Contents - Cultural View

Contents - Cultural View Contents - Cultural View
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Comparison of the Java and .NET platforms 98 At the JavaOne event in May 2007 Sun announced that the deployment issues with Java would be solved in two major updates during the lifespan of Java 6 (the changes will not be held over to Java 7.) These include: • the introduction of a new consumer JRE edition, with an initial 2Mb footprint and the ability to download the remaining 9Mb in sections using an on-demand methodology. • the development of drop-in cross platform JavaScript code, which can be used from a web page to install the necessary JRE for a given applet or Rich Internet Application to run, if necessary. • an improvement in support for automatically downloading updates to the JRE. • support for pre-loading of the JRE, so applets and applications written in Java start up almost instantaneously. See also • Comparison of Java and C# languages • Java programming language • C# External links • ECMA-335 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), 4th edition (June 2006) [50] Free download of Ecma CLI standard • ISO/IEC 23271:2006 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) Partitions I to VI [51] The official ISO/IEC CLI standard References [1] Results of comparison between jdk15 and classpath (http:/ / www. kaffe. org/ ~stuart/ japi/ htmlout/ h-jdk15-classpath) [2] Free and Open Source Java - Project Overview (http:/ / www. sun. com/ software/ opensource/ java/ project_overview. jsp) [3] Sun openjdk: Home (http:/ / openjdk. java. net/ ) [4] Sun Java 2 Runtime License Agreement (http:/ / java. sun. com/ j2se/ 1. 4. 2/ j2re-1_4_2_13-license. txt) [5] "Open JDK is here!" (http:/ / mail. openjdk. java. net/ pipermail/ announce/ 2007-May. txt). Sun Microsystems. 2007-05-08. . Retrieved 2007-05-09. [6] Java Finally Free and Open (http:/ / truthhappens. redhatmagazine. com/ 2008/ 06/ 19/ java-finally-free-and-open/ ) [7] Rotor: Shared Source CLI Provides Source Code for a FreeBSD Implementation of .NET (http:/ / msdn. microsoft. com/ msdnmag/ issues/ 02/ 07/ SharedSourceCLI/ ) [8] Microsoft and Novell Announce Broad Collaboration on Windows and Linux Interoperability and Support (http:/ / www. novell. com/ news/ press/ item. jsp?id=1196) [9] "Statement on the blog of Mono project leader Miguel de Icaza regarding patent protection for Mono" (http:/ / tirania. org/ blog/ archive/ 2006/ Nov-04. html). 2006-11-04. . Retrieved 2006-11-06. [10] Stallman, Richard (2009-06-26). "Why free software shouldn't depend on Mono or C#" (http:/ / www. fsf. org/ news/ dont-depend-on-mono). Free Software Foundation. . Retrieved 2009-07-02. "We should systematically arrange to depend on the free C# implementations as little as possible. In other words, we should discourage people from writing programs in C#. Therefore, we should not include C# implementations in the default installation of GNU/Linux distributions, and we should distribute and recommend non-C# applications rather than comparable C# applications whenever possible." [11] "Microsoft's Empty Promise" (http:/ / www. fsf. org/ news/ 2009-07-mscp-mono). Free Software Foundation. 2009-07-16. . Retrieved 2009-078-03. "Until that happens, free software developers still should not write software that depends on Mono. C# implementations can still be attacked by Microsoft's patents: the Community Promise is designed to give the company several outs if it wants them. We don't want to see developers' hard work lost to the community if we lose the ability to use Mono, and until we eliminate software patents altogether, using another language is the best way to prevent that from happening." [12] Microsoft takes on the free world. (http:/ / money. cnn. com/ magazines/ fortune/ fortune_archive/ 2007/ 05/ 28/ 100033867/ index. htm) [13] Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure 1.0 Release (http:/ / www. microsoft. com/ downloads/ details. aspx?FamilyId=3A1C93FA-7462-47D0-8E56-8DD34C6292F0& displaylang=en) [14] Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure 2.0 Release (http:/ / www. microsoft. com/ downloads/ details. aspx?familyid=8c09fd61-3f26-4555-ae17-3121b4f51d4d& displaylang=en) [15] Rotor Comes to Linux (http:/ / www. ondotnet. com/ pub/ a/ dotnet/ 2002/ 07/ 01/ rotorlinux. html) [16] -- Online Catalog: Shared Source CLI Essentials (http:/ / www. oreilly. com/ catalog/ sscliess/ ) [17] Mono-Applications-Aplenty!, OSNews (http:/ / www. osnews. com/ story. php/ 9780/ Mono-Applications-Aplenty!)

Comparison of the Java and .NET platforms 99 [18] Google Web Toolkit (http:/ / code. google. com/ webtoolkit/ ) [19] Java EE SDK 5 Update 2 No JDK download page (reference to license agreement) (http:/ / javashoplm. sun. com/ ECom/ docs/ Welcome. jsp?StoreId=22& PartDetailId=java_ee_sdk-5_02-nojdk-oth-JPR& SiteId=JSC& TransactionId=noreg) [20] Mono: ASP.NET (http:/ / www. mono-project. com/ ASP. NET) [21] Jobs: No Java for you (http:/ / blogs. zdnet. com/ Burnette/ ?p=238) [22] Steve Jobs on iPhone: No Java For You (http:/ / www. javalobby. org/ java/ forums/ t88464. html) [23] Steve Jobs alert: Killer Java app for iPhone (http:/ / scobleizer. com/ 2007/ 03/ 20/ steve-jobs-alert-killer-java-app-for-iphone/ ) [24] HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray, round 2 (http:/ / blogs. zdnet. com/ carroll/ index. php?p=1583) [25] Format Wars - Blu-ray vs HD DVD (http:/ / www. pcauthority. com. au/ print. aspx?CIID=60242& SIID=) [26] Zaharov-Reutt, Alex (2008-02-21). "Microsoft's HDi interactivity layer loses from HD DVD's death - but does it matter?" (http:/ / www. itwire. com/ content/ view/ 16780/ 1154/ 1/ 0/ ). . Retrieved 2008-08-27. "While many claimed that creating interactivity with HDi was much simpler than using BD-J, the fact that HD DVD will see few future releases beyond 2008 means that, whatever the enthusiasts position on the relative merits of HDi vs BD-J, the BD-J interactivity format is now the winner" [27] Microsoft article that refers to C# as its "flagship" language. (http:/ / www. microsoft. com/ learning/ books/ developer/ feature/ 050301. mspx) [28] Visual C# (http:/ / msdn. microsoft. com/ vstudio/ express/ visualcsharp/ ) [29] "Dear Microsoft" (http:/ / channel9. msdn. com/ ShowPost. aspx?PageIndex=1& PostID=370737#370737). 2008-01-09. . Retrieved 2008-02-03. [30] ".Net framework 3.5 size 166MB!" (http:/ / www. codeprof. com/ dev-archive/ 179/ 12-1020-1798773. shtm). 2007-11-10. . Retrieved 2008-02-03. [31] Fedora embraces Mono - ZDNet UK (http:/ / news. zdnet. co. uk/ software/ 0,1000000121,39246774,00. htm) [32] Debian Mono Packages (http:/ / packages. debian. org/ mono) [33] Wikipedia Uses Mono; Mono Integrated into Ubuntu/Debian - (http:/ / www. osnews. com/ story. php?news_id=10714) [34] Fedora Catches Mono (http:/ / www. desktoplinux. com/ news/ NS2809897659. html) [35] SUSE 10.1 released (http:/ / www. mono-project. com/ news/ archive/ 2006/ May-11-1. html) [36] Wikipedia Uses Mono; Mono Integrated into Ubuntu/Debian (http:/ / www. osnews. com/ story. php/ 10714/ Wikipedia-Uses-Mono-Mono-Integrated-into-UbuntuDebian) [37] "Mono – Plans" (http:/ / www. mono-project. com/ Plans). . Retrieved 2008-12-23. [38] Sun signs up five more OEMs for Java (http:/ / www. infoworld. com/ article/ 03/ 09/ 23/ HNsunoems_1. html) [39] "" (http:/ / www. digitimes. com/ systems/ a20070420PR208. html). . Available only for paid subscribers. [40] Wade, Karsten (2008-03-13). "OpenJDK in Fedora 9!" (http:/ / developer. redhatmagazine. com/ 2008/ 03/ 12/ openjdk-to-replace-icedtea-in-fedora-9/ ). . Retrieved 2008-04-05. "Thomas Fitzsimmons updated the Fedora 9 release notes source pages to reflect that Fedora 9 would ship with OpenJDK 6 instead of the IcedTea implementation of OpenJDK 7. Fedora 9 (Sulphur) is due to release in May 2008." [41] "openjdk-6 in Ubuntu" (https:/ / launchpad. net/ ubuntu/ + source/ openjdk-6). . Retrieved 2008-04-19. [42] "Package: openjdk-6-jdk" (http:/ / packages. debian. org/ stable/ openjdk-6-jdk). 2009-02-14. . Retrieved 2009-02-16. [43] Slackware Java package (http:/ / packages. slackware. it/ package. php?q=current/ jdk-6-i586-1) [44] Mandriva Java package (http:/ / qa. mandriva. com/ twiki/ bin/ view/ Main/ JavaPackaging#Compati) [45] "Package: OpenJDK" (http:/ / en. opensuse. org/ OpenJDK). . Retrieved 2009-06-01. [46] Reinhold, Mark (2008-04-24). "There's not a moment to lose!" (http:/ / blogs. sun. com/ mr/ entry/ in_hardy_heron). . Retrieved 2008-04-19. [47] Sharples, Rich (2008-06-19). "Java is finally Free and Open" (http:/ / blog. softwhere. org/ archives/ 196). . [48] Angel, Lillian (2008-03-13). "OpenJDK to replace IcedTea in Fedora 9" (http:/ / langel. wordpress. com/ 2008/ 03/ 13/ openjdk-in-fedora-9/ ). . Retrieved 2008-04-05. [49] Operating System Distributor License for Java (DLJ) (https:/ / jdk-distros. dev. java. net/ ) [50] http:/ / www. ecma-international. org/ publications/ standards/ ecma-335. htm [51] http:/ / www. iso. org/ iso/ iso_catalogue/ catalogue_tc/ catalogue_detail. htm?csnumber=42927

Comparison of the Java and .NET platforms 98<br />

At the JavaOne event in May 2007 Sun announced that the deployment issues with Java would be solved in two<br />

major updates during the lifespan of Java 6 (the changes will not be held over to Java 7.) These include:<br />

• the introduction of a new consumer JRE edition, with an initial 2Mb footprint and the ability to download the<br />

remaining 9Mb in sections using an on-demand methodology.<br />

• the development of drop-in cross platform JavaScript code, which can be used from a web page to install the<br />

necessary JRE for a given applet or Rich Internet Application to run, if necessary.<br />

• an improvement in support for automatically downloading updates to the JRE.<br />

• support for pre-loading of the JRE, so applets and applications written in Java start up almost instantaneously.<br />

See also<br />

• Comparison of Java and C# languages<br />

• Java programming language<br />

• C#<br />

External links<br />

• ECMA-335 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), 4th edition (June 2006) [50] Free download of Ecma CLI<br />

standard<br />

• ISO/IEC 23271:2006 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) Partitions I to VI [51] The official ISO/IEC CLI<br />

standard<br />

References<br />

[1] Results of comparison between jdk15 and classpath (http:/ / www. kaffe. org/ ~stuart/ japi/ htmlout/ h-jdk15-classpath)<br />

[2] Free and Open Source Java - Project Overview (http:/ / www. sun. com/ software/ opensource/ java/ project_overview. jsp)<br />

[3] Sun openjdk: Home (http:/ / openjdk. java. net/ )<br />

[4] Sun Java 2 Runtime License Agreement (http:/ / java. sun. com/ j2se/ 1. 4. 2/ j2re-1_4_2_13-license. txt)<br />

[5] "Open JDK is here!" (http:/ / mail. openjdk. java. net/ pipermail/ announce/ 2007-May. txt). Sun Microsystems. 2007-05-08. . Retrieved<br />

2007-05-09.<br />

[6] Java Finally Free and Open (http:/ / truthhappens. redhatmagazine. com/ 2008/ 06/ 19/ java-finally-free-and-open/ )<br />

[7] Rotor: Shared Source CLI Provides Source Code for a FreeBSD Implementation of .NET (http:/ / msdn. microsoft. com/ msdnmag/ issues/<br />

02/ 07/ SharedSourceCLI/ )<br />

[8] Microsoft and Novell Announce Broad Collaboration on Windows and Linux Interoperability and Support (http:/ / www. novell. com/ news/<br />

press/ item. jsp?id=1196)<br />

[9] "Statement on the blog of Mono project leader Miguel de Icaza regarding patent protection for Mono" (http:/ / tirania. org/ blog/ archive/<br />

2006/ Nov-04. html). 2006-11-04. . Retrieved 2006-11-06.<br />

[10] Stallman, Richard (2009-06-26). "Why free software shouldn't depend on Mono or C#" (http:/ / www. fsf. org/ news/<br />

dont-depend-on-mono). Free Software Foundation. . Retrieved 2009-07-02. "We should systematically arrange to depend on the free C#<br />

implementations as little as possible. In other words, we should discourage people from writing programs in C#. Therefore, we should not<br />

include C# implementations in the default installation of GNU/Linux distributions, and we should distribute and recommend non-C#<br />

applications rather than comparable C# applications whenever possible."<br />

[11] "Microsoft's Empty Promise" (http:/ / www. fsf. org/ news/ 2009-07-mscp-mono). Free Software Foundation. 2009-07-16. . Retrieved<br />

2009-078-03. "Until that happens, free software developers still should not write software that depends on Mono. C# implementations can still<br />

be attacked by Microsoft's patents: the Community Promise is designed to give the company several outs if it wants them. We don't want to see<br />

developers' hard work lost to the community if we lose the ability to use Mono, and until we eliminate software patents altogether, using<br />

another language is the best way to prevent that from happening."<br />

[12] Microsoft takes on the free world. (http:/ / money. cnn. com/ magazines/ fortune/ fortune_archive/ 2007/ 05/ 28/ 100033867/ index. htm)<br />

[13] Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure 1.0 Release (http:/ / www. microsoft. com/ downloads/ details.<br />

aspx?FamilyId=3A1C93FA-7462-47D0-8E56-8DD34C6292F0& displaylang=en)<br />

[14] Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure 2.0 Release (http:/ / www. microsoft. com/ downloads/ details.<br />

aspx?familyid=8c09fd61-3f26-4555-ae17-3121b4f51d4d& displaylang=en)<br />

[15] Rotor Comes to Linux (http:/ / www. ondotnet. com/ pub/ a/ dotnet/ 2002/ 07/ 01/ rotorlinux. html)<br />

[16] -- Online Catalog: Shared Source CLI Essentials (http:/ / www. oreilly. com/ catalog/ sscliess/ )<br />

[17] Mono-Applications-Aplenty!, OSNews (http:/ / www. osnews. com/ story. php/ 9780/ Mono-Applications-Aplenty!)

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