Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile

Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile

Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile


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crawled out to the level where they were standing. Don't know how but<br />

the snake laid himself on her left arm and hand in a way that his head<br />

was extending slightly beyond her fingers and his face away from her.<br />

Snake was rapidly moving its tongue in and out of its mouth. She<br />

stretched her hand outward and made the snake land nicely on the<br />

ground and the snake crawled away without hurting either of them.<br />

In the third dream she saw uninhabited vast scenic land with passages,<br />

rocks, water streams. This place felt like an extension of the scene that<br />

she had seen in one of her previous vision (not the dream). In the vision<br />

she had seen an aerial view of mountains, valleys with dark green<br />

vegetation. This time also it was an aerial view but she felt that she was<br />

with a boy and one other person. She did not recognize the faces but the<br />

boy was supposedly her brother Ashok and the other person was her<br />

mother. The three of them were flying like birds above this land and<br />

sometimes they flew very close to the ground.<br />

Noon meditation: In this meditation Baba revealed the meaning of<br />

each of the three dreams that she had few hours back. Baba said "the first<br />

dream was about the difficulties in this material world, and you need to<br />

develop the courage to handle it with discriminative intellect and<br />

equanimity. The second dream was to let you know that you have<br />

received Lord Shiva's grace and blessings that is why the snake did not<br />

harm you; in fact he enjoyed your touch." She interrupted and asked<br />

"Baba, are you Lord Shiva?" Baba said "God has no attributes, the<br />

Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara are the three aspects of the formless and<br />

attribute less God. Shiva aspect has been bestowed on you due to the<br />

goal that you need to reach. Recognizing this fact you and your<br />

children's future generations should follow one ritual of worshiping Lord<br />

Ganesha. This will please Lord Shiva and your worldly matters will be<br />

Shubh Mangalam (auspicious)." Baba continued with the meaning of the<br />

third dream saying that was about her future. She was puzzled and asked<br />

"but my mom and my brother were with me and it felt like something of<br />

the past." Baba said "so far you know only the past therefore your mind<br />

associated those two people to the ones you know. Since you do not<br />

know the future you couldn't make the right association. The other<br />

person you thought to be your mother was not even a woman, it was a<br />


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