Contents - Cultural View

Contents - Cultural View

Contents - Cultural View


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Java syntax 176<br />

[1] Keyword was introduced in J2SE 1.4<br />

[2] Keyword is not used<br />

[3] Keyword was introduced in J2SE 5.0<br />

[4] Keyword was introduced in J2SE 1.2<br />

Literals<br />

abstract continue for new switch<br />

assert [1] default<br />

goto [2] package synchronized<br />

boolean do if private this<br />

break double implements protected throw<br />

byte else import public throws<br />

case<br />

enum [3] instanceof return transient<br />

catch extends int short try<br />

char final interface static void<br />

class finally long<br />

strictfp [4] volatile<br />

const [2] float native super while<br />

octal 0365, 0[0..7]*<br />

Integers<br />

hexadecimal 0xF5, 0x[0..9, A..F, a..f]*<br />

decimal 245, [1..9][0..9]*<br />

Floating-point values<br />

float 23.5F, 23.5f; 1.72E3F, 1.72E3f, 1.72e3F, 1.72e3f<br />

double 23.5, 23.5D, 23.5d; 1.72E3, 1.72E3D, ...<br />

Character literals<br />

char 'a', 'Z', '\u0231'<br />

boolean true, false<br />

null reference null<br />

String "Hello, world"<br />

Boolean literals<br />

null literal<br />

String literals<br />

Characters escapes in strings<br />

Unicode character \u followed by the hexadecimal unicode code point (up to \uFFFF)<br />

Octal escape Octal number not exceeding 377, preceded by backslash (e.g. \352)<br />

Line feed \n<br />

Carriage return \r<br />

Form feed \f<br />

Backslash \\<br />

Single quote \'

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