Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile

Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile

Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile


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How this book came into existence<br />

In <strong>Dolly</strong>’s words:<br />

I was not a spiritual aspirant. I was not a bhakta. I was not a<br />

devotee. I did not belong to any religious mission. I did not have<br />

preference for worshipping any particular deity. I was not a part of<br />

any Bhajans (religious singing) group. I never meditated. My<br />

knowledge about the Hindu religion or for that matter of any religion<br />

was almost nothing.<br />

I am not proud that I was so ignorant and did not follow any<br />

meaningful religious discipline but that is the way I was. This does<br />

not mean that I was an atheist. I must have believed in God because<br />

every morning before stepping out of the house I spent couple of<br />

minutes in my small simple mandir (place of worship). It was my<br />

routine to light an incense, bow to the pictures of couple of deities<br />

(these pictures of deities I had cut out from Indian calendars), and<br />

sincerely thank God for everything he did and does for us. When in<br />

need I also used to ask God for worldly things, for his blessings, for<br />

good fortune for myself and my family etc. But that was the extent of<br />

my religious practice.<br />

It is a big and very pleasant surprise of my life to see that<br />

ordinary people like myself can be recipient of such a wonderful<br />

spiritual unfoldment through the Inner Experiences. I am so very<br />

grateful to God that He considered me worthy of His grace and<br />

blessings. It is amazing to recall how I was inspired to fearlessly share<br />

all these happenings from the very beginning with the family<br />

members especially with my husband <strong>Gyani</strong>. Watching this<br />

phenomenon gradually evolve within me, instilled a great degree of<br />

belief and support in the family members. This also resulted in the<br />

whole family believing and positively benefiting from my<br />

experiences. Over a period of time I could see their faith in God and<br />

their faith in the revelations of my Inner Experiences slowly inched up<br />


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