by reading the beam current at a beam stop.<br />

Neutrons and -rays emitted from the target were detected with organic liquid scintillators<br />

(5.08-cm-diameter 5.08-cm-thick NE213) equipped with an electric circuit for pulse-shape<br />

discriminations (PSD) and time-of-flight (TOF) measurements 4) . The beam current was<br />

measured using a current integrator connected to the target. These digital data were collected<br />

with the CAMAC system event by event using the Kakuken on-line data acquisition system<br />

(KODAQ) for off-line analysis 6) .<br />

<br />

Neutron TOF spectra were obtained by gating the events with the two light output data<br />

(total component and slow component) on the two-dimensional graphical plots after removing<br />

random background events. The pulse height distribution of the light output was calibrated<br />

with -rays from a 241 Am-Be, 60 Co, and 137 Cs source with energies of 4.43 MeV, 1.173 and<br />

1.333 MeV, and 0.662 MeV, respectively. The detector bias was set at 1.3 MeV for neutrons.<br />

The TOF spectra were converted into neutron energy spectra, according to the Lorentz<br />

conversion 5) . The energy spectrum data were normalized by dividing with the detector solid<br />

angle, an integrated charge of the incident beam. The detection efficiency was calculated using<br />

the Monte Carlo code SCINFUL-R 7) .<br />

Experimental uncertainties were estimated on the basis of systematic error propagation.<br />

Statistical uncertainties were generally below 10% but increased to above 10% at the highest<br />

energy. The uncertainty of detector efficiency with the SCINFUL-R code was estimated to be<br />

5% 8) . The uncertainties of beam current measurements were estimated to be 5%.<br />

The energy spectrum of prompt -rays was measured with the same NE213 scintillator of<br />

5.08 cm thickness and diameter. After discriminating the -ray events from those of neutrons<br />

by the PSD method, the energy spectrum of -rays emitted within 50 ns around the prompt<br />

-ray peak was obtained with the unfolding technique using the FERDOU code 8) . The<br />

response functions of -rays for the incident energies up to 20 MeV were calculated by<br />

applying the EGS4 code 9) .<br />

<br />

The TTYs of neutrons obtained from various targets for each emission angle are<br />

shown in Figs.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 with the corresponding calculation results obtained with<br />

MCNPX ver. 2.5. The energy spectra covered from 1.5 MeV up to 16 MeV. The highest energy<br />

was consistent with each reaction Q-value, e.g. (-2.44 MeV) of the 18 O(p,n) 18 F reaction. The

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