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TeachScheme! 294 TeachScheme! The TeachScheme! project is an outreach effort of the PLT research group. The goal is to train college faculty, high school teachers and possibly even middle school teachers in programming and computing. History Matthias Felleisen and PLT started the effort in 1995 (January, one day after the POPL symposium) in response to observations of his Rice freshmen students and the algebra curriculum of local public schools. His objective was to use functional programming to bring mathematics alive and to help inject design knowledge into the introductory computer science curriculum. The group raised funds from several private foundations, the US Department of Education, and the National Science Foundation to create • software appropriate for novices in functional programming • courseware (curricula, lecture notes, exercises, mini-projects) • teacher training camps. Over ten years, it ran several dozen one-week workshops for some 550 teachers. In 2005, the TeachScheme! project ran an Anniversary workshop where two dozen teachers presented their work with students. In 2010, PLT renamed its major programming language Racket. The name for DrScheme, the IDE, was changed to DrRacket. Functional Programming, Computing and Algebra The starting point of TeachScheme! is the observation that students are computers in grade school courses on arithmetic and middle/high school courses on pre/algebra. Teachers program them with rules and run specific problems via exercises. The key is that students execute purely functional programs. If we can turn students into teachers that create functional programs and run them on computers, we can reinforce this content and show students how writing down mathematics and how writing down functional programs creates lively animated scenes and even computer games. Here is an example: (require 2htdp/universe) (require 2htdp/image) ;; create an image from the current time (define (create-image t) (place-image APPLE 50 (* 1/10 t t) SPACE)) ;; names for basic images (define APPLE (circle 3 "solid" "red")) (define SPACE (empty-scene 100 100)) (animate create-image) This short program simulates an apple falling from the top to the bottom of a small white canvas. It consists of three parts:

TeachScheme! 295 • a function definition for create-image, which is a one-line function in mathematics, assuming an algebra of images with place-image, circle, and empty-scene have been introduced; • two abbreviations, where names are equated with some value, just as in "let x be 5" in an algebra text; and • one line for running the program. A teacher can explain create-image as easily as any ordinary function in an algebra course. For example, one can first draw a table with two rows and n columns where each column contains t at the top and an appropriate image at the bottom. That is, if the numbers increase from left to right, then on each image the red dot is a little bit lower. Finally the animate line applies the given function, create-image, at the rate of 28 ticks per second to 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. The resulting images are displayed on the computer monitor at the same pace. That's how movies are made. The background needed for such an example is little more than knowledge about making movies, about the algebra of pictures in DrRacket (which is like the one for numbers), and minimal pre-algebra. The TeachScheme! project claims, however, that children would have more fun with such "live" functions than with algebraic expressions that count the number of garden tiles [see Prentice Hall books for grades 8-9]. The TeachScheme! project proposes that both traditional mathematics as well as science courses could benefit from an integration of this form of programming. In contrast to the traditional Basic or Visual Basic blocks in such books, a Racket program consists of as many lines as the mathematics. Moving between the mathematics and the program is thus straightforward. Better still, the meaning of the two are the same. DrRacket's algebraic stepper can illustrate how Racket evaluates the program as if it were a sixth or seventh grade student, step by step, using plain algebra. Functional Programming, Computing and Design in Programming 101 For the introductory curriculum on programming, the TeachScheme! project emphasizes that courses should focus on the role of systematic design. Even if students never program again, they should see how helpful a systematic approach to problem solving is. This should help them whether they become programmers or doctors or journalists or photographers. Thus, an introductory course in programming would not be perceived as a place where students learn about the syntax of the currently fashionable (and soon-to-be-obsolete) programming languages, but a place where they can learn something widely applicable. The key design element of the TeachScheme! curriculum is the design recipe. It has two dimensions: the process dimension and the data dimension. Along the process dimension students learn that there are six steps to designing a (simple) program, before they can run it and others can use it: • problem analysis with the goal of describing the classes of data that go into the program and come out; • the reformulation of the problem statement as a concise purpose statement; • the creation of examples that illustrate the purpose statement and that serve as criteria for success; • the organization of givens, also called a template or inventory; • coding; • and the creation of a test suite from examples to ensure the program works properly on small inputs. Note that, as in test-driven development, test cases are written before coding, as part of requirements analysis, rather than afterward as part of testing. Almost any human endeavour can benefit from clearly understanding the problem, defining criteria for success, analyzing the available resources/givens, developing a proposed solution, and checking it against the criteria, in that order. A journalist, for example, benefits from a similar process: figuring out the major concepts in a story; coining a headline; lining up examples and specific data; organizing the article about the story around the givens and how the story unfolded; writing; and fact checking. The data dimension can be summarized by the maxim the shape of the data determines the shape of the code and tests. For example, if the input or output data type has three variants, a test suite should have at least one test case

TeachScheme! 294<br />

TeachScheme!<br />

The TeachScheme! project is an outreach effort of the PLT research group. The goal is to train college faculty, high<br />

school teachers and possibly even middle school teachers in programming and computing.<br />

History<br />

Matthias Felleisen and PLT started the effort in 1995 (January, one day after the POPL symposium) in response to<br />

observations of his Rice freshmen students and the algebra curriculum of local public schools. His objective was to<br />

use functional programming to bring mathematics alive and to help inject design knowledge into the introductory<br />

computer science curriculum.<br />

The group raised funds from several private foundations, the US Department of Education, and the National Science<br />

Foundation to create<br />

• software appropriate for novices in functional programming<br />

• courseware (curricula, lecture notes, exercises, mini-projects)<br />

• teacher training camps.<br />

Over ten years, it ran several dozen one-week workshops for some 550 teachers. In 2005, the TeachScheme! project<br />

ran an Anniversary workshop where two dozen teachers presented their work with students.<br />

In 2010, PLT renamed its major programming language Racket. The name for DrScheme, the IDE, was changed to<br />

DrRacket.<br />

Functional Programming, Computing and Algebra<br />

The starting point of TeachScheme! is the observation that students are computers in grade school courses on<br />

arithmetic and middle/high school courses on pre/algebra. Teachers program them with rules and run specific<br />

problems via exercises. The key is that students execute purely functional programs.<br />

If we can turn students into teachers that create functional programs and run them on computers, we can reinforce<br />

this content and show students how writing down mathematics and how writing down functional programs creates<br />

lively animated scenes and even computer games.<br />

Here is an example:<br />

(require 2htdp/universe)<br />

(require 2htdp/image)<br />

;; create an image from the current time<br />

(define (create-image t)<br />

(place-image APPLE 50 (* 1/10 t t) SPACE))<br />

;; names for basic images<br />

(define APPLE (circle 3 "solid" "red"))<br />

(define SPACE (empty-scene 100 100))<br />

(animate create-image)<br />

This short program simulates an apple falling from the top to the bottom of a small white canvas. It consists of three<br />


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