Contents - Cultural View

Contents - Cultural View

Contents - Cultural View


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Comparison of the Java and .NET platforms 99<br />

[18] Google Web Toolkit (http:/ / code. google. com/ webtoolkit/ )<br />

[19] Java EE SDK 5 Update 2 No JDK download page (reference to license agreement) (http:/ / javashoplm. sun. com/ ECom/ docs/ Welcome.<br />

jsp?StoreId=22& PartDetailId=java_ee_sdk-5_02-nojdk-oth-JPR& SiteId=JSC& TransactionId=noreg)<br />

[20] Mono: ASP.NET (http:/ / www. mono-project. com/ ASP. NET)<br />

[21] Jobs: No Java for you (http:/ / blogs. zdnet. com/ Burnette/ ?p=238)<br />

[22] Steve Jobs on iPhone: No Java For You (http:/ / www. javalobby. org/ java/ forums/ t88464. html)<br />

[23] Steve Jobs alert: Killer Java app for iPhone (http:/ / scobleizer. com/ 2007/ 03/ 20/ steve-jobs-alert-killer-java-app-for-iphone/ )<br />

[24] HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray, round 2 (http:/ / blogs. zdnet. com/ carroll/ index. php?p=1583)<br />

[25] Format Wars - Blu-ray vs HD DVD (http:/ / www. pcauthority. com. au/ print. aspx?CIID=60242& SIID=)<br />

[26] Zaharov-Reutt, Alex (2008-02-21). "Microsoft's HDi interactivity layer loses from HD DVD's death - but does it matter?" (http:/ / www.<br />

itwire. com/ content/ view/ 16780/ 1154/ 1/ 0/ ). itwire.com. . Retrieved 2008-08-27. "While many claimed that creating interactivity with HDi<br />

was much simpler than using BD-J, the fact that HD DVD will see few future releases beyond 2008 means that, whatever the enthusiasts<br />

position on the relative merits of HDi vs BD-J, the BD-J interactivity format is now the winner"<br />

[27] Microsoft article that refers to C# as its "flagship" language. (http:/ / www. microsoft. com/ learning/ books/ developer/ feature/ 050301.<br />

mspx)<br />

[28] microsoft.com: Visual C# (http:/ / msdn. microsoft. com/ vstudio/ express/ visualcsharp/ )<br />

[29] "Dear Microsoft" (http:/ / channel9. msdn. com/ ShowPost. aspx?PageIndex=1& PostID=370737#370737). 2008-01-09. . Retrieved<br />

2008-02-03.<br />

[30] ".Net framework 3.5 size 166MB!" (http:/ / www. codeprof. com/ dev-archive/ 179/ 12-1020-1798773. shtm). 2007-11-10. . Retrieved<br />

2008-02-03.<br />

[31] Fedora embraces Mono - ZDNet UK (http:/ / news. zdnet. co. uk/ software/ 0,1000000121,39246774,00. htm)<br />

[32] Debian Mono Packages (http:/ / packages. debian. org/ mono)<br />

[33] Wikipedia Uses Mono; Mono Integrated into Ubuntu/Debian - OSNews.com (http:/ / www. osnews. com/ story. php?news_id=10714)<br />

[34] Fedora Catches Mono (http:/ / www. desktoplinux. com/ news/ NS2809897659. html)<br />

[35] SUSE 10.1 released (http:/ / www. mono-project. com/ news/ archive/ 2006/ May-11-1. html)<br />

[36] Wikipedia Uses Mono; Mono Integrated into Ubuntu/Debian (http:/ / www. osnews. com/ story. php/ 10714/<br />

Wikipedia-Uses-Mono-Mono-Integrated-into-UbuntuDebian)<br />

[37] "Mono – Plans" (http:/ / www. mono-project. com/ Plans). . Retrieved 2008-12-23.<br />

[38] Sun signs up five more OEMs for Java (http:/ / www. infoworld. com/ article/ 03/ 09/ 23/ HNsunoems_1. html)<br />

[39] "Digitimes.com" (http:/ / www. digitimes. com/ systems/ a20070420PR208. html). . Available only for paid subscribers.<br />

[40] Wade, Karsten (2008-03-13). "OpenJDK in Fedora 9!" (http:/ / developer. redhatmagazine. com/ 2008/ 03/ 12/<br />

openjdk-to-replace-icedtea-in-fedora-9/ ). redhatmagazine.com. . Retrieved 2008-04-05. "Thomas Fitzsimmons updated the Fedora 9 release<br />

notes source pages to reflect that Fedora 9 would ship with OpenJDK 6 instead of the IcedTea implementation of OpenJDK 7. Fedora 9<br />

(Sulphur) is due to release in May 2008."<br />

[41] "openjdk-6 in Ubuntu" (https:/ / launchpad. net/ ubuntu/ + source/ openjdk-6). . Retrieved 2008-04-19.<br />

[42] "Package: openjdk-6-jdk" (http:/ / packages. debian. org/ stable/ openjdk-6-jdk). debian.org. 2009-02-14. . Retrieved 2009-02-16.<br />

[43] Slackware Java package (http:/ / packages. slackware. it/ package. php?q=current/ jdk-6-i586-1)<br />

[44] Mandriva Java package (http:/ / qa. mandriva. com/ twiki/ bin/ view/ Main/ JavaPackaging#Compati)<br />

[45] "Package: OpenJDK" (http:/ / en. opensuse. org/ OpenJDK). opensuse.org. . Retrieved 2009-06-01.<br />

[46] Reinhold, Mark (2008-04-24). "There's not a moment to lose!" (http:/ / blogs. sun. com/ mr/ entry/ in_hardy_heron). . Retrieved 2008-04-19.<br />

[47] Sharples, Rich (2008-06-19). "Java is finally Free and Open" (http:/ / blog. softwhere. org/ archives/ 196). .<br />

[48] Angel, Lillian (2008-03-13). "OpenJDK to replace IcedTea in Fedora 9" (http:/ / langel. wordpress. com/ 2008/ 03/ 13/ openjdk-in-fedora-9/<br />

). . Retrieved 2008-04-05.<br />

[49] Operating System Distributor License for Java (DLJ) (https:/ / jdk-distros. dev. java. net/ )<br />

[50] http:/ / www. ecma-international. org/ publications/ standards/ ecma-335. htm<br />

[51] http:/ / www. iso. org/ iso/ iso_catalogue/ catalogue_tc/ catalogue_detail. htm?csnumber=42927

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