Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile

Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile

Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile


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<strong>Dolly</strong>'s left thigh close to the knee, actually it is a varicose vein type<br />

formation but the shape is exactly that of Lord Shiva's Trishul (the<br />

trident). First time when she got called Shivangini, she found it odd and<br />

could not quite relate to it. And probably that was the purpose of it, but<br />

soon she accepted that as a way to recognize when she was hearing Baba's<br />

thoughts vs. her own.<br />

All these Inner Experiences, at deeper levels, have given her the<br />

belief and faith that God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent but<br />

from time to time she became doubtful whether or not she had been<br />

imagining all these things. One day when she was asked to let people<br />

know that she was God's instrument to help establish Eternal Dharma (the<br />

right conduct) and become the source of joy, peace, and liberation for<br />

many souls. She expressed her doubts and fears and said "I am sorry I just<br />

can't tell anybody that I am even going through such experiences, because<br />

I know they all will think I have gone crazy." One can understand her<br />

discomfort and fear knowing what type of views psychoanalysts, students<br />

of human psychology, and critics of religion hold on such type of<br />

experiences. Their views extend anywhere from calling such experiences<br />

as religious mysticism or all the way up to psycho pathological<br />

derangement.<br />

Probably it was response to her concern or it could be for other<br />

reasons that day Baba led her to a book titled "Wisdom of the Vedas".<br />

Upon inquiry in the public Library we found out that the book indeed<br />

existed but had to be ordered on an inter library loan program from<br />

Chicago, which required two weeks wait. Two weeks later the book<br />

arrived and the pages 75 - 76 had the message for her which read as<br />

follows:<br />

"The Vedas are the science of Nature and Universe conceived as an<br />

organic whole, as a living hierarchy - a science (veda) framed by superior<br />

beings from a past universe. In the progress of the universe and<br />

individuals therein, there has been no time when higher types of beings<br />

were not present helping and guiding the growth and development of<br />

types lower than themselves. It is however, not necessary that these higher<br />

type of beings should always exist in the physical world. As a matter of<br />


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