Tiger Bengal (International Studbook) - Central Zoo Authority

Tiger Bengal (International Studbook) - Central Zoo Authority Tiger Bengal (International Studbook) - Central Zoo Authority



Stand der Registrierung / Registration Status Registriert Registered Wildfänge Wild caught insgesamt total vermutlich lebend probably living insgesamt total davon haben gezüchtet of these had offspring vermutlich lebend probably living Bengaltiger/Bengal Tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) 31. XII. 2010 31. XII. 2011 449,521,70 (1040) 484,570,73 (1127) 87,96,0 (183) 112,140,3 (255) 56,60,2 (118) 65,70,2 (137) 17,13,0 (30) 17,17,0 (34) 12,6,0 (18) 21,17,0 (38) Nachzucht insgesamt 393,460,68 (921) 419,500,71 (990) Offspring total Bestands- Veränderungen 2010 Changes in stock 2010 vermutlich lebend probably living Geburten Births Transfers Transfers Todesfälle Deaths 75,90,0 (165) 91,123,3 (217) 0,0,0(0) 1,5,3(9) 0,0,0(0) 1,1,0(2) 0,0,0(0) 0,1,0(1) Die Angaben in der folgenden Tabelle wurden überwiegend dem 2011 „Indian National Studbook for Bengal Tigers“, herausgegeben von der Central Zoo Authority und dem Wildlife Institute of India, entnommen. The data in the following table were mainly taken from the „Indian National Studbook for Bengal Tigers“, that was published in 2011 by the Central Zoo Authority and the Wildlife Institue of India. 153


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