Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile

Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile

Gyani Baile & Dolly Baile


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on restraining one's desires. The sixth is renunciation or detachment,<br />

and the seventh is nonviolence. All of these principles of right living<br />

have been laid down for the protection of the individual and for the well<br />

being of the society; collectively they are referred to as Dharma or<br />

righteousness."<br />

Shirdi Baba had asked <strong>Dolly</strong> for seventeen virtues while this book<br />

described only seven. Many months later through a friend we learned<br />

that Bhagavad Gita expounds on twenty four virtues. A closer look<br />

helped us see that the number of virtues was not an important factor<br />

because it only varied in consolidation or segmentation of the definitions<br />

and degree of detail.<br />

Some of the virtues that Baba emphasized in his book "Sandeha<br />

Nivarini" were as follows: "Be always on the alert against the four sins<br />

which the tongue is prone to commit: 1) Speaking falsehood 2) Speaking<br />

ill of others 3) Back - biting and 4) Talking too much. It is best to<br />

attempt to control these tendencies."<br />

Through books we learned that the yoga scriptures insist that in order<br />

to control the mind, aspirants must practice the disciplines of yama (nonkilling,<br />

truthfulness, non-stealing, continence, and not receiving of gifts<br />

are called yama in Yoga sutras of Patanjali II, 30) and niyama (external<br />

and internal purification, contentment, mortification, study of scriptures,<br />

and worship of God are the niyama). We saw a lot of similarity in these<br />

statements and what actually had happened to her through these Inner<br />

Experiences. On these lines one note worthy point is that one day in<br />

August 97, out of the blue, she decided that she was not going to eat<br />

meat anymore because she read in Baba's book that "if supporting your<br />

habit requires killing then you must give up that habit". Friends and<br />

family could not believe that this was the same person who loved<br />

cooking and eating all sorts of gourmet foods, and had no objection to<br />

partaking anything from seafood to steaks. This was not a self control<br />

discipline but she actually lost the desire.<br />

We cannot remember the book or the author who made this profound<br />

statement on the importance of virtue, love, and devotion.<br />


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